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Unlocking the Best Exchange Rates: A Comprehensive Guide to Converting Singapore Dollar to Korean Won

Singapore To Korea Currency

Discover the exchange rate between Singapore and Korea currency, and plan your travels accordingly. Stay updated on the latest currency conversions.

Do you frequently travel from Singapore to Korea? Are you tired of calculating the exchange rate every time you make a financial transaction across these two countries? Well, we have got you covered. In this article, we will provide you with all the information regarding Singapore to Korea currency conversion.

Firstly, let's talk about the currencies used in Singapore and Korea. Singapore uses the Singapore dollar (SGD) as its official currency, whereas Korea uses the South Korean Won (KRW). The value of SGD is relatively higher than KRW, which means that SGD can buy more KRW.

If you are traveling from Singapore to Korea, you can exchange your SGD for KRW at the money changers or banks. However, it is essential to compare the exchange rates offered by different sources to get the best deal. Also, keep in mind that there might be additional fees charged by the money changers or banks.

It is interesting to note that the number 1,000 holds significance in both Singapore and Korea's currencies. In Singapore, the SGD is divided into 1,000 cents, whereas in Korea, the KRW has banknotes of denominations ranging from 1,000 to 50,000 won.

Another important factor to consider when converting currencies is the current exchange rate. As of August 2021, 1 SGD equals approximately 882 KRW. This means that if you want to exchange SGD 100 for KRW, you will receive around KRW 88,200.

Suppose you travel frequently between Singapore and Korea for business or leisure purposes. In that case, it might be beneficial for you to open a multi-currency account. You can store SGD and KRW in the same account and avoid the hassle of exchanging currencies every time you travel.

Moreover, with the rise of digital banking, you can now use your debit or credit card to make transactions in Korea. However, it is crucial to check with your bank regarding the charges for foreign currency transactions and any other potential fees.

Are you worried about the security risks associated with carrying large sums of cash? Don't be! You can opt for a travel credit card that offers benefits such as cashback and travel insurance. Not only will this ensure that your money is safe, but you will also earn rewards for every transaction made using a credit card.

In conclusion, converting currencies from Singapore to Korea might seem daunting, but with proper research and planning, you can save time and money. Whether you choose to exchange cash at the money changers or use your credit card, make sure to compare the rates and choose the option that works best for you.

Currency conversion is unavoidable when traveling across different countries, but it doesn't have to be a hassle. With this article, we hope to have provided you with valuable insights into Singapore to Korea currency conversion. Happy travels!

Singapore and Korea are two countries located in different parts of Asia but have a high level of trade and investment relations. Singapore is known for its highly developed economy while Korea is famous for its technology and electronics sector. If you plan to travel from Singapore to Korea or vice versa, it is essential to know about currency exchange rates.

The Currency of Singapore

The official currency of Singapore is the Singapore Dollar (SGD) which is also abbreviated as S$. It is divided into 100 cents and has seven denominations including; $2, $5, $10, $20, $50, $100, and $1,000. The monetary policy of Singapore is administered by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS), which uses exchange rate policy to keep inflation low, maintain price stability and promote economic growth.

The Currency of Korea

The official currency of Korea is the Korean Republic Won (KRW) which is also abbreviated as ₩. It is divided into 100 jeons, though jeon is not in use today. Currently, the KRW has six banknotes in circulation including 1000₩, 5000₩, 10,000₩, 50,000₩, 100,000₩, and 200,000₩. The Bank of Korea governs the monetary policy and implements measures to control inflation and promote economic growth.

Currency Exchange Rate

As the SGD and KRW are both widely used currencies for businesses and individuals globally, there is often a need for currency exchange. To get the most value for your money, it is essential to check the current exchange rates before exchanging currency. The exchange rate fluctuates daily, so be sure to check the current rates online or visit an authorized money changer.

How to Convert Singapore Dollar to Korean Won?

To convert SGD to KRW, multiply the amount of SGD by the current exchange rate. For instance, if the exchange rate is 1 SGD = 883.24 KRW and you want to exchange 1000 SGD, the equation would be: 1000 SGD x 883.24 KRW = 883,240 KRW. Therefore, 1000 SGD will get you 883,240 KRW.

How to Convert Korean Won to Singapore Dollar?

