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Protect Yourself: Get Hepatitis B Vaccine in Singapore

Hepatitis B Vaccine Singapore

Hepatitis B Vaccine Singapore: Protect yourself against this viral infection with our safe and effective vaccine. Get vaccinated today for a healthier future!

Are you worried about your health? Do you want to protect yourself and your loved ones from the deadly disease known as Hepatitis B? Look no further than the Hepatitis B vaccine in Singapore!

Statistics show that Hepatitis B is a major public health concern in Singapore, with the number of cases growing each year. But there is hope: the Hepatitis B vaccine is a safe and effective way to prevent this devastating disease.

One of the great things about the Hepatitis B vaccine is that it is easily accessible in Singapore. It can be administered at various clinics and hospitals throughout the country, so there's no need to travel far.

But what exactly is the Hepatitis B vaccine? Put simply, it's a shot that contains a small amount of the Hepatitis B virus surface antigen. This antigen helps your body build immunity to the virus, so that if you are exposed to it in the future, your immune system will be able to fight it off.

It's important to note that the vaccine is typically given in a series of three doses, spaced out over several months. This ensures that your body has enough time to build up its immunity.

Now, some people may be hesitant about getting vaccinated. Perhaps they're worried about side effects or concerned about the safety of the vaccine. But let me assure you: the Hepatitis B vaccine has been extensively studied and proven to be safe.

In fact, the World Health Organization recommends that all infants receive the vaccine as soon as possible after birth, and that all children and adolescents receive it as well. The vaccine is also recommended for adults who are at increased risk of contracting Hepatitis B.

So why wait? Protect yourself and your loved ones with the Hepatitis B vaccine in Singapore. Don't let this deadly disease wreak havoc on your life.

And there's more good news: in addition to protecting yourself from Hepatitis B, getting vaccinated may also offer some protection against Hepatitis D (which can only occur in people who already have Hepatitis B) and Hepatitis A (which is a different type of Hepatitis altogether).

But perhaps the best reason to get the Hepatitis B vaccine is simply this: by getting vaccinated, you are doing your part to protect your community. When enough people are vaccinated, it creates what is known as herd immunity, making it less likely that the virus will spread throughout the population.

So what are you waiting for? Contact your healthcare provider today and ask about the Hepatitis B vaccine in Singapore. It could be the best decision you ever make for your health and the health of those around you.

Hepatitis B Vaccine in Singapore: Why it is Important?

Hepatitis B is a serious liver infection caused by the Hepatitis B virus (HBV). It is a highly contagious disease that can spread through blood and bodily fluids. If left untreated, it can lead to liver damage, liver cancer, and even death. The risk of getting Hepatitis B is higher for people who are exposed to blood or bodily fluids of infected individuals, such as healthcare workers, people living with an infected person, and those engaging in unprotected sex or sharing needles.

In Singapore, Hepatitis B is a notifiable infectious disease, which means that healthcare professionals must report all cases of the disease to the Ministry of Health. The good news is that there is a safe and effective vaccine available to prevent Hepatitis B.

How does the Hepatitis B vaccine work?

The Hepatitis B vaccine works by stimulating the body's immune system to produce antibodies against the virus. These antibodies protect the body by neutralizing the virus and preventing its replication.

The vaccine is given in three doses over a six-month period. The first dose is administered at birth, the second dose one month later, and the third dose at six months of age. For older children and adults who have not been vaccinated, the vaccine is given in a similar schedule of three doses. In some cases, an accelerated schedule of three doses over four weeks can be used.

Who should get the Hepatitis B vaccine?

The Ministry of Health in Singapore recommends that all infants receive the Hepatitis B vaccine. The vaccine is also recommended for children and adolescents up to 18 years of age who have not been vaccinated. Additionally, the vaccine is recommended for adults who are at increased risk of getting Hepatitis B, such as healthcare workers, people living with an infected person, and those engaging in unprotected sex or sharing needles.

Is the Hepatitis B vaccine safe?

