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Discover the Latest Exchange Rate: Dollar Singapore to Rupiah Conversion

Dollar Singapore To Rupiah

Convert Singapore Dollar (SGD) to Indonesian Rupiah (IDR) easily and instantly. Get the latest exchange rates and make your currency conversions now!

Do you know the current exchange rate between Dollar Singapore to Rupiah? As an investor or traveler, keeping track of the currency value of a particular destination is essential. Understanding the conversion rates can help you make informed decisions about when to buy or sell currencies, how much money to carry, and what to expect while on a trip. In this article, we will explore the current trends, challenges, and opportunities in the SGD to IDR exchange rate.

Firstly, let's delve a little deeper into why the Dollar Singapore to Rupiah exchange rate matters. If you are a business owner looking to expand your operations or import/export goods, understanding the currency value of different countries is crucial. Anytime you engage in international trade, you need to convert the local currency into the foreign currency. It's essential to calculate exchange rates accurately, as even a small fluctuation in exchange rates can result in huge losses.

The SGD to IDR exchange rate is currently 10,548.45. This price may vary depending on several factors such as market demand and supply, monetary policies, economic stability, and geopolitical events. Due to this volatility, investing in the Singaporean or Indonesian currency can be tricky. A smart investor would know what factors to analyze, which indicators to monitor, and what strategies to use to make informed decisions.

Now, let's take a moment to look at some historical trends to see how the Dollar Singapore to Rupiah exchange rate has behaved over the years. From 2016 to early 2020, the exchange rate was relatively stable at around 9,000 IDR to 1 SGD. However, in the latter part of 2020, there was a sharp drop in the Rupiah's value, and the exchange rate fell to over 10,500. It was said that the COVID-19 pandemic had a significant impact on Indonesia's economic growth, leading to the currency's depreciation.

So, what does this mean for investors and travelers alike? For investors, this could be an excellent opportunity to purchase more Rupiahs while they are relatively low in value. If Indonesia's economy recovers, and the Rupiah appreciates, investors stand to make significant returns. On the other hand, for travelers visiting Indonesia, the weaker Rupiah translates to more affordable accommodation, food, and transportation costs. It's a win-win situation for both parties.

There are several ways to exchange currencies, such as through banks, money changers, or online forex brokers. It's crucial to shop around for the best rates and avoid scams or counterfeit currency. If you choose to exchange money at a physical location, do not count the money in public, and keep your cash safe and secure.

So, we have established the importance of understanding the Dollar Singapore to Rupiah exchange rate, the current trends, historical data, and investment opportunities. As with any investment, there are risks involved. However, with proper research and analysis, you can make informed decisions that align with your investment goals. Happy investing, and we hope this article has been helpful.

The relationship between the Singapore Dollar (SGD) and Indonesian Rupiah (IDR) has been one of the most closely watched currency market dynamics in recent times. Changes in one currency’s value can have a direct impact on the other currency’s exchange rate, and this is particularly true for the SGD and IDR.

Dollar Singapore vs Rupiah: An Overview

The SGD is widely seen as a major currency in Asia, with an average daily turnover of around $300 billion USD. Meanwhile, the IDR is a developing market currency that has seen strong growth potential in recent times. The relationship between these currencies is therefore driven by a number of key factors, including both economic fundamentals and geopolitical considerations.

At present, the exchange rate between the SGD and IDR is characterized by significant volatility, meaning that traders and investors need to be particularly careful when navigating these markets. One key factor driving this volatility is the recent economic turbulence in Indonesia, which has caused many investors to become wary about placing their funds in this country.

The Impact of Economic Turbulence in Indonesia

Indonesia has been hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic, with GDP growth expected to drop sharply in 2020. This has led to a number of challenges for the country, including a weakening currency and rising inflation rates. As a result, many investors have become much more cautious when it comes to investing in Indonesian assets, including the IDR.

In contrast, the Singapore economy has remained relatively stable in recent times, with low levels of inflation and a strong currency helping to support growth in the country. This has led to the SGD becoming the currency of choice for many investors looking to access Asian markets.

The Role of Interest Rates in Exchange Rate Dynamics

Another key factor driving the relationship between the SGD and IDR is the interest rate differential between these two currencies. In general, higher interest rates tend to attract foreign investment, since they provide a relatively high return on investment compared to other markets.

