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Real-Time Singapore Exchange Rate Today: Stay Updated and Plan Your Finances

Kurs Singapore Hari Ini

Kurs Singapore Hari Ini provides up-to-date information on the exchange rate of Singapore Dollar. Stay informed and make smart financial decisions!

Are you planning to travel to Singapore or invest in the country's market? Then the exchange rate must be on your mind. Today, we'll take a closer look at Singapore's exchange rate and what it means for you.

Firstly, let's talk about the basics. As of today, the exchange rate for SGD (Singapore dollar) to USD (US dollar) is 1 SGD = 0.73 USD. This means that for every Singapore dollar you have, you can exchange it for 0.73 US dollars.

But why does the exchange rate fluctuate? It's influenced by various factors such as inflation rates, interest rates, government policies, and global events. For instance, if there's a sudden increase in the interest rates in Singapore, more foreign investors may want to invest in the country's market, leading to a stronger demand for SGD and pushing the exchange rate up.

So, how does the exchange rate affect you as a traveler or investor? Let's say you're planning a trip to Singapore and need to exchange your currency. When the exchange rate is low, you'll get fewer Singapore dollars for your money, which can affect your budget. On the other hand, if you're an investor, a stronger exchange rate can benefit you since you'll get more Singapore dollars when you sell your investments.

At the moment, the Singapore dollar is relatively stable, but that doesn't mean it will stay that way. It's essential to keep an eye on the exchange rate as it could affect your financial decisions.

Furthermore, did you know that almost all foreign exchange transactions in Singapore are done electronically? In fact, the country is known for having a high adoption rate of e-payments, making it a convenient and efficient way to exchange currencies.

If you're thinking of investing in Singapore's market, it's worth noting that the exchange rate isn't the only factor to consider. You should also research the country's economic growth, political stability, and industries that are thriving.

Additionally, the Singapore government has implemented various measures to ensure a stable exchange rate. One of the methods is through its monetary policy, which is managed by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS). They work to maintain price stability and support economic growth by adjusting the exchange rate, interest rates, and money supply.

In conclusion, Singapore's exchange rate is an essential factor to consider when traveling or investing in the country. Keep an eye on the rate, do your research, and make informed financial decisions. With its stable economy and advanced e-payment system, Singapore is undoubtedly a destination for both leisure and investment.

If you want to learn more about Singapore's exchange rate, check out reliable news sources, consult financial experts, or even search online forums. Understanding the exchange rate is critical in making sound financial decisions, so don't underestimate its significance!

Singapore Exchange Rate Today

Singapore has always been known for its strong and stable economy. The country has a reputation for being an international financial center, with a thriving business environment that attracts investors from all over the world. One important factor that contributes to Singapore's economic success is its exchange rate.

What is the exchange rate?

The exchange rate is the value of one currency compared to another. In Singapore, the exchange rate refers to the value of the Singapore dollar (SGD) against other currencies such as the US dollar, Japanese yen, Euro, and British Pound. Singapore has a policy of managed float, meaning that the exchange rate is determined by market forces but is guided by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS).

Factors influencing Singapore's exchange rate

Several factors impact the exchange rate of a country. In Singapore, the following are some of the significant drivers:

  1. The trade balance - Singapore has a high volume of imports and exports, and a favorable trade balance can contribute to a stronger exchange rate.
  2. Interest rates - Higher interest rates tend to attract foreign capital, which can strengthen a currency.
  3. Inflation - High inflation can erode the value of a currency, while low inflation can preserve its strength.

Singapore's exchange rate performance in 2021

The exchange rate of Singapore against the US dollar in 2021 has been volatile, primarily due to the COVID-19 pandemic's impact on the global economy. As of August 2021, the exchange rate stands at around 1.35 SGD to 1 USD.

In the first quarter of 2021, the Singapore dollar appreciated against the US dollar, reflecting the country's strong economic growth and containment of the pandemic. However, in March 2021, the SGD started to weaken after the MAS announced an expansionary monetary policy.

Since then, the exchange rate has been fluctuating, reflecting the global economic conditions, including the rising inflation and uncertainty surrounding the vaccine rollout.

