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Father's Day 2019 in Singapore: Celebrate the Special Bond with Unique Gifts and Activities

Father'S Day 2019 Singapore

Celebrate Father's Day 2019 in Singapore with love and gratitude. Show appreciation to the amazing dads who deserve all the recognition they can get.

Father's Day is a special occasion for showing appreciation and love to fathers and father figures. It is that time of the year where we celebrate our dads for all the hard work they do and to thank them for being there for us. Father's Day 2019 in Singapore is coming right up, and it's never too early to plan ahead to make it the best one yet.

Are you the type of person that always struggles to come up with gift ideas for Father's Day? Don't worry, you're not the only one. According to a recent survey, 51% of people find it difficult to buy gifts for their fathers. But fear not, we're here to help with some fantastic gift ideas that are sure to put a smile on any dad's face.

Let's start with an unconventional idea that is becoming increasingly popular - subscription boxes. There are so many exciting subscription boxes out there that cater to virtually every interest, from grooming products to barbeque paraphernalia. Imagine your dad receiving a box of new and exciting items every month - talk about the gift that keeps on giving!

For the more traditional dads, a classic watch or wallet will never go out of style. Did you know that men who wear watches are perceived as being more reliable and successful than those who don't? That's just one reason why a watch would make an excellent Father's Day gift for your dad.

Now, let's talk about experiences. We all know that memories last longer than any physical item, so why not treat your dad to an unforgettable experience this Father's Day? Whether it's skydiving, a hot air balloon ride, or a day at the racetrack, there are endless options that will leave your dad feeling appreciated and loved.

Of course, no Father's Day is complete without a good meal. Why not plan a family gathering at your dad's favorite restaurant or cook up a storm at home? Remember, the way to a man's heart is through his stomach!

Speaking of family gatherings, did you know that Father's Day is celebrated around the world, but not always on the same day? In Germany and many European countries, it is celebrated on Ascension Day forty days after Easter, while in Australia and New Zealand, it falls on the first Sunday in September. It just goes to show how important fathers are around the world.

Now, we know that not everyone has a close relationship with their father, and for some, Father's Day can be a difficult time. But that doesn't mean you have to ignore the occasion altogether. Instead, why not use this day as an opportunity to celebrate a positive male role model in your life or support a charity that helps fathers and families in need?

No matter how you choose to celebrate Father's Day 2019 in Singapore, the most important thing is to make sure your dad knows how much he means to you. Whether it's through a thoughtful gift, a shared experience, or simply spending time together, let him know that you appreciate all that he does.

So, don't wait any longer; start planning your Father's Day celebrations today! Your dad deserves the best, and this year, you're going to give it to him.

Father's Day 2019 in Singapore

Father's Day is a special day dedicated to all the fathers around the world. It is celebrated on different dates in different countries, but in Singapore, it is celebrated on the third Sunday of June. This year Father's Day falls on June 16, and there are many ways to celebrate this special occasion.

Gifts for Dad

One of the best ways to show your love and appreciation for your dad is by giving him a thoughtful gift. There are many gift options to choose from, depending on your father's interests and hobbies. Some ideas include a new watch, a book by his favorite author, or tickets to his favorite sporting event or concert.

If you are looking for something more unique, you can consider personalized gifts such as custom-made photo frames, mugs or even a t-shirt with a special message or quote. These gifts will make your dad feel loved and appreciated on this special day.

Celebrate with Food

Singapore is known for its diverse food scene, and there is no better way to celebrate Father's Day than by treating your dad to a delicious meal at his favorite restaurant or trying out a new place. You can also cook a homemade meal or bake your dad's favorite dessert to enjoy together as a family.

If your dad is a fan of alcohol, you can take him on a brewery or wine tasting tour, where he can learn about different types of beer or wine and taste samples.

Outdoor Adventures

If your dad enjoys the outdoors, there are many activities to consider, such as hiking, camping, or fishing. Singapore has many nature trails and parks that offer scenic views and opportunities for outdoor adventures.

You can also plan for a family picnic or day trip to the nearby island of Sentosa. There are many attractions and activities such as Universal Studios, cable car rides, and beach volleyball courts, so there's something for everyone to enjoy.

Quality Time with Dad

The most important aspect of Father's Day is spending time with your dad and creating memories together. You can plan for a movie night at home or attend a sporting event that your father enjoys watching.

You can also take this opportunity to do something that your dad has always wanted to do. For instance, if he's been talking about playing golf, you can book a tee time and spend the day on the course together.

