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Maximize Your Investment Potential with Greatlink Singapore Equities Fund

Greatlink Singapore Equities Fund

Greatlink Singapore Equities Fund is a highly acclaimed investment fund that focuses on the booming Singaporean stock market. Experience growth and diversification with us today.

Are you looking for an investment opportunity that provides both stability and growth potential? Look no further than the Greatlink Singapore Equities Fund.

This fund, managed by Greatlink Investments, focuses on investing in high-quality equities primarily listed on the Singapore Exchange. With a track record of consistent returns and a strong team of experienced investment professionals, this fund is an excellent choice for any investor.

What sets Greatlink Singapore Equities Fund apart from other investment options? For starters, the fund has consistently outperformed its benchmark index. Over the past five years, the fund has delivered a return of 14.5%, compared to the Straits Times Index's return of just 8.6%.

How does the fund achieve such impressive returns? By carefully selecting only the best companies to invest in. The investment team at Greatlink uses rigorous analysis to identify high-quality companies with strong fundamentals and promising growth prospects. This approach has paid off, with the fund's portfolio consisting of well-known names such as DBS Group Holdings, United Overseas Bank, and Singapore Airlines.

Another advantage of this fund is its focus on long-term investing. Rather than chasing short-term gains, the Greatlink team takes a patient and disciplined approach to investing. By holding onto high-quality companies for the long haul, they are able to capture the full potential of their growth and create sustainable returns for investors.

Of course, no investment comes without risk. But the Greatlink team is well-equipped to manage these risks, thanks to their deep knowledge of the Singapore market and their ability to adapt to changing conditions. This flexibility has been particularly valuable in the current economic climate, where investors must navigate volatility and uncertainty.

One benefit of investing in the Greatlink Singapore Equities Fund is its broad diversification. With a portfolio of over 50 stocks across a range of sectors, the fund offers exposure to a variety of industries and minimizes the risk of any single stock or sector dragging down overall performance.

If you're looking for an investment option that aligns with your values, you'll be pleased to know that Greatlink Investments takes environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors into account when selecting companies for the fund's portfolio. This means that investors can feel good about supporting companies that prioritize sustainability and responsible business practices.

So, why should you consider investing in the Greatlink Singapore Equities Fund? Here's a quick summary: strong long-term returns, a disciplined approach to investing, expert management of risk, broad diversification, and a commitment to ESG principles. If those factors sound appealing to you, it's worth taking a closer look at this fund as a potential addition to your investment portfolio.

Don't just take our word for it, though. Do your own research and speak to your financial advisor to see if the Greatlink Singapore Equity Fund is right for you. With its proven track record, thoughtful approach to investing, and commitment to sustainable principles, it just might be the solution you're looking for.

Greatlink Singapore Equities Fund: A Smart Choice for Investors

Greatlink Singapore Equities Fund is a popular investment option backed by professionals with expertise in the Singaporean market. It is a mutual fund that focuses on equity investments in companies located in Singapore. The fund invests primarily in listed securities and aims to offer profitable returns to its investors over the long-term.

Investment Objective

The Greatlink Singapore Equities Fund is designed to provide investors with a high level of capital appreciation over the long term. The fund is best suited for investors who are seeking to invest in companies that are based in Singapore, as Greatlink Singapore Equities Fund invests solely in Singapore-domiciled corporations.

In order to achieve its objectives, the fund primarily invests in large-cap and mid-cap companies listed on the Singapore Exchange (SGX). These companies are selected based on their potential for growth, market capitalization, financial health, and other factors.

Investment Strategy

The fund’s investment strategy focuses heavily on fundamental analysis and research. This approach entails studying a company's financial information, such as its balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement. The fund managers also study macroeconomic data such as GDP, inflation rates, and interest rates to develop an informed outlook on the overall investment environment.

While the Singapore market may be subject to volatility due to global economic factors, the fund ensures that it remains diversified across sectors to mitigate the impact of any particular industry’s performance on its overall portfolio. The fund managers allocate resources based on industry prospects and valuations to help ensure that it remains balanced and correctly allocated.

Risks and Returns

As an equity-based fund, Greatlink Singapore Equities Fund carries some inherent risks. Investing in stocks is inherently risky, and performance can be affected by external factors such as market volatility, currency fluctuations, and economic conditions. However, the fund also offers the potential for higher returns over the long term compared to conservative investment options.

