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What is the Average Penis Size in Singapore? Exploring the Statistics and Facts

Average Penis Size Singapore

Average Penis Size Singapore: Discover the average size of male genitalia in Singaporean men and gain insights into this aspect of sexual health.

Everything You Need to Know about Average Penis Size in Singapore

Do you know what the average penis size is in Singapore? Is it smaller or larger than what you would expect? If you are wondering about this topic, keep reading to find out.

Firstly, let's talk about the statistics. According to a study conducted by the National University Hospital in Singapore, the average penis size of an adult male in Singapore is about 5.16 inches when erect. While this may be smaller than some other countries, it is still within the normal range.

But does size really matter? Well, let's put it this way - there are more important things in a relationship than penis size. A survey conducted by Durex found that only 25% of women thought that penis size was important for satisfying sex. So, if you're worried about your size, remember that there are other ways to please your partner.

That being said, if your size is causing you anxiety or insecurity, there are options available to increase it. One option is using enlargement devices or pills, but it is important to do thorough research and consult with a doctor before trying any of these methods.

Another factor to consider when it comes to penis size is ethnicity. According to a study by the British Journal of Urology International, the average penis size varies among different ethnicities. In general, men of African descent tend to have larger penises, while men of Asian descent tend to have smaller ones.

It's also important to note that penis size can vary greatly from person to person. Just like how height and weight can differ among individuals, so can penis size. So, if you've been comparing yourself to others, it's time to stop and focus on accepting and loving yourself just the way you are.

If you are still concerned about your size, it may be helpful to talk to a therapist or counselor. They can help you work through any insecurities or anxieties you may have about your body.

Remember, penis size does not define your worth as a person or your ability to pleasure your partner. Being confident and loving yourself is what is truly important in a relationship.

In conclusion, while the average penis size in Singapore may be smaller than some other countries, it is still within the normal range. Penis size should not be the focus of a healthy sexual relationship, and there are many other factors that contribute to satisfying sex.

It's time to stop worrying about size and start focusing on building a strong emotional connection with your partner. Embrace your uniqueness and love your body, and your partner will too.

The Average Penis Size in Singapore

For most men, their penis size is a source of pride and self-confidence. It's something that's talked about casually but with a certain degree of awe and reverence, particularly in locker rooms across the world. In Singapore, the conversation is no different. However, unlike many other countries where penis size is celebrated or shrouded in secrecy, Singaporeans tend to approach the topic with calm objectivity.

The Facts

According to a study conducted by the National University Hospital in Singapore, the average penis size in Singapore is approximately 3.56 inches when it is flaccid and 5.11 inches when it is erect. The length of the penis varies from person to person, with factors like age, ethnicity, and body type playing a role in shaping the final outcome. However, in Singapore, there seems to be a general acceptance that penis size is not as important as one's sexual performance.

Why Penis Size Matters

While penis size is only one factor contributing to sexual satisfaction, it remains significant amongst men who feel inadequate in this area. Many men view a smaller penis size as a sign of inferiority or weakness, which can negatively impact their sexual confidence and overall sense of self-worth.

Size and Performance are not Tied Together

Many experts agree that penis size is not linked to one's ability to perform sexually. The secret to good sex lies in communication, foreplay, and technique, with both partners working together to create a mutually satisfying intimacy that transcends the mere physical aspects of sex.

The Role of Culture

Culture also plays a part, as Asian countries have historically placed less emphasis on penis size than Western countries. While some cultures may view a larger penis size as an indication of virility and strength, in Singapore, it is less of a concern. Ultimately, it's more about how one handles themselves in bed than the size of their penis.

What Studies Show

Studies show that while penis size can impact a person's sexual confidence, it does not necessarily correlate with the level of sexual satisfaction one experiences. This means that even men with smaller than average penis sizes can still enjoy a healthy, active sex life filled with pleasure and intimacy.

The Importance of Self-Acceptance

Regardless of penis size, self-acceptance and self-love are important factors in cultivating a positive outlook on sex and relationships. Being comfortable with oneself and one's body can create a sense of sexual freedom and liberation, leading to greater sexual fulfillment and enjoyment.


Contrary to popular belief, penis size is not everything when it comes to sexual performance and satisfaction. While the average penis size in Singapore may be smaller than others, there is no reason why men cannot have fulfilling and enjoyable sex lives. The key to good sex is open communication, foreplay, technique, and mutual respect and understanding between sexual partners. In the end, it's less about what one has, and more about how they use it.

Average Penis Size in Singapore: A Comparison Study

Penis size has always been a topic of discussion and fascination among men and women alike. It’s no secret that bigger is often better, and many men feel insecure about the size of their penis. But does size really matter? And is there a significant difference in average penis size between countries? In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the average penis size in Singapore and compare it to other countries around the world.

