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Convert Singapore Dollar to Taka: Updated Exchange Rates and Conversion Guide

Singapore Dollar To Taka

The Singapore Dollar to Taka exchange rate indicates the value of 1 Singapore Dollar in Bangladeshi Taka. Stay updated with the latest rates.

Are you planning to travel to Bangladesh? Or perhaps, you're eyeing a business venture in one of the fastest-growing economies in Asia? Whatever your reason may be, it's important to familiarize yourself with the currency exchange rates. In this article, we'll take a closer look at the Singapore dollar to taka exchange rate and how it can affect your plans.

First off, let's start with the basics. The Singapore dollar (SGD) is the official currency of Singapore, whereas the taka (BDT) is the official currency of Bangladesh. As of August 2021, the SGD to BDT exchange rate is approximately 59.46. This means that for every 1 SGD, you'll get around 59.46 BDT.

Now, you might be wondering - what factors influence the SGD to BDT exchange rate? Well, there are several things that can affect it. One major factor is the economic stability of both countries. If the economy of Singapore is doing well, the SGD may become stronger, thereby resulting in a higher exchange rate. On the other hand, if Bangladesh is undergoing an economic downturn, the BDT may weaken, resulting in a lower exchange rate.

Aside from economic factors, political stability can also impact exchange rates. Any significant political events or changes in government policies could lead to fluctuations in the exchange rate between the SGD and BDT. This is why it's important to stay updated on current events and news related to Singapore and Bangladesh.

Now, let's talk about the practical implications of the SGD to BDT exchange rate. If you're traveling to Bangladesh, you'll need to convert your SGD to BDT in order to pay for goods and services. Knowing the current exchange rate can help you budget your expenses and avoid getting ripped off by money changers. Additionally, if you're doing business in Bangladesh, understanding the exchange rate is crucial for determining pricing and profit margins.

One thing to note is that exchange rates are constantly fluctuating. This means that the SGD to BDT exchange rate may be different tomorrow than it is today. It's always a good idea to check the current exchange rate before making any financial transactions.

There are several websites and apps that provide up-to-date information on exchange rates. Some of the most popular ones include XE Currency Converter, OANDA Currency Converter, and Yahoo Finance Currency Converter.

When it comes to exchanging currencies, it's important to choose a reputable money changer to avoid scams or fraudulent activities. Look for money changers with good reviews and reasonable exchange rates. You can also consider exchanging your currency at a bank or authorized foreign exchange dealer

In conclusion, understanding the SGD to BDT exchange rate is essential for anyone planning to travel or do business in Bangladesh. Economic and political factors can affect the exchange rate, which is why it's important to stay updated on current events. Remember to always double-check the exchange rate before making any financial transactions and choose a reputable money changer to avoid scams. With these tips in mind, you'll be able to navigate the world of currency exchanges with ease.

The Singapore Dollar to Taka exchange rate is a popular topic for investors and travelers alike. Singapore and Bangladesh are two countries that have vastly different economies, but their respective currencies are strongly linked by trade and tourism.

Overview of the Singapore Economy

Singapore is a small island nation in Southeast Asia that has emerged as one of the world's strongest and most prosperous economies. According to World Bank reports, Singapore had a GDP of $340 billion in 2020, making it the 4th wealthiest country in the world in terms of GDP per capita.

Singapore is a hub for international trade, with nearly two-thirds of its GDP stemming from exports. Major industries in Singapore include finance, pharmaceuticals, and electronics manufacturing. The island nation's central bank, the Monetary Authority of Singapore, plays a vital role in regulating and stabilizing the economy.

Overview of the Bangladesh Economy

Bangladesh is a much larger country compared to Singapore, home to over 165 million people. However, it is also one of the world's poorest nations, with a GDP per capita of just $1,908 in 2020, according to the World Bank. The Bangladeshi economy has seen significant progress in recent years thanks to textile manufacturing and remittances from overseas workers.

However, the Bangladeshi taka has struggled with volatility in the foreign exchange market, largely due to factors such as political instability, weak economic performance, and natural disasters.

The Singapore Dollar to Taka Exchange Rate

The Singapore dollar (SGD) is a stable currency that is frequently used as a benchmark for other Asian currencies, including the taka (BDT). As of April 2021, the exchange rate of SGD to BDT was approximately S$1 to 60 BDT.

This means that if you are a Singapore resident traveling to Bangladesh as a tourist, it is essential to exchange your SGD to BDT before embarking on your trip. You can exchange currency at banks and exchange bureaus across both countries but be sure to compare rates and fees to get the best deal.

