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Discover the Current Exchange Rate of the Singapore Dollar in Bangladesh for Hassle-Free Transactions

Singapore Dollar In Bangladesh

Singapore Dollar in Bangladesh: Get the latest exchange rates and find out how to convert SGD to BDT. Discover the value of SGD in the Bangladeshi market.

Are you looking for an alternative currency to use in Bangladesh? Look no further than the Singapore dollar. With its stability, ease of use, and convenience, the Singapore dollar is quickly becoming a popular choice for many in Bangladesh.

Did you know that as of 2021, the Singapore dollar has a higher exchange rate compared to many other currencies, including the US dollar and the Euro? This makes it an attractive option for those looking to invest or do business in Singapore.

In Bangladesh, the use of the Singapore dollar has been growing steadily in recent years. This is due in part to the country's close ties with Singapore, which has resulted in an increase in trade and investment between the two nations.

But what exactly makes the Singapore dollar such a good option for use in Bangladesh? For one, it is a stable currency that is backed by a strong economy. In addition, it is widely accepted at many businesses and financial institutions in Bangladesh, making it easy to use and exchange.

Another advantage of using the Singapore dollar in Bangladesh is its convenience. Many people find it easier to carry around a few Singapore dollars rather than large amounts of Bangladesh taka, especially when traveling or doing business abroad.

But how do you go about obtaining and using the Singapore dollar in Bangladesh? It's actually quite simple. You can exchange your Bangladesh taka for Singapore dollars at most major banks and money changers. And once you have the currency in hand, you can use it at any business or financial institution that accepts it.

It's important to note that while the use of the Singapore dollar in Bangladesh is growing, it is still not as widely accepted as other currencies. As such, it's always a good idea to check with businesses and financial institutions beforehand to ensure they accept the currency.

So why should you consider using the Singapore dollar in Bangladesh? For one, it offers stability and convenience that other currencies may not provide. Additionally, its growing acceptance in Bangladesh makes it an attractive choice for those looking to do business or travel abroad.

Overall, the Singapore dollar is a valuable currency to have in your financial arsenal if you are doing business or traveling in Bangladesh. So why not give it a try and see for yourself how it can benefit you?


Singapore, a small island nation with a mighty financial status, has been the backbone of Southeast Asia's financial and global trade for years. To this end, its currency, the Singapore Dollar, has become ubiquitous in the region and adopted by other nations as one of their reserve currencies. Bangladesh is one country that has carried out such operations and here are some critical aspects you need to know about Singapore Dollar in Bangladesh.

Currency Exchange Rate

The exchange rate between the Singapore Dollar and Bangladesh Taka has seen drastic variations over the years. As of 31st May 2021, the current exchange rate is SGD 1 = BDT 65.76. It is always advisable to check rates before choosing a mode of payment, especially when dealing with vast sums of money.

Where to get SGD in Bangladesh

Obtaining SGD in Bangladesh is quite easy and straightforward, with various channels like banks, money exchange bureaus, and forex brokers available for exchanging currency. However, it's always advisable to carry out due diligence while selecting an appropriate platform. Trusted and reputed organizations offer competitive exchange rates, and it’s best to stick with them for ensuring an optimal deal.

Cash Vs. Card

Carrying cash or card depends entirely on how long one intends to stay in Singapore, the places he/she plans to visit, the purpose of the visit, and the expenses they will incur. Carrying cash makes a typical sense when traveling on a tight budget, and the traveler can keep a track of expenses. Credit cards, on the other hand, is most convenient when venturing into high-end shopping districts and luxurious restaurants. Debit cards can also be used to withdraw cash at ATMs, but it's always advisable to stick to banks one has an account with to avoid extra charges.

Local Laws and Regulations

Travelers to Singapore should know about the country's local laws and regulations when it comes to money. One should not carry an excess of SGD 20,000 or its equivalent in any other currency when entering or leaving Singapore without declaring it to the transportation security authorities. Check with relevant customs authorities for the latest updates.

Safety measures

While Singapore is a safe destination, travelers are still susceptible to pickpocketing and frauds. Thus, it is always advisable to keep cash and valuables in safe places or carry them in security belts. It is also best to stick to trusted forex brokers when exchanging currency.


Traveling to Singapore from Bangladesh requires one to obtain Singapore dollars legally and through trusted channels. By following the tips above, anyone traveling to Singapore will have a seamless trip without any financial obstacles.

Additional note

Before traveling to a foreign land, it's always advisable to do due diligence on all aspects of the country, from visa requirements to how to get currency and exchange rates. This will help individuals to have peace of mind while experiencing the beautiful locations that Southeast Asia offers.

Overview of Singapore Dollar and Bangladesh Taka

Singapore Dollar (SGD) is the official currency of Singapore and is often used as a benchmark in international financial transactions. Bangladesh Taka (BDT), on the other hand, is the official currency of Bangladesh. In this article, we will discuss the difference between these two currencies regarding exchange rate, value, and their impact on the economy of both countries.

