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Unlocking the Lucrative Financial Analyst Salary in Singapore: A Guide for Aspiring Professionals

Financial Analyst Salary Singapore

Find out the average financial analyst salary in Singapore. Discover the earning potential in this lucrative finance career.

Financial Analyst Salary Singapore: What You Need to KnowAre you curious about the average salary of a financial analyst in Singapore? Do you want to discover what factors influence the salary range for financial analysts in this country? If so, you’ve come to the right place!As a financial analyst, your job involves analyzing financial data to help businesses make informed decisions. But how much can you expect to earn while doing that? Let’s delve deeper into the numbers.According to data from Payscale, the average salary for a financial analyst in Singapore is SGD 61,946 per year. However, this figure can range between SGD 37k and SGD 99k depending on various factors. Let’s take a look at some of the most significant influencer of financial analyst salaries in Singapore.Firstly, experience is a critical factor. The more years of experience you have as a financial analyst, the higher the salary you can command in Singapore. For instance, if you have less than one year of experience, you can expect an average salary of SGD 42k, whereas with ten years’ experience, you could earn an average of SGD 104k.Another factor that affects salary is your educational qualification. Financial analysts with advanced degrees such as a Master of Business Administration (MBA) tend to earn higher salaries than those with only a bachelor's degree.Industry expertise is also a significant factor influencing financial analysts' salaries, with those working in finance or banking earning higher salaries compared to those in other sectors such as consulting or IT.However, it’s not all about experience, education, or industry niche. Geographical location plays a crucial role in determining financial analysts’ pay scales in Singapore. For instance, financial analysts working in the Central Business District (CBD) typically have higher salaries than those working outside the CBD.Do you aspire to be a financial analyst in Singapore? Or are you already in the field and looking to upskill and boost your current salary?One solution to increase your earning potential is to become a certified financial analyst (CFA). According to data from Payscale, CFAs earn an average of SGD 91k per year in Singapore. It’s no secret that the CFA qualification is highly respected in the industry, and employers worldwide recognize its value.If you’re not ready to take on the challenge of becoming a CFA, attending workshops and furthering your education can also increase your earning potential in Singapore.In conclusion, while financial analyst salaries in Singapore vary widely depending on several factors, one thing is clear: the industry presents an excellent opportunity to earn a respectable income. Whether you’re a fresh graduate or an experienced professional, there is always room for growth in this field - so why not explore your options today?

Singapore's Booming Financial Industry

Singapore is a global financial hub and one of the best places to work as a financial analyst. According to reports, Singapore's GDP grew by 2.3% in 2019, with the financial sector leading the way.

The financial sector is highly competitive, with many top-tier banks setting up their regional headquarters in Singapore. The industry also has a diverse range of jobs, including financial analysts who play a crucial role in decision-making processes.

What Does A Financial Analyst Do?

Financial Analysts are responsible for analyzing financial data to make informed decisions on investment opportunities and future business decisions. They provide critical insights into a company's financial health through reports, financial models, and financial analysis tools.

Financial Analysts' responsibilities include reviewing financial statements, income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements, conducting market research, and identifying new sources of revenue. They also monitor budget performance and identify any financial discrepancies that need to be addressed proactively.

The Average Salary of a Financial Analyst in Singapore

According to Indeed, the average salary of a Financial Analyst in Singapore is SGD 67,833 per year. However, based on the level of experience held by the candidate, this can vary widely.

The level of demand for the job also affects the salary level. Financial Analyst roles in the banking industry tend to pay higher salaries than those in other sectors. Entry-level positions tend to be towards the lower end of the salary range, while senior positions provide significantly higher salaries.

Factors Affecting A Financial Analyst's Salary

The amount you earn as a financial analyst is influenced by various parameters:

  • Industry Subsector - Different industries offer different salary levels to financial analysts. The banking sector, for example, typically pays higher salaries.
  • Experience Level - The years of experience you have in financial analysis play a significant role. As such, the work experience you add puts you in a more senior position with impressive years behind you on the job.
  • Education - Finally, your level of education. Advanced degrees in Finance, Accounting, or Business Administration is advantageous as it indicates proficiency and knowledge, which translates to higher salaries.