Factors Affecting the Exchange Rate

Like all foreign exchange rates, the SGD to BDT exchange rate is subject to fluctuation based on a variety of economic and political factors. These include:

  • Differences in interest rates between Singapore and Bangladesh
  • Economic growth and stability in both countries
  • Inflation rates
  • Trade relations and foreign investment
  • Political stability

Using Credit Cards and ATMs in Singapore and Bangladesh

If you are traveling to Singapore or Bangladesh, it's important to know how to use your credit cards and bank cards to avoid any issues with currency exchange. Most major credit cards are widely accepted in Singapore, particularly in tourist areas and high-end establishments such as hotels and restaurants.

In Bangladesh, however, credit card usage is much less common due to the prevalence of cash-based transactions. ATM machines are available in larger cities such as Dhaka and Chittagong, but it's recommended to always have some cash on hand for smaller purchases.


The Singapore Dollar to Taka exchange rate is an important aspect to consider for travelers and investors alike. While the SGD is a stable and strong currency, the BDT struggles with volatility primarily due to weak economic performance in Bangladesh. By understanding the factors that influence the exchange rate, travelers can ensure that they have the necessary currency for their trip, while investors can use this knowledge to make informed decisions about foreign exchange trades and investments.

Comparison Between Singapore Dollar and Taka


The Singapore dollar (SGD) and Taka (BDT) are two of the widely known currencies in Asia. The SGD is the official currency of Singapore while the BDT is the official currency of Bangladesh. Both currencies have different exchange rates and purchasing power, making them a topic of interest for comparison. This article aims to analyze and compare these currencies based on several aspects.

Historical Overview

The SGD was introduced in 1965 after Singapore gained independence from Malaysia. At that time, it was pegged to the British Pound Sterling. In 1973, it was allowed to float freely, and its value was determined by market forces. On the other hand, the BDT has been the official currency of Bangladesh since 1971 when it achieved independence from Pakistan. Initially, the taka was valued at parity with the Indian rupee, but it has since been devalued multiple times.

Exchange Rate

As of August 2021, 1 SGD is equivalent to 62.26 BDT. This means that the SGD has a higher value than the BDT. The exchange rate has been fluctuating over the years, but the SGD has maintained its relative strength over the BDT.


Inflation is a crucial aspect that affects the value of a currency. Singapore has been able to maintain low inflation rates over the years due to its strong economic policies. In July 2021, the inflation rate in Singapore was 2.4%. In contrast, Bangladesh had an inflation rate of 5.57% in June 2021. Higher inflation rates mean that the purchasing power of a currency decreases over time.


Singapore is one of the world's largest trading hubs, with a robust and diversified economy. The country has implemented policies that encourage free trade and investment, making it an attractive destination for investors. In 2020, Singapore's total trade volume was around USD 966 billion. On the other hand, Bangladesh's economy is heavily reliant on exports, particularly in the garment industry. In 2019, Bangladesh's total export was around USD 46 billion.

Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

The GDP of a country is an important indicator of its economic performance. In 2020, Singapore's GDP was around USD 323 billion, while Bangladesh's GDP was around USD 303 billion. However, Singapore's per capita income is much higher than Bangladesh's per capita income (USD 64,937 versus USD 1,954, respectively).


Singapore is a popular tourist destination known for its modern architecture, diverse culture, and efficient public transport. According to the Singapore Tourism Board, the country welcomed over 2.7 million tourists in the first quarter of 2021. In contrast, Bangladesh received only 1.1 million international tourists in 2019, according to the Bangladesh Tourism Board.


Overall, the SGD and BDT are two distinct currencies that have different exchange rates, inflation rates, trade volumes, GDPs, and tourism industries. Both currencies have their strengths and weaknesses, making them suitable for different purposes. Investors and traders should carefully consider these aspects when dealing with these currencies.

Currency Exchange rate (August 2021) Inflation rate (July 2021) Total trade volume (2020) GDP (2020) Per capita income (2020) International tourist arrivals (2019)
SGD 1 SGD = 62.26 BDT 2.4% USD 966 billion USD 323 billion USD 64,937 NA
BDT 100 BDT = 1.61 SGD 5.57% USD 46 billion USD 303 billion USD 1,954 1.1 million

Are you planning to travel or do business in Singapore and Bangladesh? If yes, one important thing you need to know is the conversion rate between Singapore Dollar and Taka.

