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Unlocking the Insider Secrets: Exploring Marketing Manager Salary in Singapore

Marketing Manager Salary Singapore

Discover the average Marketing Manager salary in Singapore and explore the factors that influence this dynamic role's remuneration.

Are you wondering how much a marketing manager earns in Singapore? If you're considering a career in marketing or currently work in the industry, knowing the average salary range can help you plan your finances and determine your career goals.

According to statistics, marketing managers in Singapore earn an average salary of $98,506 per year. That's almost double the average annual income in the country, making marketing management a lucrative profession.

But what factors can influence a marketing manager's salary in Singapore? One of the main contributors is experience. As with many careers, the more experience you have, the higher your salary can be.

Education and qualifications are also essential. Marketing managers with a degree or certification in marketing, business administration, or related fields are likely to earn more than those without qualifications.

Another significant factor is the industry and company you work for. Different industries and companies offer different levels of compensation, so it's essential to research before considering a job offer.

As a marketing manager, your primary responsibility is to drive sales and increase brand awareness through various marketing strategies. You will lead a team of marketing professionals and work alongside sales and product teams to ensure success.

To be successful in this role, you must have strong leadership, communication, and analytical skills. You should also be creative, adaptable, and able to handle multiple projects simultaneously.

If you possess these skills and qualifications, you could be a desirable candidate for marketing manager roles in Singapore. It's no surprise that the demand for experienced marketing managers is high, and the competition is fierce.

So, what can you do to improve your chances of securing a high-paying marketing manager position in Singapore? One option is to specialize in a niche area of marketing, such as digital marketing, social media marketing, or product marketing. Specialization can make you more valuable to employers and increase your earning potential.

Another option is to network and build relationships with other professionals in the industry. Attend marketing conferences, join professional organizations, and connect with marketing leaders on LinkedIn. Networking can open doors to job opportunities and help you stay up-to-date with the latest marketing trends and innovations.

In conclusion, being a marketing manager in Singapore can be financially rewarding, and it's a career path worth considering. Factors that can influence your salary include experience, education, industry, and company. If you have the skills, qualifications, and passion for marketing, you could be the solution companies are searching for.


The role of a Marketing Manager is becoming increasingly important as businesses recognize the importance of effective marketing in achieving growth and profitability. A Marketing Manager is responsible for developing and implementing marketing strategies that will help a company achieve its goals. In Singapore, this role is in high demand, and so it's essential to understand what the average salary is for Marketing Managers. In this article, we will explore the Marketing Manager salary in Singapore.

What is a Marketing Manager?

A Marketing Manager is responsible for a range of activities, including market research, product development, pricing, advertising, and sales promotions. They work closely with other managers to develop marketing strategies that will help their company achieve its goals. This is a vital role for any business, as the effectiveness of its marketing can be the difference between success and failure.

Average Salary for a Marketing Manager in Singapore

According to data from Salary Explorer, the average salary for a Marketing Manager in Singapore is SGD 106,661 per year. This is an average figure, and salaries can vary widely depending on a range of factors, including experience, industry, and location. It's essential to remember that salaries are just one aspect of compensation; many companies offer additional benefits such as bonuses, stock options, and healthcare packages.

Factors that Affect Marketing Manager Salary

There are several factors that can affect the salary of a Marketing Manager in Singapore:

  1. Experience - Experienced Marketing Managers can command higher salaries due to their expertise and proven track record.
  2. Industry - Certain industries, such as finance or technology, may offer higher salaries for Marketing Managers due to the increased demand for these skills.
  3. Location - The cost of living in different regions of Singapore can affect salaries, with higher salaries typically being offered in more expensive areas.
  4. Education - Having a degree in marketing or a related field can boost a Marketing Manager's earning potential.

Salary Range for Marketing Managers in Singapore

The salary range for Marketing Managers in Singapore is quite broad. According to Salary Explorer, Marketing Managers can expect to earn between SGD 59,300 and SGD 176,000 per year. Salaries at the lower end of this scale are typically for those with less experience or entry-level positions, while those at the higher end are for those with extensive experience or in senior management roles.