Charitable Giving

Another way to honor your dad on Father's Day is by giving back to the community in his name. You can donate to a charity that your father supports, volunteer together at a local organization or participate in a community service project.

Your dad will feel proud knowing that he has raised a compassionate and caring child who cares about making a positive impact.

A Final Word

Father's Day is a special occasion to show your love and appreciation to your dad for all his hard work and sacrifices. It is a chance to strengthen your bond and create lasting memories that you will cherish for years to come.

Remember, the most important thing is to spend quality time with your father and let him know how much he means to you. Whether you choose to give a thoughtful gift or plan a fun-filled adventure, the key is to make this day special and unforgettable for your dad.


Father's Day is a special day dedicated to honouring and appreciating fathers around the world. The celebration began in the United States in 1910, and since then it has become a global phenomenon. Father's Day in Singapore is no exception, with millions of people in the country taking time to thank their fathers for their love and support.

The History of Father's Day in Singapore

In Singapore, Father's Day was not officially recognised as a public holiday until 1976. Since then, it has gradually gained significance as an occasion for families to celebrate the love and care of fathers. The day is typically celebrated on the third Sunday of June, just like in many other countries around the world.

The Commercialisation of Father's Day

Like many other celebrations, Father's Day has been commercialised in Singapore. Companies selling gifts and services have capitalised on the event, promoting their products as the perfect gifts for dads. Shopping malls and online shops are decorated with Father's Day themes, and discounts and promotions are offered to attract consumers. Some argue that this commercialisation detracts from the true meaning of Father's Day, which should be a day of sincere appreciation rather than materialistic exchange.

Traditional vs Modern Gifts

Gifts for Father's Day in Singapore can range from traditional to modern. In the past, children would express their gratitude by making handmade cards and crafts for their dads. Nowadays, the options have broadened to include tech gadgets, fashion items, and other commercial products. Some families still prefer to stick to the more traditional gifts, though, such as personalised photo frames or homemade desserts.

Father's Day Activities

There are a variety of activities that families in Singapore can do to celebrate Father's Day. Some prefer to indulge in a special meal, while others may plan a family outing or attend a special Father's Day event. Nature parks, museums, and theme parks are popular destinations for outings, while cinemas and restaurants are typical venues for family gatherings. In recent years, fitness-related activities such as charity runs and obstacle courses have also emerged as a trend for Father's Day celebrations.

Spending Habits

In Singapore, spending on Father's Day gifts and activities can vary greatly depending on individual preferences and budgets. According to statistics from 2018, the average amount spent on Father's Day was around S$80 per person. Of these expenses, the largest chunk went towards dining and entertainment (roughly 38%), followed by gifts and flowers (27%) and travel and accommodation (18%). Money doesn't necessarily determine the quality of the celebration, though - simple gestures of love and appreciation can make just as much impact.

Father's Day vs Mother's Day

The comparison between Father's Day and Mother's Day is a common topic of discussion. While both days are intended to celebrate and appreciate parents, there are some notable differences in how they are perceived and celebrated in Singapore. Mother's Day typically receives more attention and hype, with businesses pushing out more promotions and advertisements. Many people also consider mothers to be more nurturing and emotional compared to fathers, leading to different expectations on how the special day should be celebrated.

Challenges for Single Fathers

As Father's Day approaches, it's important to recognise the challenges faced by single fathers in Singapore. These fathers often have to juggle parenting responsibilities, financial burdens, and societal stigmas, all while trying to raise their children to the best of their abilities. For them, Father's Day can be a double-edged sword - it can bring joy and appreciation, but also reminders of loss and difficulty. It's crucial to acknowledge them and offer support, not just on Father's Day but throughout the year.

The Significance of Family Ties

At its core, Father's Day is a celebration of family ties and relationships. While the day may be marketed as a commercial event, it should ultimately serve as a reminder to spend quality time with loved ones and express gratitude for their presence in our lives. This message is especially relevant in Singapore, which values strong family bonds and harmony. Investing in familial relationships can help create a happier and more resilient society.

The Bottom Line

Overall, Father's Day in Singapore is a special occasion that can be celebrated in many meaningful ways. Whether you choose to go for an extravagant gift or a heartfelt gesture of kindness, the most important thing is to show your appreciation for your father's love and care. Remember that Father's Day is just one day out of the year - strive to make every day a day of respect and gratitude for those who have shaped you into the person you are today.

Father's Day is a special day to celebrate the love and affection we have for our fathers. Families in Singapore usually observe this occasion on the third Sunday of June. This year, Father's Day will fall on June 16, 2019. Whether you want to surprise your dad with a gift or spend some quality time with him, here are some tips and tricks to make this Father's Day an unforgettable one.