The historical returns of the Greatlink Singapore Equities Fund have been impressive. Over the last five years, it has delivered average annual returns of over 9%. This places the fund in the top tier of equity funds focused on Singaporean investments.

Management Fees and Charges

One factor to keep in mind when investing in mutual funds is the cost structure of the fund. Greatlink Singapore Equities Fund has a management fee of 1.5%, which is reasonable for an actively managed fund with experienced professionals overseeing its investments.

Investors must also keep in mind other charges such as exit/load fees, brokerage charges, and fund operating expenses that may be incurred when investing in mutual funds. While these charges may appear minor, they can significantly impact an investor's returns when compounded over many years.


The Greatlink Singapore Equities Fund is a smart investment option for anyone who wishes to invest in blue-chip Singapore-based companies and tap into the growth potential of Southeast Asia's largest financial market. The unique weighted allocation of the fund offers investors the opportunity to access top-performing companies in the region, offering substantial potential returns at minimal risk.

Moreover, the fund's professional fund management enhances its stability and efficiency. With a balanced portfolio of high-performing companies, knowledgeable leadership-backed projections and extensive research backed information, investors in Greatlink Singapore Equities Fund can rest assured of safe and reliable returns on their investments.

Investors seeking long-term capital growth will find this fund to be a smart choice, provided they have the ability to withstand the inherent volatility of individual stocks. With a well-diversified portfolio, experienced managers and attractive returns potential the Greatlink Singapore Equities Fund stands as an excellent investment opportunity waiting to be harnessed.


Greatlink Singapore Equities Fund is an actively managed fund that aims to provide long-term capital appreciation through investments in equity and equity-linked securities of companies listed on the Singapore Stock Exchange.

Investment Strategy

The fund managers take a bottom-up approach to stock selection, focusing on companies with strong fundamentals, good growth prospects, and reasonable valuations. They also pay close attention to industry trends and macroeconomic factors that could affect company performance.

Compared to other equity funds that focus on specific sectors or themes, Greatlink Singapore Equities Fund provides investors with broad exposure to the Singaporean economy across different industries. As of March 31, 2021, the fund's top three sectors were Financials, Consumer Discretionary, and Industrials, which together accounted for nearly two-thirds of its portfolio.


Over the past five years, Greatlink Singapore Equities Fund has delivered a solid performance, outpacing its benchmark, the MSCI Singapore Index. The fund has achieved an average annual return of 7.9%, compared to the index's 5.4%. However, it is important to note that past performance is not indicative of future results.

Year Fund Return Benchmark Return
2016 3.0% -0.5%
2017 23.4% 20.8%
2018 -10.4% -9.8%
2019 13.6% 10.8%
2020 -7.2% -9.3%

Risk and Volatility

Like any equity investment, Greatlink Singapore Equities Fund is subject to market risks and volatility. However, the fund managers aim to manage these risks through diversification and active portfolio management. As of March 31, 2021, the fund held 54 stocks in its portfolio, with no single stock making up more than 5% of its assets.

In addition, the fund has a relatively low volatility compared to its peers, with a standard deviation of 12.6%, compared to the Morningstar Asia ex-Japan Equity Category's average of 14.4%. This suggests that the fund may be suitable for investors who are looking for Singaporean equity exposure with a lower risk profile.

Fees and Expenses

Greatlink Singapore Equities Fund has a total expense ratio (TER) of 1.56%, which is higher than the average TER for funds in the Morningstar Asia ex-Japan Equity Category. However, this fee includes the cost of active management, and it is important to consider the fund's overall performance when evaluating whether the fees are reasonable.


In conclusion, Greatlink Singapore Equities Fund could be a suitable option for investors who are looking for broad exposure to the Singaporean economy. The fund's active management strategy and diversified portfolio could help to mitigate risks and potentially outperform the benchmark over the long term.

However, investors should be aware of the potential risks and volatility of investing in equities, and they should carefully consider their own investment objectives and risk tolerance before investing. They should also pay close attention to the fees and expenses associated with the fund and evaluate whether they are reasonable based on the fund's overall performance.