Average Marketing Manager Salary by Company Size

The size of the company also plays a role in determining the average salary for a Marketing Manager. According to data from Payscale, here is the average salary for Marketing Managers in Singapore based on company size:

  • Small companies (less than 50 employees) - SGD 79,994
  • Medium companies (50-249 employees) - SGD 87,392
  • Large companies (250+ employees) - SGD 115,000

Top Industries for Marketing Managers in Singapore

The demand for Marketing Managers in Singapore is high across many industries. Some of the top industries for Marketing Managers include:

  • Finance and Banking
  • Technology
  • Retail
  • Manufacturing
  • Hospitality and Tourism

Growth Outlook for Marketing Manager Jobs in Singapore

The future looks bright for Marketing Manager jobs in Singapore. According to a report by JobTech, there was a 15.6% year-on-year growth in online job postings for marketing roles in Singapore in the first half of 2021. This indicates that there is a high demand for Marketing Managers, and this trend is likely to continue in the coming years.


Marketing Managers in Singapore can expect to earn a competitive salary, with a broad range of factors affecting their earning potential. Experience, industry, location, and company size are just some of the key factors that come into play. With the demand for Marketing Managers continuing to grow, it's an exciting time for those looking to pursue a career in marketing in Singapore.


Marketing managers play a crucial role in any organization. Their duties include developing marketing strategies, analyzing market trends, identifying target audiences, and managing campaigns aimed at promoting sales. In Singapore, the marketing industry has been growing steadily, with many businesses investing more resources in marketing efforts. However, marketing manager salaries differ depending on various factors such as experience, industry, and company size. In this article, we will explore the marketing manager salary Singapore offers and compare it across different factors.

Salary by Years of Experience

The years of experience that a marketing manager has typically influences their salary. The more experience a marketing manager has, the more likely they are to earn a higher salary.

Years of Experience Average Salary
0-2 years S$ 42,000 - S$ 72,000
3-5 years S$ 60,000 - S$ 108,000
6-10 years S$ 84,000 - S$ 156,000
10+ years S$ 120,000 - S$ 240,000

As shown in the table above, marketing managers with 10 or more years of experience can earn up to S$240,000 per year, which is significantly higher than those just starting in the industry.

Salary by Industry

The industry a marketing manager works in also plays a significant role in determining their salary. Different industries have different demands and therefore pay different salaries to their marketing managers.

Industry Average Salary
Finance S$ 66,000 - S$ 150,000
Consumer Goods S$ 60,000 - S$ 140,000
Information Technology S$ 85,000 - S$ 180,000
Healthcare S$ 54,000 - S$ 120,000

In Singapore, marketing managers in the information technology industry earn the highest salaries, followed by those in finance and consumer goods while those in healthcare industry earn the lowest salaries.

Salary by Company Size

The size of the company that a marketing manager works for is another factor that influences salary. Larger companies tend to offer higher salaries than smaller companies.

Company Size Average Salary
Small (1-50 employees) S$ 35,000 - S$ 84,000
Mid-Sized (51-500 employees) S$ 54,000 - S$ 120,000
Large (500+ employees) S$ 84,000 - S$ 200,000

As shown by the table above, larger companies tend to pay marketing managers a higher salary than small-sized companies. This can be attributed to their higher budget for marketing activities and the complexity of the marketing strategies employed.


Overall, the marketing manager salary Singapore offers is competitive, with high potentials for growth in the industry. Salary figures differ depending on various factors such as years of experience, industry, and company size. Therefore, it is essential for marketing managers in Singapore to understand these factors when negotiating their salaries.

Understanding these factors may also help job seekers to prepare for entry into the marketing field. In conclusion, the marketing industry will likely continue to see growth over time, reflecting an increasing demand for skilled marketing professionals. Therefore, aspiring marketers should focus on developing their skills in marketing to take advantage of the many opportunities available in Singapore.


Singapore is one of the most developed countries in Southeast Asia, and it has a thriving economy that provides many job opportunities. One of the most sought-after jobs in Singapore is the Marketing Manager position. Marketing Managers are responsible for overseeing the marketing department's activities and ensuring that all marketing goals are achieved. This article will provide insights into the Marketing Manager salary in Singapore and factors that affect their pay.