Understanding the Currency Exchange Rate

The exchange rate tells you how much of one currency you can get for another. In this case, it tells you how much Taka you can get for a Singapore Dollar and vice versa. The exchange rate is not static and varies depending on the market forces of supply and demand.

To get the most out of your money, it's important to keep an eye on the exchange rate and make transactions at the right time when the rate is favorable to you.

Using Online converters

There are many online currency converters available that can give you updated and accurate exchange rates. So, whether you're converting SGD to Taka or Taka to SGD, all you need to do is enter the amount you want to convert, and you will get the result in seconds.

Currency exchange websites

You can also visit currency exchange websites that offer a comparison of exchange rates from different providers to find the best deal. Be sure to find a website that updates its exchange rates regularly.

The Best Time to Convert SGD to Taka

The exchange rate is not constant and fluctuates frequently. Therefore, timing is critical. It's important to keep an eye on the currency exchange rate before you convert your money. When the value of Singapore Dollar gets low compared to the Taka, it could be a good time to convert it to Taka.

Where to Exchange SGD to Taka?

You can exchange your Singapore Dollar to Taka in several places, such as banks, money changers, and airports. The one you choose will depend on your preference, but it's always wise to compare the exchange rates across all the options available to find the best deal.


Banks are the most convenient and reliable places to exchange currency. However, since they have high overhead costs, their rates may not be the best. Banks also charge transaction fees, so be sure to check for any additional charges before conducting the transaction.

Money Changers

Money changers are another option to consider. They offer better rates than banks, making them a popular choice among travelers. You can easily find money changers around the city, but do check their reputation and never hesitate to negotiate the rates.


If you prefer to exchange your currency at the airport, don't expect the best rates. Exchange rates at airports are often lower than other exchange outlets, and the transaction fees can be exceptionally high. It's recommended to convert only a little at the airport and look for cheaper options in the city.


Knowing how to convert Singapore Dollars to Taka is essential when traveling or doing business between Singapore and Bangladesh. By keeping an eye on the exchange rates through online converters and choosing the right place to exchange currencies, you can save a significant amount of money. Remember that timing is critical, so make sure to exchange your currency when the exchange rate is favorable to you.

Welcome to our blog discussing the exchange rate of Singapore Dollar (SGD) to Taka (BDT). We understand that this topic holds immense importance to anyone who is either traveling to Singapore or planning on investing in its currency. Therefore, we have delved deep into the factors affecting the exchange rate, historical trends, and current market conditions to help you make informed decisions.

Firstly, let us understand how exchange rates work. An exchange rate is defined as the value of one currency against another. In the case of SGD to BDT, it refers to how much BDT one can purchase with one SGD. This rate fluctuates based on various economic, political, and social factors.

One of the significant factors affecting the SGD to BDT exchange rate is the trade relations between Singapore and Bangladesh. Singapore is one of the top trading partners of Bangladesh, with a trade volume of $2 billion in the financial year 2019-20. Any changes in this trade volume due to external or internal factors can affect the exchange rate.

Another factor affecting the SGD to BDT exchange rate is the interest rate differential between the two countries. Singapore is known for maintaining a high-interest rate environment to prevent inflation, leading to increased demand for its currency. On the other hand, Bangladesh experiences relatively lower interest rates, making its currency less attractive.

Political stability is also an important factor that affects the exchange rate. In recent years, Singapore has maintained political stability, which has helped maintain its currency's value. However, Bangladesh has a history of political instability, which has a negative impact on the country's economy and currency.

The COVID-19 pandemic has also played a major role in affecting the exchange rate of SGD to BDT. The ongoing crisis has impacted economies worldwide, leading to market volatility, and affecting currency values.

Historically, the SGD to BDT exchange rate has shown an upward trend. In 2010, one SGD was worth approximately 51 BDT, which increased to 62.85 BDT in June 2021. The exchange rate reached a peak of 66.29 BDT in March 2020, during the onset of the pandemic, and has since then stabilized at around 63-64 BDT per SGD.

So, what does this mean for you as a visitor or investor? If you are traveling to Singapore soon, keeping an eye on the exchange rate can help you get the best value for your money while exchanging currencies. On the other hand, if you are interested in investing in SGD, it is crucial to keep track of the current market conditions and historical trends to make informed decisions.

While predicting exchange rate fluctuations is challenging, staying up-to-date with the latest developments can help you understand the possible impacts on the currency's value. It is advisable to consult experts in finance and international trade to better understand the market conditions and ensure that you make sound financial decisions.

