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Get Your Dream Arowana Fish: Best Arowana For Sale in Singapore

Arowana For Sale Singapore

Arowana For Sale Singapore offers a wide selection of exquisite Arowanas, providing fish enthusiasts in Singapore with top-quality aquatic companions.

Are you an avid fish collector? Looking to add a unique and magnificent fish to your aquarium? Look no further than the Arowana, for sale in Singapore.

These breathtaking fish, also known as dragon fish, have been sought after for centuries due to their striking appearance and good luck symbols. With their elongated body and vibrant scales, they truly make a statement in any tank.

But where can you find an Arowana for sale in Singapore? The answer is simple: numerous local fish stores and online vendors offer these prized fish.

Before making your purchase, however, it's important to do your research. These fish require specific care and conditions to thrive, and it's best to ensure your aquarium is equipped to meet those needs before bringing an Arowana home.

One crucial aspect of Arowana care is proper nutrition. These carnivorous fish require high-protein diets, and many retailers offer specialized pellets and feed to keep your Arowana healthy and thriving.

Another factor to consider is tank size. Arowanas can grow up to three feet long, so a larger tank is necessary to accommodate their size and allow room for swimming and activity.

But the investment in care is well worth it, as Arowanas have also been revered for their good luck and fortune-bringing properties in many cultures. These fish are said to bring prosperity and wealth to their owners.

Not only do Arowanas bring luck, but they also have a rich history and cultural significance. In Chinese folklore, they are known as living dragons and were once exclusively owned by emperors and royals.

Today, owning an Arowana is a symbol of status and prestige, and the fish can fetch prices upwards of $10,000 USD. But fear not, as there are also more affordable options available for those on a budget.

So what are you waiting for? Take the plunge and add an Arowana to your collection today. Not only will it enhance the beauty of your aquarium, but it may also bring some good fortune your way.

Remember to do your research and provide proper care to ensure your Arowana remains healthy and happy in its new home.

Visit your local fish stores or browse online vendors to find the perfect Arowana for sale in Singapore. Your new aquatic companion awaits!

Singapore is known for its incredible variety of fish, with the most popular being Arowanas. The Arowana fish is highly sought after due to its beauty and unique features, with many people willing to pay a considerable amount to own one. If you're looking for an Arowana for sale in Singapore, you'll find a lot of options available. But before making your purchase, it is essential to learn more about these magnificent fishes.

The Types of Arowanas Available in Singapore

There are several types of Arowanas available in Singapore, each featuring unique coloration, size, and scale placement. The following are some of the most commonly found breeds.

Red Arowana

The Red Arowana is one of the most popular Arowana breeds and is known to bring good luck and prosperity to its owner. With red scales and golden eyes, this fish is quite stunning. A mature Red Arowana can grow up to 4ft long and requires ample space to swim around, making them a suitable choice for aquariums of at least 200 gallons.

Golden Arowana

The Golden Arowana is incredibly striking, featuring bright gold scales and silvery-white underbelly. This breed tends to be slower-growing and smaller than other Arowanas, maxing out at around 30 inches and becoming sexually mature at 4 to 5 years.

Green Arowana

The Green Arowana is another favorite, featuring greenish-gray scales and barbels that protrude from their chin. With a body up to 4ft in length, the Green Arowana requires a large aquarium to thrive, as well as careful attention to water quality.

Finding an Arowana for Sale in Singapore

You can buy Arowanas from several fish stores across Singapore, both in-person and online. Some people prefer online purchases as it is more convenient and easier to compare prices. However, if you want to see the fish in person and assess their well-being before making a purchase, visiting a fish store is advisable.

Factors to Consider when Buying an Arowana

When purchasing an Arowana in Singapore, there are several factors to consider, such as the following:


The cost of an Arowana varies based on several factors, including the type, size, age, and gender. Generally, the larger and rarer the fish, the more expensive it will be.

Health Status

Before buying an Arowana, carefully examine its appearance, swimming mannerisms, and ask the seller about its feeding habits. You'll also want to check the fish for any signs of diseases or parasites. An inadequate diet, insufficient water filtration, and inadequate living conditions can lead to diseases in Arowanas.

Laws and Regulations

In Singapore, Arowanas are protected under law, and possession without proper permits can result in significant fines and legal repercussions. It is, therefore, essential to ensure that the fish you're purchasing comes with all the necessary permits.

Caring for your Arowana

Arowanas require high-quality freshwater aquariums with a customized filtration system capable of turning over large volumes of water. Maintaining clean water is vital for the health of these fishes, as they are sensitive to water quality, temperature changes, and other environmental factors that can affect their wellbeing. A balanced diet consisting of live or frozen food such as shrimp, crickets, worms, insects and pellets formulated specifically for Arowanas is crucial. As predatory fish, they feed on other fish in the wild, so always supervise them when keeping other species in the tank.