Factors affecting Marketing Manager Salary in Singapore


Education plays a significant role in determining a Marketing Manager's salary. Generally, Marketing Managers with higher qualifications, such as a Master's degree or a Ph.D., earn more than those with lower educational qualifications.


Like most professions, experience is a crucial factor when it comes to determining a Marketing Manager's salary. Marketing Managers who have been in the industry for several years and have a proven track record of delivering results earn more than those who are just starting.


The industry in which a Marketing Manager works also plays an important role in determining their salary. Marketing Managers in high-demand industries such as finance, technology, and pharmaceuticals generally earn higher salaries than those in other industries.

Size of the Company

The size of the company a Marketing Manager works for also impacts their salary. Marketing Managers who work for larger companies generally earn more than those who work for smaller companies. Larger companies have bigger marketing budgets and more extensive marketing campaigns, which require more experienced Marketing Managers to oversee them.

Average Marketing Manager Salary in Singapore

According to Glassdoor, the average Marketing Manager salary in Singapore is approximately SGD 85,000 per year.

Salary by Experience

Entry-level Marketing Manager

Marketing Managers who are just starting out usually earn between SGD 50,000 to SGD 65,000 per year. Entry-level Marketing Managers typically have less than two years of experience in the industry.

Mid-level Marketing Manager

Mid-level Marketing Managers with three to five years of experience earn between SGD 70,000 to SGD 100,000 per year.

Experienced Marketing Manager

Experienced Marketing Managers with more than ten years of experience can earn up to SGD 150,000 per year or more.

Salary by Industry


Marketing Managers who work in the finance industry typically earn between SGD 100,000 to SGD 150,000 per year.


Marketing Managers in the technology industry can expect to earn between SGD 90,000 to SGD 120,000 per year.


Marketing Managers in the pharmaceutical industry can earn between SGD 90,000 to SGD 140,000 per year, depending on their experience and qualifications.


In conclusion, Marketing Managers play a crucial role in ensuring that a company's marketing campaigns are successful. The salary of a Marketing Manager in Singapore is determined by several factors, including education, experience, industry, and company size. Generally, Marketing Managers in high-demand industries such as finance and technology earn higher salaries than those in other industries. Nonetheless, the average Marketing Manager's salary in Singapore is approximately SGD 85,000 per year. Pursuing an education and gaining experience in marketing can increase a Marketing Manager's earning potential and open up new opportunities in the industry.

If you are reading this article, chances are you are either a Marketing Manager in Singapore or someone aspiring to be one. Either way, you must be interested in knowing what a Marketing Manager salary in Singapore looks like.

Before we dive into the numbers, let us give you a brief introduction to the role of a Marketing Manager and what it entails. A Marketing Manager is responsible for developing and executing marketing strategies that align with the company's overall goals and objectives. This involves conducting market research, analyzing trends, identifying target audiences, and managing a team of marketing professionals to ensure the successful execution of campaigns and initiatives.

Now coming back to the topic at hand, Marketing Manager salaries in Singapore are competitive when compared to other countries in the region. According to Payscale, the average Marketing Manager salary in Singapore is S$84,513 per year. However, this number can vary depending on several factors such as years of experience, qualifications, industry, and company size.

Let us take a closer look at each of these factors to understand how they affect the salary of a Marketing Manager in Singapore:

Years of Experience

As with any role, the more experience you have, the higher your salary is likely to be. In Singapore, Marketing Managers with less than 5 years of experience can expect to earn an average salary of S$55,000 per year. On the other hand, those with more than 10 years of experience can earn upwards of S$135,000 per year.


Most Marketing Manager roles require a degree in Marketing, Business, or a related field. However, having additional certifications such as a Digital Marketing certification or a Chartered Marketer designation can also increase your salary potential. Marketing Managers in Singapore with additional qualifications can earn up to 20% more than their counterparts without any certifications.


The industry you work in can also have an impact on your salary. Some industries such as finance and healthcare tend to pay higher salaries than others such as retail or hospitality. For example, a Marketing Manager working in the finance industry in Singapore can earn up to S$120,000 per year, while one working in the retail industry may earn only S$70,000 per year.

Company Size

The size of the company you work for can also affect your salary. Usually, larger companies tend to pay higher salaries than smaller ones. This is because larger companies have more resources and a larger budget to invest in marketing initiatives. Marketing Managers in Singapore working for multinational companies with more than 500 employees can earn up to S$125,000 per year.