At present, the Bank of Indonesia has set a relatively high interest rate of 5%, which has helped to support the value of the IDR to some extent. However, this interest rate differential is expected to narrow in coming months, as the Monetary Authority of Singapore is likely to cut interest rates in response to the ongoing economic challenges caused by the pandemic.


Overall, the relationship between the SGD and IDR remains complex and intertwined, with a range of factors driving exchange rate dynamics between these two currencies. While Indonesia faces significant economic challenges in the short term, there are also significant opportunities for the country in the longer term, particularly if it can diversify its economy and attract more foreign investment.

Meanwhile, the SGD continues to be a strong currency in the region, with low levels of inflation and a supportive monetary policy helping to drive growth in Singapore. As such, investors looking to navigate the relationship between these two currencies would do well to stay abreast of economic developments in both countries, and take a measured approach when placing their funds in the market.


When travelling or doing business in Southeast Asia, it is important to be aware of the currency exchange rates. In this article, we will be comparing the Dollar Singapore (SGD) to Indonesian Rupiah (IDR). We will look into the history of these currencies and how they have fared against each other in recent years.

History of the Dollar Singapore and Indonesian Rupiah

The dollar Singapore was introduced as a currency in 1967, replacing the Malaya and British Borneo dollar. The SGD is currently ranked as the 13th most traded currency in the world. On the other hand, the Indonesian rupiah has been used since the 1940s, and its value fluctuated significantly after the Asian financial crisis in 1997. Currently, it is the 15th most traded currency in the world.

Exchange Rate

In July 2021, the exchange rate between SGD and IDR was 10,709.44 IDR for every 1 SGD. This means that 1 IDR is worth approximately 0.000093 SGD. Looking at the exchange rate over the past five years, there has been a general trend of decline for the Indonesian rupiah against the Singapore dollar, except during periodic spike events that temporarily increase the value of IDR.

Year SGD to IDR Exchange Rate
2017 9,759.76
2018 10,507.83
2019 9,592.46
2020 10,129.81
2021 10,709.44

Factors Affecting the Exchange Rate

There are many factors that can affect the exchange rate between currencies. In the case of SGD and IDR, some of the key factors include political stability in Indonesia, the strength of Singapore's economy, inflation rates, and even global events such as the COVID-19 pandemic.

Inflation Rates

The rate of inflation is one of the most important factors to take into consideration when assessing the value of a currency. High inflation rates can make a currency less valuable, while low or stable inflation rates can help a currency remain strong. Indonesia has consistently struggled with high inflation rates, which can have an impact on the value of the rupiah compared to other currencies such as the Singapore dollar.

Political Stability in Indonesia

The level of political stability in a country can also have an impact on its currency. This is because investors and businesses are more likely to invest in a country that is politically stable and unlikely to experience major upheavals. Political instability or unrest can contribute to a decline in the value of a currency, which in turn can lead to higher levels of inflation.

Singapore's Economy

Singapore's economy is known for being one of the most stable and prosperous in Asia. The country has a highly developed financial sector, robust infrastructure, and is home to many multinational companies. These factors all contribute to the strength of the Singapore dollar compared to other currencies such as the Indonesian rupiah.


Overall, the exchange rate between SGD and IDR has been largely unfavorable to the rupiah over recent years. This is likely due to various factors such as political instability, high inflation rates, and a less developed economy in Indonesia compared to Singapore. While this may make travel or business in Indonesia more expensive for those with SGD, it is important to keep in mind that exchange rates are subject to change and many other factors can affect currency values.


Are you planning to travel to Indonesia and wondering how much money you need for your trip? You might want to know the current exchange rate of Singapore Dollars to Indonesian Rupiahs. In this article, we’ll discuss the tips and tricks on how to get the most favorable exchange rate when converting SGD to IDR.

Know the current exchange rate

Before exchanging any currency, it’s important to know the current exchange rate. You can always check online or download a currency converter app on your phone. As of writing, one SGD equals 10,432.22 IDR, but the rate can change anytime due to various factors like economic and political condition.

Choose the right place to exchange currency

The rate you see online may not be the same as the actual rate offered by money changers or banks. Some may have hidden fees or commission that could lower the amount of money you will receive. It’s best to compare rates from different sources and choose the one with the most competitive price.