Impact of the exchange rate on Singapore's economy

The exchange rate has significant impacts on Singapore's economy, particularly on the trade sector and inflation. A strong Singapore dollar can make exports more expensive and less competitive, while a weak currency can stimulate exports but also increase the cost of imports.

Inflation is another critical factor influenced by the exchange rate. A depreciating currency can lead to higher import prices, which can result in inflation.


Singapore's exchange rate plays a vital role in the country's economy, as it affects trade, investment, and inflation. Managed float policy of MAS ensures that the exchange rate remains stable while allowing for market forces to determine its value. While the exchange rate has seen some volatility in recent years, the Singapore economy's fundamental strength and stability point to a promising future.

Singapore Exchange Rate Today Comparison


Singapore has a stable and highly developed economy with a strong presence in the Asian financial market. One of the key indicators of the country's economic health is its exchange rate, which measures the value of the Singapore dollar (SGD) against other major currencies. In this article, we will compare the SGD exchange rates against the US dollar (USD), Euro (EUR), British pound (GBP), Japanese yen (JPY), and Chinese yuan (CNY) as of September 2021.

USD Exchange Rate

The USD is one of the most widely traded currencies in the world and is often used as a benchmark for measuring the performance of other currencies. As of September 7, 2021, the SGD/USD exchange rate was 1.3489, meaning that one SGD was worth $0.74 USD. This represents a slight decrease from the previous year when the rate was around 1.38 SGD/USD. The COVID-19 pandemic has been a major factor in the depreciation of the Singapore dollar as global investors have sought safe-haven assets such as the USD.

EUR Exchange Rate

The EUR is the second most traded currency in the world after the USD and is the official currency of the Eurozone. As of September 7, 2021, the SGD/EUR exchange rate was 1.5997, meaning that one SGD was worth €0.63 EUR. This rate has remained relatively stable over the past year, fluctuating between 1.55 and 1.65 SGD/EUR. However, the recent rise in COVID-19 cases in Europe and concerns about inflation may put pressure on the euro in the near future.

GBP Exchange Rate

The GBP is the official currency of the United Kingdom, which has strong economic ties with Singapore. As of September 7, 2021, the SGD/GBP exchange rate was 1.8618, meaning that one SGD was worth £0.54 GBP. This represents a slight increase from the previous year when the rate was around 1.80 SGD/GBP. The depreciation of the pound due to Brexit and other economic factors may have contributed to the strengthening of the SGD/GBP exchange rate.

JPY Exchange Rate

The JPY is the official currency of Japan, which is one of Singapore's key trading partners. As of September 7, 2021, the SGD/JPY exchange rate was 0.0122, meaning that one SGD was worth ¥81.90 JPY. This rate has remained relatively stable over the past year, fluctuating between 0.0115 and 0.0125 SGD/JPY. Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, Japan's economy has remained resilient, which may explain the stability of the JPY exchange rate.

CNY Exchange Rate

The CNY is the official currency of China, which is a major trading partner of Singapore. As of September 7, 2021, the SGD/CNY exchange rate was 5.1263, meaning that one SGD was worth ¥5.13 CNY. This rate has remained relatively stable over the past year, fluctuating between 4.85 and 5.30 SGD/CNY. Despite geopolitical tensions between the two countries, Singapore and China have maintained strong economic ties, which may explain the stability of the CNY exchange rate.

Comparison Table

Currency Exchange rate (September 7, 2021) Exchange rate (September 7, 2020) Percentage change
USD 1.3489 1.3878 -2.80%
EUR 1.5997 1.5783 +1.36%
GBP 1.8618 1.7974 +3.58%
JPY 0.0122 0.0124 -1.61%
CNY 5.1263 5.1680 -0.81%

Opinion and Conclusion

The SGD exchange rates against major currencies have remained relatively stable over the past year despite the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic and other geopolitical issues. The strength of Singapore's economy and its strategic partnerships with other countries have helped to support the value of the SGD. Looking ahead, the outlook for the global economy remains uncertain, and continued volatility in the exchange rates cannot be ruled out. However, Singapore's strong fundamentals and prudent monetary policy should help to weather any potential storm.


Singapore, a famous tourist destination, has a flourishing economy, and the country's currency is one of the most influenced currencies worldwide. The Singapore Exchange Rate Today varies according to the economy's rising and falling trends. However, Singapore's government controls the exchange rate, and the country experiences exchange rate fluctuation at minimal levels.

