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Discover Food Triggers with Reliable Food Allergy Test in Singapore

Food Allergy Test Singapore

Get a food allergy test in Singapore to identify potential triggers and improve your health. Find reliable and accurate testing services.

Are you wondering if you have a food allergy? Or maybe you've had a previous allergic reaction and want to know what food caused it. Whatever your reason may be, getting a food allergy test in Singapore is the key to finding out what foods are causing you discomfort.

Food allergies are more common than you might think. According to recent statistics, one in ten children in Singapore has a food allergy. This number is also increasing among adults. A food allergy occurs when the immune system mistakenly identifies a harmless food as a dangerous substance.

If you think you have a food allergy, the first step is to get a diagnosis. An accurate diagnosis can help you avoid the foods that cause an allergic reaction. The most common method for food allergy testing in Singapore is a skin prick test. During the test, a small amount of the suspected allergen is placed on your skin, and then pricked with a needle. If you're allergic to the substance, you'll develop a raised bump on the skin site.

Another option for food allergy testing is blood testing. This test is used when a patient can't undergo a skin prick test, or when the results of the skin prick test are inconclusive.

Both skin prick and blood testing have their advantages and disadvantages. Skin prick testing is considered more accurate but can give false-positive results. Blood testing is less invasive but takes longer to get the results.

After getting a diagnosis, the next step is to manage your food allergies. If you have a severe food allergy, always carry emergency medication like an epinephrine auto-injector. Be sure to read food labels carefully and ask for ingredient lists in restaurants.

It's also important to note that food intolerances are different from allergies. Food intolerances don't involve the immune system, and symptoms are usually less severe. However, symptoms can still be uncomfortable and affect your quality of life. Getting a food intolerance test in Singapore can help you identify these foods to help you avoid them.

In conclusion, getting a food allergy test or food intolerance test in Singapore can provide important information about which foods are causing discomfort. This knowledge can help you avoid dangerous allergic reactions or simply improve your quality of life by avoiding problem foods. Don't wait any longer – make an appointment with your healthcare provider today!

Food allergies are a growing concern in Singapore, affecting not only children but also adults. If you suspect that you have an allergy to certain foods or ingredients, it is crucial to get tested as soon as possible. A food allergy test can help identify the specific allergen and avoid potentially life-threatening reactions.

What is a food allergy?

A food allergy is an abnormal immune response to a protein found in a particular food. When someone with a food allergy eats that food or comes into contact with it, their body reacts as if the protein is harmful, resulting in a range of symptoms such as hives, itching, swelling, and even anaphylaxis in severe cases. Common food allergens include peanuts, tree nuts, shellfish, fish, eggs, milk, soy, wheat, and sesame.

How is a food allergy diagnosed?

A food allergy cannot be diagnosed through a physical exam alone. Medical professionals will conduct tests such as skin prick testing, blood tests, and oral food challenge to confirm the allergy. Each test has its own advantages and disadvantages, and your doctor will decide which is most suitable for you based on your symptoms and medical history.

Benefits of getting a food allergy test

Getting a food allergy test is beneficial in several ways:

1. It identifies the specific allergen

A food allergy test can help narrow down the suspected allergen and pinpoint the specific ingredient causing the reaction. This knowledge is essential in preventing future allergic reactions.

2. It helps tailor your diet

Knowing the specific allergen can help you adjust your diet and avoid foods that can trigger an allergic reaction. Your doctor or dietician can give you a specialized meal plan to ensure that you get all the necessary nutrients while avoiding your allergen.

3. It provides peace of mind

Getting a food allergy test can provide peace of mind, especially for parents of children with suspected allergies. Knowing the specific allergen and how to avoid it can help reduce anxiety and increase confidence in managing the allergy.

Where can I get a food allergy test in Singapore?

You can get a food allergy test from specialized clinics, hospitals, and labs in Singapore. Some of the well-known places to get tested include National Skin Centre, Raffles Hospital, and Mount Elizabeth Hospital. It's best to consult with your doctor before undergoing any tests and to ensure that they are conducted by qualified professionals.


If you suspect that you or someone you know has a food allergy, getting a food allergy test is crucial. It can help identify the specific allergen, tailor your diet, and provide peace of mind. If you experience any symptoms of a food allergy, seek immediate medical attention to prevent severe allergic reactions.


