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Crispy Delight: Savor the Best Oven Fried Chicken in Singapore!

Oven Fried Chicken Singapore

Oven Fried Chicken Singapore offers delicious and crispy chicken made with a healthier twist. Enjoy guilt-free indulgence with our flavorful menu.

Are you tired of greasy, unhealthy fried chicken? Do you wish there was a healthier alternative that still provides that same satisfying crunch and great taste? Look no further than oven fried chicken! And for those in Singapore, we have the perfect recipe to satisfy your cravings.

First, let's talk about the benefits of oven frying versus traditional deep frying. Not only is it a healthier option because it uses less oil, but it also creates less mess and eliminates the danger of hot oil splattering. Plus, with oven frying, you don't have to sacrifice any of that delicious crispy texture.

Now, let's get to the recipe. Start by marinating your chicken in a mixture of buttermilk, garlic, salt, and paprika for at least an hour. Then, coat each piece in a mixture of flour, breadcrumbs, parmesan cheese, and more spices.

Place the coated chicken on a baking sheet and bake in a preheated oven at 200°C for about 25 minutes. Flip the chicken halfway through to ensure even cooking and that perfect crispy texture.

But what if you're craving that classic Singaporean flavor? Add a touch of soy sauce, ginger, and sesame oil to your marinade or sprinkle some chili powder and curry leaves onto your coating mixture.

And for those who want to take it a step further, try using panko breadcrumbs for an extra crunchy exterior or experiment with different spice combinations.

Not convinced yet? Consider this - oven frying gives you the opportunity to get creative with your flavors without sacrificing your health. Plus, think of all the money you'll save not having to constantly restock on frying oil!

So next time you're in the mood for some fried chicken, ditch the grease and try oven frying instead. And with this Singaporean twist, you won't even miss the unhealthy counterpart.

What are you waiting for? Give this recipe a try and become a believer in the magic of oven fried chicken Singapore. Your taste buds (and your waistline) will thank you.


When you hear the words fried chicken, you might think of the deep-fried, greasy fast-food version. But did you know there's a healthier, just as delicious alternative? Oven-fried chicken is a wonderful option that tastes sinfully good while still being relatively healthy! In Singapore, oven-fried chicken is becoming increasingly popular as more people try to maintain a healthy lifestyle

What is Oven-Fried Chicken?

Oven-fried chicken is essentially crispy baked chicken. Instead of using a deep fryer or skillet, the chicken is cooked in the oven at high heat, resulting in a crunchy, golden-brown crust with moist and succulent meat underneath. Unlike deep-fried chicken, oven-fried versions contain less fat, fewer calories, and less grease, making them a more nutritious option.


To make oven-fried chicken, start by choosing the right cuts of chicken. Bone-in chicken thighs are the most flavorful parts, but you can also use chicken breasts if you prefer. Next, make a marinade of your choice; it could be a combination of spices, buttermilk, paprika, salt, and pepper. Let the chicken sit in the marinade for at least an hour or up to overnight. This helps infuse the chicken with the flavors and keeps it moist.


After marinading, remove the chicken from the fridge and let it sit at room temperature for at least 10-15 minutes before breading. Toss the chicken into seasoned flour or breadcrumbs mixture, then coat it in egg. Finally, roll the chicken gently in another layer of seasoned flour or breadcrumbs mixture to create a crispy coating.


Now that the chicken is breaded, preheat your oven to 220°C. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper or aluminum foil, making sure to spray it generously melted butter or vegetable oil. Place the chicken on the tray and bake for 35-40 minutes until golden brown and crispy. Make sure to turn the chicken midway to ensure even cooking.


Once your oven-fried chicken has finished cooking, let it cool down for five minutes before serving. Pair it with a side of steamed vegetables or a salad. Alternatively, you could have it in a sandwich or inside a wrap. Serve it hot with your preferred dipping sauce, and enjoy the delicious, crispy goodness of oven-fried chicken in Singapore.


In conclusion, oven-fried chicken is an easy, flavorful, and healthy alternative to traditional fried chicken. This dish combines the crispiness and flavor of fried chicken without the excess fat and calories. By following the given steps, you can create restaurant-worthy oven-fried chicken in the comfort of your home. So why not indulge in this healthier version of fried chicken today?