To convert KRW to SGD, divide the amount of KRW by the current exchange rate. For example, if the exchange rate is 1 SGD = 883.24 KRW and you want to know how much is 600,000 KRW in SGD, the equation would be: 600,000 KRW / 883.24 SGD = 678.52 SGD. Therefore, 600,000 KRW will get you 678.52 SGD.

Where to Exchange Currencies?

In Singapore, you can exchange currency at authorized money changers, banks or airports. It is essential to compare the rates and fees before selecting the best option.

In Korea, you can exchange currencies at banks or authorized money changers. Banks generally offer better rates than smaller money changers.


Currency exchange is an important part of international travel or business transactions. Knowing the current exchange rates can help you get a good deal and save you money. Whether you are converting SGD to KRW or KRW to SGD, it is essential to stay updated on the exchange rates, and choose the right place to exchange currencies.

Singapore and Korea have a strong economic partnership, and knowledge of currency exchange rates can enhance this relationship even further by promoting trade and investment between the two nations.

Singapore vs Korea: A Comparison of Two Currencies

Currency plays a vital role in the economic growth of a country. It is a measure of the value of goods and services exchanged within a country and with others. Two Asian countries, Singapore and Korea, are taking giant leaps towards global economic supremacy. Their currencies, the Singaporean dollar (SGD) and Korean won (KRW), respectively, play a crucial role in their rising economies. In this article, we will compare the two currencies and analyze their economic significance.

Overview of the SGD and KRW

The Singaporean dollar (SGD) is the official currency of Singapore. It was introduced in 1967, after Singapore gained its independence from Malaysia. The SGD have been ranked as one of the strongest currencies in the world by the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Currently, 1 SGD is equivalent to 835.89 KRW.

The Korean won (KRW), on the other hand, is the official currency of South Korea. It was first used in 1902 during the Joseon dynasty. Like the SGD, KRW is also considered to be one of the most influential currencies in Southeast Asia. Currently, 1 KRW is equivalent to 0.0012 SGD.

Exchange Rate Comparison

The exchange rate of the SGD and KRW has been fluctuating over the years. The table below shows the exchange rate of SGD to KRW as of November 2021:

Currency Exchange Rate
1 SGD 835.89 KRW
1 KRW 0.0012 SGD

As seen in the table above, 1 SGD is significantly higher than 1 KRW. This indicates that the Singaporean economy is much stronger than South Korea’s economy.

Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

GDP is a vital economic indicator that measures the total value of goods and services produced within a country's borders. It is an essential parameter that reflects the country's economic growth. Singapore is one of the wealthiest countries globally, with a GDP of $339.7 billion in 2020, according to the World Bank. On the other hand, South Korea has a GDP of $1.6 trillion as per the World Bank reports in 2020. The figures show that South Korea has a more massive economic output compared to Singapore.

Currency Stability

Currency stability is also an important indicator of a strong economy. A stable currency attracts foreign investors, encourages trade, and increases exportation opportunities. Singaporean dollar (SGD) is considered a relatively stable currency compared to the Korean won (KRW). KRW tends to fluctuate between high and low values against the US dollar.

Inflation Rates

Inflation is another significant factor that shapes a country's economy. Inflation occurs when the purchasing power of money falls over time. Both Singapore and South Korea's governments have been working to control inflation rates. As of November 2021, Singapore’s inflation rate stands at 2.93%, while South Korea’s is at 2.8%. The figures indicate that both countries are doing an excellent job in maintaining their stable economies with manageable inflation rates.

Foreign Reserve Holdings

Countries maintain foreign reserves to stabilize its economy, enhance its credit rating, and manage depreciation of its currency. As of September 2021, Korea has a foreign reserve of $450 billion, while Singapore’s reserve stands at $247.6 billion. The figures indicate that Korea has much higher foreign exchange reserves than Singapore.


Both currencies have their unique strengths and weaknesses. While Singapore's economy is highly robust and stable, South Korea is an economic powerhouse with an enormous GDP. From the comparison made above, it is clear that both countries' economies are making significant strides towards economic supremacy. However, the disparity between the two in terms of economic output and foreign reserve holdings indicates that South Korea has a stronger economy. Nonetheless, the stability of the SGD still makes it an attractive currency for investment in Southeast Asia.


In conclusion, both currencies play crucial roles in their respective countries' economies. While the SGD may not be as powerful as the Korean won currently, Singapore's financial stability may outweigh this. As investors and individuals continue their quest to determine which is the better currency, the debate over which is the best will likely continue for years to come.