Food allergy testing is the best way to find out if you are allergic to certain foods. This type of test is important because it allows you to determine which foods you should avoid or eliminate from your diet. Singapore offers several types of food allergy tests that can help you determine which foods are causing your allergies. In this article, we will compare some of the most popular food allergy tests in Singapore.

Types of Food Allergy Tests

Skin Prick Test

The skin prick test is a common type of food allergy test. During the test, the physician will prick your skin with a small amount of food protein extracted from the suspected allergen. If you’re allergic to that specific allergen, you’ll experience an allergic reaction such as itching, hives, or redness. The results of this test can be seen within 20 minutes, and it’s highly accurate. The skin prick test is usually used to test for allergies to common foods such as peanuts, shellfish, and dairy.

Blood Allergy Test

A blood allergy test is another common type of food allergy test in Singapore. During this test, a blood sample is taken and analyzed for the presence of food allergen-specific IgE antibodies. The results may take longer, usually a few days to a few weeks, but this test is also highly accurate. Blood allergy tests can be used to test for allergies to a wide range of foods, including fruits, nuts, and grains.

Elimination Diet

An elimination diet involves the removal of suspected allergens from your diet for a period of time. After that, you can gradually reintroduce the food to see if it causes an allergic reaction. If an allergic reaction occurs, you’ve likely found the allergen. This approach is reliable, but it can take a longer time to identify the culprit allergen. Elimination diets are usually recommended for people with multiple food allergies.

Cost Comparison of Food Allergy Tests in Singapore

One crucial factor that influences the choice of test is cost. The expenses incurred when performing food allergy tests vary depending on the test utilized. Below is a comparison of prices for some of the most common food allergy tests in Singapore, as well as their pros and cons:

Test Type Pros Cons Cost ($)
Skin Prick Test Quick Results Cannot Test for all foods 100-200
Blood Allergy Test Painless and Highly Accurate Expensive and Requires Laboratory Assistance 400-500
Elimination Diet Reliable Results Takes Considerable Time and Requires Several Changes in Diet Depends on the Cost of Foods Excluded


In summary, food allergy tests are an essential component in the management of food allergies. The type of testing used varies depending on factors such as cost and accuracy. Singapore offers a wide range of allergy testing options suitable for different individuals' needs. Always consult with your physician about which test is suitable for you.


In our opinion, choosing the right food allergy test comes down to personal preference and budget. More accurate testing leads to a quicker diagnosis and can also help in determining the right treatment plan. While blood allergy tests are more expensive, their results are precise and more comprehensive. The skin prick test is less expensive but may not be suitable for all foods. Finally, an elimination diet is effective but requires tremendous effort, discipline, and time.


Having a food allergy is not an easy condition to deal with. It can be quite frustrating and stressful, especially when consuming or being near the allergen. In Singapore, around 3% of adults and children suffer from food allergies. The best way to determine if you have a food allergy or intolerance condition is to take a food allergy test.

What is a food allergy test?

A food allergy test is a diagnostic tool that identifies whether you have an allergy to any specific foods. The test can also determine if you have a food intolerance or sensitivity which are conditions mostly attributed to digestive issues.

Types of Food Allergy tests available in Singapore

IgE blood tests: These tests work very simply by detecting the antibodies that are present in the blood when allergic reactions occur. This test detects any allergens such as eggs, cow's milk, fish, seafood, nuts, peanuts, and wheat.Skin prick test:It is another common test where a small amount of the suspected allergen is placed on the patient's skin, and the skin is pricked or scratched. If redness or swelling develops, it means the patient has an allergic reaction to that substance. Oral challenge test: If the other tests do not yield any conclusive results, the patient may be given the suspected allergen to consume under medical supervision.

How to prepare for the test

Patients on certain medications must consult their doctor before undergoing any tests as the medication may affect the outcome of the results. On the day of the test, you should avoid consuming food or medicine or expose yourself to any triggers that may cause your allergic reactions.

How does it work?

Food allergy testing works by detecting any abnormal reaction of the body's immune system to a particular food protein, known as an allergen. An allergic reaction occurs when the immune system identifies a food protein as a threat and produces antibodies (IgE) against it.

Interpreting test results

The results of a food allergy test will typically indicate the level of sensitivity to the allergen tested, which may be low, medium, or high. It is also important to discuss any positive results with your doctor who may recommend avoiding the allergen or undergoing further tests to confirm the results.