The Financial Analyst Career Path in Singapore

The majority of Financial Analysts in Singapore typically begin their careers as entry-level personnel in the banking and finance industry. You may start as a data analyst or an accounting specialist. From there, you work your way up the ladder over several years of honing your analytical skills, working on diverse projects, and delivering excellent results.

The next step up the career ladder would be that of a Senior Financial Analyst, where you may manage a team of junior analysts, enhance your analytical abilities and gain valuable leadership experience.

Finally, if you remain committed, determined, and consistently meet expectations, you may reach the peak of your career as a Chief Financial Officer (CFO) or other top management role.


In conclusion, Singapore's financial sector offers excellent career opportunities to financial analysts due to the high demand for their services. Entry-level positions offer competitively priced salaries, but with seniority, better paying roles become available. If you're seeking a rewarding career in finance, consider becoming a financial analyst in Singapore.

You’ll be tasked with critical responsibilities that impact companies and people’s lives. With the right education, experience, and tenacity, the sky is the limit for your career growth.


The financial industry in Singapore has been thriving for years, and one job that continues to be in high demand is a financial analyst. Financial analysts are responsible for analyzing financial data and providing insights and recommendations to clients or companies to make better financial decisions. With Singapore's status as a financial hub in Asia, financial analysts are in high demand, and they are well compensated for their work.

What is a Financial Analyst?

A financial analyst is a professional who analyzes financial data to make recommendations to businesses, individuals, or governments. They use statistical techniques to analyze financial data from different sources such as financial statements and market reports to predict trends, evaluate investment opportunities, and develop financial models. They also conduct research and monitor economic trends to stay updated on the latest developments in finance and investments.

Financial Analyst Salary Range in Singapore

The average salary for a financial analyst in Singapore is SGD 74,000 per year, according to Payscale. However, the salary range varies depending on several factors such as experience, education, and type of company or industry one is working for. Junior financial analysts with less than three years of experience earn an average of SGD 46,000 per year while experienced analysts with more than ten years of experience can earn up to SGD 160,000 per year.


The salary of a financial analyst in Singapore is heavily influenced by their level of experience. Junior financial analysts with less than three years of experience earn an average of SGD 46,000 per year. Mid-level analysts with four to nine years of experience can earn up to SGD 87,000 per year, while Senior financial analysts with 10 or more years of experience can earn up to SGD 160,000 per year.


The industry that a financial analyst is working for can also influence their salary. Financial analysts working in banking and finance can earn higher salaries due to the complexity and volume of financial data they deal with. The average salary for a financial analyst in these industries ranges from SGD 55,000 to SGD 126,000 per year. Other industries such as technology and healthcare pay lower salaries ranging from SGD 45,000 to SGD 96,000 per year.


The level of education and qualification of a financial analyst can also influence their salary. Financial analysts with higher educational qualifications like a Master's degree or a Certified Financial Analyst (CFA) designation tend to earn higher salaries. Entry-level analysts with a bachelor's degree can earn an average of SGD 48,000 per year, while those with a master's degree can earn up to SGD 75,000 per year.

Financial Analyst Salary Comparison with Other Countries

The financial industry is global, and financial analysts are in demand in many countries. A comparison of the financial analyst salary in Singapore with other countries shows that Singaporean financial analysts earn higher salaries compared to many other countries. According to PayScale, the average financial analyst salary in Singapore is SGD 74,000 per year, while the United States pays an average of USD 65,000 per year, Australia pays AUD 76,000 per year, and the United Kingdom pays GBP 35,000 per year.

