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Join the Fight Against COVID-19: Explore Vaccination Centre Jobs in Singapore

Vaccination Centre Jobs Singapore

Looking for jobs at vaccination centres in Singapore? Explore various opportunities and positions available at Vaccination Centre Jobs Singapore.

As Singapore ramps up its vaccination efforts, the demand for vaccination centre jobs has skyrocketed. Whether you're looking for a career change or just a temporary gig, working at a vaccination centre could be the perfect opportunity for you. Read on to find out more about the types of jobs available and how you can get started.

Firstly, let's take a look at some statistics. As of March 2021, Singapore had vaccinated over 1 million people against COVID-19. With the goal of vaccinating the entire population by the end of the year, that number is only going to go up. This means there will be a huge demand for staff at vaccination centres.

So, what kinds of jobs are available? One of the most important roles is that of the vaccinator – the person who actually administers the vaccine. To become a vaccinator, you'll need to complete a training course and pass an assessment. Another key role is that of the registration assistant – the person who greets patients, checks their details, and helps them fill out forms.

Other roles include logistics coordinators, who ensure that vaccines are stored correctly and delivered to the correct locations, and security personnel, who help maintain order and safety at the vaccination centre. There are also administrative roles, such as data entry and record keeping, that are crucial to ensuring the smooth running of the centre.

If you're interested in working at a vaccination centre, you might be wondering what the benefits are. Firstly, you'll be doing your part to help Singapore achieve herd immunity and bring an end to the pandemic. Secondly, many vaccination centre jobs offer flexible hours, which could be ideal if you have other commitments. And finally, some roles may even be paid – though this varies depending on the organisation you work for.

Getting started with a job at a vaccination centre is relatively easy. Firstly, check job sites and recruitment agencies for vacancies. You can also contact the health authorities directly to see if they are hiring. Once you've found a suitable role, you'll need to undergo any necessary training and obtain any required certifications.

If you're still not convinced about the benefits of working at a vaccination centre, consider this: According to a recent survey, over 80% of Singaporeans are willing to get vaccinated against COVID-19. This means that demand for vaccinations will remain high in the coming months, and there will be plenty of work to go around.

Overall, vaccination centre jobs are a fantastic way to contribute to Singapore's fight against COVID-19 while also gaining valuable experience and earning some extra income. So why not consider taking the leap and applying for a role today? With a little bit of luck, you could soon find yourself playing a crucial role in Singapore's vaccination efforts.


Singapore has been on the forefront of the fight against COVID-19, and vaccination centers have been a critical component of the nation's response to the pandemic. As more and more people get vaccinated, the demand for trained professionals to staff these centers has increased significantly. In this article, we will explore some of the job opportunities available at vaccination centers in Singapore, and the qualifications and skills required for these roles.

Roles and Responsibilities

At vaccination centers, there are several different roles that need to be filled to ensure the smooth running of operations. These include roles such as registration assistants, vaccination officers, healthcare assistants, and supervisors, among others. Each role comes with a distinct set of responsibilities, which includes but is not limited to:

Registration Assistants

Registration assistants are typically the first point of contact at vaccination centers. Their responsibilities include:
  • Assisting individuals with registration and booking appointments
  • Verifying identification documents and ensuring all information is accurate before entering data into the system
  • Answering queries and providing any necessary information on the vaccination process to individuals

Vaccination Officers

Vaccination officers are responsible for administering the vaccine to individuals. Their duties typically include:
  • Preparing vaccines and administering them in accordance with the standard operating procedures
  • Monitoring individuals after vaccination to check for adverse reactions and providing necessary medication or intervention if required
  • Ensuring that all waste is disposed of safely and correctly

Healthcare Assistants

Healthcare assistants play a crucial role in supporting vaccination operations. Their responsibilities include:
  • Assisting with patient flow management and ensuring that queues move efficiently and quickly
  • Maintaining the cleanliness and hygiene of the vaccination center
  • Assisting other staff members with any other required tasks


Supervisors are responsible for overseeing the smooth running of the vaccination center. Their duties include:
  • Ensuring that all staff members are performing their duties in accordance with the standard operating procedures (SOPs)
  • Coordinating with other departments involved in the vaccination process
  • Addressing any issues or concerns raised by staff or members of the public
  • Troubleshooting technical issues related to the registration or vaccination systems

Qualifications and Skills Required

The qualifications and skills needed for these roles may vary depending on the specific position. However, some of the common requirements across all roles include:


  • A minimum of a secondary school certificate or equivalent
  • Relevant training or certifications in relevant areas, such as customer service, healthcare, or medical administration


  • Excellent communication skills and ability to convey information clearly and concisely to members of the public
  • Ability to work under pressure and multi-task in a fast-paced environment
  • Good time management skills
  • Attention to detail and accuracy when entering data into systems
  • Ability to work as part of a team and collaborate with others effectively


Vaccination centers in Singapore play a critical role in the fight against COVID-19. As such, trained professionals are needed to ensure that operations run smoothly and efficiently. Whether you're a healthcare professional or someone looking for flexible, temporary work, there are several roles available at vaccination centers in Singapore. By understanding the qualifications and skills required for these roles, you can position yourself to take advantage of job opportunities in this growing sector.