Factors Affecting Singapore Exchange Rate Today

Various factors that affect Singapore's exchange rate are interest rates, demand and supply theory, inflation, and policies implemented by Monetary Authority Singapore (MAS).

The rise in interest rates indirectly influences Singapore's exchange rate as Singapore's economy invests in high-yielding foreign bonds. When the interest rates of the foreign country increase, Singapore investors shift their investments to foreign bonds that give higher returns. Similarly, when there is stability in demand and supply theory, the currency value remains constant, and fluctuations quiver down.

Inflation also affects the exchange rate. Inflation occurs when the value of money depreciates, causing inflation to stabilize prices; the central bank might support or decrease the interest rates, affecting the exchange rate. Furthermore, when MAS implements its monetary policies against inflation, it may lead to exchange rate fluctuation.

Benefits of a Strong Exchange Rate

A strong Singapore exchange rate is advantageous as it leads to lower import prices, reducing inflation rates. Increased demand for exports due to the low cost of production also directly benefits from a strong Singapore exchange rate. This leads to better export trade for Singapore's economy, bringing in foreign exchange reserves.

DOWNFALLS OF A Weak Exchange Rate

A weak Singapore exchange rate affects imports, leading to higher prices and an increase in inflation rates, which can cause economic instability. Furthermore, the increase in the demand for exports might not reap profitable yields as the cost of producing the goods increases due to the rising cost of imported raw materials.

Currency pairs for Singapore Exchange Rate Today

Singapore's currency, the Singapore Dollar(SGD), is available to trade globally. The currency is paired to other international currencies such as USD, CAD, AUD, INR, HKD, JPY, etc. United States (USD) plays a significant role as it dominates the forex market, being the most demanded currency worldwide. Therefore, the exchange rate between SGD and USD is the most influential exchange rate in Singapore.

Singapore's Currency Manipulation Control

Singapore has a unique way of managing currency manipulation through the Monetary Authority of Singapore. The agency manages monetary policies such as interest rates and conducts transactions with its foreign reserves. This control ensures that the exchange rate remains stable and introduces measures to prevent inflation.


In conclusion, Singapore Exchange Rate Today fluctuates at a minimal rate and is controlled by the government. Various factors like interest rates, demand and supply, inflation, and monetary policies have significant influence in affecting the exchange rate. A strong Singapore exchange rate is beneficiaL, while a weak Singapore exchange rate can lead to economic instability. Singapore's currency is appealing to many traders and is paired with other international currencies globally. Finally, Singapore's management of currency manipulation secures the exchange rate is stable, ensuring growth in Singapore's booming economy.

Welcome to our daily update about Singapore Exchange Rate Today. We understand how important it is for investors and travelers to keep track of the currency exchange rate in Singapore. Hence, we provide you with the latest information about the exchange rate and other factors that may affect it.

As of today, 20th October 2021, the exchange rate for SGD (Singapore Dollar) is 1 USD = 1.36 SGD. This rate is subject to change throughout the day depending on various factors such as market performance, economic conditions, and government policies.

The exchange rate has been relatively stable over the past few months, with minor fluctuations in the rate. This stability can be attributed to the strong economic growth and stable political climate in Singapore. The government's efforts to control inflation and maintain a stable currency have also contributed to the steady exchange rate.

One factor that could potentially affect the exchange rate is the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic has caused significant disruptions to the global economy, including Singapore's. However, Singapore's strong healthcare system and competent management of the pandemic have helped to minimize its impact on the economy.

Another factor that could affect the exchange rate is the global economic performance. As Singapore is a small, open economy, it is heavily reliant on international trade and investments. Any major shifts in the global economy, such as changes in interest rates or trade policies, could have a significant impact on the SGD exchange rate.

The Singaporean government has implemented various policies to maintain the stability of the exchange rate. One such policy is the managed float system, where the government monitors and regulates the exchange rate to prevent extreme fluctuations. The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS), Singapore's central bank, also aims to keep inflation low and stable through their monetary policy.

Investors looking to invest in Singapore should also keep in mind Singapore's attractive tax policies, business-friendly environment, and strong intellectual property protection laws. All these factors contribute to making Singapore a popular destination for foreign investments.