Banks usually offer a slightly better rate than money changers, but the process may take longer especially if you’re not their customer yet. Also, most banks in Indonesia require ID card or passport for foreign exchange transactions.

Money changers

Money changers are more accessible and convenient than banks because they don’t require any documents to exchange currencies. However, not all money changers have good reputation and some may scam tourists by giving fake notes or shortchanging them. Look for licensed and reputable money changers with good feedback from previous customers.

Use small bills and avoid torn or old notes

When exchanging SGD to IDR, it’s better to use small bills like $10 or $20 instead of $50 or $100. This is because most shops and restaurants in Indonesia only accept small denominations due to the risk of counterfeit notes. Also, avoid using torn or old notes because some money changers may reject them or give a lower exchange rate for damaged bills.

Check the transaction receipt and count the money correctly

Always ask for a transaction receipt and check if the amount you’re receiving is the same as the one indicated on the rate board. Also, make sure to count the money correctly and notify the money changer immediately if there are discrepancies.

Use credit card or withdraw from ATM

If you don’t want to carry cash and worry about getting mugged or lost, you can use your credit card for purchases or withdraw from an ATM. Most ATMs in major cities have an English language option and accept foreign cards. However, be aware of the withdrawal fees and currency conversion charges imposed by your bank.

Beware of scams and tourist traps

Scammers and touts are common in popular tourist destinations in Indonesia. They may offer you a better exchange rate or lure you into their stores with fake discounts or freebies. Always be vigilant and trust your instinct when dealing with strangers. Also, avoid exchanging money or buying souvenirs from street vendors or unlicensed sellers.


Exchange rate is just one aspect of financial matters when traveling to another country. It’s important to plan your budget wisely and keep track of your expenses to avoid overspending or running out of money. By following the tips and tricks mentioned above, you can save more and enjoy your trip to Indonesia without worrying too much about money.

Hello visitors,

We hope you have found our article about Dollar Singapore to Rupiah informative and helpful. In this article, we have discussed various aspects of the currency exchange rate between Singapore and Indonesia.

As you may already know, the currency exchange rate plays a crucial role in international trade and business, as well as personal finance. Therefore, it is essential to keep track of the exchange rate between two countries, especially if you are planning a visit or dealing with foreign currencies.

Firstly, we have discussed the background of both currencies and their significance in the global economy. The Singapore dollar is known for its stability and is widely used in international trade, investments, and financial transactions. On the other hand, the Indonesian rupiah has a volatile history but has shown signs of improvement in recent years due to government policies and economic growth.

Then, we have delved into the factors that influence the exchange rate between these two currencies, such as interest rates, inflation, political stability, and demand and supply. These factors are dynamic and keep changing, making it challenging to predict the future exchange rate accurately.

Moreover, we have compared the current exchange rate of Dollar Singapore to Rupiah and analyzed its trend in recent years. As per the latest data, one Singapore dollar is equivalent to around ten thousand Indonesian rupiah. However, the exchange rate has fluctuated significantly in the past decade, with a high of around twelve thousand rupiahs and a low of around eight thousand rupiahs per dollar.

Furthermore, we have also discussed the impact of the exchange rate on various sectors, such as exports, imports, tourism, and remittances. A favorable exchange rate can boost exports and tourism revenues, while an unfavorable exchange rate can increase the cost of imports and reduce remittances. Therefore, it is essential to monitor the exchange rate and devise appropriate strategies to mitigate its impact.

In addition, we have provided some tips on how you can make the most of your money while exchanging Singapore dollar to rupiah. For example, you can compare rates from various banks and money changers, avoid exchanging currency at airports or tourist spots, and keep a tab on the latest exchange rates.

Lastly, we have concluded that while the exchange rate between Dollar Singapore to Rupiah may fluctuate, there are ways to manage its impact and make informed decisions. By staying informed and following best practices, you can ensure that your financial transactions are not affected by volatile exchange rates.

We hope you have enjoyed reading our article and gained valuable insights into the exchange rate between Singapore and Indonesia. Please feel free to leave your feedback or questions in the comments section below.

Thank you for visiting our blog, and we look forward to sharing more useful information with you in the future.

