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Boustead Share Price in Singapore: Analysis and Latest Updates

Boustead Share Price Singapore

Boustead Share Price Singapore: Stay updated with the latest stock prices and trends of Boustead Holdings Limited in the Singapore stock market.

Are you looking for a potential investment to grow your wealth? Have you considered Boustead share price in Singapore?

Boustead Singapore Limited is a leading engineering and development group that operates across the Asia-Pacific region. With a diversified portfolio ranging from real estate solutions to energy-related engineering services, Boustead has been thriving over the years.

Investing in Boustead share price can be an excellent decision for any investor seeking growth and stability in their portfolio. As of October 2021, Boustead share price is at SGD 0.645, with a market capitalization of over SGD 506 million. The company's financial indicators demonstrate strong performance, backed by stable revenue and profit margins.

Furthermore, Boustead has consistently distributed dividends to its shareholders over the years, indicating the company's stable financial position. As of FY2021, the company has declared a dividend of 2 cents per share, which translates to a generous yield of 3.1% at the current stock price.

Boustead's strategic business focus on sustainable energy solutions also makes it a compelling investment opportunity. According to the company's annual report, its Green Energy segment has seen substantial growth, with revenue increasing by 27% year-on-year. The sector aims to address the growing demand for clean and renewable energy sources in the Asia-Pacific region, bringing promising opportunities for future growth.

The company's diversification into real estate solutions also provides a steady stream of income, complementing its engineering and infrastructure portfolios. Boustead's Property division comprises various residential, commercial, and industrial developments across Singapore and Australia.

Moreover, Boustead's partnerships and collaborations with established brands such as Lockheed Martin and Coca-Cola also demonstrate its competitiveness within the industry.

Investing in Boustead share price now could potentially provide investors with a solid return on investment in the long run. With the company's strong financial position, diversified portfolio, and strategic focus on sustainable energy solutions, Boustead's share price is a compelling option for investors looking to grow their wealth.

However, as with any investment, it is essential to conduct thorough research and analysis before making any financial decisions. One should consider factors such as market trends, competition, and economic conditions that could affect Boustead's performance.

In conclusion, Boustead share price presents a promising investment opportunity for investors seeking a stable and growing portfolio. With its diverse portfolio and vision for sustainable growth, it may be worth considering adding Boustead's share price to your investment portfolio. Don't miss out on this excellent opportunity – start researching today!

Boustead Share Price - A Strong Recovery

For investors looking for choices in Singapore’s stock market, there are many reasons to keep Boustead in mind. The firm is involved in a variety of industries, from geo-informatics to defense and energy, among others, and its diversified business model has shown promising outcomes throughout the years.

After an uncertain period marked by COVID-19 pandemic-induced economic turmoil, Boustead's share price has rebounded with the company's steady improvement in recent months. As we enter the second half of 2021, it is worth examining why Boustead is positioned for such promising growth prospects, both in looking back at their past accomplishments and moving ahead to forecast their future performance.

A lookback on past performance

Despite the difficulties of the pandemic, Boustead managed to maintain a great reputation both locally and internationally. Although the firm's earnings took a hit in 2020, the management team's quick efforts to adapt helped ensure that the company remained on track to prosperity.

In 2019, Boustead's significant growth was seen throughout many of its business sectors. In particular, it saw a strong demand for real estate projects; their Environmental Engineering and Water and Wastewater Engineering businesses also recorded solid growth.

The group's net profit of SGD 22 million in 2019 was ascribed mainly to new long-term revenue flows in the real estate sector and a more volatile oil and gas business's stronger showing, which had been put under pressure in previous years.

The future outlook

Boustead's management team has acknowledged that the company is anticipating a rebound in its earnings throughout the year, supported mostly by stimulus measures that governments globally have issued to boost their economies post-pandemic.

Boustead has positioned itself advantageously for an economic rebound by focusing on its diversified model of business ventures. It is interesting to note that even during the pandemic, they were successful in securing crucial projects in defense engineering, geo-spatial technology, and energy solutions.

In the short term, Boustead has discovered what recovery must look like in the current environment, and the management is pushing to benefit from numerous catalysts. Their new income streams, combined with its competitive positioning in its multiple sectors of operation, make Boustead a highly attractive option for investment seekers seeking companies with lucrative future outcomes.

Boustead's order book for 2021 includes significant projects in Asia (including Singapore, China, and Bangladesh), MENA, and also the USA; these contracts are worth over SGD 450 million, which is an indication that the firm is well-positioned to continue to perform strongly.