Yes, the Hepatitis B vaccine is safe. The vaccine has been extensively studied and tested for safety and effectiveness. Side effects are usually mild and include soreness and redness at the injection site. Some people may experience a low-grade fever or headache.

In very rare cases, people may have an allergic reaction to the vaccine. Signs of an allergic reaction include difficulty breathing, hives, and swelling of the face or throat. If you or your child experiences any of these symptoms after receiving the vaccine, seek medical attention immediately.

How can I get the Hepatitis B vaccine in Singapore?

The Hepatitis B vaccine is available in most healthcare clinics and hospitals in Singapore. The vaccine is included in the National Childhood Immunization Programme and is provided free of charge. For adults who are not eligible for free vaccination, the vaccine can be purchased through private clinics.

If you are planning to travel to a country where Hepatitis B is endemic, it is recommended that you receive the vaccine before your trip. You should consult your doctor or travel clinic for advice on whether the vaccine is necessary for your travel destination.


Hepatitis B is a serious disease that can lead to liver damage, liver cancer, and death. The good news is that there is a safe and effective vaccine available to prevent the disease. The vaccine is recommended for all infants in Singapore and for those who are at increased risk of exposure to the virus. The vaccine is safe and widely available in healthcare clinics and hospitals throughout the country. If you are unsure about your vaccination status or have any concerns about the vaccine, speak to your healthcare provider.


Hepatitis B is a common viral infection that affects the liver. If left untreated, it can lead to severe liver damage and even liver cancer. Singapore has high rates of Hepatitis B, with an estimated 1 in 35 people infected. The Hepatitis B vaccine is essential to protect against this disease. In Singapore, there are several options for getting vaccinated. This article will compare some of the popular Hepatitis B vaccines available in Singapore.

The vaccines: Engerix-B and Recombivax HB


Engerix-B is a well-known brand of the Hepatitis B vaccine. It is made by GlaxoSmithKline and has been around since the early 1980s. It is a recombinant vaccine, which means that it is made using genetically engineered yeast that produce a protein similar to the surface protein found on the Hepatitis B virus. The immune system then recognizes this protein and produces antibodies to fight off the virus.

Recombivax HB

Recombivax HB is another commonly used vaccine in Singapore. It is made by Merck and uses a similar process to Engerix-B to create immunity against the virus. Both vaccines require multiple doses over a period of months to provide complete protection.

Comparison of Engerix-B and Recombivax HB

Vaccine Manufacturer Dosage schedule Age range Price
Engerix-B GlaxoSmithKline 3 doses over 6 months Birth through adulthood $40-$70 per dose
Recombivax HB Merck 3-4 doses over 6-12 months Birth through adulthood $40-$70 per dose

Both vaccines are recommended for use in newborns, children, and adults. They are available at public and private healthcare facilities throughout Singapore. The cost of the vaccine can vary depending on where it is obtained. However, multiple health plans such as Chas can provide subsidies for the vaccine.

The vaccines: Heplisav B and Twinrix

Heplisav B

Heplisav B is a newer vaccine on the market in Singapore, having been approved by the Health Sciences Authority (HSA) in 2017. It is also a recombinant vaccine that requires fewer doses than Engerix-B or Recombivax HB to achieve immunity. Instead of three doses over six months, Heplisav B requires just two doses over one month.


Twinrix is a combination vaccine that includes both the Hepatitis B vaccine and a vaccine for Hepatitis A. It is made by GlaxoSmithKline and requires three doses over six months. In addition to providing protection against Hepatitis B, Twinrix also provides protection against Hepatitis A, which can be useful for international travelers.

Comparison of Heplisav B and Twinrix

Vaccine Manufacturer Dosage schedule Age range Price
Heplisav B Dynavax Technologies 2 doses over 1 month 18 years and older $50-$90 per dose
Twinrix GlaxoSmithKline 3 doses over 6 months 18 years and older $100-$150 per dose

Heplisav B has the advantage of requiring fewer doses than other vaccines, making it more convenient for those who may have trouble keeping up with multiple injections. However, it is only approved for use in adults 18 years and older. Twinrix provides protection against both Hepatitis A and B, which can be useful for international travel, but it comes with a higher price tag.