The Average Penis Size in Singapore

According to a study published in the Asian Journal of Andrology, the average penis size in Singapore is 12.53 cm (4.93 inches) when erect. This places Singapore on the lower end of the spectrum when compared to other countries.

It’s important to note, however, that penis size can vary greatly among individuals, and there is no “normal” or “ideal” size. Additionally, penis size isn’t necessarily an indication of sexual satisfaction or ability.

Comparing Penis Size Around the World

So, how does Singapore’s average penis size compare to other countries? Let’s take a look at some data from studies conducted around the world:

Country Average Penis Size (cm)
South Korea 9.66
India 10.24
Japan 10.92
Hong Kong 11.19
United States 12.90
United Kingdom 13.97
Australia 14.14

As we can see from the table, Singapore has the second-smallest average penis size among the countries listed. South Korea has the smallest average size, while Australia has the largest.

The Importance (or Lack Thereof) of Penis Size

While many men may feel insecure about the size of their penis, it’s important to remember that penis size isn’t everything when it comes to sexual satisfaction. In fact, studies have shown that women are more concerned with other factors, such as emotional connection, communication, and foreplay.

Additionally, there are many ways to enhance sexual pleasure for both partners that don’t involve penis size. Experimenting with different positions, exploring erogenous zones, and using toys or lubricants can all help increase pleasure during sex.

The Myth of Race and Penis Size

One harmful myth that persists is the idea that penis size is determined by race. This idea is not only inaccurate but also perpetuates harmful stereotypes and racism.

A study published in the British Journal of Urology International found no significant difference in penis size between different races or ethnicities. While there may be some cultural differences in perception or importance placed on penis size, biological factors play a much larger role in determining size.

The Role of Genetics in Penis Size

While genetics plays a significant role in determining penis size, there is still much that is not fully understood. It’s estimated that genetics accounts for around 80% of the variation in penis size among individuals.

Factors such as hormones, nutrition, and overall health can also play a role in penis size. For example, low testosterone levels can lead to smaller penis size, while certain medical conditions or medications may have an impact as well.

The Bottom Line

While it’s natural for men to be curious about how their penis size compares to others, it’s important to remember that penis size isn’t everything when it comes to sexual satisfaction. Instead of focusing solely on penis size, it’s important to explore other ways to enhance sexual pleasure and connection with your partner.

Additionally, it’s important to remember that penis size varies greatly among individuals and is determined by a variety of factors, not just race or ethnicity. Rather than comparing ourselves to others, we should focus on accepting ourselves and our bodies as they are.

Understanding the Average Penis Size in Singapore

As a person who is starting to explore the topic of penis size, it is essential to understand what constitutes a normal or average penis size. In Singapore, there have been studies conducted to determine the average penis size of males in the country.

Factors That Influence Penis Size

While the average penis size may be significant in different countries, it is crucial to note that several factors influence penis size. The primary determinants of penis size include genetics, age, race, and environmental or lifestyle factors such as smoking and alcohol consumption.

Average Penis Size in Singapore

According to research conducted by the National University Hospital, it has been found that the average penis size in Singapore is approximately 13.4 cm (5.3 inches) when erect. This finding is comparable to other studies conducted in neighboring Asian countries.However, this does not mean that men with a smaller penis size are abnormal. It is important to note that penis size varies greatly among individuals, and a penis that is considered smaller than average may still be functional and healthy.

Importance of Communication and Consent

It is crucial to remember that penis size should not be the only thing that defines sexual pleasure. Sexual pleasure is affected by various factors, such as the level of intimacy between partners, communication, and mutual consent.If you are experiencing concerns about penis size, it is important to communicate with your partner openly and honestly. This open communication can help create a safe and secure environment in which both partners can explore nuances of their sexuality.

Tips on Enhancing Sexual Satisfaction

There are several ways to enhance sexual satisfaction, irrespective of penis size. Here are some tips:

1. Communicate with your partner about expectations and desires to address issues or concerns.

2. Practice good oral hygiene to enhance overall health and confidence during intimacy.

3. Experiment with different sexual positions that help stimulate both partners.

4. Engage in physical exercises that help improve erectile function, such as Kegel & pelvic floor exercises.


In conclusion, the average penis size in Singapore is 13.4 cm (5.3 inches) when erect. However, it is essential to remember that penis size varies, and smaller penis sizes can still be healthy and functional. Communication, consent and other factors are equally important in ensuring sexual satisfaction with your partner. By embracing these factors, you can explore the nuances of your sexuality and have a fulfilling sex life regardless of your penis size.

Hello and welcome to this informative article about Average Penis Size Singapore. This topic has been a point of interest for many people, especially men who are looking to measure themselves up against the rest of the population. In this article, we will be discussing everything you need to know about penis size in Singapore, including what is considered average, how it affects sexual performance, and more.

