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Protect Yourself Against Hepatitis B with the Best Vaccine in Singapore

Hep B Vaccine Singapore

Learn about the Hep B vaccine in Singapore, its benefits, and how it protects against hepatitis B. Get vaccinated today for a healthier future.

Are you living in Singapore and concerned about Hepatitis B, a viral infection that targets the liver and can be fatal? If so, then you need to know about the Hep B vaccine Singapore has to offer, which is the most effective way to prevent this disease.

The statistics on Hepatitis B are alarming. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), an estimated 257 million people worldwide are living with Hepatitis B, and around 800,000 people die every year due to Hepatitis B-related liver disease. If you live in Singapore, you may be at a higher risk of contracting Hepatitis B compared to other countries.

But worry not! The Hep B vaccine is readily available in Singapore. This vaccine contains a small amount of antigen that stimulates your immune system to produce antibodies against the Hepatitis B virus, providing immunity to the virus.

The vaccine is given as a series of three or four shots over a six-month period, depending on the brand of vaccine. The vaccine is safe and effective, with more than 95% of people who receive all recommended doses developing protection against the virus.

One interesting fact about the Hep B vaccine is that it is the first vaccine to prevent cancer. Hepatitis B can increase the risk of liver cancer, but vaccination can prevent both Hepatitis B and liver cancer.

The vaccine is recommended for everyone, but especially for those at higher risk of contracting the virus, such as healthcare workers, people with multiple sexual partners, and people who inject drugs or share needles.

The good news is that the Hep B vaccine is affordable and easily accessible in Singapore. You can get vaccinated at any polyclinic or private clinic in the country.

Another interesting fact about the Hep B vaccine is that it can be given to babies as young as one day old. In fact, it is recommended that babies receive the vaccine as part of their routine childhood immunizations.

It's essential to note that the Hep B vaccine is a preventative measure and cannot cure someone who is already infected with Hepatitis B. If you think you may have been exposed to the virus, talk to your healthcare provider immediately.

In conclusion, don't let Hepatitis B be a concern for you or your loved ones. Get vaccinated today! With the Hep B vaccine Singapore has to offer, you can enjoy peace of mind knowing that you are protected against this deadly virus.

Vaccination Basics

Vaccines have been developed to prevent many infectious diseases, including hepatitis B. Vaccines work by triggering the immune system to produce antibodies that can fight off the virus. The hepatitis B vaccine is a safe and effective way to prevent hepatitis B infection. In Singapore, vaccination is recommended for all individuals as part of routine vaccination programs.

What is Hepatitis B?

Hepatitis B is a serious liver infection caused by the hepatitis B virus. It can cause lifelong illness, liver damage, and even death. The virus spreads through contact with infected blood or body fluids such as semen, vaginal fluids, or saliva.

Who Needs to Get Vaccinated?

All babies born in Singapore are recommended to receive the hepatitis B vaccine within 24 hours of birth. Vaccination is also recommended for individuals who are at higher risk of infection, including healthcare workers, people with multiple sexual partners, injection drug users, and those living with an infected person.

Hepatitis B Vaccine Schedule

The hepatitis B vaccine is given as a series of three or four injections over a period of six months. Depending on the age at which you start the series, the schedule may differ slightly. In Singapore, the vaccination schedule is as follows;

  • Infants – 3 doses at 0,1,6 months
  • Adolescents/Adults – 3 doses at 0,1,6 months
  • Accelerated schedule – 4 doses at 0,1,2,12 months

Side Effects of the Hepatitis B Vaccine

The hepatitis B vaccine is generally safe and well-tolerated. Some people may experience mild side effects such as pain, redness, or swelling at the injection site, low-grade fever, or fatigue. Serious allergic reactions are rare.

Cost of the Hepatitis B Vaccine in Singapore

The cost of the hepatitis B vaccine in Singapore varies depending on the location and healthcare provider. It is covered under the national vaccination schedule for infants, and may also be covered by private insurance plans.