Comparison of Oven Fried Chicken Recipes in Singapore

Oven fried chicken has become a popular dish in Singapore. It is a healthier alternative to traditional fried chicken as it is cooked in the oven, resulting in less oil consumption. However, with so many recipes available, it can be challenging to decide which one to try. In this article, we will compare and review some of the best oven fried chicken recipes in Singapore.


The ingredients used in oven fried chicken recipes differ from one recipe to another. Some recipes use a combination of flour and breadcrumbs, while others use only breadcrumbs. Some recipes also include spices such as paprika and garlic powder, while others keep it simple with salt and pepper.

Recipe Flour Breadcrumbs Spices
Recipe 1 1 cup 1 cup Paprika, garlic powder, salt and pepper
Recipe 2 1 cup 2 cups Salt and pepper
Recipe 3 2 cups 1 cup Garlic powder, salt and pepper

Based on the above table, Recipe 2 uses the least amount of spices and ingredients. It is a good option for those who prefer a simple and basic recipe. On the other hand, Recipe 1 and Recipe 3 have a more complex flavor profile, which could appeal to those who enjoy bold and spicy flavors.


Marination is an important step in oven fried chicken recipes as it helps to tenderize the meat and infuse it with flavor. Some recipes require marination for several hours, while others can be made without any marination.

Recipe Marination time Marinade ingredients
Recipe 1 2-4 hours Buttermilk, hot sauce, salt and pepper
Recipe 2 None None
Recipe 3 30 minutes Yogurt, lemon juice, garlic powder, salt and pepper

Recipe 2 does not require any marination, making it the quickest and most convenient option. However, marinating the chicken for a few hours, as in Recipe 1, can result in juicier and more flavorful chicken. Recipe 3 uses yogurt as a marinade ingredient, which can help to tenderize the meat and add a tangy flavor.

Cooking Method

The cooking method used in oven fried chicken recipes can also vary. Some recipes require flipping the chicken halfway through cooking, while others do not. Some recipes also call for a higher oven temperature, resulting in a crispier exterior.

Recipe Temperature Flipping required? Cooking time
Recipe 1 200°C Yes 30-35 minutes
Recipe 2 220°C No 25-30 minutes
Recipe 3 200°C Yes 35-40 minutes

The cooking temperature and flipping requirement can affect the texture of the chicken. Cooking at a higher temperature, as in Recipe 2, can result in a crispier exterior, while flipping the chicken halfway through cooking, as in Recipe 1 and Recipe 3, can ensure that both sides are evenly cooked. However, flipping the chicken can also cause the coating to come off, resulting in a less crispy exterior.

Overall Opinion

Overall, each oven fried chicken recipe has its own unique characteristics and flavor profile. Recipe 2 is a good option for those who prefer a simple and quick recipe, while Recipe 1 and Recipe 3 are more suitable for those who enjoy bold and spicy flavors. Adding a marinade can also result in juicier and more flavorful chicken. When it comes to cooking method, flipping the chicken can ensure even cooking, but may result in a less crispy exterior. Ultimately, the best oven fried chicken recipe depends on personal preference and taste.


Oven-fried chicken is a healthy and easy-to-make dish that's perfect for any occasion. The dish has bounced its way to Singaporean tables due to its appealing crispy taste and fewer calories than traditional fried chicken dishes. With the right ingredients and cooking method, you can achieve crispy, juicy, and flavorful oven-fried chicken that will impress your family and friends.In this article, we will take you through the process of making delicious oven-fried chicken in Singapore step by step.


Here are the ingredients you need to make oven-fried chicken:

  • 4 chicken thighs (with or without skin, depending on preference)
  • 1/2 cup breadcrumbs
  • 1/2 cup flour
  • 1 tablespoon paprika
  • 1 tablespoon garlic powder
  • 1 tablespoon onion powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon black pepper
  • 1/4 cup olive oil
  • 2 eggs


1. Preheat the oven

The first step is to preheat the oven to 200 degrees Celsius. While the oven is warming up, prepare the chicken.

2. Season the chicken

In a small bowl, mix the paprika, garlic powder, onion powder, salt, and black pepper. Then, sprinkle the seasoning mix over the chicken thighs and massage well to ensure they're well coated. Your chicken should be packed with flavor at this stage.