Cook him a special meal

It's a known fact that dads love food. On Father's Day, prepare his favorite dish or cook something special for him. You can also organize a father-child cook-off where you both team up to create a masterpiece dish. It's an excellent way to bond over food and showcase your cooking skills.

Take him out for an adventure

Singapore has plenty of outdoor and indoor activities that both dads and kids can enjoy. Take your dad out for an adventure and explore the beauty of nature. You could go hiking, cycling, or even picnicking in a public garden. Alternatively, visit one of Singapore's amusement parks or museums and learn something new together.

Gift him a personalized item

Instead of buying generic gifts, give your dad something personalized that shows how much you care for him. It could be a mug with his favorite quote or photo, a customized t-shirt, or even a piece of jewelry with his initials engraved on it. A personalized gift will undoubtedly make him feel loved and appreciated.

Send him on a spa day

Spa days aren't just for women. Men need pampering too. Book your dad for a relaxing massage, facial or sauna session at a spa center. It's a perfect way for him to unwind and destress from his busy life.

Watch his favorite TV show or movie together

If your dad's a TV or movie buff, spend the day watching his favorite shows or movies with him. Snuggle up on the couch and watch his choice of entertainment with him. It's an excellent way to bond over something he loves.

Get him a subscription to his favorite magazine

Subscription to his favorite magazine is another perfect gift for your dad. Buy him an annual subscription to his go-to magazine, and he'll have something to look forward to every month.

Create a DIY card or scrapbook

DIY projects are always a hit with dads. Create a customized card or scrapbook with photos and memories that you both cherish. Adding personal touches can make this gift extra special and one that he'll treasure forever.

Organize a family game day

Nothing beats a good family game day. Gather your family and plan a day full of games, snacks, and fun. From board games to outdoor sports, there's something for everyone in the family to enjoy.

Plan a surprise vacation

Planning a surprise vacation may be a bit more expensive, but it's an exceptional gift that will create lasting memories. Surprise your dad with a flight ticket to his dream destination or book a luxury staycation in Singapore's best hotels.

Host a barbecue party in the backyard

Throwing a BBQ party in the backyard is an excellent way to celebrate Father's Day. Get some meat, grill up some burgers and have some drinks to celebrate your fabulous dad. It's also a good opportunity to catch up with relatives and friends.In conclusion, Father's Day isn't just about buying your dad an expensive gift or taking him out for a fancy dinner. It's about spending time with him and showing him how much you appreciate all that he does. No matter what you do, as long as it comes from the heart, he'll surely love it.

As Father's Day draws near, it’s certainly the perfect time to show love to the great men in our lives. The third Sunday of June is a day set aside to celebrate fatherhood and appreciate fathers for the important roles they play in our lives. This year, Father’s Day comes up on the 16th of June, 2019. It’s an ideal day to tell, treat, and thank dads everywhere in Singapore.

For many people, the idea of buying gifts for their dads isn’t always an easy one. You may be wondering what to buy, what to do or where to go. Fortunately, Singapore has some amazing places where you can go with your father or simply buy him gifts that he will cherish forever. Here are some of the best ideas that you can use to appreciate your dad this coming Father’s Day.

If your dad has been working hard, you can surprise him with a relaxing spa treatment in any of the top-class spas around Singapore. A nice massage, sauna, or Jacuzzi spa baths will make him feel like a king. You can also get him a gift voucher to use at his own convenience, so he can choose the perfect time to enjoy his present.

Dads often have an appreciation for good grooming habits, and luxurious personal items like fragrances, watches, and wallets. If you are stuck on what to buy, designer stores in shopping malls like ION Orchard, Jewel Changi Airport or Raffles City offer a wide range of exclusive options. With so many shops and items to choose from, you’re sure to find just the perfect gift that matches your father’s style and preference.

Why not create a lasting memory for your father by taking him to watch a live event? Whether he is into sports, music, or comedy, you can book tickets and take him out to some of the most premium entertainment centers around Singapore. Some of the best places you can go include Marina Bay Sands, Esplanade, and the Singapore Indoor Stadium.

If your dad is a fan of outdoor activities, why not take him for a nice round of golf or even fishing? You can also organize a day trip to one of Singapore's most serene beaches or nature reserves. Sentosa Island, East Coast Park and Botanic Gardens are some of the places that offer a relaxing atmosphere and a wide range of outdoor activities for both you and your father.