Benefits of the Hepatitis B Vaccine

The hepatitis B vaccine protects against infection and reduces the risk of developing hepatitis B-related complications such as liver cancer and cirrhosis. By getting vaccinated, you also protect those around you who may be at higher risk of infection such as family members and coworkers


Hepatitis B is a serious liver infection that can have lifelong consequences. Getting vaccinated is a safe and effective way to prevent infection and reduce the risk of complications. If you are unsure about your vaccination status, speak to your healthcare provider to find out if you need to get vaccinated.


The Hepatitis B vaccine is a crucial protection against a viral infection that can cause liver damage and cancer. Many countries have implemented routine vaccination schedules to protect their populations from this deadly virus. Singapore is one such country that has included the Hepatitis B vaccine in their national immunization program. Let's compare the Hepatitis B vaccine in Singapore with other countries and see how it stands out.

Vaccine Schedule

The vaccine schedule in Singapore recommends that infants receive their first dose of the Hepatitis B vaccine within 24 hours of birth, followed by subsequent doses at 1 and 6 months of age. The vaccination continues through the primary school years to adulthood. The primary Immunization schedule in the US also recommends three doses of the vaccine, but the doses are administered at different ages - the first within 48 hours of birth, the second at 1-2 months, and the third at 6-18 months.

Vaccine Effectiveness

The Hepatitis B vaccine is highly effective. The immunity rate after the full dose of vaccinations is more than 90%, making it a reliable barrier against the infection. The vaccine's effectiveness is not different between Asian, Caucasian, or other populations. Several studies have shown that persons vaccinated in infancy are continuously protected for at least 20 years, demonstrating the long-lasting protection offered by the vaccine.

Vaccine Cost

The cost of the Hepatitis B vaccine in Singapore is heavily subsidized and bought at a subsidized price by the government, making it affordable to all. Singapore's vaccination program is mostly free for children and adults who work in healthcare and those who are at increased risk of exposure to Hepatitis B.

Side Effects

The Hepatitis B vaccine is generally safe with mild and short-lived side effects, such as soreness at the injection site or a mild fever. Serious side effects are rare, often less than 1 in 1 million doses. The vaccine has undergone extensive safety testing, and no significant links have been found between the vaccine and any chronic illnesses.

Vaccine Coverage

According to WHO, the vaccine coverage rate in Singapore is high, with more than 90% of children under the age of five receiving their full dose of vaccinations. This coverage rate is significantly higher than many developed countries and sets a benchmark for vaccination program coverage globally.

Vaccine Availability

The Hepatitis B vaccine is widely available in Singapore, and anyone who needs it can get vaccinated. The vaccine is available through clinics, hospitals, and other healthcare facilities throughout the country at various affordable price points.

Vaccine Awareness

Awareness about the importance of Hepatitis B vaccination in Singapore is high. The Ministry of Health provides comprehensive information regarding the vaccine's risk and benefits and highly recommends that the public get vaccinated. The government also runs awareness campaigns to ensure that the population is well-informed about the vaccine.

Vaccine Success Rate

Singapore's national immunization program has shown remarkable success in reducing Hepatitis B infection rates since its inception. The success rate of the vaccination program is reflected in the declining incidence of acute Hepatitis B cases in the country. The high vaccine coverage rate and the effectiveness of the vaccine have played significant roles in achieving this success.


The Hepatitis B vaccine in Singapore is an essential part of the national immunization program and has effectively protected the population against the deadly virus. Singapore's rigorous effort in ensuring availability, accessibility, and affordability of the vaccine, combined with its comprehensive awareness programs, has significantly contributed to achieving the program's goals. The success rate of the vaccination program in Singapore is highly commendable and serves as an inspiration for developing countries worldwide.

One of the recommended vaccines for babies in Singapore is the Hepatitis B vaccine. This vaccine protects against a viral infection that can cause liver damage and even liver cancer. In this article, we will discuss the importance of the Hep B vaccine, when to get it, and what to expect during the vaccination process.

What is Hepatitis B?