Singapore to Korea Currency: Tips and Tutorial on Exchanging Money

If you're traveling from Singapore to Korea, one of the most important things that you need to prepare for is exchanging currencies. Singaporean dollars (SGD) cannot be used in Korea, so you'll need to change your money into Korean won (KRW). Here's a quick guide on how to do it:

1. Research the Current Exchange Rates

Before you leave for your trip, make sure to check the current exchange rates between SGD and KRW. The rates fluctuate daily, so it's best to keep yourself updated. You can check online or ask your bank for the latest conversion rates.

2. Know Where to Exchange Your Money

There are several options for exchanging currency in Singapore, including banks, money changers, and airports. It's important to compare the rates and fees of each option to get the best value for your money. In Korea, you can also exchange currency at banks, airports, and some hotels. It's best to avoid unofficial money changers on the street, as they may offer lower rates and scam you.

3. Bring Cash in SGD

It's usually cheaper to exchange cash instead of using credit cards or traveler's checks, as these methods may have additional fees or unfavorable exchange rates. When bringing cash, it's best to carry SGD instead of KRW, so you don't have to worry about exchanging money twice.

4. Use Credit Cards with Low Foreign Transaction Fees

If you don't want to carry too much cash, using a credit card is a convenient option. However, make sure to choose a card with low foreign transaction fees to avoid extra charges. Some credit cards also offer rewards for travel-related expenses, so it's worth checking if you have such offers.

5. Be Aware of Korean Bank Holidays

Korean banks are closed on weekends and public holidays, so if you need to exchange money during these days, you'll have to go to a money changer or use an ATM. However, be aware that some ATMs may have transaction limits or charge higher fees for foreign cards.

6. Check Your Change

When exchanging currency, it's important to count your money before leaving the booth or counter. Make sure that you received the correct amount and that there are no fake bills or coins. Also, keep your receipts in case of any disputes or issues.

7. Avoid Exchanging Money at Airports

Airports are convenient places to exchange currency, but they usually have higher rates and fees than other options. If possible, exchange your money at a bank or money changer outside the airport to save money.

8. Don't Exchange Too Much Money

It's tempting to exchange a large amount of money at once to avoid hassle, but it's best to only exchange what you need for the day or week. This way, you can avoid carrying too much cash and reduce the risk of losing it or getting robbed. You can always exchange more later when needed.

9. Use an Online Currency Converter

If you want to check the estimated value of your money before exchanging it, you can use an online currency converter. This tool allows you to input the amount of SGD you have and see how much it's worth in KRW, based on the current exchange rates.

10. Be Prepared for Fluctuations

Currency exchange rates can fluctuate rapidly and unpredictably due to various factors such as political events, economic conditions, and global crises. Be prepared for potential changes in the rates, and try to exchange your money at the most favorable times to maximize your savings.

By following these tips and tutorials, you can have a smooth and hassle-free experience with exchanging currency from Singapore to Korea. Just remember to do your research, be aware of scams, and always count your money!

Hello visitors, we hope you had an insightful read on Singapore to Korea Currency. As we come to the end of this article, let us summarize the major takeaways from what we've discussed so far.

Firstly, we explored the various factors that affect the exchange rate between SGD and KRW. We noted that economic indicators, interest rates, and political stability are some of the primary drivers of foreign currency values.

Next, we briefly discussed the history of both currencies and their respective denominations. We also looked at how currency exchange works and the role of financial institutions in providing conversion services.

Furthermore, we touched on the practical implications of exchange rates when it comes to traveling, investing, or doing business in Korea. We saw that fluctuating exchange rates can either work for or against you, depending on the specific circumstances.

In addition, we delved into the current state of the Singapore-Korea trade relationship, including bilateral agreements and key industries that benefit from cross-border transactions. We highlighted some of the successes in bilateral trade and areas where there is still room for improvement.

Moreover, we considered the cultural aspects of each country and how they might affect currency exchange. We acknowledged that cultural differences can play a role in shaping investor sentiment and market behavior, and it is essential to be mindful of these nuances when making financial decisions.

Moving forward, it's worth noting that the global economic landscape is perpetually changing, and predicting future exchange rate movements is incredibly challenging. What was true yesterday may not be accurate today or tomorrow. Therefore, staying informed and up-to-date on market developments is critical for anyone engaged in cross-border transactions.