Country Average Annual Salary
Singapore SGD 74,000
United States USD 65,000
Australia AUD 76,000
United Kingdom GBP 35,000

Opinion on Financial Analyst Salary in Singapore

The financial analyst salary in Singapore is relatively high compared to many other countries. This can be attributed to the sophistication and complexity of the financial industry in Singapore, which requires skilled financial analysts to provide critical analysis and recommendations to clients. However, like many other professions, the salary of a financial analyst in Singapore is not fixed and can vary widely depending on several factors. It is important to note that the salary of a financial analyst should not be the only consideration when choosing this career path.


Financial analyst is a promising career option in Singapore with excellent compensation packages. The average salary of a financial analyst in Singapore is SGD 74,000 per year, but it can vary based on factors such as experience, education, and industry. Compared to other countries, Singapore pays higher salaries to financial analysts due to the sophistication and complexity of its financial industry. Aspiring financial analysts should keep in mind that salary should not be the only factor in choosing this career path, and they should consider their interest, aptitude, and skills before pursuing it.

Are you interested in working as a financial analyst in Singapore? If so, you are probably wondering about the salary that you can expect in this career. While there is no set figure for a financial analyst salary in Singapore, there are some factors that can affect your earning potential. In this article, we'll explore those factors and give you a better idea of what you can expect to earn as a financial analyst in Singapore.

Qualifications and experience

One of the biggest factors that affects a financial analyst's salary in Singapore is their qualifications and experience. Financial analysts with bachelor's or master's degrees in finance, economics, accounting, or business tend to earn more than those without formal education. Additionally, those with several years of experience working in the finance industry can command higher salaries than those just starting out.

Industry and company

The industry and company you work for can also impact your financial analyst salary in Singapore. For example, financial analysts working in the banking and investment industries generally earn more than those working in the insurance or manufacturing industries. Companies that are large and well-established often pay higher salaries than small, start-up companies that have less financial resources.


Another factor that affects a financial analyst's salary in Singapore is their location. Salaries tend to be higher in larger cities, such as Singapore City, than in rural areas. However, the cost of living may also be higher in these areas, which can offset the higher salaries to some extent.

Job responsibilities

The specific job responsibilities of a financial analyst can also impact their earning potential. Financial analysts who have more complex duties, such as managing large investment portfolios or overseeing mergers and acquisitions, may earn higher salaries than those with more general duties like preparing financial statements.

Expected salary range

So, what can you expect to earn as a financial analyst in Singapore? According to the Singapore Ministry of Manpower, the median monthly salary for professionals in the finance and insurance industries was SGD 6,000 (approximately USD 4,400) in 2020. However, this figure includes a wide range of professions and experience levels. Specifically, financial analysts can expect to earn anywhere from SGD 3,000 to SGD 10,000 per month, depending on their qualifications and experience.

Entry-level financial analyst salary

As an entry-level financial analyst in Singapore, you can expect to earn between SGD 3,000 to SGD 4,500 per month. This amount typically applies to those with little to no experience in the finance industry and a bachelor's degree in a finance-related field.

Intermediate financial analyst salary

For those with several years of experience and additional education, such as a master's degree, you can expect to earn between SGD 4,500 to SGD 7,500 per month. This level of experience typically involves more complex job responsibilities and may require specialized skills or certifications.

Senior financial analyst salary

Finally, those with extensive experience and advanced education, such as a PhD in finance or a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) certification, can expect to earn between SGD 7,500 to SGD 10,000 per month or more. At this level, financial analysts often have supervisory or management responsibilities and may be responsible for making strategic decisions for companies or investors.


Financial analysts in Singapore can earn competitive salaries based on their qualifications, experience, job responsibilities, location, and industry. If you are interested in pursuing a career as a financial analyst, be sure to research the specific salary range for your qualifications and experience level. Additionally, consider learning new skills, earning certifications, or pursuing additional education to increase your earning potential over time.

Thank you for taking the time to read about financial analyst salary in Singapore. We hope this article has provided you with valuable insights into the compensation of this dynamic and lucrative industry. Remember, while the numbers above may seem intimidating, it is important to note that salaries depend on various factors such as experience, education, and job performance.