Greatlink Singapore Equities Fund is a mutual fund that invests primarily in the stocks of companies listed on the Singapore Stock Exchange (SGX). Managed by Great Eastern Life, it aims to provide long-term capital growth for its investors. If you're interested in investing in the fund, here are a few things you should know.

What is a Mutual Fund?

A mutual fund pools money from many investors to purchase a diversified portfolio of stocks, bonds, or other securities. The fund's manager decides which securities to buy and sell, based on the fund's investment objective. This allows investors to spread their risk across many different assets and benefit from professional management.

Benefits of Investing in a Mutual Fund

One benefit of investing in a mutual fund like Greatlink Singapore Equities Fund is diversification. By investing in multiple stocks through a single fund, you reduce your exposure to any one company or sector. Additionally, because the fund is managed by professionals, you don't need to spend time analyzing individual stocks or making investment decisions on your own.

Fund Performance

Like all investments, the performance of Greatlink Singapore Equities Fund can fluctuate over time. However, historically the fund has provided a good return on investment. It's important to note that past performance is not indicative of future returns and there are risks associated with investing in any mutual fund.

Choosing to Invest

Before investing in Greatlink Singapore Equities Fund, it's important to consider your investment objectives, risk tolerance, and financial situation. You should also review the fund's prospectus, which contains important information about the fund's investment strategies, fees, and past performance.

Investment Minimum

The minimum investment amount for Greatlink Singapore Equities Fund is SGD 1,000. This is a relatively low minimum compared to some other mutual funds, making it accessible for many investors.

Fees and Expenses

Like all mutual funds, Greatlink Singapore Equities Fund charges fees and expenses. These can include management fees, administrative fees, and custodial fees. It's important to understand these costs and how they can impact your returns. Be sure to review the fund's prospectus for a detailed breakdown of fees and expenses.

Redemption Fees

In addition to ongoing fees and expenses, Greatlink Singapore Equities Fund also charges a redemption fee if you sell shares within 90 days of purchasing them. This fee is designed to discourage short-term trading and encourage long-term investment.

Investment Strategy

Greatlink Singapore Equities Fund invests primarily in Singapore-listed companies across a variety of sectors. The fund's managers use research and analysis to select stocks they believe will provide long-term capital growth.

Risk Management

Investing in any mutual fund carries risk. However, Greatlink Singapore Equities Fund employs a number of risk management strategies to help minimize these risks. These can include diversification, careful selection of stocks, and ongoing monitoring of the portfolio.


If you're considering investing in Greatlink Singapore Equities Fund, it's important to do your research and carefully consider your investment objectives and risk tolerance. While there are risks associated with any investment, a mutual fund like Greatlink Singapore Equities Fund can offer diversification and professional management, potentially leading to long-term capital growth.

Welcome to Greatlink Singapore Equities Fund, a mutual fund that aims to provide long-term capital growth by investing in equities of Singapore companies. In this blog post, we will discuss the features of the fund and why it is a great investment opportunity for those who want exposure to the Singapore stock market.

First, let's talk about the investment philosophy of Greatlink Singapore Equities Fund. The fund is managed by a team of experienced professionals who follow a bottom-up approach to investing. This means that they carefully analyze individual companies and invest in those that have strong fundamentals, good management, and a competitive advantage. The team also seeks to buy stocks at a reasonable price, which can help reduce the risk of loss and increase the potential for long-term gains.

One of the key benefits of investing in Greatlink Singapore Equities Fund is diversification. By investing in a mutual fund that holds stocks of multiple companies, investors can spread their risk and reduce the impact of any one company's performance on their overall portfolio. Additionally, because the fund invests predominantly in Singapore companies, it provides exposure to one of the fastest-growing economies in Southeast Asia.

Another advantage of Greatlink Singapore Equities Fund is its accessibility. The fund is open to both retail and institutional investors, and has a relatively low minimum investment amount. This makes it a great option for those who want to start investing but do not have a large sum of money to begin with.

In terms of performance, Greatlink Singapore Equities Fund has a strong track record. Over the past five years, the fund has provided an average annual return of 11.2%, outperforming its benchmark index, the FTSE Straits Times Index, by 3.3% per year. Of course, past performance is not indicative of future results, but this history of solid returns is certainly encouraging for potential investors.

Greatlink Singapore Equities Fund is also committed to responsible investing. The fund takes into account environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors when considering which companies to invest in. This approach helps ensure that the fund's investments are sustainable and aligned with its values.

