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Convert Singapore Dollar to Sri Lankan Rupee: The Latest Exchange Rates and Conversion Tips

Singapore Dollar To Lkr

Convert Singapore Dollar to LKR (Sri Lankan Rupee) at competitive rates. Check the latest exchange rate and convert your currency conveniently.

If you're planning to travel to Sri Lanka or do business in the country, understanding the currency exchange rate is essential. One of the most popular currencies in circulation in Sri Lanka is the Singapore Dollar (SGD) to Sri Lankan Rupee (LKR). You may be asking how much is 1 SGD to LKR today? Well, you've come to the right place!

As of writing, 1 Singapore Dollar (SGD) is equivalent to 132.7 Sri Lankan Rupee (LKR). This exchange rate bounces up and down daily, so it's crucial to keep an eye out for fluctuations if you're involved in cross-border business transactions or planning a trip to Sri Lanka.

You may be wondering, why convert your Singapore dollars to Sri Lankan rupees when you travel to the country? The answer is simple – it's safer and more economical to carry and transact in the local currency than exchanging money every time you need to buy something or pay for a service in Sri Lanka.

Sri Lanka is a beautiful country with fantastic sights to see. But it's important to plan your budget well once you step foot on the island to make sure you can make the most out of your stay. That's why understanding the exchange rate between SGD and LKR is crucial to avoid overspending or underspending during your visit.

For those involved in business transactions between Singapore and Sri Lanka, keeping an eye on the exchange rate is also vital to optimize your profits and losses. Slight fluctuations in the exchange rate can translate to significant gains or losses in large-scale transactions.

But where can you check the latest exchange rate between SGD and LKR? There are several online platforms available that provide up-to-date exchange rates, including, Google Finance, and Oanda.

It's also worth mentioning that conducting money exchanges in Sri Lanka can be tricky. Make sure to exchange your SGD to LKR from regulated forex dealers or banks to avoid being scammed by unscrupulous traders or receiving fake banknotes.

In conclusion, understanding the currency exchange rate between the Singapore Dollar (SGD) and Sri Lankan Rupee (LKR) is crucial whether you're a tourist visiting the country or a businessperson involved in cross-border transactions. Keep an eye out for daily fluctuations in the exchange rate and use reliable platforms to check the latest rates. Exchange your money only from regulated dealers or banks. Doing so will ensure you can make the most out of your stay in Sri Lanka while avoiding financial losses.

So, have you checked the latest exchange rate between the SGD and LKR today? Don't miss out on this vital information; visit reliable platforms or forex dealers to keep yourself updated!

Singapore Dollar to LKR: Understanding Exchange Rates and Factors Impacting It

The Singapore dollar and Sri Lankan rupee are both currencies of two different countries. While Singapore is a developed country in Southeast Asia, Sri Lanka is a developing country in South Asia. Both currencies have their own exchange rates and factors that impact them. In this article, we'll discuss the exchange rate between Singapore dollar and LKR and the factors that contribute to it.

Exchange Rate between SGD and LKR

The exchange rate between the Singapore dollar and the Sri Lankan rupee fluctuates based on the demand and supply for both currencies. As of August 2021, 1 SGD is equivalent to 128.1727 LKR, which means that if you exchange 1 Singapore dollar, you'll get 128.1727 Sri Lankan rupees.

The exchange rate between the two currencies is updated regularly by banks, financial institutions, and forex traders based on market conditions. Therefore, it's important to keep track of these changes before initiating a currency exchange.

Factors Impacting the Exchange Rate

Now that we know the current exchange rate between SGD and LKR let's discuss some of the key factors that impact it and cause fluctuations:

Economic Growth and Stability

The economic growth and stability of both countries play a crucial role in impacting the exchange rate. For instance, if Singapore's economy is growing faster than Sri Lanka's economy, then the SGD's demand will increase, and as a result, its exchange rate will strengthen against the LKR. Similarly, if the LKR's economy is performing better, the exchange rate will be impacted inversely.

Inflation Rates

Inflation rates also have a significant impact on the exchange rate between these two currencies. If a country's inflation rates are high, then its central bank may increase interest rates to tackle it, can potentially strengthen their currency against other countries and their currencies, hence leading to a potential increase in exchange rates.

Interest Rates

Interest rates play an important role in impacting the demand for currencies. Higher interest rates attract foreign investors, which can lead to an increment in the demand for that currency. Therefore, if the interest rates in Singapore are higher than Sri Lanka, then the SGD demand can rise, and so can it's exchange rate against LKR.