In summary, Boustead has all the aspects needed to take advantage of diverse prospects in different industries, both from a short-term “recovery” perspective post-COVID-19 pandemic and longer-term growth inputs. Additionally, it is evident that Boustead's executives have great strategic policies in place regarding how to improve revenues and earnings over the coming years.

Boustead's performance throughout the instability of COVID-19 is noteworthy, and investing in this company represents a tremendous opportunity in a market with a promising future. This ongoing restoration displayed by Boustead Industries confirms that the outlook looks encouraging and its business operations and execution of strategic initiatives have strong growth prospects.


In this article, we will be discussing the Boustead Share Price in Singapore. Boustead is a leading engineering services and geo-spatial technology company in the country. The company has been performing well in recent years, and we will analyze its performance over the past five years.

Overview of Boustead

Boustead was founded in 1828 and has since grown to become a leading player in the engineering services and geo-spatial technology space. The company operates across several sectors, including real estate solutions, energy-related engineering, infrastructure-related engineering, and geo-spatial technology. Boustead has a presence in over 80 countries worldwide and employs over 3,000 people globally.

Performance Analysis

Revenue Growth

In terms of revenue growth, Boustead has shown positive growth over the past five years. In 2015, the company's revenue stood at SGD 363 million, while it grew to SGD 496 million in 2019. This represents a growth rate of approximately 8.2%.

Net Profit Margin

The net profit margin is an essential metric that determines a company's profitability. Boustead's net profit margin has maintained a consistent rate over the past five years. In 2015, the company’s net profit margin stood at 14.7%, while it was at 13.2% in 2019. This indicates that the company has maintained a healthy level of profitability over the years.

Earnings per Share

Earnings per share (EPS) are an essential indication of a company's financial performance. Boustead's EPS has increased from SGD 0.129 in 2015 to SGD 0.190 in 2019. This represents a growth rate of approximately 8.1%, which is a positive indication for the company's investors.

Dividend Yield

Boustead's dividend yield has maintained a steady rate over the past five years. In 2015, the company's dividend yield stood at 3.31%, while it was at 3.20% in 2019. This indicates that the company has been successful in maintaining steady dividends for its shareholders.

Comparison with Industry Peers

Revenue Growth

When compared to its industry peers, Boustead's revenue growth rate is ahead of the curve. The average revenue growth rate for the industry stands at approximately 4.5%, while Boustead's growth rate is at 8.2%. This indicates that the company has been performing well and has grown faster than its competitors.

Net Profit Margin

The net profit margin for Boustead is closely aligned with its industry peers' average. The industry average net profit margin is at 13.7%, while Boustead's net profit margin stands at 13.2%. Although slightly lower, this indicates that the company is efficiently managing its costs and resources, resulting in consistent profitability.

Earnings per Share

When compared to its industry peers, Boustead's EPS growth rate is above average. The industry's average EPS growth rate stands at approximately 4.8%, while Boustead's growth rate is at 8.1%. This indicates that the company's earnings per share are growing at a faster pace than its competitors.

Dividend Yield

The dividend yield for Boustead is higher than its industry average. The industry averages dividend yield stands at 2.5%, while Boustead's dividend yield is at 3.20%. This indicates that the company is providing its shareholders with higher dividends when compared to its peers.

Investment Opinion

Based on the data presented, Boustead has shown consistent growth and maintained a healthy level of profitability over the past five years. The company's performance beats the industry average in terms of revenue growth, earnings per share, and dividend yield. Additionally, the company's net profit margin is closely aligned with its industry peers, indicating efficient cost management. In conclusion, Boustead is a sound investment choice, and investors can expect steady returns in the future.

Table Comparison - Boustead and Industry Peers

Boustead Industry Average
Revenue Growth 8.2% 4.5%
Net Profit Margin 13.2% 13.7%
Earnings per Share 8.1% 4.8%
Dividend Yield 3.20% 2.5%
Boustead is a diversified engineering company headquartered in Singapore. The company operates through four segments, namely Energy-related Engineering, Real Estate Solutions, Geo-Spatial Technology, and Healthcare Technology. Boustead has been listed on the Singapore Stock Exchange since 1975, and its share price has been volatile over the years. In this article, we will provide some tips and analysis regarding Boustead's stock and what investors should consider before investing in Boustead.