Hepatitis B is a viral infection that attacks the liver. It is transmitted through infected blood or other bodily fluids. Many people who contract Hep B do not show any symptoms, making it difficult to detect the virus. However, if left untreated, chronic Hep B can lead to serious liver damage and even liver cancer.

Why is the Hep B vaccine important?

The Hep B vaccine is important because it protects against the virus and prevents the serious health consequences associated with chronic Hep B. In Singapore, the vaccine is recommended for all babies as part of the National Childhood Immunisation Programme. By vaccinating your child, you are not only protecting them but also helping to prevent the spread of the virus to others.

When should your child get the Hep B vaccine?

The Hep B vaccine is typically administered in three doses, with the first dose given at birth or within the first month of life. The second dose is given at one to two months of age, and the third dose is given at least four months after the second dose, typically at six months of age.

What to expect during the vaccination process

The Hep B vaccine is given as a shot in the upper thigh for infants. The injection may cause mild discomfort, but there is usually no serious pain or side effects. You should watch your baby for signs of an allergic reaction, such as hives, wheezing, or difficulty breathing. If you notice any of these symptoms, seek medical attention immediately.

What are the side effects of the Hep B vaccine?

The majority of babies who receive the Hep B vaccine experience little to no side effects. However, some babies may experience mild fever, redness or swelling at the injection site, or a loss of appetite. These symptoms usually go away within a day or two.

Can the Hep B vaccine be given with other vaccines?

Yes, the Hep B vaccine can be given at the same time as other vaccines. In fact, it is recommended that babies receive multiple vaccines at each well-child checkup to protect against a variety of diseases.

Should adults get the Hep B vaccine?

While the Hep B vaccine is recommended for infants in Singapore, it is also suggested for adults who are at risk for contracting the virus. This includes healthcare workers, people who live with someone who has chronic Hep B, and individuals with certain medical conditions. Talk to your doctor about whether the Hep B vaccine is appropriate for you.


The Hep B vaccine is an important tool in protecting against a serious viral infection. By vaccinating your child, you are helping to prevent the spread of the virus and ensuring their long-term health. If you have any questions or concerns about the Hep B vaccine, talk to your doctor today.

Welcome to our informative blog about the Hepatitis B Vaccine in Singapore. This vaccine has been widely used all over the world, particularly in Singapore, to protect individuals from contracting Hepatitis B. It’s a highly contagious liver infection that can become chronic and lead to serious health complications such as liver cancer and cirrhosis.

The Hepatitis B Vaccine is a highly effective preventive measure against this disease. While Hepatitis B cannot be cured, it is preventable through adequate vaccination. The vaccine is recommended for all babies in Singapore, as well as for those who are at higher risk - healthcare workers, men who have sex with men, intravenous drug users, people traveling to countries with high levels of Hepatitis B, and people with chronic liver disease.

It's never too late to get vaccinated for Hepatitis B. Adults who missed getting vaccinated as children may still benefit from it. Getting vaccinated against Hepatitis B is a safe and easy way to protect yourself from the harmful effects of this serious disease.

The Hepatitis B Vaccine takes at least 2 – 3 doses over six months to provide long-term immunity against the virus. Bringing your child for his or her scheduled vaccination appointments is important to ensure they receive full protection. Parents should also ensure that they are vaccinated to safeguard their children’s health.

Among adults in Singapore, Hepatitis B is often transmitted through sexual activity and intravenous drug use. Anyone who engages in these behaviors should seek vaccination and practice safe sex methods.

Healthcare workers in Singapore are at a higher risk of contracting and spreading Hepatitis B to patients. Therefore, ensuring proper vaccination for these individuals is crucial to protect both themselves and their patients.

The costs of a Hepatitis B Vaccine differ by healthcare provider and location. Most private clinics offer consultations and administration of the vaccine, charging $35-50 per dose. If you’re an eligible healthcare worker or a child and qualify for the subsidy, the cost of vaccination may be covered by your company or under the government subsidy program.

The Hepatitis B Vaccine has been extensively tested and researched for its safety profile. Any side effects of the vaccine are usually mild, such as soreness in the injection site, fatigue, and mild fever – all of which go away within a few days.