Getting vaccinated against Hepatitis B is crucial for the health and well-being of people in Singapore. All of the vaccines discussed in this article are safe and effective at preventing the virus. The choice of vaccine will depend on factors such as age, personal preference, and cost. Consult with a healthcare professional to determine the best option for you.


Hepatitis B is a severe liver disease caused by the hepatitis B virus (HBV), which can lead to chronic illness and liver cancer. The good news is that it can easily be prevented through vaccination.

What is the Hepatitis B Vaccine?

The hepatitis B vaccine is a safe and effective way of preventing hepatitis B. The vaccine is made from small pieces of the virus that are not able to cause infection, so it's impossible to get hepatitis B from the vaccine.

Why Get Vaccinated?

Getting vaccinated against hepatitis B is crucial for children and adults as the disease can lead to permanent liver damage or even failure. It's especially important for those who have certain jobs, like healthcare workers or those who work with blood products, as they are at an increased risk of contracting the virus.

Who Should Get Vaccinated?

The hepatitis B vaccine is recommended for all infants, children, and adolescents, as well as for adults who are at risk for hepatitis B infection. This includes people who engage in risky sexual behavior, those who inject drugs, or those who live with someone who has hepatitis B.

What is the Schedule For the Vaccine?

The recommended schedule for the hepatitis B vaccine is three doses over six months. The first dose is typically given at birth, the second dose one month later, and the third dose six months after the first. For adults, the vaccine is typically given in three doses over six months, although alternative schedules may be available.

How Effective is the Vaccine?

The hepatitis B vaccine is highly effective, with more than 90% of people who receive all three doses developing immunity to the virus. In some cases, a booster dose may be necessary to maintain protection.

What Are the Side Effects?

The hepatitis B vaccine is generally safe, with few side effects. Some people may experience soreness or redness at the injection site, or a low-grade fever. More serious side effects, such as allergic reactions, are extremely rare.

Where Can I Get Vaccinated in Singapore?

The hepatitis B vaccine is widely available in Singapore and can be obtained from a variety of healthcare providers, including clinics, hospitals, and private practices. You can also get the vaccine through the Ministry of Health's National Adult Immunisation Programme (NAIP).

How Much Does it Cost?

The cost of the hepatitis B vaccine varies depending on where you go to get vaccinated. It's important to know that many insurance plans cover the cost of the vaccine, so be sure to check with your provider.


Vaccination is the best way to prevent hepatitis B, a serious liver disease that can have lifelong consequences. If you're at risk for hepatitis B, or if you want to protect your child from the virus, talk to your doctor about getting vaccinated.

In Singapore, one of the vaccines that are being offered to everyone is the Hepatitis B vaccine. This vaccine is given to individuals who have a higher risk of being exposed to the virus due to their lifestyle, work or travel. Moreover, the vaccine provides great protection against infection and is considered to be one of the most effective ways to prevent the spread of the virus.

Before getting the vaccine, it is essential to know the basics of the disease. Hepatitis B is a viral infection that affects the liver. It can cause inflammation and damage to the liver, leading to chronic liver disease, liver cancer, and death. The virus spreads through contact with infected bodily fluids, such as blood, semen, and vaginal fluids. In addition, there is no known cure for Hepatitis B, and once infected, one may carry the virus for life.

The Hepatitis B vaccine is a safe and effective way to protect against the virus. It is made by using fragments of the Hepatitis B virus, which cannot cause the disease. When a person receives the vaccine, their immune system creates antibodies to fight against the virus. These antibodies remain in the body, providing lifelong protection against the virus.

It is recommended for individuals who are at risk of Hepatitis B to get vaccinated. These individuals include healthcare workers, people who inject drugs, recipients of blood transfusions or organ transplants, people living with someone with Hepatitis B, and those who have unprotected sex with multiple partners.

The vaccine is typically given in three doses, with the second and third doses given at one month and six months after the first dose. The vaccine is safe and well-tolerated, with mild side effects such as pain and redness at the injection site, fatigue, and headache.