Tip #1: Understand Boustead's business

One of the most important considerations when investing in Boustead is understanding its business. As a diversified engineering company, Boustead is involved in various sectors that require specialized knowledge and expertise. Before investing, it's important to research and understand the fundamentals of each segment of the company's operations. This may require reading annual reports, analyst reports, news articles and company announcements.

Tip #2: Analyze Financials

Another important factor to consider when investing in Boustead is analyzing its financial statements. Investors should assess revenue and profit margins, return on invested capital, cash flow generation, and other key financial metrics. They should also look at the company's financial ratios, such as the price-to-earnings ratio, dividend payout ratio, and debt-to-equity ratio to evaluate if the stock is currently undervalued or overvalued.

Tip #3: Keep an eye on industry trends

The engineering industry, like any other, is subject to economic cycles, and technological advancement can disrupt traditional business models. It's important to keep up with trends and issues within the industry, including government regulations that could impact Boustead's operations, especially in the energy sector.

Tip #4: Monitor Government Contracts

Government contracts are a core component of Boustead’s business, particularly for its Energy-related Engineering and Geo-Spatial Technology segments. Investors should track any news or updates regarding government contracts that Boustead has tendered or been awarded, and evaluate what impact this may have on the company's financial performance.

Tip #5: Check Insider transactions

Investors should also monitor insider transactions in Boustead, i.e., if there are any buying or selling of shares by members of the company. Insider transactions can provide valuable insights into how the company's management views its prospects and are often an indication of future performance.

Tip #6: Keep up with Company News

Regularly monitoring Boustead's news releases and announcements will keep investors abreast of any new products, projects or plans. With information such as expansions, acquisitions, and partnerships made public, investors can assess the possible impact on future revenues, earnings, and overall strategic direction of the company.

Tip #7: Diversification is Key

It’s always important to diversify your portfolio, Boustead stock should never dominate your investment portfolio. As much as investing in Boustead is good, you can still invest across sectors and other various companies. This is a wise way for investors to minimize potential risks.

Tip #8: Have a Long-term Perspective

Investing in Boustead is not about making quick profits but having faith that the company has a bright future based on its fundamentals, leadership, and market environment. Shareholders should maintain long-term perspectives and be patient with their investments, even in times of volatility and downturns.

Tip #9: Do your own due diligence

As much as there are tips for investing in Boustead, investors must perform their investigations on the company, sector and other related industries before making an investment decision. Seeking expert advice or the guidance of a licensed investment professional can also be helpful in making the right investment decisions.

Tip #10: Keep emotions at bay

Investors must keep their emotions in check when it comes to investing in Boustead's shares. Overreacting to bad news or temptation to sell due to market anxiety is always an unwise decision. The successful investor is one that sticks to a well-thought-out plan and avoids being swayed by short-term market volatility or external events that could lead to rash decisions.


In conclusion, Boustead is a reputable company with strong fundamentals, and an unpredictable share price. The engineering company has a promising future, but investors need to perform their analysis before making any investment decisions. By acknowledging these tips, risks will be minimized in the long run, and this will ensure that the investor's portfolio maintains profitability.

Welcome to my blog where I will be discussing the latest updates on Boustead Share Price Singapore. Investing in the stock market can be a daunting task, but with the right knowledge and guidance, it can also be extremely rewarding. Boustead Holdings Limited is one of the leading engineering and technology service providers in Singapore, and their share price has been a hot topic among investors.

With the current economic climate and ongoing pandemic, many investors are looking for opportunities to purchase shares in companies that have the potential for future growth. Boustead Holdings Limited has a strong track record of innovation and expansion, which has generated considerable interest from traders across Asia. Their stock price performance in recent months certainly caught the attention of investors, and here's why.

Boustead Share Price Singapore has increased by over 40% since the beginning of the year, making it one of the best-performing stocks on the Singapore Exchange. This impressive growth can be attributed to several factors, including the company's strong financial performance and its success in expanding its operations globally. The company has continued to invest in new technologies and expand into new markets, which has contributed significantly to its profitability.

One of the major reasons behind the company's recent growth is its focus on innovation and its commitment to providing exceptional solutions for its clients. Boustead Holdings Limited has continued to expand its business by acquiring new technologies and integrating them into its existing operations. This has helped the company to stay ahead of the curve and maintain its competitive edge in the market.