As we conclude our discussion on the SGD to BDT exchange rate, we hope that you found this article informative and valuable. We would like to remind our readers that exchange rates are volatile and can change rapidly. Therefore, it is essential to monitor the latest trends to stay ahead and avoid any unforeseen losses. Keep checking our blog for more insights on currency exchange rates, and don't forget to make informed decisions!

People Also Ask about Singapore Dollar to Taka:

  1. What is the current exchange rate between Singapore Dollar and Taka?
  2. The current exchange rate between Singapore Dollar and Taka varies depending on the market conditions. You can check the latest exchange rate online or contact your bank for more details.

  3. Can I use Singapore Dollars in Bangladesh?
  4. No, you cannot use Singapore Dollars in Bangladesh. You need to convert your Singapore Dollars to Bangladeshi Taka before you can use them in Bangladesh.

  5. Where can I exchange Singapore Dollars to Bangladeshi Taka?
  6. You can exchange Singapore Dollars to Bangladeshi Taka at any authorized money changer or bank that deals with foreign currencies. You can also use online currency exchange platforms to convert your currency.

  7. What is the best time to convert Singapore Dollars to Taka?
  8. The best time to convert Singapore Dollars to Taka is when the exchange rate is favourable. Keep an eye on the market trends and exchange rate fluctuations to know when it is the best time to convert your currency.

  9. Are there any restrictions on the amount of Singapore Dollars that can be converted to Taka?
  10. Yes, there are certain restrictions on the amount of Singapore Dollars that can be converted to Taka. You need to check with the regulatory authorities for the latest guidelines on foreign exchange transactions.

People Also Ask About Singapore Dollar to Taka

1. What is the exchange rate between Singapore Dollar (SGD) and Taka (BDT)?

The exchange rate between Singapore Dollar (SGD) and Taka (BDT) fluctuates on a daily basis due to various economic factors. To find the most accurate and up-to-date exchange rate, it is recommended to check with reputable currency exchange platforms or financial institutions.

2. Where can I exchange Singapore Dollar to Taka in Singapore?

In Singapore, you can exchange Singapore Dollar to Taka at authorized money changers, banks, or currency exchange booths located at airports, shopping malls, or major tourist areas. It is advisable to compare the exchange rates and fees offered by different establishments before making a transaction.

3. Are there any restrictions on exchanging Singapore Dollar to Taka?

While there are generally no restrictions on exchanging Singapore Dollar to Taka, it is always wise to check with the relevant authorities or institutions for any specific regulations or limitations that may be in place at the time of your transaction.

4. Can I use Singapore Dollars in Bangladesh?

No, Singapore Dollars are not widely accepted as a form of currency in Bangladesh. The official currency of Bangladesh is the Bangladeshi Taka (BDT). It is recommended to exchange your Singapore Dollars to Taka before traveling to Bangladesh or upon arrival at the airport or authorized currency exchange locations.

5. Is it better to exchange Singapore Dollar to Taka in Singapore or in Bangladesh?

The answer to this question depends on various factors such as exchange rates, fees, convenience, and personal preferences. It is advisable to compare the exchange rates and fees offered in both Singapore and Bangladesh to determine which option provides the most favorable terms for your currency exchange.

6. Can I use my credit card or debit card in Bangladesh?

Yes, credit cards and debit cards are widely accepted in major establishments such as hotels, restaurants, and shopping centers in Bangladesh. However, it is recommended to inform your bank or card issuer about your travel plans to ensure that your cards will work without any issues while you are in Bangladesh.

7. What is the best way to carry money when traveling to Bangladesh from Singapore?

When traveling to Bangladesh from Singapore, it is advisable to carry a combination of cash (in Taka) and internationally accepted debit or credit cards. This provides flexibility and ensures that you have access to money in case of any unforeseen circumstances or limited acceptance of cards in certain locations.

8. Are there any limits on the amount of money I can bring from Singapore to Bangladesh?

While there are generally no limits on the amount of money you can bring from Singapore to Bangladesh, it is advisable to check with the relevant authorities or institutions for any specific regulations or reporting requirements that may be in place at the time of your travel.

In conclusion,

Exchanging Singapore Dollar to Taka can be done at authorized currency exchange establishments in Singapore or upon arrival in Bangladesh. It is important to compare exchange rates and fees, as well as be aware of any restrictions or regulations that may apply. It is also advisable to carry a combination of cash and cards when traveling to ensure financial flexibility.