Singapore is a famous tourist destination, many international tourists often visit the country. Such tourism can have a significant impact on the exchange rate because tourists need to exchange their home currencies into Singapore dollars to spend while visiting Singapore. Hence, demand for SGD goes up during such periods of high tourism demand, possibly leading to a stronger exchange rate against the LKR.

Impact of Political Unrest

Political unrest in a country can cause depreciation of their currency due to a decrease in foreign investment and potential obstacles to the economic growth of that region. In Sri Lanka's case, the political turmoil in the country over the years has had a negative impact on its currency. This depreciation often leads to a lower exchange rate against other currencies and can lead to a lot of economic drawbacks.


The exchange rate between Singapore dollar and LKR is subject to various market conditions that are impacted by several factors as discussed above. One should always keep a close eye on these factors and analyze them before deciding to stay invested or involved in any specific market area as changes in this field can cause fluctuations in the values of these currencies.

It's important to keep track of the exchange rates when traveling from Singapore to Sri Lanka or vice versa. Before any exchange rates, always study the relevant market conditions thoroughly to avoid any unpleasant surprises.

Lastly, it would be best to consult financial advisors whenever necessary before making any significant investments.

Singapore Dollar to LKR Comparison: A Comprehensive Guide

Singapore and Sri Lanka are two of the most beautiful countries in southeast Asia, both with rich culture, history, and stunning landscapes. But when it comes to monetary matters, there's a noticeable difference between the Singapore dollar (SGD) and the Sri Lanka rupee (LKR). This blog article aims to provide a comprehensive comparison between the two currencies, highlighting their features, exchange rates, fluctuations, and other important factors.


The SGD is the official currency of Singapore, which is known for its bustling economy and high standard of living. It's among the most traded currencies in the world, with a strong influence on the global financial market. On the other hand, the LKR is the official currency of Sri Lanka, a tropical paradise that's famous for its natural beauty, diverse wildlife, and ancient heritage. While the LKR is not as influential as the SGD, it still plays a vital role in the Sri Lankan economy and commerce.

Exchange Rates

One of the most crucial factors to consider when comparing currencies is their exchange rates. As of August 2021, the SGD to LKR exchange rate stands at around 130.82, which means that one SGD can buy about 130.82 LKR. It's worth noting that the exchange rate is not constant and can change rapidly due to various economic and political factors. For instance, in January 2020, the exchange rate was around 122.22, which was higher than the current rate. Experts predict that the SGD to LKR exchange rate will remain stable in the coming months, barring any significant changes in either country's economy or geopolitical situation.

Historical Performance

To better understand the SGD to LKR exchange rate, it's essential to look at their historical performance. The SGD has been relatively stable over the past decade, with some minor fluctuations due to global economic factors such as the COVID-19 pandemic. In contrast, the LKR has had a more volatile history, with frequent depreciations and devaluations due to internal and external factors such as political instability, natural disasters, and financial crises. For instance, in 2018, the LKR experienced a sharp depreciation of around 16%, which was one of the worst in its history. However, the currency has shown signs of recovery in recent years and is currently on an upward trend.

Banking Services

Both Singapore and Sri Lanka have robust banking systems that offer various financial services for residents and tourists. In Singapore, you can find many international banks such as DBS, UOB, and OCBC that provide a range of services, including personal and business accounts, loans, investments, and forex trading. Most of these banks offer online and mobile banking options, making it convenient for customers to access their accounts from anywhere. In Sri Lanka, the banking industry is not as developed, but there are still several options available. Local banks such as Commercial Bank, Hatton National Bank, and People's Bank offer services such as deposits, loans, and remittances, while international banks like HSBC and Citibank also operate in the country.

Money Changers

If you're traveling to Singapore or Sri Lanka, you'll need to exchange your currency with the local currency to get around and make purchases. One of the easiest ways to do this is through money changers, which are located in most major cities and tourist areas. In Singapore, you can find money changers at popular places such as Changi Airport, Orchard Road, and Clarke Quay. Many of these money changers offer competitive rates and charge minimal fees. In Sri Lanka, money changers are available at places such as Colombo, Kandy, and Galle, and their rates can vary depending on the location and type of currency.


In conclusion, the SGD and LKR are two very different currencies with unique features, advantages, and challenges. While the SGD is a stable and influential currency with a strong reputation in the global financial market, the LKR has had a more volatile history and is still developing its economic and banking infrastructure. However, both currencies offer excellent opportunities for investment, trade, and travel, and their exchange rates and fluctuations provide many opportunities for forex traders and investors. Ultimately, the best way to decide which currency to use or invest in would depend on your specific needs, preferences, and goals.

