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Stay Up-to-Date with Today's Singapore Gold Rates: Track Live Prices and Trends Now!

Today Singapore Gold Rate

Find out the latest gold rates in Singapore today. Stay updated on the current prices and make informed decisions for your investments.

Are you a gold investor or someone looking to buy gold in Singapore? Then you came to the right place because today, we'll be discussing the current gold rate in Singapore.

Gold has always acted as a hedge against inflation and uncertainty, and it is no different in times like these when Covid-19 has rocked the global economy. As per today's market, the 24-karat gold rate in Singapore stands at SGD 88.90 per gram. But wait, before you go forward with your investment decisions or purchase, there are some other things you should know.

Firstly, the price of gold depends on a lot of factors such as global economic performance, geopolitical events, and demand for gold in industries such as electronics, jewelry, and aviation. Furthermore, the current price might change over time. So keep an eye on market trends, and make informed decisions.

In addition, various types of gold are available in the market, such as bars, coins, and jewelry. Each type goes through different manufacturing processes, which can affect their price. For example, gold coins often cost more per gram than gold bars due to production expenses. Therefore, do your research and find the right type that suits your preferences and budget.

Unconfident about choosing the right vendor? Don't worry; Singapore has a plethora of trustworthy gold sellers to choose from. You can opt for AG PTE LTD, BullionStar, or even the Singapore Mint –all offer authentic gold and have a positive reputation among customers.

But hold on, did you know that gold can also be purchased digitally instead of physically? Yes, that's right! You can invest in digital gold through platforms such as Fintech or Goldex. They store gold on behalf of you -just as you would store cash in a bank account- and give access to buying or selling of the digital gold. This can be a convenient option if you prefer to trade gold electronically.

Now that we've discussed the basics let's go through some interesting facts about Singapore's gold rate. Did you know, in August 2020, gold prices peaked at SGD 103.51 per gram due to Covid-19 uncertainty and low-interest rates? But guess what, the highest ever recorded price of gold in Singapore was in 2011, which reached SGD 131.96 per gram. That's right; it pays to invest in gold for the long term.

But hold on, there's more! The historical significance of gold goes way back –to ancient Egyptians, who used gold as jewelry and for religious ceremonies. Till today, many traditions still place importance on gifting or purchasing gold at weddings, baby showers, and other significant events. It's the one gift that is always in fashion and makes for a valuable investment for generations to come.

To wrap it all up, investing in gold means investing in stability, security, and long-term wealth. Nonetheless, it is important to do your research and stay knowledgeable about market trends to make informed decisions. In conclusion, whether you opt for physical or digital gold, Singapore offers plenty of reliable choices for every type of buyer or investor. So why wait? Make your investment today and watch your gold shine!

On August 24, 2021, the gold rate in Singapore is SGD 76.30 per gram of 24-carat gold. The gold rate has been fluctuating over the years and is affected by various factors such as global economic conditions, inflation, and geopolitical events.

Factors Affecting Gold Rate

The gold rate is sensitive to various factors that affect its demand and supply. One of the major factors is economic stability. The level of economic stability plays a significant role in determining the gold rate. During times of economic uncertainty, investors usually opt for gold investments since it is a safe-haven asset. This leads to an increase in demand for gold and hence, the rate rises. Conversely, during stable economic conditions, investors usually shift their attention to other investment options, leading to a decline in gold rate.

Another factor that affects the gold rate is inflation. As the inflation rates spike, the value of currency diminishes, and gold becomes expensive. On the other hand, when inflation levels are low, the value of currency increases, and gold becomes cheaper.

Furthermore, geopolitical events usually have a substantial impact on the gold rate. These events include wars, natural disasters, and political upheavals. When such events occur, they create uncertainty and instability in the global economy, causing investors to flock to gold as a safe-haven asset. This creates an increase in demand for gold and hence, the rate spikes.

How is Gold Rate in Singapore Determined?

The gold rate in Singapore is determined by a number of factors, including the global economic trend, demand and supply dynamics, and market behavior. Most gold traders buy gold bullion or coins from wholesale suppliers and sell it at the prevailing market prices. The prices of gold in Singapore are also affected by the associated taxes and customs fees.

The retail prices of gold in Singapore also vary depending on the purity of the gold, which is usually measured in karats. 24-karat gold is the most valuable with a higher gold content as compared to lower karat values such as 18 or 22 karat gold.

The Impact of COVID-19 on Gold Rate.

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected almost every aspect of the global economy, including the gold rate. Due to the pandemic, many countries had to implement lockdowns and other measures to contain the virus's spread. This led to a decline in economic activity, and consequently, the demand for gold declined.