Where to get a food allergy test in Singapore?

There are numerous medical institutions, clinics and hospitals that offer food allergy testing in Singapore. Some of the notable ones include Raffles Medical Group and the National University Hospital.

Costs involved

The cost involved depends on the type of test required, and the medical facility selected. It is essential to check if your insurance policy covers the cost of the test or not.


If you suspect that you might have food allergies or intolerances, it is crucial to get tested as soon as possible. The earlier you discover any allergic reactions to certain foods, the easier it becomes to make lifestyle changes and adopt a safe and healthy eating pattern. After undergoing a food allergy test, it's best to avoid the suspected food allergens by making safe choices when selecting your meals. This helps reduce your risk of experiencing any allergic reactions.

Hello there!

As we become more aware of the foods we eat and their impact on our body, some people may develop an allergy towards certain types of food. And if left untreated, food allergies can pose serious health risks. If you are reading this article, there is a good chance that you or someone you know has been suffering from food allergies.

Singaporeans are not immune to food allergies. In fact, according to a study conducted in 2017, 1 in 10 Singaporeans suffer from food allergies. The study also revealed that peanuts, shellfish, and dust mites were among the most common allergens found in Singaporeans. And with the availability of food from around the world, it is even more important that we take note of the potential allergens contained within our meals.

If you suspect that you may have a food allergy, the best course of action is to get a food allergy test. In Singapore, there are several medical institutions and clinics that offer food allergy testing. This article will serve as a guide to help you understand what a food allergy test is, how it works, and where you can get tested for allergies in Singapore.

What is a Food Allergy Test?

A food allergy test is a diagnostic test that doctors use to find out what specific foods a patient is allergic to. During an allergic reaction, the immune system overreacts to a particular food protein and is triggered to release histamines and other chemicals that cause allergy symptoms like hives, itching, swelling, and difficulty breathing.

There are many different kinds of food allergy tests available today, ranging from skin prick tests to blood allergy tests, which are helpful in determining the specific food that a patient is allergic to. These tests can either be conducted in a doctor's clinic or at home with an at-home testing kit.

How Does a Food Allergy Test Work?

There are several types of food allergy tests that a doctor may use depending on the patient's symptoms and medical history. These tests include:

1. Skin prick test

This test involves placing a small amount of food allergen extract onto the skin and then scratching or pricking the skin to allow the allergen to enter into the skin's surface. If you are allergic to the food, you will develop raised itchy bumps called hives within 15 minutes of the test. A skin prick test is considered safe, quick, and highly accurate.

2. Blood test (immunoglobulin test)

If you have severe allergies or cannot undergo a skin test, a blood test may be recommended by your doctor. A blood test measures the levels of an antibody called immunoglobulin E (IgE) in your bloodstream. IgE is produced by the immune system in response to an allergen exposure. The higher the level of IgE in your blood, the more likely you are to be allergic to a certain food.

3. Elimination Diet

An elimination diet involves removing certain foods or food groups from your diet to see if your symptoms improve. This method can help identify food allergens or intolerances. Once your symptoms improve after the elimination period, you can gradually reintroduce the eliminated foods one by one to find out which food causes your allergy symptoms.

Where Can You Get a Food Allergy Test in Singapore?

In Singapore, food allergy testing can be done in clinics, hospitals, or medical centers. Here are some of the institutions where you can get tested for allergies:

1. Allergy and Immunology Center

The Allergy and Immunology Center specializes in the diagnosis, treatment, and management of allergic and immunologic disorders. Tests offered at their clinic include skin prick tests, blood tests, patch tests, and oral food challenges.

2. Raffles Medical Clinic

Raffles Medical Clinic offers a comprehensive range of allergy tests, including skin prick tests, blood tests, and food allergen testing. They have clinics across Singapore, making it more accessible for individuals to get tested.

3. National University Hospital (NUH)

At the National University Hospital, adult and pediatric patients with suspected allergic diseases can primarily be treated here. They offer services that include consultations, evaluation, investigations, and allergy desensitization treatments.