In Conclusion

Arowanas are an ideal choice for fish enthusiasts looking for a unique and beautiful addition to their aquariums. Singapore offers a wide range of Arowanas for sale, but understanding the different factors influencing the purchase process can help you make the right decision that your future pet deserves. Additionally, responsible ownership will ensure that your beloved Arowana thrives in a suitable environment. Always seek advice from credible sources and enjoy the satisfaction that comes with handing responsible safeguard to these aquatic delicacies.


The Arowana fish has been one of the most popular aquarium fish in the world. This fish is also very popular in the region of Singapore, with many stores offering Arowana for sale. In this article, we will compare the top three Arowana sellers in Singapore and give our opinion on which one offers the best quality and value for money.

Arowana Kingdom


Arowana Kingdom is one of the largest Arowana sellers in Singapore. They have a wide range of Arowana for sale, including rare species. On average, their Arowana are priced at around SGD 800 to SGD 2000, which is slightly higher than their competitors.


One thing that sets Arowana Kingdom apart is the quality of their fish. They pride themselves on sourcing only the best quality Arowana from reputable breeders. As a result, their Arowana tend to have brighter colors and more distinctive features.

Customer Service

Arowana Kingdom has a good reputation for customer service. They are known for being knowledgeable and friendly, and they offer a guarantee on their fish. However, some customers have reported feeling pressured to make a purchase.

Aqua Art Aquarium


Aqua Art Aquarium is another popular Arowana seller in Singapore. Their Arowana are priced similarly to Arowana Kingdom, with prices ranging from SGD 700 to SGD 2000.


Aqua Art Aquarium is also known for offering high-quality Arowana. Their fish tend to have vibrant colors and unique markings. However, some customers have reported receiving Arowana that were smaller than advertised.

Customer Service

Aqua Art Aquarium has a good reputation for customer service. They are known for being helpful and informative, and they offer a guarantee on their fish. However, some customers have reported feeling rushed during the purchasing process.

Breeders' Park


Breeders' Park offers Arowana at slightly lower prices than their competitors. Their Arowana are priced between SGD 500 to SGD 1800.


The quality of Breeders' Park's Arowana is generally good. However, some customers have reported receiving fish with less vibrant colors than expected.

Customer Service

Customers have reported mixed experiences with Breeders' Park's customer service. Some customers have had positive experiences, while others have reported feeling ignored or brushed off.

Overall Comparison

Price Quality Customer Service
Arowana Kingdom Higher Best Good
Aqua Art Aquarium Similar Good Good
Breeders' Park Lower Good Mixed


After comparing these three Arowana sellers in Singapore, we believe that Arowana Kingdom offers the best overall value. While their prices are slightly higher, the quality of their fish is outstanding, and they have a good reputation for customer service. However, we recommend doing your own research and visiting these stores in person to find the Arowana that best suits your needs and preferences.


If you are looking for an exotic and graceful fish to add to your aquarium, you might want to consider purchasing an Arowana. This beautiful fish has become a popular choice among fish enthusiasts, and for good reason. But before you make a purchase, there are some things you should know about Arowana for sale in Singapore. In this article, we will provide you with some tips and tricks to ensure that you make a wise investment when selecting an Arowana for your aquarium.

Tip 1: Consider the Type and Size of Arowana You Want to Purchase

If you are going to purchase an Arowana, you need to know which type you want. There are several types, including Asian, Australian, African, and South American. Each type has different requirements when it comes to their habitat and care. Additionally, the size of the Arowana is also important to consider. When Arowanas are young, they can be housed in smaller tanks. However, as they grow, they require larger tanks to accommodate their size.

Tip 2: Look for Reputable Breeders or Sellers

When purchasing an Arowana, it’s important to look for reputable breeders or sellers. Take the time to research the seller's reputation. Buy only from breeders that have positive reviews and ratings. Also, take the time to visit their facilities or shop. Observe the conditions of the fish tanks and how the fish are being treated. If possible, ask if you can observe the fish feeding to ensure that they are healthy and well taken care of.

Tip 3: Consider the Cost of Buying an Arowana in Singapore

Buying an Arowana in Singapore can be an expensive investment. The cost may vary from seller to seller, with some charging more than others for the same type and size of Arowana. When purchasing an Arowana, it’s important to consider the cost and set a budget accordingly. Be aware that the larger the fish, the higher the price tag. Do some research before making your purchase, and compare prices to ensure you get the best deal possible.