Furthermore, the pandemic also led to a significant shift in the investment behavior of many individuals. Investors shifted from buying physical gold to investing in ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds) that track gold rates. This shift was mainly because of the convenience of investing in ETFs as opposed to physical gold.


Overall, the gold rate in Singapore and around the world is subject to fluctuation due to various factors such as economic stability, inflation, and geopolitical events. As investors continue to look for safe-haven assets amidst the ongoing instability caused by the pandemic, the demand for gold in the coming years is expected to remain stable.

Singapore Gold Rate


Gold is considered one of the safest investment options as it has a low risk of depreciation. Investors worldwide invest in gold to diversify their portfolio and hedge against inflation. In Singapore, gold is a popular choice among investors, and its demand has been increasing day by day.


Let’s compare the current gold rate in Singapore with other countries such as India and the USA.
Country Gold rate per gram (SGD)
Singapore 73.51
India 4,425.26
USA 56.91

Factors affecting Singapore Gold Rate

Several factors affect gold rates in Singapore. The following are some of them:

Economic Factors

The economic situation of a country influences the gold rate. When the economy is stable, the gold rate may be low, whereas when the economy is suffering, people tend to invest in gold, leading to higher gold rates.


Inflation affects the purchasing power of a currency. When the value of the currency decreases, people invest in gold to store their wealth, leading to an increase in gold rates.

US Dollar Value

The US dollar's value is another factor that affects gold rates in Singapore. As the US dollar is the world's reserve currency, any change in its value impacts gold prices globally.

Interest Rates

Interest rates play a vital role in determining gold prices. When interest rates are high, people tend to invest in fixed deposits and other such assets, whereas when interest rates are low, investors shift towards gold, resulting in an increase in gold rates.


In my opinion, gold is a safe investment option over the long-term because it has low volatility and acts as a hedge against inflation. It is also a good diversifier for portfolios. The gold rate in Singapore has been increasing, which shows that more people are investing in it. Good demand for gold indicates that it will remain a popular choice among investors in the future too.


In conclusion, the gold rate in Singapore is influenced by several factors such as economic conditions, inflation, US dollar value and interest rates. As an investor, it is essential to stay updated on such factors to make informed investment decisions. Gold is undoubtedly one of the best investment options in the current scenario, but one should always do thorough research before investing.


Investing in gold is a wise decision as it has been a safe-haven asset for centuries. People invest in gold to protect their wealth from economic instability, inflation, and other financial risks. Gold is an excellent investment option as its value doesn't depreciate even in tough times. Singapore is one of the biggest gold consumers and importers in the world. Hence, it is natural to question the Today Singapore Gold Rate if you're planning to invest in gold.

Factors affecting Gold Rate

The price of gold is usually influenced by certain factors such as demand, supply, global economic conditions, and geopolitical instability. Below are some factors that impact the gold rate in Singapore:

Demand for Gold: The demand for gold in Singapore is primarily driven by individual investors and jewellery industries. When the demand for gold increases, the price also increases, and vice versa.

Global Economic Conditions: The gold rate in Singapore is also influenced by global economic conditions. When there's a downturn in the economy, people tend to invest in gold as it's considered to be a safe haven.

Geopolitical Instability: Geopolitical tensions such as wars, terrorist attacks, and pandemics affect the gold price. During uncertain times, investors flock towards gold which drives the price up.

Where to Check the Today Singapore Gold Rate

You can check the gold rate in Singapore online or offline. You can visit the websites of banks or financial institutions to check the gold rate online. Alternatively, you may also check news sites that provide updates on the latest gold rates.

Factors to Consider Before Investing in Gold

Before investing in gold, there are several factors you should consider:

Investment Goals: You should have a clear understanding of your investment goals before buying gold. Are you investing in gold for the long-term or short-term?

Budget: Determine how much you can afford to invest in gold. Set a budget and stick to it.

Purity: The purity of gold varies, and it's essential to check the gold's purity level before investing. The standard purity level for gold is 24 carats.

Storage: You must have a safe place to store your gold, such as a bank locker or a safe at home.


The Today Singapore Gold Rate is available online, and investors can easily track the fluctuations in the gold price. Before investing in gold, it's crucial to consider several factors such as investment goals, budget, and storage. Understanding the factors that influence the gold rate allows investors to make informed decisions before investing their money.

Welcome to the website where you can find the latest updates on the Singapore Gold Rate. As a smart investor, it's important to stay on top of market trends and prices, especially if investing in gold is part of your portfolio strategy.

Today, the Singapore Gold Rate is highly volatile, as tensions between major economies cause fluctuations. In recent years, we've seen the value of gold skyrocket due to economic uncertainty and geopolitical tensions.