Wrapping Up

Food allergies are a serious issue that should not be taken lightly. They can cause severe allergic reactions and can even be life-threatening. If you suspect that you or someone you know has a food allergy, seek medical attention immediately. Getting a food allergy test at an accredited medical institution can help diagnose specific allergens and allow you to avoid them in the future. Remember, taking good care of your health should always be a priority!

Stay informed and proactive in taking care of your health!

People Also Ask about Food Allergy Test Singapore:

  • What is a food allergy test?
  • How is a food allergy test conducted in Singapore?
  • What are the types of food allergy tests available in Singapore?
  • Can I take a food allergy test without seeing a doctor?
  • How much does a food allergy test cost in Singapore?
  • Does insurance cover the cost of a food allergy test in Singapore?
  • When should I consider taking a food allergy test in Singapore?
  • What are the common food allergens tested for in Singapore?
  • What happens after the food allergy test results are out?
  • Can a food allergy be cured?
  1. A food allergy test is a medical examination that determines if a person has an allergic reaction to a particular food.
  2. A food allergy test is usually conducted in a clinic or hospital by a doctor or specialist who will prescribe applicable tests based on the individual's symptoms and medical history.
  3. The common types of food allergy tests available in Singapore include skin prick test, blood test, and oral food challenge. Sometimes, a combination of these tests may be done to diagnose the allergen accurately.
  4. It is recommended to seek medical advice before taking a food allergy test as DIY kits may not be reliable.
  5. The cost of a food allergy test in Singapore varies depending on the type of test prescribed and the medical institution where it is conducted.
  6. Insurance coverage for the cost of a food allergy test in Singapore depends on the terms and conditions of one's policy. It is advisable to check with the insurance provider before undergoing a test.
  7. A food allergy test may be necessary if an individual experiences frequent allergic reactions or suspects they may have a food allergy.
  8. The common food allergens tested for in Singapore include cow's milk, eggs, fish, shellfish, soy, wheat, tree nuts and peanuts.
  9. After the food allergy test, the doctor will discuss the results and recommend appropriate measures such as dietary changes or medication to manage the condition better.
  10. At present, there is no cure for food allergies. The only way to manage the condition is to avoid consuming the allergen or taking medication to alleviate symptoms if an exposure occurs.

People Also Ask about Food Allergy Test Singapore

1. What is a food allergy test?

A food allergy test is a diagnostic procedure conducted to determine if an individual has an allergic reaction to specific foods. It helps identify the specific foods that trigger allergic reactions in a person's body.

2. How is a food allergy test conducted in Singapore?

In Singapore, food allergy tests are typically conducted through blood tests or skin prick tests. Blood tests measure the levels of specific antibodies (IgE) in the blood, which indicate an allergic response to particular foods. Skin prick tests involve pricking the skin with tiny amounts of allergens and observing for any allergic reactions.

3. Where can I get a food allergy test in Singapore?

Food allergy tests can be carried out at various medical facilities in Singapore, including hospitals, clinics, and specialized allergy centers. It is advisable to consult with a healthcare professional or allergist to determine the most suitable location for your specific needs.

4. What are the common symptoms of a food allergy?

Common symptoms of a food allergy include hives, itching, swelling of the lips, tongue or throat, difficulty breathing, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and in severe cases, anaphylaxis. It is important to seek immediate medical attention if you experience these symptoms after consuming certain foods.

5. Are food allergy tests accurate?

Food allergy tests have a varying level of accuracy, depending on the type of test conducted and individual factors. While these tests can provide valuable insights, they are not definitive proof of a food allergy. It is recommended to interpret the results in conjunction with a medical professional's assessment and consider conducting an elimination diet or oral food challenge for confirmation.

6. How much does a food allergy test cost in Singapore?

The cost of a food allergy test in Singapore can vary depending on the type of test, the facility, and any additional consultations required. Generally, it is advisable to contact the specific medical facility or consult with your healthcare provider to inquire about the cost and any applicable insurance coverage.

7. Can children undergo food allergy tests in Singapore?

Yes, children can undergo food allergy tests in Singapore. It is important to consult with a pediatrician or allergist who specializes in pediatric allergies to ensure appropriate testing methods are used and accurate results are obtained.

8. Can food allergy tests be done at home?

No, food allergy tests should not be conducted at home. These tests require proper medical equipment, expertise, and interpretation of results by trained professionals. It is always recommended to seek medical advice and have tests performed at authorized medical facilities for accurate and reliable results.