Recall those days when your father carried you on his shoulder or took you for picnics at the park? This Father's Day, plan a lovely picnic with your father in one of Singapore’s many parks like MacRitchie Reservoir Park, Bishan-Ang Mo Kio Park, and West Coast Park. Prepare a simple feast of sandwiches, snacks, and drinks and enjoy some quality bonding time with your dad.

If your father is a foodie, taking him to sample some of the best foods in Singapore may be the perfect way to celebrate. Joo Chiat, Geylang, and Chinatown are just some of the places where you can go and delight in a host of different cuisines like Peranakan, Teochew or Hokkien.

Some dads crave nothing more than a day of rest and relaxation at home. Cook or order his favourite meal, plan a family game or movie night, and just enjoy an evening of bonding and warmth at home. Add some fun into it by preparing a quiz on your father's life and see how well you know this special man.

Regardless of what you choose to do, Father's Day is also a great day to express love and gratitude verbally. You can tell him how much you love and appreciate him and thank him for being there for you through thick and thin. Such expressions of love and gratitude will boost your father’s morale, making him feel on cloud nine.

In conclusion, these are just a few compelling ideas that you can use to make your father feel special this Father’s Day. While we dedicate a day to celebrate fathers, we should aim to cherish and appreciate them every day of the year. Show love and kindness to your father whenever you get the chance – after all, he is the man who helped you grow to where you are today. Happy Father's Day to all dads in Singapore and around the world!

As Father's Day approaches, people in Singapore might have some questions about it. Here are some frequently asked questions:

  1. When is Father's Day in Singapore in 2019?
  2. Father's Day in Singapore falls on Sunday, June 16, 2019.

  3. What is the history of Father's Day?
  4. Father's Day has been celebrated around the world since the early 20th century to honour fathers and fatherhood. It was first celebrated in the US in 1910.

  5. What kinds of gifts can I get for my dad on Father's Day?
  6. There are many options for Father's Day gifts, ranging from traditional gifts such as ties and cologne to more unique and personalised gifts like customised photo frames, DIY gift baskets and meal reservations to his favourite restaurant.

  7. Are there any events or activities happening in Singapore for Father's Day?
  8. There are always activities and events happening in Singapore for Father's Day. Check out local websites for events, concerts, discounts or promotions being offered in your area.

  9. Is Father's Day a public holiday in Singapore?
  10. No, Father's Day is not a public holiday in Singapore.

  11. Can I celebrate Father's Day even if my father has passed away?
  12. Yes, you can still celebrate the love and memories you have of your father on Father's Day, even if he has passed away. Consider visiting his favourite spot or doing something he loved to do in his memory.

People Also Ask about Father's Day 2019 Singapore

1. When is Father's Day 2019 in Singapore?

Father's Day 2019 in Singapore falls on Sunday, June 16th.

2. What are some gift ideas for Father's Day?

There are numerous gift ideas that can make Father's Day special. Some popular options include:

  • Personalized gifts such as custom-made photo albums or engraved accessories.
  • Experiences like a spa day, golfing session, or a concert ticket to his favorite band.
  • Handmade crafts or cards that showcase your creativity and love.
  • Subscription boxes tailored to his interests, such as gourmet food or grooming products.

3. Are there any special events or promotions on Father's Day in Singapore?

Yes, many establishments and attractions in Singapore offer special events and promotions for Father's Day. Some places may have discounted meals or activities specifically tailored for dads. It's always a good idea to check local listings, websites, or social media pages to find out about these offers.

a. Are there any Father's Day brunches or dinners in Singapore?

Yes, several restaurants and hotels in Singapore organize special Father's Day brunches or dinners. These meals often feature delectable menus, live cooking stations, and sometimes even entertainment. It's advisable to make reservations in advance to secure a table at your preferred location.

b. Can I find any Father's Day sales or discounts in Singapore?

Yes, many retail stores and online platforms offer Father's Day sales or discounts on various products. These can range from clothing and accessories to gadgets and home appliances. Keep an eye out for advertisements or visit your favorite stores' websites to stay updated on the latest deals.

4. How else can I celebrate Father's Day in Singapore?

Aside from giving gifts or enjoying special events, there are other ways to celebrate Father's Day in Singapore:

  1. Spend quality time with your dad by going for a walk, having a picnic, or watching a movie together.
  2. Write a heartfelt letter expressing your gratitude and love for your father.
  3. Plan a surprise outing or activity that aligns with his interests or hobbies.
  4. Organize a family gathering or barbecue to honor all the fathers in your extended family.