Table Comparison

Currency Code Exchange Rate (as of August 2021) Historical Performance
Singapore Dollar SGD 1 SGD = 130.82 LKR Relatively stable with minor fluctuations
Sri Lanka Rupee LKR 1 LKR = 0.01 SGD Has been volatile with frequent depreciation and devaluation


Singapore Dollar (SGD) is one of the most valuable currencies in Southeast Asia. It has a stable value and is widely used for trade and investment purposes. The Sri Lankan Rupee (LKR) is the currency used in Sri Lanka, an island country located in South Asia. Converting SGD to LKR can be useful when traveling to Sri Lanka or investing in the Sri Lankan market. This article will provide some tips and tutorials on how to convert Singapore Dollars to Sri Lankan Rupees.

Understanding the Exchange Rate

The exchange rate is the value of one currency in relation to another currency. In this case, it is the value of SGD in LKR. The exchange rate can fluctuate due to various reasons such as demand and supply, political events, economic conditions and more. To convert SGD to LKR, you need to know the current exchange rate. You can check the exchange rate online or at a local bank or money changer.

Using an Online Currency Converter

One of the easiest ways to convert SGD to LKR is by using an online currency converter. There are many websites that offer this service including,, and Simply type in the amount of SGD you want to convert and select LKR as the target currency. The website will show you the current exchange rate and the amount of LKR you will receive.

Factors to Consider

When using an online currency converter, there are several factors to consider. Firstly, the exchange rate displayed is only indicative and may not be accurate. Secondly, the exchange rate may vary depending on the service provider. Lastly, there may be conversion fees and other charges involved which may affect the final amount you receive.

Converting at a Local Bank or Money Changer

Another way to convert SGD to LKR is by visiting a local bank or money changer. They offer a more accurate exchange rate and may not charge additional fees. You can bring your SGD cash or use a debit card to withdraw from an ATM. Banks and money changers usually have fixed working hours, so it is best to check beforehand. Also, be sure to have your identification documents ready.

Factors to Consider

When converting at a local bank or money changer, there are several things to consider. Firstly, the exchange rate may differ depending on the institution. Secondly, some banks and money changers may impose a minimum or maximum amount for conversion. Lastly, there may be transaction fees and service charges which may affect the final amount you receive.

Investing in the Sri Lankan Market

Converting SGD to LKR can also be useful when investing in the Sri Lankan market. The country has a growing economy with opportunities for investment in various sectors such as tourism, real estate, and agriculture. To invest in Sri Lanka, you will need to open an account with a local broker or use an online platform such as eToro.

Factors to Consider

When investing in the Sri Lankan market, there are several factors to consider. Firstly, you need to do your research and understand the market conditions and regulatory environment. Secondly, you need to be aware of the risks involved in investing, such as currency fluctuations and political instability. Lastly, you need to have a sound investment strategy and diversify your portfolio to mitigate risks.


Converting Singapore Dollars to Sri Lankan Rupees can be useful for traveling or investing purposes. You can use an online currency converter, visit a local bank or money changer, or open an account with a local broker to convert your SGD to LKR. However, there are several factors to consider when converting or investing, such as the exchange rate, transaction fees, risks, and regulations. It is essential to do your research and seek professional advice before making any financial decisions.

Hello there! If you are planning a trip to Sri Lanka or interested in foreign exchange rates, you may be curious about the current exchange rate between Singapore Dollar and Sri Lankan Rupee. In this article, we will provide you with information about the SGD/LKR exchange rate and factors that could affect it.

Firstly, let's give you a brief overview of the two currencies. The Singapore Dollar (SGD) is the currency of Singapore and is regulated by the Monetary Authority of Singapore. The Sri Lankan Rupee (LKR), on the other hand, is the currency of Sri Lanka and is regulated by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka.

So, what is the current exchange rate between SGD and LKR? As of writing this article, 1 SGD is equal to approximately 119.60 LKR. However, exchange rates are constantly fluctuating based on a variety of factors.

One significant factor that affects exchange rates is global political and economic events. For example, when a country experiences political instability or economic turmoil, it can cause its currency to depreciate. On the other hand, if a country's economy grows and shows signs of stability, its currency could become stronger.