There are many opportunities for those who want to pursue a career in finance in Singapore. As a financial analyst, you can expect a challenging yet rewarding job with a potential for growth and immense contribution to the economy. The role of a financial analyst is crucial to companies ranging from large corporations to startups and even non-profit organizations.

It's never too late to switch careers or seek further education in finance if you are considering becoming a financial analyst. With education, certification, and experience, you can strive to earn a higher salary or even move up to higher positions in management or executive roles.

It is worth noting that while salary is a crucial factor in any job search, it should not be the sole focus. Prestige, work-life balance, growth potential, and job satisfaction are also essential factors in selecting a career path. Make sure you are passionate and excited about the work you choose to do every day.

In conclusion, financial analyst salaries in Singapore can be highly attractive for individuals keen to embark on a challenging yet rewarding career path in finance. This industry promises stability, good benefits, and growth potential, which attracts many professionals from around the world. We hope this article has provided some valuable insights into what you can expect as a financial analyst in Singapore.

Remember to regularly conduct research and stay up-to-date with trends and market conditions in the financial sector. This will put you in a better position to negotiate a better salary and benefits package. Best of luck in your career journey!

People also ask about Financial Analyst Salary in Singapore:

  1. What is the average salary for a Financial Analyst in Singapore?
  2. The average salary for a Financial Analyst in Singapore is around SGD 59,000 to SGD 90,000 per year.

  3. What are the factors that affect a Financial Analyst's salary in Singapore?
  4. The factors that affect a Financial Analyst's salary in Singapore include work experience, education level, job function, and industry sector.

  5. Is a Financial Analyst's salary in Singapore competitive compared to other countries?
  6. Yes, a Financial Analyst's salary in Singapore is generally competitive with other countries, such as the US and UK.

  7. What industries pay Financial Analysts the highest salaries in Singapore?
  8. Industries such as banking, finance, and consulting tend to pay Financial Analysts the highest salaries in Singapore.

  9. What education level is required to become a Financial Analyst in Singapore?
  10. A Bachelor's degree in finance, accounting, or a related field is typically required to become a Financial Analyst in Singapore.

People also ask about Financial Analyst Salary Singapore

1. What is the average salary of a financial analyst in Singapore?

The average salary of a financial analyst in Singapore is around SGD 70,000 to SGD 100,000 per year. However, this can vary depending on factors such as experience, qualifications, and the size of the company.

2. How much does a senior financial analyst make in Singapore?

A senior financial analyst in Singapore can earn an average salary ranging from SGD 100,000 to SGD 150,000 per year. The salary for senior positions tends to be higher due to their increased level of responsibility and expertise.

3. What factors can affect the salary of a financial analyst in Singapore?

Several factors can influence the salary of a financial analyst in Singapore, including:

  • Experience: More experienced analysts are likely to command higher salaries.
  • Qualifications: Advanced degrees or certifications such as CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst) can lead to higher pay.
  • Industry: Financial analysts working in industries like banking or investment management may earn higher salaries compared to other sectors.
  • Company size: Larger companies often offer more competitive salaries.
  • Performance: Exceptional performance and track record can result in higher bonuses and salary increments.

4. Are there any additional perks or benefits for financial analysts in Singapore?

Yes, many companies in Singapore provide additional perks and benefits to financial analysts. These may include:

  • Annual bonuses based on performance and company profitability.
  • Healthcare benefits, including medical insurance coverage.
  • Retirement savings schemes, such as the Central Provident Fund (CPF).
  • Flexible work arrangements or work-from-home options.
  • Training and development opportunities to enhance professional skills.

5. What is the career growth potential for financial analysts in Singapore?

Financial analysts in Singapore have good career growth potential. With experience and a strong track record, they can progress to senior analyst roles, management positions, or specialize in specific areas such as risk management or investment analysis. Continuous learning and professional development are key to advancing in this field.

Overall, the salary of a financial analyst in Singapore can be influenced by various factors, but it generally offers competitive compensation packages with room for growth and attractive benefits.