So, what does the future hold for the Singapore Gold Rate? Well, that's difficult to predict. There are many factors that contribute to the price of gold, including interest rates, inflation, and supply and demand.

Despite the inherent unpredictability of the market, there are a few things you can do to stay informed about the Singapore Gold Rate. Firstly, keep an eye on any major political or economic news. Secondly, stay on top of market trends and fluctuations by subscribing to financial news outlets.

Whether you're a seasoned investor or just starting out, investing in gold can be a valuable addition to your portfolio. Historically, gold has proven to be a stable and profitable investment, even during periods of economic uncertainty.

It's also worth noting that the process of buying gold has become increasingly accessible and convenient, thanks to online platforms that allow investors to purchase gold with ease.

When it comes to making any investment, it's always best to do your research and proceed with caution. While investing in gold can be a smart move, it's important to keep in mind that no investment is completely risk-free.

We hope this article has given you some insight into the current state of the Singapore Gold Rate. Remember to stay informed, conduct thorough research, and most importantly, invest wisely.

Thank you for visiting our website, and we hope to see you again soon for more updates on the Singapore Gold Rate.

People also ask about Today Singapore Gold Rate:

1. What is the current gold rate in Singapore?

  • The current gold rate in Singapore for 24k gold is SGD 91.40 per gram.

2. How often does the gold rate change in Singapore?

  • The gold rate in Singapore changes on a daily basis and is influenced by a variety of factors such as global geopolitical events, currency fluctuations and supply and demand.

3. Is it a good time to buy gold in Singapore?

  • Investing in gold can be a good hedge against inflation and uncertainty. Whether it is a good time to buy gold in Singapore depends on your investment goals and risk tolerance. It is always recommended to consult with a financial advisor before making any investment decisions.

4. Can I buy gold coins or bars in Singapore?

  • Yes, gold coins and bars are available for purchase in Singapore. These can be bought from authorized dealers or banks. It is important to ensure that the gold purchased is of the correct purity level and that the dealer is reputable.

5. What is the minimum quantity of gold that can be purchased in Singapore?

  • The minimum quantity of gold that can be purchased in Singapore varies between dealers. Many dealers have a minimum purchase requirement of one gram, while others may have a minimum of ten grams. It is best to check with individual dealers for their minimum purchase requirements.

People Also Ask about Today Singapore Gold Rate

1. What is the current gold rate in Singapore?

The current gold rate in Singapore varies and is influenced by international market trends, currency fluctuations, and local demand. It is advisable to check with reputable sources such as banks, financial institutions, or authorized gold dealers for the most accurate and up-to-date information on the current gold rate in Singapore.

2. How is the gold rate determined in Singapore?

The gold rate in Singapore is primarily determined by the global gold market prices, which are influenced by factors such as supply and demand dynamics, economic conditions, geopolitical events, and investor sentiments. Additionally, currency exchange rates also play a role in determining the gold rate in Singapore, as gold is traded internationally in US dollars.

3. Where can I find the best gold rates in Singapore?

To find the best gold rates in Singapore, it is recommended to compare prices offered by different authorized gold dealers and financial institutions. Reputable banks and established gold shops are often reliable sources for competitive rates. Online platforms and websites that specialize in tracking gold prices can also provide useful information to help you find the best gold rates in Singapore.

4. Is the gold rate in Singapore the same as in other countries?

No, the gold rate in Singapore may differ from other countries due to various factors, including import duties, taxes, transportation costs, and local demand and supply dynamics. Additionally, currency exchange rates also affect the price of gold in different countries. Therefore, it is important to note that the gold rate in Singapore may not be the same as in other countries.

5. Can I buy gold at the current market rate in Singapore?

Yes, you can buy gold at the current market rate in Singapore. Authorized gold dealers, banks, and financial institutions offer gold bars, coins, and jewelry at prevailing market rates. It is advisable to compare prices and ensure that you are dealing with reputable sellers who provide genuine and certified gold products.

6. How often does the gold rate in Singapore change?

The gold rate in Singapore can change multiple times throughout the day as it is influenced by global market fluctuations and investor activities. Factors such as economic news, geopolitical events, and changes in currency exchange rates can contribute to frequent changes in the gold rate. Therefore, it is essential to stay updated with the latest gold rate if you are planning to buy or sell gold in Singapore.

In summary,

  • The current gold rate in Singapore varies and can be obtained from reputable sources.
  • The gold rate in Singapore is determined by global market trends and currency fluctuations.
  • Comparing prices from different authorized dealers and financial institutions can help find the best gold rates in Singapore.
  • The gold rate in Singapore may differ from other countries due to various factors.
  • You can buy gold at the current market rate in Singapore from authorized sellers.
  • The gold rate in Singapore can change multiple times throughout the day.