Currency Exchange Rate

The exchange rate is the value of one currency compared to another. Currently, 1 SGD equals to 60.12 BDT. The exchange rate can vary depending on various factors such as political instability, economic growth, inflation rate, and trade policies. However, over the past few years, the exchange rate remained relatively stable, making it easier for individuals and businesses to conduct cross-border transactions.

Value Comparison

When it comes to the value of the currency, both SGD and BDT have their own strengths and weaknesses. The value of SGD is high compared to BDT, which reflects the economic stability of Singapore. Due to a strong domestic economy, Singapore attracts domestic and foreign investment, resulting in an increase in the value of the currency.

On the other hand, the value of BDT is relatively low compared to SGD. This is mainly because of weak economic growth and high inflation rate. Moreover, political instability, corruption, and lack of infrastructure are some of the reasons why the value of BDT is depreciating.

Impact on Economy

The exchange rate and value of currencies can have a significant impact on the economy of a country. As mentioned earlier, the stable exchange rate of SGD helps in the smooth functioning of the import and export business, attracting more capital inflow and foreign investments. This, in turn, boosts the economy of Singapore.

BDT, being a weaker currency, has a negative impact on the economy of Bangladesh. The depreciation of BDT creates inflation and affects domestic businesses. Moreover, the cost of importing essential goods such as oil and food becomes expensive. This makes it difficult for the country to maintain a stable economy.

Comparison Table

Currency Exchange Rate Value
SGD 1 SGD = 60.12 BDT High
BDT 1 BDT = 0.017 SGD Low


In conclusion, both SGD and BDT have their own merits and limitations. The exchange rate of SGD is stable, while that of BDT is volatile. The value of SGD is high, reflecting the economic stability of Singapore, while BDT is depreciating due to weak economic growth and political instability.

Moreover, the strong currency of Singapore has a positive impact on its economy, whereas the weaker currency of Bangladesh has a negative impact on its trade, exports, and economic growth. However, the government can take measures to improve the economic conditions and boost the value of their currency.

Overall, the comparison between SGD and BDT shows how important it is to have a stable and valuable currency to maintain a healthy economy.

Singapore Dollar in Bangladesh

The Singapore dollar, or SGD, is the official currency of Singapore. However, it is also widely used in countries such as Brunei and Cambodia. In Bangladesh, the SGD is not a commonly accepted currency. Therefore, it is important to know how to exchange your money when traveling to Singapore or other countries that use SGD.

Where to Exchange SGD in Bangladesh?

There are several places where you can exchange your Bangladesh Taka (BDT) for SGD. One of the most reliable options is to exchange your money at a bank. Most major banks in Bangladesh offer foreign currency exchange services, including SGD.

You can also exchange your money at exchange houses or foreign currency exchange booths. These are typically located near popular tourist areas, but be careful not to fall victim to scams or fraudulent exchange rates. Always check the rates at several different locations before making an exchange.

Factors to Consider Before Exchanging Your Money

When exchanging your money for SGD, there are several factors to consider:

  • Exchange rate - Check the current exchange rate between BDT and SGD before exchanging. Rates tend to fluctuate daily, so don't exchange too much money at once.
  • Hidden fees - Some exchange houses may charge hidden fees, so make sure to ask about any additional charges before making an exchange.
  • Exchange amount - Don't exchange more money than you need. Doing so may leave you with excess SGD that you won't be able to convert back to BDT.

Using SGD in Singapore

Once you have exchanged your money for SGD, you can use it in Singapore for various transactions. Singapore is a cashless society, and credit card or mobile payments are widely accepted for most transactions. However, it's always a good idea to carry some cash with you in case of emergencies.

When using SGD in Singapore, make sure to be familiar with the different denominations. Singapore banknotes come in denominations of $2, $5, $10, $50, $100, $500, and $1,000. Coins come in denominations of 5 cents, 10 cents, 20 cents, 50 cents, and $1.


Exchanging Bangladeshi Taka for Singapore dollars can be a bit of a challenge, but with proper research and precautions, it can be done smoothly. Be prepared to shop around for the best exchange rates and always be mindful of hidden fees. Once you have acquired SGD, it is easy to use in Singapore for most transactions.

Remember that it is always a good idea to carry a mix of cash and other payment methods when traveling abroad and to keep a close eye on your finances to avoid overspending. Happy travels!

Welcome to our blog discussing the Singapore Dollar in Bangladesh. In recent years, the Singapore Dollar has become an increasingly popular currency for investors and travelers alike due to its stability and favorable exchange rate against other major currencies.

For those in Bangladesh looking to acquire Singapore Dollars, there are several options available. First and foremost, the currency can be purchased at many banks and foreign exchange bureaus throughout the country. It is also possible to obtain Singapore Dollars through online currency exchange platforms.