Firstly, let's talk about what is considered average penis size in Singapore. According to a study done by the National University Hospital in Singapore, the average erect penis length in Singaporean men is 5.13 inches (13.03 cm). Additionally, the average flaccid penis length was found to be 3.52 inches (8.93 cm), and the average girth was 4.59 inches (11.66 cm). These measurements were taken from a sample size of 1,210 men.

It is important to note that there can be variability in penis size among individuals, and not everyone may fall within the average range. Some men may have larger or smaller penises than what is considered average, and this is perfectly normal. It is also important to remember that penis size does not necessarily correlate with sexual performance or pleasure.

However, if you are someone who is concerned about the size of your penis, there are some techniques that can be used to increase its length or girth. One popular method is through the use of penis extenders or pumps, which work by applying pressure to the penis and causing it to stretch over time. Another technique involves doing exercises such as Kegels, which can help to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles and improve overall sexual function.

In addition to penis size, there are other factors that can affect sexual performance and satisfaction in men. For example, erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common condition that can cause difficulty achieving or maintaining an erection during sexual activity. This can be caused by a variety of factors, including physical conditions such as diabetes or heart disease, as well as psychological factors like anxiety or depression.

If you are experiencing symptoms of ED, it is important to speak with your healthcare provider as there are a variety of treatment options available. These may include medications, lifestyle changes, or therapy.

It is also important to note that sexual function is not solely dependent on penis size or erectile function. Other factors such as communication, intimacy, and emotional connection can also play a significant role in sexual satisfaction for both partners.

So, what can you take away from this article about Average Penis Size Singapore? Firstly, it is important to remember that the average penis size in Singaporean men is 5.13 inches (13.03 cm) when erect, but that there can be variability among individuals. Additionally, penis size does not necessarily correlate with sexual performance or satisfaction. If you are experiencing difficulties with sexual function, it is important to speak with your healthcare provider about potential causes and treatment options.

Thank you for taking the time to read this article, and we hope that you have found it informative and helpful. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below.

People also ask about Average Penis Size in Singapore:

  1. Is the average penis size in Singapore smaller than other countries?
    • There is no concrete evidence to suggest that the average penis size in Singapore is significantly smaller than other countries. Studies have shown that penis size varies widely among individuals regardless of geography.
  2. What is the average penis size in Singapore?
    • The average penis size in Singapore is estimated to be between 5.16 and 5.7 inches in length when erect, according to a study published in the Asian Journal of Andrology.
  3. Does penis size affect sexual pleasure for both partners?
    • Penis size is not the only factor that affects sexual pleasure for both partners. Other factors such as arousal, emotional connection, and technique are equally important.
  4. Is penis size important for sexual satisfaction?
    • While penis size can be a factor in sexual satisfaction, it is by no means the most important one. Communication, intimacy, and mutual respect are key ingredients for a fulfilling sexual relationship.

People Also Ask About Average Penis Size Singapore

1. What is the average penis size in Singapore?

In general, there is no definitive answer to this question as penis size can vary among individuals. However, several studies have been conducted to determine average penis sizes worldwide. According to a study published in the British Journal of Urology International, the average erect penis size globally is approximately 13.24 centimeters (5.2 inches) in length and 11.66 centimeters (4.6 inches) in circumference.

2. How does the average penis size in Singapore compare to other countries?

When comparing the average penis size in Singapore to other countries, it is important to note that these measurements can vary across different studies. However, based on available data, the average penis size in Singapore is generally similar to the global average mentioned earlier.

3. Does penis size affect sexual satisfaction?

While many believe that penis size plays a significant role in sexual satisfaction, it is important to emphasize that sexual satisfaction is a complex matter influenced by various factors such as emotional connection, communication, and overall sexual compatibility. Penis size alone does not determine one's ability to satisfy their partner sexually.

4. Are there any methods to increase penis size?

There are numerous products and techniques marketed as ways to increase penis size; however, it is important to approach such claims with caution. Many of these methods lack scientific evidence supporting their effectiveness. It is advisable to consult a healthcare professional for guidance and reliable information if you are considering methods to alter your penis size.

5. Does penis size affect self-confidence?

For some individuals, penis size may have an impact on their self-confidence and body image. It is essential to remember that self-confidence is influenced by various factors, including personal experiences, societal pressures, and individual perceptions of attractiveness. Developing a positive body image and self-esteem involves embracing one's unique qualities beyond physical attributes.

6. Should penis size be a concern?

Penis size should not be a cause for excessive concern or anxiety. It is crucial to focus on overall sexual well-being, emotional connection, and open communication with your partner. Sexual satisfaction is a multi-faceted experience that extends beyond physical attributes.


Understanding average penis sizes can provide general knowledge; however, it is important to remember that individual experiences and preferences vary. Instead of fixating on size, it is beneficial to prioritize healthy relationships, emotional intimacy, and open communication for a fulfilling sexual experience.