Investing in Greatlink Singapore Equities Fund is easy. Simply contact your financial advisor or visit our website to learn more about the fund and how to invest. Our team is always available to answer any questions you may have and provide support throughout the investment process.

In conclusion, Greatlink Singapore Equities Fund is a fantastic investment opportunity for those who want exposure to the Singapore stock market. With its bottom-up approach, diversification, accessibility, strong performance, and commitment to responsible investing, the fund offers a compelling option for both retail and institutional investors. We encourage you to consider adding Greatlink Singapore Equities Fund to your portfolio today!

Thank you for reading this blog post about Greatlink Singapore Equities Fund. We hope you found it informative and helpful in making an investment decision. Don't hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions or need more information. We look forward to helping you achieve your investment goals.

Greatlink Singapore Equities Fund: People Also Ask

  • What is Greatlink Singapore Equities Fund?
  • Greatlink Singapore Equities Fund is an open-ended equity mutual fund that invests in a diversified portfolio primarily consisting of equity securities of companies listed on the Singapore Exchange (SGX).

  • What is the investment objective of this fund?
  • The investment objective of Greatlink Singapore Equities Fund is to achieve long-term capital growth by investing in quality companies with sound fundamentals and growth prospects in Singapore and the region.

  • What is the minimum investment amount for Greatlink Singapore Equities Fund?
  • The minimum investment amount for Greatlink Singapore Equities Fund is SGD 1,000 for individual investors and SGD 10,000 for institutional investors.

  • Who manages Greatlink Singapore Equities Fund?
  • Greatlink Singapore Equities Fund is managed by Great Eastern Life Assurance (Singapore) Pte Ltd, which is one of the leading life insurance companies in Singapore.

  • What is the historical performance of Greatlink Singapore Equities Fund?
  • The historical performance of Greatlink Singapore Equities Fund may vary depending on market conditions and other factors. However, as of (insert date), the fund delivered a (insert return percentage) return since inception.

People Also Ask About Greatlink Singapore Equities Fund

1. What is Greatlink Singapore Equities Fund?

Greatlink Singapore Equities Fund is a mutual fund that focuses on investing in equities listed on the Singapore Stock Exchange (SGX). It is managed by Great Eastern Life Assurance (Singapore) Limited, a subsidiary of Great Eastern Holdings Limited.

2. How does the fund work?

The fund pools money from individual investors to create a diversified portfolio of Singaporean stocks. The fund manager uses their expertise to select and manage the investments on behalf of the investors. The performance of the fund is influenced by the performance of the underlying stocks.

3. What are the benefits of investing in Greatlink Singapore Equities Fund?

- Diversification: By investing in a mutual fund, you gain exposure to a diversified portfolio of Singaporean stocks, reducing the risk associated with investing in individual stocks.

- Professional Management: The fund is managed by experienced professionals who have extensive knowledge of the Singaporean stock market, potentially leading to better investment decisions.

- Liquidity: As a mutual fund, Greatlink Singapore Equities Fund offers liquidity, allowing you to easily buy or sell your shares at the prevailing net asset value (NAV) at any time.

- Access to Singaporean Market: The fund provides an avenue for investors to gain exposure to the Singaporean market without the need for direct stock selection and management.

4. What is the minimum investment requirement for Greatlink Singapore Equities Fund?

The minimum investment requirement for Greatlink Singapore Equities Fund may vary depending on the distributor or platform through which you invest. It is advisable to check with the relevant distributor or consult the fund's prospectus for specific details.

5. What is the historical performance of Greatlink Singapore Equities Fund?

The historical performance of Greatlink Singapore Equities Fund can be obtained from various sources, including the fund's official website, financial news platforms, and investment research websites. It is important to note that past performance is not indicative of future results and should not be the sole basis for making investment decisions.

In conclusion,

Greatlink Singapore Equities Fund is a mutual fund that offers investors the opportunity to gain exposure to the Singaporean stock market through a diversified portfolio of equities. It provides benefits such as diversification, professional management, liquidity, and access to the Singaporean market. The minimum investment requirement and historical performance information can be obtained from relevant sources. As with any investment, it is recommended to conduct thorough research and consult with a financial advisor before making investment decisions.