Tip 4: Choose a Healthy Arowana

When purchasing an Arowana, you want to make sure that you choose one that is healthy. Observe the fish for any signs of illness or disease, such as sunken eyes, discoloration, or fin rot. Additionally, watch the fish swim to make sure they are active and alert. A healthy Arowana will be responsive to its environment and should have a robust appetite.

Tip 5: Familiarize Yourself with Arowana Care and Maintenance

If you are going to own an Arowana, it’s essential to be familiar with their care and maintenance requirements. Arowanas require clean and well-maintained tanks, proper feeding, and regular water changes. They also require suitable tank mates if you decide to house them with other fish species. Research all the care requirements for aroana before purchasing them.

Tip 6: Be Prepared to Provide a Suitable Habitat for Your Arowana

Arowanas require a large tank to accommodate their size. Make sure to prepare a suitable habitat for your Arowana before bringing them home. Consider the size of the tank, filtration equipment, and lighting. Research the water conditions required for the type of Arowana you purchased. You’ll need to ensure that the water temperature, pH level, and hardness are all at proper levels.

Tip 7: Keep in Mind the Longevity of Arowanas

Arowanas are known for their long lifespans, and a well-cared-for fish can live up to twenty years or more. Keep this in mind when considering purchasing an Arowana. Ensure that you can provide them with a proper home and care for their longevity.

Tip 8: Know the Legal Regulations Regarding Owning an Arowana

It’s important to check the legal requirements for owning an Arowana in Singapore before making a purchase. Laws and regulations vary from country to country regarding importing and exporting Arowanas. Ensure that the seller has proper documentation for the fish you intend to purchase, and that the seller is licensed and abides by all appropriate laws.

Tip 9: Take Time to Consider Your Choice

Do not rush into purchasing an Arowana. Take the time to consider your choice thoroughly. Do some research and ask questions before making your purchase. Seek advice from experienced Arowana owners and those who are knowledgeable about aquatic life. Find out what it takes to keep an Arowana healthy and happy in your aquarium.

Tip 10: Enjoy Your Arowana

An Arowana is a beautiful fish and can be a rewarding addition to your aquarium. They are stunning to watch and have a unique personality. Having an Arowana in your tank can also serve as an excellent conversation starter. Enjoy this beautiful fish and take pride in owning an exquisite specimen.


If you are considering purchasing an Arowana for your aquarium, it’s essential to do your research and select a reputable seller. Familiarize yourself with the type of Arowana you want, their care requirements, and potential legal restrictions. Enjoy your Arowana and take pride in owning one of the most remarkable fish species on the planet.

Hello there, fellow fish enthusiasts! If you're here, you're probably looking for Arowana For Sale in Singapore. You've come to the right place! In this blog post, we will guide you through everything you need to know about buying Arowanas.

First things first, let's talk about what an Arowana is. Arowanas are a type of freshwater fish that are indigenous to South America, Africa, Asia and Australia. They are known for their long, sleek bodies, and their metallic scales which shine brightly under the light. Arowanas are considered to be one of the most desirable fish for any aquarium owner, due to their beauty and unique attributes.

If you're interested in buying an Arowana, it's important to know what to look for to ensure your new pet is healthy and well-cared-for. The first thing to check is the coloration. The color of an Arowana is an important factor to consider, as it can indicate the fish's overall health, age and breeding history.

Another important aspect to consider when buying an Arowana is their size. Arowanas can grow up to four feet long, so it's essential to ensure that the tank you have ready for them is large enough to accommodate their size. A crowded tank can result in poor water quality, which affects the health of your fish.

When it comes to purchasing Arowanas, many people opt to buy them online. While buying Arowanas online allows you to access a wider range of options, and compare prices from different dealers, there are also a few risks to be aware of, such as shipping and handling. Buying from a trusted source with a strong reputation can help to ease these concerns.

In addition to buying an Arowana online, you may also want to consider purchasing your fish from a pet store or aquarium. Pet stores and aquariums are a good option because they often offer better prices than online retailers, as well as the added convenience of having a physical location to visit with questions or concerns.

If you're buying an Arowana for the first time, it's essential to take some time to research these beautiful creatures. By learning about the species behaviour, personality, feeding and care requirements, you'll be able to provide them with the best home possible.

When it comes to caring for your Arowana, tank maintenance is one of the vital components that should never be neglected. Arowanas require excellent water quality, so you'll need to change the water weekly without fail, to keep up their health. Keeping the water clean will prevent illness and disease.

Feeding is another critical aspect of Arowana care. Arowanas are carnivorous and susceptible to overfeeding which can lead to obesity or even fish death from clogged guts. It's best to feed them smaller amounts of high-quality food multiple times a day instead of stuffing large amounts in one sitting.