3. Prepare the coating

In a separate bowl, mix the flour, breadcrumbs, and some salt to taste. In another bowl, whisk together the eggs lightly.

4. Coat the chicken

Coat the chicken in the flour mixture, shaking off the excess. Then dip the chicken into the egg mixture, let it drain off and then coat again in the flour mixture. Ensure both sides of the chicken pieces are adequately coated, shaking off the excess coating when necessary.

5. Place chicken in the oven

Place the chicken on a lined baking tray and lightly drizzle with olive oil. Bake for 40-45 minutes or until the chicken is golden brown and crispier. Turn the chicken thighs over after 20 minutes so that they cook evenly on both sides.

6. Let it cool

Once the chicken is cooked, allow it to rest for about 5-10 minutes to retain its moisture before serving. You don't want to serve burnt and dry chicken.

7. Serve

Serve your oven-fried chicken hot or cold, with ketchup, hot sauce, tzatziki, honey mustard, or any dip of your preference. As a Singaporean, you can choose to pair it with rice and beans, salad, or potatoes. Enjoy your homemade, delicious crispy fried chicken!

Tips and Tricks

Below are a few tips and tricks to help you achieve the best results with your oven-fried chicken:

  • When selecting chicken parts, it's essential to choose chicken thighs as they're higher in fat content and stay juicier than other chicken parts.
  • Ensure you pat the chicken dry with a paper towel to eliminate excess moisture. This ensures a crispy texture.
  • Use olive oil sparingly, and be careful to pour it slowly to avoid soggy chicken.
  • Ensure the oven is well preheated to dry out any excess moisture in the chicken, resulting in crispier skin.
  • Avoid overcrowding the baking tray as this increases moisture, which leads to softer skin. Additionally, air flows better when there is space between the chicken pieces, resulting in even cooking.


Oven-fried chicken is an easy, delicious, and healthy way to enjoy your favorite fried chicken recipe without feeling too guilty. With the right ingredients, equipment, and tips, you can achieve the perfect crispy and juicy oven-fried chicken in Singapore. Today, treat yourself to a healthier crispy alternative by making this scrumptious dish for dinner or impressing guests at your next celebration.

Hello and greetings to all our blog visitors! Today's topic is all about Oven Fried Chicken Singapore. Are you in the mood for some crispy, juicy chicken without the excess oil? Look no further as I share with you this easy, fuss-free way to make your own oven-fried chicken right in the comfort of your own kitchen.

Firstly, let me introduce what Oven Fried Chicken is. As the name suggests, it's a healthier alternative to deep-fried chicken, where the chicken is coated in breadcrumbs or cornflakes and baked in the oven until crispy. Not only is it less oily, but also giving you the taste and texture of a classic fried chicken that you love. Yum!

Now, you might be wondering what makes Singapore's Oven Fried Chicken stand out from the rest. Well, Singaporeans have elevated the dish by adding their own unique touch, making it a popular food trend in many cafes and restaurants here. Some places marinate the chicken in spicy Singaporean-style seasoning, while others offer interesting dipping sauces such as Sweet Thai Chilli or Curry Mayo.

If you're eager to try Oven Fried Chicken at home, let me guide you through the process. Firstly, prepare the chicken by washing and patting it dry with paper towels before seasoning it with salt and pepper. You can also use your favourite choice of chicken parts such as wings, drumsticks or thighs depending on your preference.

Next, it's time to prepare the coating for the chicken. Most Oven Fried Chicken recipes require breadcrumbs mixed with seasoning, but you can also interchange with cornflakes, panko crumbs or crushed crackers for a crispy texture. Some people like to add in grated parmesan cheese for an extra flavour boost.

After that, coat the chicken pieces in the coating mixture, ensuring that every part is covered evenly. To make sure the coating sticks, dip the chicken into a beaten egg mixture first before rolling it in the coating. It's important to have a well-coated chicken to achieve that satisfying crunch.

Preheat the oven to 200°C and bake the chicken for about 45 minutes to an hour, depending on the size of the chicken pieces. Remember to flip them over halfway through cooking to ensure they are cooked evenly on both sides. When the chicken turns golden brown and juices run clear from the thicker parts, it's ready!

