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Top-rated Live Out Helper Services in Singapore for Hassle-Free Home Management

Live Out Helper Singapore

Looking for a reliable live-out helper in Singapore? Look no further! Find the perfect helper for your household needs with Live Out Helper Singapore.

Are you struggling to keep up with your daily household chores? Do you wish you had an extra hand to help you out? Look no further! Live Out Helper Singapore is here to provide the assistance you need.

With the busy lives we lead, it can be challenging to keep our homes in order. Having a live-out helper can take a significant load off your shoulders, allowing you to focus on what's essential.

But first, let's address some misconceptions about hiring a helper. Many people believe that only the rich can afford to hire domestic help. However, this is far from the truth. With Live Out Helper Singapore, you can undoubtedly find someone who fits your budget.

Furthermore, some people worry that having a helper would mean sacrificing their privacy. Again, this is not the case. Our helpers respect your privacy and will never intrude unless asked to.

Now, let's talk about the benefits of having a live-out helper. Firstly, they can assist with mundane tasks such as cleaning, laundry, and grocery shopping. This frees up valuable time that you can use to spend with your family or take up a hobby.

Secondly, if you have kids, having a helper to look after them can be a blessing. You won't have to worry about leaving them alone or paying for expensive daycare services. Your helper can take care of your children, feed them, and play with them, giving you peace of mind while you're away.

Moreover, our live-out helpers are trained, reliable, and trustworthy. They undergo a rigorous screening process to ensure they meet our high standards before being matched with clients. You can rest assured that your home and possessions are in good hands.

Another advantage of having a helper is improved mental health. When you're overwhelmed with household tasks, you may feel stressed and anxious. Having someone to take over these responsibilities can relieve your stress and promote calmness.

Finally, with the pandemic still ongoing, having a helper can be beneficial to your health. They can help keep your home sanitized and free from germs, reducing the risk of infection for you and your loved ones.

In conclusion, hiring a live-out helper can make a significant difference in your daily life. It can relieve your stress, give you more free time, and allow you to focus on things that matter. So why not consider giving it a try? With Live Out Helper Singapore, you're sure to find the perfect helper for your needs.

Live Out Helper in Singapore: A Fantastic Option

Are you looking for ways to simplify your life, so that you can enjoy more of the good things that it has to offer? Are you seeking help at home in order to effectively juggle work, home, and personal life? Hiring a live-out helper in Singapore could be the perfect solution for you!

What is a Live-Out Helper in Singapore?

A live-out helper is someone who comes to your residence for a certain number of hours per day or week, to assist with household chores and tasks.

They don’t live with you, hence the term “live-out.” The duties of a live-out helper can be varied depending on your requirements and they can include cooking, cleaning, laundry, and running errands such as grocery shopping.

Why choose a Live-Out Helper?

There are many reasons why hiring a live-out helper in Singapore could be an exceptionally viable choice for you:

  • Increased Productivity: When you have someone take care of the mundane tasks like cleaning, laundry, and cooking, you can focus on getting work done or having quality time with family and friends.
  • Quality Home Management: A live-out helper can help you keep your home clean and tidy, making it a pleasant place to live in.
  • Personal Time: As a busy individual, it can be hard to allocate enough time to yourself. With a helper in place, you get some relief from daily responsibilities and find more time to indulge in your hobbies, exercise, or simply relax.
  • Flexibility:You can choose between hiring help for only a few hours a week to full-time assistance based on your needs and budget.
  • Affordability:Live-out helpers in Singapore are available at affordable rates, making them ideal for those who are working on a tight budget.

What should you Consider Before Hiring a Live-Out Helper in Singapore?

Before hiring a live-out helper, there are several things that you need to consider. These include:

  • Your budget
  • The duration of time the helper is required
  • The scope of responsibilities required
  • Communication: It's essential to ensure the helper can understand and communicate in a language that you are comfortable with.
  • Experience and qualifications: To ensure quality service, make sure to hire someone who has relevant experience and training to undertake the tasks you need help with.

What are the Benefits of Hiring a Live-Out Helper?