Another factor that affects exchange rates is interest rates. When a country's interest rates rise, it makes its currency more valuable to investors seeking higher returns. Conversely, when interest rates are lowered, the currency becomes less valuable and could depreciate.

In addition to these factors, the demand for a currency also plays a role in its exchange rate. If more people want to buy a particular currency, its value will increase, and vice versa.

So, what does all of this mean for the SGD/LKR exchange rate? Given that both Singapore and Sri Lanka are relatively stable countries, the exchange rate is likely to be influenced by global economic events and interest rates. However, it's worth noting that this is just a general trend and the exchange rate could fluctuate based on multiple factors.

If you are planning a trip to Sri Lanka, it's crucial to keep an eye on the SGD/LKR exchange rate to ensure you are budgeting accordingly. For example, if the exchange rate is unfavorable, you may consider changing your travel dates or adjusting your itinerary to fit your budget.

Alternatively, if you need to transfer money between Singapore and Sri Lanka for business or personal reasons, it's essential to compare exchange rates and fees from various providers to get the best deal.

In conclusion, understanding the factors that affect the SGD/LKR exchange rate can help you make informed decisions when traveling or transferring money. We hope this article has provided you with valuable information and insights.

Thank you for reading and have a great day!

Inquiring about the Singapore Dollar to Sri Lankan Rupee exchange rate? Here are some common questions and their respective answers:

  • What is the current SGD to LKR exchange rate?

    The current exchange rate varies daily. It is best to check with a reputable currency converter website or visit a bank or currency exchange service for the current rate.

  • Can I exchange SGD to LKR in Sri Lanka?

    Yes, you can exchange your SGD to LKR at major banks and currency exchange services in Sri Lanka.

  • Is it better to exchange SGD to LKR in Singapore or Sri Lanka?

    It depends on the exchange rate and fees charged by the exchange service. It is recommended to compare rates and fees before making any exchange transactions.

  • Can I use SGD in Sri Lanka?

    No, SGD is not a universally accepted currency in Sri Lanka. You will need to exchange your SGD to LKR before making any purchases or transactions in the country.

People Also Ask About Singapore Dollar To LKR

1. What is the exchange rate between the Singapore Dollar and Sri Lankan Rupee?

The exchange rate between the Singapore Dollar (SGD) and Sri Lankan Rupee (LKR) fluctuates on a daily basis due to various factors such as market demand, economic conditions, and political stability. It is recommended to check with a reliable currency exchange service provider or financial institution for the most accurate and up-to-date exchange rate.

2. Where can I exchange Singapore Dollars for Sri Lankan Rupees?

You can exchange Singapore Dollars for Sri Lankan Rupees at authorized currency exchange service providers such as banks, currency exchange offices, or airports in both Singapore and Sri Lanka. It is advisable to compare exchange rates and fees among different providers to ensure you get the best deal.

3. Can I use Singapore Dollars in Sri Lanka?

Singapore Dollars are not widely accepted as a form of currency in Sri Lanka. The official currency of Sri Lanka is the Sri Lankan Rupee. It is recommended to exchange your Singapore Dollars for Sri Lankan Rupees before traveling to Sri Lanka to ensure you have the local currency for your expenses.

4. Are there any restrictions on the amount of Singapore Dollars I can exchange for Sri Lankan Rupees?

There might be certain restrictions imposed by currency exchange service providers or regulations set by the respective countries regarding the maximum amount of Singapore Dollars you can exchange for Sri Lankan Rupees. It is advised to check with the specific provider or consult local authorities for accurate information on any applicable restrictions.

5. How can I track the exchange rate between the Singapore Dollar and Sri Lankan Rupee?

You can track the exchange rate between the Singapore Dollar and Sri Lankan Rupee through various financial websites, currency converter apps, or by contacting your bank. These sources provide real-time exchange rate information, historical data, and currency conversion tools to help you stay updated on the current rate.

6. Should I exchange my Singapore Dollars to Sri Lankan Rupees in advance?

It is generally recommended to exchange your Singapore Dollars to Sri Lankan Rupees in advance, especially if you are traveling to Sri Lanka. By having the local currency in hand, you can avoid potential issues with finding currency exchange services upon arrival and ensure you have the necessary funds for your immediate expenses.

In conclusion,

When dealing with the exchange of Singapore Dollars to Sri Lankan Rupees, it is important to consider factors such as the current exchange rate, available currency exchange service providers, restrictions, and the convenience of having the local currency in advance. Stay informed about the exchange rates and plan your currency exchange accordingly to make your transactions more efficient during your trip to Sri Lanka.