Another reason why Boustead Holdings Limited's share price has been on the rise is due to its success in diversifying its operations. The company has a strong presence in multiple industries, including real estate, geospatial technology, and engineering services. This diversity has proved beneficial for the company, as it has enabled them to weather market volatility in individual sectors.

While there is no doubt that Boustead Share Price Singapore has been on an upward trajectory, it is worth keeping in mind that stock prices are always susceptible to market fluctuations. Investors need to keep a close eye on market trends and be prepared to adjust their investment strategies accordingly.

It is also important for investors to consider the company's long-term potential when making investment decisions. While short-term gains may be appealing, they can also be fleeting. A company's long-term commitment to innovation, expansion, and financial stability is a better indicator of its potential for growth and profitability over time.

In conclusion, Boustead Holdings Limited is a company that has demonstrated significant potential for investment opportunities. Its commitment to innovation, diversification, and long-term growth make it an attractive option for investors looking to capitalize on the Singapore stock market. While the company's recent growth is impressive, investors should always exercise caution and conduct their due diligence before making any investment decisions.

Thank you for taking the time to read my analysis of Boustead Share Price Singapore. I hope this information has been helpful in providing you with valuable insights into this dynamic Singapore company. Remember to stay current on market trends, and best of luck with your investments.

Here are some commonly asked questions about Boustead share price in Singapore:

  1. What is the current Boustead share price in Singapore?
    • The current Boustead share price in Singapore can be found on stock market websites such as Yahoo Finance, Bloomberg or the Singapore Exchange website.
  2. What is the historical performance of Boustead shares?
    • Boustead shares have shown a mixed performance in the past decade, with ups and downs. This is due to various factors such as economic conditions, industry trends and company-specific news.
  3. What are the factors that affect Boustead share price?
    • Factors that can affect Boustead share price include industry trends, economic conditions, company news and announcements such as earnings reports, dividend declarations and major contracts.
  4. What is the outlook for Boustead shares?
    • The outlook for Boustead shares depends on various factors such as the global economy, industry trends and company-specific news. Investors are advised to consult professional analysts for recommendations and updates.
  5. How can I buy or sell Boustead shares in Singapore?
    • Investors can buy or sell Boustead shares in Singapore through a licensed brokerage firm, either online or offline. They would need to open a trading account and follow the process for buying or selling shares.

People Also Ask about Boustead Share Price Singapore

What is Boustead Share Price in Singapore?

The current share price of Boustead Holdings Limited in Singapore can be obtained from various financial platforms, such as stock market websites or brokerage firms. It is important to note that share prices fluctuate throughout the trading day due to market activity and investor sentiment.

Why is Boustead Share Price changing?

Boustead's share price may change for several reasons, including:

  • Market conditions: Share prices are influenced by supply and demand dynamics in the stock market, which can be affected by economic indicators, geopolitical events, and investor sentiment.
  • Company performance: Boustead's share price may reflect the company's financial performance, including revenue growth, profitability, and future prospects.
  • Industry trends: Factors specific to the industry Boustead operates in, such as technological advancements, regulatory changes, or competitive pressures, can impact the company's share price.
  • Investor perception: Share prices can also be influenced by investors' expectations, perceptions, and confidence in the company's management, strategy, and overall prospects.

Where can I find historical Boustead Share Price data?

You can find historical Boustead share price data on financial websites that provide stock market information. These platforms often offer charts, graphs, and downloadable data sets that allow you to analyze the stock's performance over a specific period. Additionally, some brokerage firms also provide access to historical share price data for their clients.

What factors should I consider before investing in Boustead shares?

Before investing in Boustead shares, it is important to consider several factors:

  1. Company fundamentals: Evaluate Boustead's financial health, including its revenue, profitability, debt levels, and cash flow.
  2. Industry analysis: Understand the industry Boustead operates in and assess the growth potential, competitive landscape, and any potential risks or challenges it may face.
  3. Management team: Research the experience, track record, and vision of Boustead's management team to assess their ability to drive the company's success.
  4. Market conditions: Consider the overall market conditions and economic outlook, as they can impact the performance of Boustead shares.
  5. Risk tolerance: Evaluate your own risk tolerance and investment goals to determine if investing in Boustead shares aligns with your financial objectives.

Can I predict Boustead Share Price fluctuations?

Predicting share price fluctuations is challenging and often influenced by numerous unpredictable factors. Market conditions, company performance, industry trends, and investor sentiment all play a role in determining share price movements. It is advisable to conduct thorough research, seek professional advice, and diversify your investments to manage risk effectively.