Now that we have looked at the factors that influence Marketing Manager salaries in Singapore let us talk about some of the top-paying industries:

Top-Paying Industries for Marketing Managers in Singapore

1. Finance

The finance industry is known for paying high salaries to its professionals, and Marketing Managers are no exception. Marketing Managers in the finance sector can expect to earn upwards of S$100,000 per year.

2. Technology

Technology companies are known for their innovative and creative marketing strategies. Marketing Managers in the tech industry in Singapore can earn up to S$110,000 per year.

3. Healthcare

The healthcare industry is another top-paying sector for Marketing Managers in Singapore. Marketing Managers in healthcare can earn up to S$120,000 per year.

4. Professional Services

Marketing Managers working in professional services such as consulting or law firms can earn up to S$115,000 per year.

Now that we have discussed the factors affecting Marketing Manager salaries and the top-paying industries, it is important to note that salary is not the only thing that matters. As a Marketing Manager, you should also consider other factors such as work-life balance, company culture, and growth opportunities.

In conclusion, Marketing Manager salaries in Singapore are competitive and can vary depending on several factors such as years of experience, qualifications, industry, and company size. It is important to do your research and negotiate your salary based on your skills and expertise.

We hope this article has given you a better understanding of Marketing Manager salaries in Singapore. Good luck on your journey as a Marketing Manager!

Continue growing your knowledge and skills in marketing by exploring our other articles here! Don't forget to share this article with your friends and colleagues who are interested in the same topic.

People Also Ask About Marketing Manager Salary Singapore:

  1. What is the average salary for a marketing manager in Singapore?
  2. The average salary for a marketing manager in Singapore is around SGD 80,000 to SGD 120,000 per year.

  3. What factors affect the salary of a marketing manager in Singapore?
  4. The factors that affect the salary of a marketing manager in Singapore include the size and industry of the company, years of experience, skills and qualifications, and level of responsibility.

  5. What are the highest paying industries for marketing managers in Singapore?
  6. The highest paying industries for marketing managers in Singapore include finance, technology, and healthcare.

  7. Is there room for career growth as a marketing manager in Singapore?
  8. Yes, there is room for career growth as a marketing manager in Singapore. Marketing managers can advance to higher positions such as marketing director or chief marketing officer.

  9. What skills and qualifications are necessary to become a successful marketing manager in Singapore?
  10. Candidates for marketing manager positions must have a bachelor's degree in marketing, business, or a related field. They must also have strong communication, analytical, and leadership skills, as well as experience in marketing or sales.

People Also Ask About Marketing Manager Salary Singapore

What is the average salary of a Marketing Manager in Singapore?

The average salary of a Marketing Manager in Singapore is estimated to be around SGD 80,000 to SGD 120,000 per year. However, this figure can vary depending on factors such as the industry, company size, level of experience, and individual performance.

What factors can influence the salary of a Marketing Manager in Singapore?

Several factors can influence the salary of a Marketing Manager in Singapore:

  1. Industry: Different industries may offer varying salary ranges for Marketing Managers. For example, the finance or technology sectors might offer higher salaries compared to the retail industry.
  2. Company Size: Larger companies with extensive marketing budgets may have the capacity to offer higher salaries than smaller organizations.
  3. Experience Level: The level of experience plays a significant role in determining the salary. Marketing Managers with more years of experience tend to command higher pay.
  4. Performance: Individual performance and track record can also impact salary negotiations. High-performing Marketing Managers may receive bonuses or higher base salaries.

Are there any additional benefits or perks for Marketing Managers in Singapore?

Yes, Marketing Managers in Singapore may receive additional benefits and perks along with their base salary. These can include:

  • Annual bonuses based on performance targets
  • Health insurance coverage
  • Paid vacation and sick leave
  • Flexible work arrangements
  • Opportunities for career progression and professional development

How does the salary of a Marketing Manager in Singapore compare to other countries?

The salary of a Marketing Manager in Singapore is generally higher compared to many other countries. Singapore has a strong economy and a competitive job market, which can contribute to higher salaries. However, it is essential to consider factors such as cost of living and taxation when comparing salaries across different countries.