By hiring a Live-out helper, you can enjoy several benefits:

  • Freeing up Your Time: With an extra pair of hands around the home, you’ll get to enjoy more free time and focus on other essential tasks in your life.
  • Better Home Organization: When you have someone helping you maintain a clean and organized home, it can increase relaxation and peace of mind.
  • Improved Quality of Life: When you don’t need to worry about managing tedious household tasks, your life becomes less stressful and more enjoyable!
  • Economical: Instead of paying for full-time help, you can opt for partial assistance or hourly wages that fit your budget.

Final Thoughts!

Overall, a live-out helper in Singapore is an amazing resource that can make a world of difference for busy individuals. By taking time to research and find an experienced helper, you'll have greater peace of mind, help around the house, and more time to focus on the things that matter most in your life.

So, why wait? Research your live-out helper options today.


Live-out helpers play a vital role in Singapore households where both parents are working. They take care of children, do housekeeping, run errands, and perform other household tasks. However, there are different options for hiring a live-out helper in Singapore. This article will compare two options based on several factors, including cost, convenience, reliability, and quality of service.


Cost is one of the most important factors to consider when hiring a live-out helper in Singapore. The cost may vary depending on the agency you choose and the helper's experience and qualifications. Agencies typically charge a placement fee, which can range from SGD 500 to SGD 1000. Additionally, you will need to pay the helper's monthly salary, which ranges from SGD 600 to SGD 1500, depending on their experience and skills.

Comparison Table - Cost

Criteria Option 1 : Hiring directly Option 2 : Through an agency
Placement fee None SGD 500 - SGD 1000
Monthly salary SGD 600 - SGD 1500 SGD 600 - SGD 1500
Total cost (6 months) SGD 3600 - SGD 9000 SGD 5400 - SGD 12000

Overall, hiring directly is cheaper than going through an agency. However, going through an agency has some benefits that might justify the higher cost, such as convenience and quality assurance.


Hiring a live-out helper directly can be time-consuming and stressful. You need to advertise the job, interview candidates, check their background, and negotiate terms. Moreover, you will need to handle administrative tasks such as work permit application, CPF registration, and tax matters. Going through an agency simplifies the process significantly. The agency will handle all the paperwork, screen candidates, and arrange interviews for you. Moreover, they offer replacement services if the helper does not work out.

Comparison Table - Convenience

Criteria Option 1 : Hiring directly Option 2 : Through an agency
Time spent on administrative tasks High Low
Amount of paperwork to handle High Low
Time spent on screening and interviewing candidates High Low
Replacement services None Available

Overall, going through an agency is more convenient and less stressful than hiring directly. However, it comes at a higher cost.


Reliability is a critical factor when hiring a live-out helper in Singapore. You need to be sure that the helper you hire is trustworthy, honest, and has no criminal record. Going through an agency gives you some assurance about the helper's reliability because the agency will usually perform background checks and verify their qualifications and work experience. However, hiring directly may be riskier because you have limited ways to assess the helper's reliability.

Comparison Table - Reliability

Criteria Option 1 : Hiring directly Option 2 : Through an agency
Background checks and verification Limited Available
Replacement services for unsatisfactory performance None Available
Options for filing a complaint None Available

Overall, going through an agency is more reliable than hiring directly. Agencies usually have systems in place to ensure their helpers meet certain standards of reliability and trustworthiness.

Quality of Service

Quality of service is essential for a live-out helper in Singapore. The helper you hire should be able to take care of your children, clean and maintain your home, and perform other tasks efficiently and effectively. Going through an agency gives you some assurance about the helper's quality of service because the agency will usually only employ experienced and qualified helpers. However, hiring directly gives you more control over the helper's job scope and work schedule.

Comparison Table - Quality of Service

Criteria Option 1 : Hiring directly Option 2 : Through an agency
Amount of control over job scope and work schedule High Low
Availability of experienced and qualified helpers Limited Available
Training and support for helpers Limited Available

Overall, going through an agency gives you some assurance about the helper's quality of service. However, hiring directly gives you more control over the helper's work scope and schedule.


In conclusion, hiring a live-out helper in Singapore is a significant decision that requires careful consideration of several factors such as cost, convenience, reliability, and quality of service. Going through an agency is more expensive but more convenient, reliable, and provides assurance about the helper's quality of service. Hiring directly is cheaper but more time-consuming, risky, and gives you more control over the helper's job scope and schedule. Ultimately, the choice will depend on your priorities and preferences.