Comparison Blog Article about Vaccination Centre Jobs Singapore

Vaccination Centre Jobs Singapore has been necessary due to the pandemic. With a citizen population of 5.7 million, and as of May 2021, 3,219 confirmed Covid-19 cases, the need to provide vaccinations has resulted in the creation of numerous vaccine centres in Singapore. The demand for these jobs has been high especially, for those who want to contribute to the country’s efforts in mitigating the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic. This article will provide a comparison of the various jobs available in the vaccination centres.

Nature of Work

The nature of work for the different job titles varies depending on the responsibilities assigned to each role. Different roles call for different responsibilities with varying degrees of interaction with patients.

The administrative staff are responsible for scheduling, processing, and receiving patient registrations. They arrange appointments as well as follow-up appointments for vaccinated patients. Additionally, the administrative staff supervise social distancing measures, maintain communication with clinical teams, and perform basic office tasks.

Clinical staff consists of nurses, doctors and pharmacists. They also manage vaccine-related medical conditions, handle adverse reactions if they arise and offer counselling for vaccine recipients. They assess medical histories, confirm identities, administer vaccines, and monitor patients after immunization closely. In the event of adverse side effects, clinical personnel have the responsibility of taking immediate action to treat the discomfort experienced by the patient.

Working Schedule

Vaccine administrators work six days a week on a flexible schedule, including weekends and public holidays. They operate on a rotating shift system, meaning that employees will take turns working with a set of schedules for different shifts.

Clinical staff may also work on a shift pattern that can include evenings and weekends. This allows the vaccination operation to run smoothly and adequately handle the large numbers of patients who require vaccination.

Requirements for Different Jobs

The job requirements for each position in the vaccine centres vary.


The administrative roles do not have specific requirements but require good communication skills and an understanding of basic technology. As long as you’re proficient with computers, working in administration does not necessitate formal education or degrees in any specific fields.


The clinical team in a vaccination centre consists of qualified healthcare professionals registered under Singapore’s Ministry of Health. Nurses administering vaccines are typically registered nurses with valid practising licenses, whereas doctors will be on a temporary licence to vaccinate. Pharmacists must also hold valid professional practice licenses under the Pharmaceutical Society of Singapore.

Salary and Remuneration

As of June 2021, administrative assistants in Singapore earned around $2,000 to $2,800 per month. On the other hand, the median salary of registered nurses is $4,000. Doctors administering vaccinations earn up to $160 per hour, and pharmacists can earn around $5,000 monthly. Job positions also come with employee benefits, such as healthcare coverage and paid leave.


The different jobs available in the vaccination centres all contribute to Singapore's efforts to tackle Covid-19 effectively. Though each role has unique responsibilities, working in a vaccination centre offers individuals an opportunity to assist in critical work that benefits society as a whole. From the administrative staff to the clinical team, every member plays a vital role in Singapore's fight against Covid-19. Therefore, jobs in vaccination centres carry high importance and come with a sense of fulfilment. As a result, the demand and value of these jobs are expected to remain high.

Nature of Work

Working Schedule

Requirements for Different Jobs

Salary and Remuneration

Administrative staff's responsibilities include scheduling, processing and receiving patient registrations, arrange appointments as well as follow-up appointments for vaccinated patients, supervises social distancing measures, maintains communication with clinical teams, and perform basic office tasks. Clinical staff assess medical histories, confirm identities, administer vaccines, and monitor patients after immunization closely. In the event of adverse side effects, clinical personnel have the responsibility of taking immediate action to treat the discomfort experienced by the patient.

Vaccine administrators work six days a week on a flexible schedule, including weekends and public holidays. They operate on a rotating shift system, meaning that employees will take turns working with a set of schedules for different shifts. Clinical staff may also work on a shift pattern that can include evenings and weekends.

Administrative roles do not require any specific qualifications but require good communication skills and an understanding of basic technology. For clinical roles, qualified healthcare professionals registered under Singapore’s Ministry of Health will be hired. Nurses administering vaccines are typically registered nurses while doctors will be on a temporary licence to vaccinate. Pharmacists must hold valid professional practice licenses under the Pharmaceutical Society of Singapore.

As of June 2021, administrative assistants in Singapore earned around $2,000 to $2,800 per month. On the other hand, the median salary of registered nurses is $4,000. Doctors administering vaccinations earn up to $160 per hour, and pharmacists can earn around $5,000 monthly.