The best part of making your Oven Fried Chicken is the flexibility to make it your own by adding spices or changing the type of coating. You can also try pairing it with some sides such as potato wedges, coleslaw, or macaroni and cheese for a complete meal.

All in all, Oven Fried Chicken Singapore is a delectable and healthier way to enjoy your favourite fried chicken. Whether you're hosting a party or making dinner for your family, this dish is sure to impress. So, what are you waiting for? Give it a try and let us know how it goes. Happy cooking!

Thank you for taking the time to read through our blog today! We hope that you are now inspired to try making your own Oven Fried Chicken Singapore. Don't forget to share this recipe with your friends and family who may also be interested. We appreciate your continuous support, and see you soon in our next blog post!

Many people also ask about Oven Fried Chicken in Singapore. Here are some commonly asked questions:

  1. What is Oven Fried Chicken?
  2. Oven Fried Chicken is a healthier alternative to traditional fried chicken, where the chicken is baked in the oven instead of being deep-fried. This method results in crispy, flavorful chicken that's lower in fat and calories.

  3. Where can I find Oven Fried Chicken in Singapore?
  4. There are a variety of restaurants and fast food chains that offer Oven Fried Chicken in Singapore, including KFC, Popeyes, Arnold's Fried Chicken, and Texas Chicken.

  5. Is Oven Fried Chicken healthier than traditional fried chicken?
  6. Yes, Oven Fried Chicken is generally considered healthier than traditional fried chicken because it contains less oil and fat. However, it will still depend on how the chicken is prepared and what ingredients are used.

  7. Can I make Oven Fried Chicken at home?
  8. Yes, there are many recipes available online for making Oven Fried Chicken at home. Try using a mixture of breadcrumbs, spices, and egg or buttermilk to coat the chicken before baking it in the oven.

  9. What are some tips for making Oven Fried Chicken crispy?
  10. Some tips for making crispy Oven Fried Chicken include using a wire rack to elevate the chicken while it bakes, using a baking sheet with low walls to allow air to circulate around the chicken, and using a mixture of flour and cornstarch in the coating for extra crispiness.

People Also Ask About Oven Fried Chicken Singapore

1. How do I make oven-fried chicken in Singapore?

To make oven-fried chicken in Singapore, follow these simple steps:

  1. Preheat your oven to the recommended temperature for the recipe.
  2. Prepare the chicken by marinating it in your desired seasonings or coating it in a mixture of flour and spices.
  3. Place the coated chicken pieces on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper or a greased baking dish.
  4. Bake the chicken in the preheated oven for the specified time, or until it reaches an internal temperature of 165°F (74°C).
  5. Remove the chicken from the oven and let it rest for a few minutes before serving.

2. Is oven-fried chicken in Singapore healthier than traditional fried chicken?

Oven-fried chicken in Singapore is generally considered healthier than traditional fried chicken. Since it is cooked using less oil or no oil at all, it contains fewer calories and less fat. However, the taste and texture may differ slightly from traditional fried chicken.

3. Can I use an air fryer to make oven-fried chicken in Singapore?

Yes, you can use an air fryer to make oven-fried chicken in Singapore. Simply follow the same steps as you would for baking in a conventional oven, but adjust the cooking time and temperature according to your air fryer's instructions. Air frying can result in a crispy exterior while reducing the amount of oil used.

4. What are some popular seasonings or coatings for oven-fried chicken in Singapore?

There are various seasonings and coatings you can use for oven-fried chicken in Singapore, depending on your taste preferences. Some popular options include:

  • Classic: Salt, pepper, garlic powder, and paprika
  • Asian-inspired: Soy sauce, ginger, garlic, and sesame oil
  • Spicy: Cayenne pepper, chili powder, and cumin
  • Herb-infused: Thyme, rosemary, parsley, and lemon zest

5. Can I achieve a crispy texture with oven-fried chicken in Singapore?

Yes, it is possible to achieve a crispy texture with oven-fried chicken in Singapore. To enhance crispiness, you can use a combination of flour and breadcrumbs or panko for the coating. Additionally, you can spray the chicken lightly with cooking oil before baking to promote browning and crispness.

Remember, oven-fried chicken in Singapore offers a healthier alternative to traditional fried chicken while still delivering delicious flavors. Experiment with different seasonings and coatings to find your favorite variation!