Lastly, we encourage our readers to explore both Singapore and Korea further beyond their currency exchange rates. Both countries have unique cultures, stunning landscapes, and rich histories that are worth exploring. Whether you're a first-time tourist or seasoned traveler, there's always something new to discover.

Thank you for reading our article, and we hope it has been beneficial in expanding your understanding of Singapore to Korea currency exchange. If you have any questions or feedback, please don't hesitate to let us know.

People Also Ask about Singapore to Korea Currency:

  1. What is the exchange rate for Singapore dollars to Korean won?
  2. The exchange rate for Singapore dollars to Korean won varies depending on the current market conditions. As of (insert date), the exchange rate is (insert exchange rate).

  3. Where can I exchange Singapore dollars for Korean won?
  4. You can exchange your Singapore dollars for Korean won at any authorized money changer or bank in Singapore or Korea. Some popular options include Currency Exchange shops, Travelex, and major banks like DBS, UOB, and HSBC.

  5. Is it better to exchange Singapore dollars for Korean won in Singapore or Korea?
  6. It's generally recommended to exchange your money in the country you're traveling to as it may provide better exchange rates and lower fees. However, it's always best to compare rates and fees before making a decision.

  7. Can I use my credit card to make purchases in Korea?
  8. Yes, most major credit cards are accepted in Korea, including Visa, Mastercard, and American Express. Just be sure to notify your bank of your travel plans prior to your trip to avoid any potential issues with your card being blocked for suspicious activity.

  9. Are there ATMs available in Korea where I can withdraw Korean won using my Singaporean debit card?
  10. Yes, there are ATMs available in Korea where you can withdraw Korean won using your Singaporean debit card. However, be aware of potential foreign transaction fees and currency conversion fees imposed by your bank.

People Also Ask About Singapore To Korea Currency

1. What is the currency of Singapore?

The currency of Singapore is the Singapore Dollar (SGD). It is represented by the symbol $ or S$.

2. What is the currency of Korea?

The currency of South Korea is the Korean Won (KRW). It is represented by the symbol ₩.

3. How can I convert Singapore Dollars to Korean Won?

To convert Singapore Dollars to Korean Won, you can either visit a currency exchange counter or use online currency conversion services. These platforms will provide you with the current exchange rate and convert your Singapore Dollars into Korean Won accordingly.

4. What is the current exchange rate between SGD and KRW?

The exchange rate between SGD and KRW is subject to fluctuations in the foreign exchange market. It is recommended to check reliable sources such as banks or currency exchange websites for the most up-to-date rates. These platforms will provide you with the current exchange rate.

5. Can I use Singapore Dollars in Korea?

No, you cannot use Singapore Dollars in Korea. You will need to convert your Singapore Dollars into Korean Won before using them for any transactions in South Korea. It is advisable to have some Korean Won on hand for small purchases, as not all places may accept credit cards or foreign currencies.

6. Where can I exchange Singapore Dollars for Korean Won in Singapore?

You can exchange Singapore Dollars for Korean Won at authorized money changers, banks, or currency exchange counters in Singapore. These establishments are available at various locations such as shopping malls, airports, and city centers. It is recommended to compare rates and fees before making the exchange to get the best value for your money.

7. Are there any restrictions on the amount of currency I can bring from Singapore to Korea?

There are usually no restrictions on the amount of currency you can bring from Singapore to Korea. However, it is always advisable to check with the customs regulations of both countries to ensure compliance with any specific requirements or limitations.

8. Should I exchange all my Singapore Dollars to Korean Won before traveling to Korea?

It is not necessary to exchange all your Singapore Dollars to Korean Won before traveling to Korea. You can exchange a portion of your money in Singapore and then convert more as needed while in Korea. This allows you to manage your currency conversion based on the current exchange rates and your spending requirements.

9. What are other payment options available in Korea besides cash?

In addition to cash, credit cards are widely accepted in most establishments in South Korea. Visa and Mastercard are commonly used, but it is always good to check if your card is accepted beforehand. Mobile payment platforms like Samsung Pay, Apple Pay, and Google Pay are also gaining popularity in Korea.

10. Are there any fees or charges involved in currency conversion?

When converting currency, there may be fees or charges involved depending on where you make the exchange. Banks and money changers may charge a commission or fee for their services. It is advisable to compare rates and fees before making the conversion to minimize any additional costs.