Despite the safety and beneficial aspects of the vaccine, there are still some myths and misconceptions surrounding the Hepatitis B Vaccine. One common myth is that it causes serious side-effects. However, studies have shown that the vaccine is generally safe with very rare occurrences of severe reactions.

Another myth is that the vaccine is unnecessary as Hepatitis B is a rare disease. On the contrary, Hepatitis B is quite prevalent in Singapore, with about 2 to 4 percent of the population carrying the virus.

In conclusion, getting vaccinated against Hepatitis B is essential to ensure good health outcomes and prevent the spread of the virus. With proper education, awareness, and vaccination efforts, we can protect ourselves and our communities from this serious disease. We hope that our article has provided relevant information and answered some of the questions surrounding the Hepatitis B Vaccine in Singapore.

Stay safe and healthy!

1. Is the Hep B vaccine available in Singapore?- Yes, the Hep B vaccine is available in Singapore.2. Who should get the Hep B vaccine?- The Hep B vaccine is recommended for all infants and children, as well as adults who are at risk of contracting Hepatitis B.3. How many doses of Hep B vaccine are required?- The Hep B vaccine is usually given in three doses over a period of six months. However, there are also combination vaccines that offer protection against multiple diseases with fewer doses.4. Is the Hep B vaccine safe?- Yes, the Hep B vaccine is generally considered safe and effective. The World Health Organization recommends that all infants receive the Hep B vaccine as part of their routine immunization schedule.5. What are the possible side effects of the Hep B vaccine?- Some people may experience mild side effects from the Hep B vaccine, such as pain or redness at the injection site, fever, or headache. Serious side effects are rare.

People Also Ask About Hep B Vaccine in Singapore

What is the Hep B vaccine?

The Hepatitis B vaccine is a safe and effective way to protect against the Hepatitis B virus. It stimulates the immune system to produce antibodies that provide immunity against this viral infection.

How is the Hep B vaccine administered in Singapore?

The Hep B vaccine is usually given as an injection into the muscle of the upper arm or thigh. In Singapore, it is included in the National Childhood Immunisation Programme and is typically administered to infants at birth and during subsequent routine vaccinations. It is also recommended for high-risk individuals, such as healthcare workers and those with certain medical conditions.

Is the Hep B vaccine mandatory in Singapore?

The Hepatitis B vaccine is not mandatory in Singapore but is strongly recommended by healthcare authorities. It is provided free of charge under the National Childhood Immunisation Programme and is highly encouraged for all eligible individuals.

What are the side effects of the Hep B vaccine?

The majority of individuals who receive the Hep B vaccine experience no side effects. However, some people may experience mild reactions, such as pain or redness at the injection site, low-grade fever, or fatigue. Serious side effects are rare but can occur. It is important to consult a healthcare professional if you have concerns about potential side effects.

How long does the Hep B vaccine last?

The Hepatitis B vaccine provides long-lasting immunity. According to studies, the vaccine offers protection for at least 20 years and likely provides lifelong immunity in most individuals. However, booster doses may be recommended for certain high-risk individuals, such as healthcare workers or those with compromised immune systems.

Where can I get the Hep B vaccine in Singapore?

The Hepatitis B vaccine is widely available in Singapore. It can be obtained at public healthcare institutions, private clinics, and designated vaccination centers. You can consult your healthcare provider or visit the Ministry of Health's website for a list of locations offering the vaccine.

Is the Hep B vaccine safe during pregnancy?

The Hepatitis B vaccine is considered safe during pregnancy. In fact, it is recommended for pregnant women who are at high risk of Hepatitis B infection. The vaccine can protect both the mother and her newborn baby from this potentially serious virus.

Can I get the Hep B vaccine if I have already been infected with the virus?

If you have already been infected with the Hepatitis B virus, the vaccine will not cure the infection. However, it is still recommended to receive the vaccine as it can provide additional protection against other strains of the virus and prevent future reinfections.