With the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, vaccination has emerged as one of the crucial ways to control the coronavirus spread. As a result, governments around the world have launched massive vaccination drives, leading to the creation of numerous Vaccination Centre jobs.

The Importance of Vaccination Centres

Vaccination centres play a vital role in the COVID-19 pandemic response. These centres are responsible for providing vaccines to the public and are essential in the government's efforts to control and prevent the spread of the coronavirus. Singapore has set up various vaccination centres in different areas of the country to ensure all residents get vaccinated.

Types of Vaccination Centre Jobs

Various types of jobs are available at vaccination centres. From administrative roles to medical positions, the different job opportunities cater to different skill sets and expertise. Here are a few:

Administrative Roles

Many vaccination centres need administrative staff to manage appointments, logistics, and records. Some common roles include appointment schedulers, clinic assistants, data entry clerks, and receptionists. These roles require knowledge of basic computer skills, good communication skills, and attention to detail.

Medical Staff

Qualified medical professionals are always in high demand in vaccination centres. Vaccine Administrators, registered nurses, and doctors are required to administer the vaccines and deal with medical emergencies. Medical staff must have relevant professional qualifications and certifications to carry out the work.

Safety Officer

Safety Officers supervise and implement safety protocols at vaccination centres, including health checks, PPE compliance, and managing crowd control. They ensure that the centre runs safely for both staff and patients alike.

Skills and Qualifications

The specific qualifications and skills required for vaccination centre jobs vary depending on the roles. However, some general qualities that can make you ideal for most roles include excellent communication skills, time management, empathy, flexibility, and a willingness to work in a fast-paced environment. For medical roles, specific educational and professional qualifications are necessary.

How to Apply for Vaccination Centre Jobs in Singapore

If you're interested in applying for vaccination centre jobs, Singapore has various government and private-run centres, and the best way to apply is through the government careers page or various job portals. The Ministry of Health (MOH) regularly posts open positions available at vaccination centres on their website. Make sure your resume and cover letter highlight your relevant skills and experience for the job you're applying for.

Benefits of Working at a Vaccination Centre

Working at a vaccination centre can come with many benefits. You'll be part of the critical response team combating the COVID-19 pandemic and providing essential services to the public. Additionally, working at a vaccination centre provides job security, competitive salaries, and an opportunity to learn new skills.

Challenges of Working at a Vaccination Centre

Working at a vaccination centre can be challenging. For administrative staff, long hours and dealing with frustrated patients can be tiresome. For medical staff, administering the vaccine and dealing with potential adverse reactions can be daunting. However, the numerous benefits of working in a vaccination centre outweigh the challenges.


Vaccination centres play a vital role in the fight against COVID-19, and working at these centres can be immensely fulfilling. The different job opportunities cater to different skill sets, expertise, and offer competitive salaries and job security. Applying for vaccination centre jobs is easy, and with the right qualifications, you can help stop the spread of COVID-19 while making a difference in people's lives.

Hello there! If you are looking for a meaningful way to contribute to society during the global pandemic, consider joining the team of Vaccination Centre Jobs in Singapore. These vacancies offer an excellent opportunity for anyone interested in health and wellness while making a real difference to people's lives.

With the Covid-19 pandemic continuing to wreak havoc worldwide, governments everywhere are endeavoring to put an end to it by rolling out vaccination programs. Singapore is no exception; at present, they aim to vaccinate the whole population within this year. This requires a dedicated workforce, including healthcare professionals such as doctors, nurses, therapists, and support staff, to help administer these vaccines smoothly and efficiently.

So why opt for a job in the Vaccination Centre? Firstly, you can take pride in being part of an essential national effort that benefits everyone collectively. By providing vaccination services, you are helping to save lives and restore the country's economy. Furthermore, these positions offer a chance to learn new skills and gain valuable experience working in a dynamic environment, with opportunities to make a real difference in people's lives.

There are numerous positions available in the Vaccination Centre, ranging from medical professionals to administrative, clerical, and security roles. Those with healthcare-related backgrounds can apply for clinical positions as a doctor or nurse, while others may consider non-clinical roles, handling appointments, registration, and logistics. Regardless of the position you choose to fill, having a positive attitude towards teamwork, customer service, and continuous improvement will be vital to delivering the highest possible level of service to patients.

We acknowledge that many people may have concerns about working in a setting where close contact with potential COVID-19 patients is necessary. However, fear not, as the Ministry of Health has implemented strict measures to ensure all employees' safety. All employees and visitors must wear masks, sanitise their hands regularly, and maintain safe distancing measures. Additional PPE will also be provided for front-line staff.