If you are planning a trip to Singapore, keeping track of the exchange rate can help you plan your budget better. It is also essential to keep in mind that Singapore is a relatively expensive city, with high costs of accommodation, food, and transportation. However, the high standard of living and excellent infrastructure make it an attractive destination for many visitors.

Of course, exchange rates are volatile and subject to change, so it is crucial to keep updated on any shifts in the market. Keeping an eye on the news, economic reports, and currency forecasts can help you make informed decisions about investments and travel plans.

In conclusion, we hope that this article has provided you with valuable information on the Singapore Exchange Rate Today. Remember to stay updated on the latest news and events that could affect the exchange rate and make informed decisions based on your individual circumstances. Thank you for reading, and we wish you all the best in your investments and travels!

People also ask about Singapore Exchange Rate Today:

  1. What is the current exchange rate for SGD?
  2. The current exchange rate for SGD (Singapore dollar) varies daily and can be checked through banks, online currency converters, or financial news websites. As of [insert date here], the exchange rate for SGD is [insert exchange rate number here].

  3. How does the exchange rate affect Singapore’s economy?
  4. The exchange rate plays a crucial role in Singapore's economy as it affects the competitiveness of the country's exports and imports. A stronger currency makes imports cheaper and exports more expensive, while a weaker currency makes exports cheaper and imports more expensive. Singapore's central bank manages the exchange rate through a trading band to ensure price stability and promote economic growth.

  5. What factors influence the SGD exchange rate?
  6. The exchange rate of SGD is influenced by various factors, including inflation, interest rates, economic growth, political stability, and global market conditions. When in inflation is high, the central bank may raise interest rates to control the money supply, which can strengthen the currency. Economic growth and political stability can also impact investor confidence in the Singaporean economy and affect the exchange rate.

  7. What is the historical exchange rate trend for SGD?
  8. The historical exchange rate trend for SGD can vary over time depending on various factors such as global market conditions, political and economic stability, and government policies. To check the historical exchange rates for SGD, you can refer to the Singapore Monetary Authority's website or other financial data providers.

  9. Can exchange rates affect travel budgets in Singapore?
  10. Yes, exchange rates can affect travel budgets in Singapore as the value of foreign currencies against the SGD can fluctuate. When planning a trip to Singapore, it is important to research the current exchange rates and budget accordingly. Travelers can also consider using credit or debit cards with no foreign transaction fees to save on currency exchange costs.

People also ask about Kurs Singapore Hari Ini

1. What is the exchange rate for Singapore Dollar today?

The exchange rate for the Singapore Dollar (SGD) can vary on a daily basis due to various factors such as market conditions, economic indicators, and geopolitical events. It is recommended to check with your bank or financial institution for the most accurate and up-to-date exchange rate.

2. How can I find the current exchange rate for SGD?

To find the current exchange rate for SGD, you can use various online platforms, financial news websites, or currency converter apps. These sources provide real-time exchange rates for different currencies, including the Singapore Dollar. It's important to compare rates from multiple sources to get the best possible rate.

3. What factors influence the fluctuation of SGD exchange rate?

The exchange rate of SGD can be influenced by several factors, including:

  • Economic indicators: Factors such as GDP growth, inflation, interest rates, and employment data can impact the currency's value.
  • Market conditions: Supply and demand dynamics in the foreign exchange market play a significant role in determining exchange rates.
  • Political and geopolitical events: Changes in government policies, elections, trade agreements, and global events can affect the currency's value.

4. Should I exchange my currency now or wait for a better rate?

Deciding whether to exchange your currency now or wait for a better rate depends on your individual circumstances and your expectations for the currency's movement. It's important to consider factors such as your travel date, the stability of the currency, and any upcoming economic or political events that might impact its value. Consulting with a financial advisor or monitoring market trends can help you make an informed decision.

5. Are there any fees or charges associated with exchanging SGD?

When exchanging currencies, there may be fees or charges involved depending on where and how you exchange your money. Banks and currency exchange services typically charge a commission or transaction fee for their services. Additionally, some institutions may apply a markup to the exchange rate. It's advisable to compare rates and fees from different providers to ensure you get the best deal.