Singapore is known for its cleanliness, orderliness, and efficiency. The city-state is home to many working professionals who rely on domestic help to maintain their households. Live-out helpers, also known as part-time maids, are becoming more popular among Singaporean families who want to balance their work and family life. In this blog post, we will provide you with some tips and guidelines on how to hire a live-out helper in Singapore.

1. Determine Your Needs

Before hiring a live-out helper, consider your household's needs. Which household chores do you want them to do? How many times per week do you require their services? What skills are necessary for the job? Answering these questions will help you find a suitable candidate for the position.

2. Advertise Your Job Opening

Once you have drafted a job description, it's time to advertise the position. Several websites cater to part-time or live-out helpers in Singapore, such as Helpling, Kaodim, and Sendhelper. Be specific in your job posting, mentioning all the job requirements, including work hours, payment, and other necessary details.

3. Screen Your Candidates

When reviewing resumes, be sure to check their qualifications, experience, references, and work history. You can schedule an initial interview with the selected candidates to get to know them better and assess their skills. During the interview, ask relevant questions about their past work experience, qualifications, and availability. Take note of their communication skills, level of professionalism, and reliability.

4. Set Clear Expectations

Once you have selected a candidate, it's essential to set clear expectations about the job. Discuss work schedules, duties, payment terms, and other necessary details upfront to avoid misunderstandings. Be transparent about your expectations, and ask the live-out helper what he or she expects from you.

5. Define the Scope of Work

When hiring a live-out helper, it is essential to define the scope of work. Some helpers can only perform house cleaning chores, while others can cook, do laundry, and run errands. Determine the scope of work before hiring to ensure that your household needs are met.

6. Provide the Necessary Training and Guidance

In addition to setting clear expectations, providing necessary training and guidance is essential for a live-out helper to perform well in their duties. Show them how you want specific tasks to be done, provide instructions, and tell them what tools or equipment to use. If they need to use a particular cleaning product, be sure to have it in stock.

7. Provide Regular Feedback

Providing regular feedback is crucial for your live-out helper's growth and development. If you are satisfied with the job performance, let them know what they're doing right. If there are areas for improvement, be clear and polite in your feedback. Also, create an environment that welcomes feedback from the helper, allowing him or her to express concerns or offer suggestions.

8. Respect Your Live-Out Helper

The live-out helper is a human being deserving of respect and kindness. Be mindful of their schedules, and don't pile on too many tasks that take up their time. Remember that helpers have a personal life outside of work, so avoid last-minute requests that could disrupt their plans.

9. Provide a Safe Working Environment

A safe working environment is crucial for the live-out helper's safety and well-being. Ensure that your home has no hazards that can pose potential threats to your helper. Provide them with basic equipment such as gloves, cleaning materials, and safety shoes. Train them on safe cleaning practices, such as lifting heavy objects correctly and avoiding slips and falls.

10. Pay Your Live-Out Helper Fairly

Lastly, a fair wage is essential in helping your live-out helper feel valued. The pay rate depends on the scope of work, experience, and qualifications. Check the market rate for comparable services and factor in other benefits such as annual leave and medical insurance.


Hiring a live-out helper can be an advantageous decision that helps you achieve work-life balance. By following the tips and guidelines shared above, you will find the ideal candidate for your household, ensure their safety and well-being, and foster a healthy working relationship.

Hello there, and thank you for taking the time to read about Live Out Helper Singapore. We hope that this article has given you some insight into the benefits of hiring a live-out helper in Singapore and provided you with valuable information about the services available to you.

As you may have gathered from our article, having a live-out helper can be incredibly beneficial for your household. From helping with daily chores to taking care of your children while you work, a live-out helper can make your life much easier and less stressful.

One of the greatest advantages of hiring a live-out helper is the flexibility it offers. Unlike live-in helpers, you have the option to set specific hours for your helper to come and go, allowing you to maintain your privacy and independence while still receiving the help and support you need.

Another advantage of hiring a live-out helper is the cost-efficiency. With a live-out helper, you and your family do not have to provide room and board, which can save you a significant amount of money in the long run.