The majority of these vaccine-related jobs are temporary positions that range from six months to one year. This provides flexibility and a chance to experience working in a different aspect of Singapore's medical sector at various levels. Those who demonstrate exceptional performance and meet the criteria may have the possibility of permanent placement or leadership positions within the vaccination centre department.

Another added advantage of working at the Vaccination Centre is the pay. The Ministry of Health will highly compensate temporary staff adequately, with bonuses given for outstanding performance. It is an excellent avenue for motivated individuals seeking extra income or looking for a short-term career change.

All-in-all, enlisting as a Vaccination Centre worker in Singapore would provide a fulfilling job by helping others while enhancing one’s capabilities in various fields. Plus, it can provide financial stability, personal growth, and a sense of purpose during these challenging times. So why wait? Apply now and be part of this exciting initiative to vaccinate the nation against Covid-19!

In conclusion, whether you’re a healthcare professional or someone new to the medical industry looking to lend a hand during this pandemic, there are ample opportunities available at the Vaccination Centre. Not only will you benefit from valuable work experience and enjoy fulfillment from knowing you are making a difference, but you will also be able to earn competitive pay and bonuses. Don’t miss out on this chance to take part in the historic effort to combat COVID-19 in Singapore - apply today!

People Also Ask about Vaccination Centre Jobs in Singapore

With the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, vaccination centres have become essential in delivering vaccines to the general public. Here are some common questions people ask about Vaccination Centre Jobs in Singapore:

  1. What qualifications do I need to apply for a job at a Vaccination Centre?
    The qualifications can vary depending on the position you are applying for. Generally speaking, having basic medical knowledge and experience in healthcare is preferred for clinical roles. For administrative and customer service positions, good communication and interpersonal skills are highly valued.
  2. What types of jobs are available at Vaccination Centres?
    There are various types of jobs that are available at Vaccination Centres. Some of the most in-demand positions include vaccinators, registration assistants, logistics coordinators, clinical support staff, operations managers, and customer service representatives.
  3. Are part-time or contract jobs available at Vaccination Centres?
    Yes, part-time or contract jobs are available at Vaccination Centres. In fact, many organisations are actively seeking temporary staff to cope with the surge in demand for vaccinations.
  4. How much can I earn working at a Vaccination Centre?
    The salary for working at a Vaccination Centre varies depending on the role and organisation. That being said, most vaccinator jobs pay around SGD30 per hour, while operational and administrative roles can earn an average of SGD2,000 to SGD4,500 per month.
  5. What are the benefits of working at a Vaccination Centre?
    Working at a Vaccination Centre can offer many benefits such as job security, valuable work experience in the healthcare sector, a sense of fulfillment in helping to fight the pandemic, and flexible working arrangements.

People Also Ask about Vaccination Centre Jobs Singapore

1. What types of jobs are available at vaccination centres in Singapore?

There are various job roles available at vaccination centres in Singapore, including:

  • Vaccination administrators: These individuals assist in the registration process, verify personal information, and administer vaccines.
  • Medical professionals: Doctors, nurses, and pharmacists play a crucial role in providing medical care, administering vaccines, and handling any medical emergencies that may arise.
  • Support staff: This group includes administrative assistants, data entry operators, cleaners, and security personnel who ensure smooth operations at the vaccination centre.

2. How can I apply for a job at a vaccination centre in Singapore?

To apply for a job at a vaccination centre in Singapore, you can follow these steps:

  1. Check the official government websites or job portals for vaccine-related job postings.
  2. Review the job requirements and qualifications specified in the job posting.
  3. Prepare your resume and cover letter, highlighting relevant experience and qualifications.
  4. Submit your application through the designated channels, which may include online application forms or email submissions.
  5. Attend interviews or assessments if shortlisted, and follow the instructions provided by the hiring organization.

3. What qualifications or skills are required for vaccination centre jobs in Singapore?

The qualifications and skills required for vaccination centre jobs in Singapore vary depending on the specific role. However, some common qualifications and skills that may be valued include:

  • Relevant experience in healthcare or customer service roles.
  • Good communication and interpersonal skills.
  • Basic computer literacy for data entry or administrative tasks.
  • Valid certifications or licenses, such as nursing or medical practitioner licenses.
  • Ability to work well under pressure and handle medical emergencies calmly.

4. Are these jobs temporary or permanent?

Many of the jobs at vaccination centres in Singapore are temporary, as they are created specifically to support the mass vaccination efforts during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, some positions may have the potential to become permanent, depending on the evolving needs and policies of the government and healthcare organizations.

In conclusion,

Vaccination centre jobs in Singapore offer a range of opportunities for individuals to contribute to the nation's vaccination efforts. Whether you have a background in healthcare or possess relevant skills, there are various roles available to suit different qualifications and interests. Keep an eye on official websites and job portals for updates on job openings, and ensure that you meet the necessary qualifications before applying.