People Also Ask About Dollar Singapore To Rupiah:

  1. What is the current exchange rate of Singapore Dollar to Rupiah?
  2. The current exchange rate for SGD to IDR varies from time to time. You can check it on various websites or currency converters, and it's important to keep track because the rate can affect your financial transactions involving these currencies.

  3. Where can I exchange Singapore Dollar to Rupiah?
  4. You can exchange Singapore Dollar to Rupiah at banks, money changers, and airports in major cities. Make sure to compare rates and fees to get the best deal, and be wary of scams and counterfeit bills.

  5. Is it better to exchange Singapore Dollar to Rupiah in Indonesia?
  6. It might be better to exchange Singapore Dollar to Rupiah in Indonesia if you can find a reliable and trustworthy money changer or bank that offers competitive rates and low fees. However, it's also advisable to have some local currency on hand when you arrive at your destination, so you might want to exchange some before you leave.

  7. Can I use Singapore Dollars in Indonesia?
  8. Technically, you cannot use Singapore Dollars in Indonesia, as the official currency there is the Rupiah. However, some shops and tourist destinations might accept SGD, especially in popular tourist areas. Nevertheless, it's still recommended to have Rupiah for most transactions, especially in smaller towns.

  9. What is the best way to transfer money from Singapore to Indonesia?
  10. The best way to transfer money from Singapore to Indonesia depends on various factors, such as the amount, speed, and safety of the transfer, as well as the fees and exchange rate. You can use bank transfers, online money transfer services, or remittance companies that specialize in international transfers. Compare their rates and fees to find the most suitable option.

People Also Ask About Dollar Singapore to Rupiah

1. What is the current exchange rate between the Singapore Dollar (SGD) and Indonesian Rupiah (IDR)?

The current exchange rate between the Singapore Dollar (SGD) and Indonesian Rupiah (IDR) fluctuates and can vary depending on market conditions. It is recommended to check with a reliable currency exchange platform or consult a financial institution for the most accurate and up-to-date exchange rate.

2. Where can I exchange Singapore Dollars to Indonesian Rupiah?

You can exchange Singapore Dollars to Indonesian Rupiah at various locations, including banks, currency exchange counters, and authorized money changers. It is advisable to compare rates and fees offered by different providers to ensure you get the best deal.

2.1 Are there any restrictions or requirements for exchanging currencies?

Some countries may have specific regulations regarding currency exchange. It is advisable to check the local laws and regulations of both Singapore and Indonesia to ensure compliance with any requirements or restrictions when exchanging currencies.

3. Can I use Singapore Dollars in Indonesia?

While some businesses in popular tourist areas may accept Singapore Dollars, it is generally recommended to use Indonesian Rupiah for transactions within the country. Ensure you have enough local currency for your needs, as using foreign currency may result in unfavorable exchange rates or additional charges.

3.1 Is it better to exchange Singapore Dollars to Rupiah in Singapore or Indonesia?

It is generally more convenient to exchange your Singapore Dollars to Indonesian Rupiah in Indonesia, as you are likely to receive a better exchange rate due to the local market conditions. However, it is advisable to have a small amount of local currency before arriving to cover immediate expenses.

4. What factors can affect the exchange rate between SGD and IDR?

The exchange rate between SGD and IDR can be influenced by various factors, including economic conditions, interest rates, inflation rates, political stability, and market speculation. These factors can cause fluctuations in the exchange rate, making it important to monitor the market and seek professional advice if needed.

4.1 How can I stay updated with the latest exchange rates between SGD and IDR?

You can stay updated with the latest exchange rates between SGD and IDR through financial news websites, currency exchange platforms, or by contacting your bank or financial institution. Additionally, there are mobile apps available that provide real-time exchange rate information for convenience.

5. Can I use my credit card or debit card in Indonesia?

Yes, credit cards and debit cards are generally accepted in popular tourist areas, hotels, and larger establishments in Indonesia. However, it is advisable to inform your bank or credit card provider about your travel plans to avoid any potential issues with card usage while abroad. It is also recommended to carry some cash for smaller businesses or areas where card acceptance may be limited.

5.1 Are there any fees or charges for using my card in Indonesia?

There may be transaction fees or foreign exchange fees associated with using your credit card or debit card in a foreign country like Indonesia. It is best to check with your card issuer to understand any applicable fees and charges to avoid surprises on your statement.