Some people may ask if they can get infected with the virus after getting vaccinated. The answer is no. The vaccine provides great protection and can prevent most, if not all, infections from the virus. However, it is essential to note that vaccinated individuals may still get infected if they were exposed to the virus before completing their vaccination, or if their immune system didn't respond well enough to the vaccine.

In conclusion, getting vaccinated against Hepatitis B provides lifelong protection against the virus. It is safe, effective, and recommended for individuals who are at higher risk of being exposed to the virus. If you are unsure whether you need the vaccine, consult with your doctor or healthcare provider. Protect yourself and your loved ones by getting vaccinated today.

Thank you for reading this article about the Hepatitis B vaccine in Singapore. Remember, prevention is always better than cure – get vaccinated and protect yourself against this deadly virus. Stay safe and healthy!

People Also Ask about Hepatitis B Vaccine in Singapore:

  1. What is the Hepatitis B Vaccine?
  2. The Hepatitis B Vaccine is a vaccine that protects against the Hepatitis B virus. It is administered through a series of injections.

  3. Is the Hepatitis B Vaccine mandatory in Singapore?
  4. No, the Hepatitis B Vaccine is not mandatory in Singapore. However, it is recommended for certain groups, such as healthcare workers and newborn infants.

  5. How effective is the Hepatitis B Vaccine?
  6. The Hepatitis B Vaccine is highly effective, with over 90% of people who receive the full course of vaccinations developing immunity to the virus.

  7. What are the side effects of the Hepatitis B Vaccine?
  8. The most common side effects of the Hepatitis B Vaccine are minor, including soreness at the injection site or a mild fever. Serious side effects are very rare.

  9. How much does the Hepatitis B Vaccine cost in Singapore?
  10. The cost of the Hepatitis B Vaccine can vary depending on where you get it. It is available at public hospitals and clinics in Singapore and is also offered by private healthcare providers.

People Also Ask About Hepatitis B Vaccine Singapore

1. What is the Hepatitis B vaccine?

The Hepatitis B vaccine is a vaccine that helps protect against the Hepatitis B virus, which can cause serious liver disease. It is given through a series of injections and stimulates the body's immune system to produce antibodies against the virus.

2. Who should get the Hepatitis B vaccine in Singapore?

In Singapore, the National Childhood Immunisation Schedule recommends that all infants receive the Hepatitis B vaccine as part of their routine immunization. Additionally, it is also recommended for individuals who are at higher risk of contracting the virus, such as healthcare workers, people with multiple sexual partners, and those who inject drugs.

3. How many doses of the Hepatitis B vaccine are required?

The number of doses required depends on the age at which the vaccination is initiated. For infants, the Hepatitis B vaccine is given in a series of three doses, with the second dose administered one month after the first, and the third dose given five months after the second. For older children and adults, a different dosing schedule may be followed, usually involving three or four doses over a six-month period.

4. What are the possible side effects of the Hepatitis B vaccine?

The Hepatitis B vaccine is generally safe and well-tolerated. Common side effects include soreness or redness at the injection site, mild fever, and fatigue. Serious side effects are extremely rare but may include an allergic reaction. It is important to discuss any concerns or potential allergies with your healthcare provider before receiving the vaccine.

5. How effective is the Hepatitis B vaccine?

The Hepatitis B vaccine is highly effective in preventing Hepatitis B infection. It provides long-term protection and has been shown to reduce the risk of developing chronic liver disease, liver cancer, and other complications associated with Hepatitis B.

6. Is the Hepatitis B vaccine covered by insurance in Singapore?

In Singapore, the cost of the Hepatitis B vaccine may be covered by certain insurance plans or government subsidies. It is advisable to check with your healthcare provider or insurance provider to determine the coverage options available to you.

Overall, the Hepatitis B vaccine is an important tool in preventing the spread of the Hepatitis B virus and protecting individuals from its potentially severe consequences. It is recommended for infants as part of routine immunization and for individuals at higher risk of infection. The vaccine is safe, effective, and widely available in Singapore.