One thing to keep in mind when exchanging currencies is that exchange rates fluctuate daily, so it is important to stay up-to-date on current rates in order to get the best value for your money. Additionally, certain fees and commissions may be charged by banks or exchanges, so it is important to factor these costs into your overall budget.

If you are traveling to Singapore, it may be useful to know that Singaporean businesses typically prefer payment in the local currency, though many larger businesses may accept major credit cards as well. It may also be helpful to have a small amount of Singapore Dollars on hand for smaller purchases and transactions.

Investors may be interested in acquiring Singapore Dollars as a way to diversify their portfolio and potentially benefit from the currency's stability and growth potential. The Singaporean economy is known for its strong financial sector and export-driven growth, which may appeal to investors looking for opportunities in the Asian market.

However, as with any investment, it is important to carefully consider the risks and benefits before making a decision. Consulting with a financial advisor or conducting thorough research on the Singaporean economy may also be beneficial.

In conclusion, acquiring Singapore Dollars in Bangladesh is a straightforward process, with many options available for both currency exchange and investment. However, it is important to stay informed on current exchange rates and any associated fees before making any transactions. We hope this information has been useful and informative for our readers.

Thank you for taking the time to read our blog. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to reach out to us. We wish you all the best in your future endeavors with the Singapore Dollar.

Here are some of the frequently asked questions about Singapore Dollar in Bangladesh:

  1. Can I use Singapore Dollars in Bangladesh?

    No, you cannot use Singapore Dollars in Bangladesh. The official currency of Bangladesh is Bangladeshi Taka (BDT).

  2. Where can I exchange Singapore Dollars to Bangladeshi Taka in Bangladesh?

    You can exchange your Singapore Dollars to Bangladeshi Taka at authorized money changers or banks in Bangladesh.

  3. What is the exchange rate of Singapore Dollar to Bangladeshi Taka?

    The exchange rate of Singapore Dollar to Bangladeshi Taka may vary from day to day. You can check the current exchange rate online on various currency exchange websites.

  4. Is it better to exchange Singapore Dollars to Bangladeshi Taka in Singapore or Bangladesh?

    It is always better to exchange your Singapore Dollars to Bangladeshi Taka in Bangladesh, as you will get a better exchange rate compared to exchanging it in Singapore. Also, exchanging your currency in the country you are visiting can save you from unnecessary exchange fees and charges.

  5. Are there any restrictions on the amount of Singapore Dollars that can be brought into Bangladesh?

    Yes, there are restrictions on the amount of foreign currency that can be brought into Bangladesh. According to the Bangladesh Bank regulations, travelers are allowed to bring up to USD 5,000 or an equivalent amount in other foreign currencies without declaring it. For amounts exceeding this limit, travelers must declare it to the customs authorities.

People Also Ask about Singapore Dollar in Bangladesh

1. Can I use Singapore dollars in Bangladesh?

No, you cannot use Singapore dollars directly for transactions in Bangladesh. The official currency of Bangladesh is the Bangladeshi Taka (BDT), and it is the only accepted currency for any financial transactions within the country.

2. Where can I exchange Singapore dollars to Bangladeshi Taka in Bangladesh?

If you have Singapore dollars and need Bangladeshi Taka, you can exchange your currency at authorized money exchange centers, banks, or foreign exchange bureaus in Bangladesh. These establishments provide services for currency conversion and will provide you with Bangladeshi Taka in exchange for your Singapore dollars.

3. What is the exchange rate between Singapore dollars and Bangladeshi Taka?

The exchange rate between Singapore dollars (SGD) and Bangladeshi Taka (BDT) fluctuates and may vary depending on the market conditions. It is recommended to check with authorized money exchange centers or banks to get the most accurate and up-to-date exchange rates.

4. Are there any restrictions on bringing Singapore dollars into Bangladesh?

There are no specific restrictions on bringing Singapore dollars into Bangladesh. However, it is important to declare any amount exceeding the equivalent of USD 5,000 or its equivalent in any other currency upon arrival in Bangladesh, as per the customs regulations.

5. Can I use credit cards or debit cards issued in Singapore in Bangladesh?

Yes, you can use credit cards or debit cards issued in Singapore for transactions in Bangladesh, provided that the establishment accepts international cards. It is advisable to inform your bank about your travel plans to ensure your cards are not blocked for security reasons while using them abroad.

6. Are there any ATMs in Bangladesh that dispense Singapore dollars?

No, you cannot find ATMs in Bangladesh that dispense Singapore dollars. ATMs in Bangladesh only dispense Bangladeshi Taka. If you need Singapore dollars, you will have to exchange your Bangladeshi Taka for Singapore dollars at authorized money exchange centers or banks.

7. Is it better to exchange Singapore dollars to Bangladeshi Taka in Singapore or Bangladesh?

It is generally recommended to exchange your Singapore dollars to Bangladeshi Taka in Bangladesh. This is because the exchange rates offered in the country of origin may not be as favorable as the rates offered in the destination country. However, it is always a good idea to compare rates and fees from different sources to ensure you get the best deal.

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