When looking for a live-out helper in Singapore, it's important to choose a reputable agency that can help you find the best possible candidate for your household. At Live Out Helper Singapore, we have a team of experienced and skilled helpers who are ready to assist you with your household needs.

Our helpers are fully trained and equipped with the necessary skills to take care of your household chores and provide personalized care for your family members. We have strict hiring standards, ensuring that all of our helpers are trustworthy, reliable, and professional.

At Live Out Helper Singapore, we understand that your household needs may change over time. That's why we offer flexible services that can be customized to meet your unique requirements. Whether you need a helper for a few hours a day or on a weekly basis, we can help you find the right person for the job.

If you're interested in hiring a live-out helper in Singapore, don't hesitate to reach out to us. Our team is always available to answer any questions you may have and guide you through the hiring process. We're committed to providing you with the best possible service and helping you achieve a better quality of life.

Thank you once again for visiting our website and reading about Live Out Helper Singapore. We hope that you found this article informative and helpful. If you have any feedback or suggestions regarding our services, we'd love to hear from you.

Have a great day, and we look forward to hearing from you soon!

Live out helpers are an increasingly popular option for families in Singapore who need assistance with household chores and daily tasks. They differ from live-in maids in that they do not reside with the family, but instead visit for a set number of hours each day. Below are some common questions that people have about hiring a Live Out Helper in Singapore:

  1. What services can a live out helper provide?

    Live out helpers can perform a wide range of services, including cleaning, laundry, cooking, grocery shopping, childcare, and elderly care. The exact duties will depend on the individual agreement between the helper and the family.

  2. How much does it cost to hire a live out helper in Singapore?

    The cost of hiring a live out helper will depend on factors such as experience, qualifications, and the number of hours required each day. On average, hourly rates can range from SGD 15 to SGD 25 per hour.

  3. Do live out helpers need to be insured?

    Yes, live out helpers are required by law to be covered by insurance. This includes personal accident insurance and medical insurance.

  4. Is it easy to find a reliable live out helper in Singapore?

    It can be challenging to find a reliable helper, as there are many agencies and individuals offering their services. It is important to do your research and choose a reputable agency or individual, and to be clear about your expectations and requirements.

  5. What should I look for when selecting a live out helper?

    When selecting a live out helper, it is important to look for someone who is reliable, trustworthy, and experienced in the services you require. It may also be helpful to request references from past employers.

People Also Ask about Live Out Helper Singapore

1. What is a live out helper in Singapore?

A live out helper in Singapore is a domestic worker who provides assistance with household chores, such as cleaning, cooking, and laundry, but does not reside with the employer's family. They typically work on a part-time basis and may have set hours or be hired on an ad-hoc basis.

2. How much does a live out helper in Singapore cost?

The cost of hiring a live out helper in Singapore can vary depending on factors such as the number of hours worked, the frequency of their services, and the specific tasks they are responsible for. On average, the hourly rate for a live out helper can range from SGD 15 to SGD 25.

3. Where can I find a reliable live out helper in Singapore?

There are several ways to find a reliable live out helper in Singapore. You can start by asking for recommendations from friends, family, or colleagues who have hired helpers in the past. Online platforms and classified advertisements are also popular options for finding domestic workers. Additionally, there are licensed maid agencies in Singapore that can assist you in finding a suitable live out helper.

4. What tasks can I expect a live out helper to perform?

A live out helper in Singapore can assist with various household tasks, including cleaning and tidying up the house, doing laundry and ironing, cooking meals, grocery shopping, and running errands. Some helpers may also be able to provide childcare or elderly care services, depending on their experience and qualifications.

5. Are there any legal requirements for hiring a live out helper in Singapore?

Yes, there are legal requirements for hiring a live out helper in Singapore. Employers are required to apply for a Work Permit or Employment Pass for their domestic worker through the Ministry of Manpower (MOM). Employers must also abide by the regulations set by MOM, such as providing medical insurance coverage and paying the helper's salary on time.

6. What should I consider before hiring a live out helper in Singapore?

Before hiring a live out helper in Singapore, it is important to consider factors such as your specific household needs, budget, and preferred working arrangements. You should also take into account the helper's experience, references, and any additional skills or certifications they may have. It is advisable to interview potential helpers and discuss expectations and responsibilities before making a final decision.