Finally, it's crucial to remember that maintaining the temperature of the water, light levels and oxygen content are essential to the fish's health and well-being. Consistency is the key and any drastic changes in these factors can lead to Arowana getting stressed out, which in turn makes them more susceptible to diseases and illnesses.

In conclusion, purchasing an Arowana is a task that requires careful consideration and effort. With the proper research, preparation, and commitment, you can provide your new pet with the best life possible. Thank you for reading and we hope this article has been informative to you. Good luck on your journey in finding the perfect Arowana!

Here are some common questions that people also ask about Arowana for sale in Singapore:

  1. What types of Arowana are available for sale in Singapore?
  2. There are several types of Arowana available in Singapore, including the Asian Arowana, Australian Arowana, and Silver Arowana.

  3. Where can I buy Arowana in Singapore?
  4. There are many pet stores and aquarium shops in Singapore that sell Arowana. You can also find Arowana for sale online through various websites and forums.

  5. How much does an Arowana cost in Singapore?
  6. The price of an Arowana can vary depending on the type of fish, its size, and its pedigree. Generally, prices range from a few hundred dollars to several thousand dollars.

  7. How do I take care of my Arowana?
  8. To keep your Arowana healthy, you'll need to provide it with a large tank, appropriate water conditions, and a balanced diet. It's also important to monitor your fish for any signs of illness and take action as needed.

  9. Can Arowana be kept with other fish?
  10. Arowana can be quite aggressive and territorial, so they are best kept as solitary fish. However, some owners have successfully housed their Arowana with certain compatible species.

People Also Ask About Arowana For Sale Singapore

1. Where can I find Arowana for sale in Singapore?

If you are looking to buy an Arowana in Singapore, there are several places you can consider:

  • Specialized aquarium stores: There are numerous aquarium stores in Singapore that offer Arowanas for sale. These stores usually have a wide variety of Arowana species and can provide expert advice on their care.
  • Online marketplaces: You can also find Arowanas for sale on various online platforms dedicated to pet trade. Make sure to research the seller's reputation and ask for clear pictures or videos of the fish before making a purchase.
  • Arowana farms: Some Arowana farms in Singapore breed and sell these magnificent fish. Visiting a farm allows you to see the fish firsthand and ensure their quality.

2. What are the common Arowana species available in Singapore?

In Singapore, the most common Arowana species available for sale include:

  1. Asian Arowana (Scleropages formosus): This is the most sought-after species due to its vibrant colors and unique scales. It is also known as the Dragon Fish.
  2. Silver Arowana (Osteoglossum bicirrhosum): This species has a silvery body with black markings and is known for its graceful swimming style.
  3. Black Arowana (Osteoglossum ferreirai): As the name suggests, this species has a black coloration and is highly prized by collectors.

3. How much does an Arowana cost in Singapore?

The price of an Arowana in Singapore can vary depending on factors such as species, size, and quality. Generally, prices range from a few hundred dollars to several thousand dollars. Rare and highly sought-after species tend to be more expensive.

4. What should I consider when buying an Arowana in Singapore?

When purchasing an Arowana in Singapore, it is important to consider the following:

  • Tank size: Arowanas require large tanks due to their size and swimming habits. Make sure you have adequate space for the fish to thrive.
  • Water quality: Arowanas prefer clean and well-maintained water conditions. Ensure that your tank is properly filtered and regularly tested for parameters such as pH and ammonia levels.
  • Compatibility: Some Arowana species are known to be aggressive and may not be suitable for community tanks. Research the temperament and compatibility of the species you are interested in.
  • Legal considerations: Check the regulations and permits required for owning and importing Arowanas in your country or state to ensure compliance with the law.

5. How do I care for an Arowana in Singapore?

To provide optimal care for an Arowana in Singapore, consider the following:

  • Diet: Arowanas are carnivorous and require a diet of live or frozen foods such as worms, shrimp, and small fish. Ensure a varied and balanced diet to promote their health and vibrant colors.
  • Water parameters: Maintain stable water conditions with a temperature between 26-30°C (79-86°F), pH around 6.5-7.5, and low ammonia and nitrite levels.
  • Tank setup: Provide a spacious tank with appropriate hiding spots, sturdy plants, and a secure lid as Arowanas are known to jump. Mimic their natural habitat with driftwood and rocks.
  • Regular maintenance: Perform regular water changes, clean the tank, and monitor the overall health of your Arowana. Consider consulting with an experienced aquarist for specific care advice.
Remember to always do thorough research and seek advice from experts before purchasing an Arowana to ensure you provide the best possible care for these fascinating fish.