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Convert Yen to Singapore Dollar - Easy and Accurate Currency Exchange Rates

Yen To Singapore Dollar

Convert Yen to Singapore Dollar with ease. Get the latest exchange rates and make quick currency conversions for your travel or business needs.

Are you planning a trip to Singapore and wondering what the current exchange rate is for Yen to Singapore Dollar? Look no further, as this article will provide you with all the information you need.

First, let's take a look at the current exchange rate. As of today's date, one Japanese Yen is equal to 0.012 Singapore Dollars. This means that for every $1 SGD, you can get approximately ¥82.78 JPY.

But why does the exchange rate fluctuate? There are several factors that can affect it, such as interest rates, inflation, and geopolitical events. For example, if the Singaporean economy is doing well, then the value of their currency will increase, making it more expensive for foreigners to visit. On the other hand, if Japan's economy is struggling, then the value of their currency may decrease, making it a more affordable destination.

So, what should you do if you're planning on exchanging your Yen to Singapore Dollars? One option is to do it at the airport, but be prepared to pay a higher fee for the convenience. Another option is to use a local money changer or ATM once you arrive in Singapore. Just be sure to compare rates and check for any hidden fees.

But wait, did you know that you can also use credit cards while traveling in Singapore? Many restaurants, shops, and hotels accept major credit cards, which can save you from having to carry around large amounts of cash. Plus, some credit card companies offer perks like travel insurance and cash back rewards.

However, before you use your credit card, make sure to check with your bank about any foreign transaction fees. These fees can add up quickly, especially if you're using your card frequently.

If you're worried about overspending, consider setting a budget for your trip. This can help you keep track of your expenses and avoid any unexpected surprises when you get back home.

Another tip is to research local attractions and activities before your trip. Singapore has plenty of free or low-cost things to do, like visiting the Botanic Gardens or exploring the hawker food scene.

And lastly, don't forget to enjoy yourself! Singapore has a unique blend of cultures, cuisines, and attractions that are sure to leave a lasting impression.

In conclusion, knowing the current exchange rate for Yen to Singapore Dollar is essential when planning a trip to this vibrant city-state. By comparing rates, using credit cards wisely, and setting a budget, you can make the most of your travels without breaking the bank.


The Yen and Singaporean Dollar are two currencies that play a significant role in the Southeast Asian region. The Japanese Yen is the third-most traded currency worldwide, while the Singapore Dollar acts as a regional reserve currency. In this article, we will explore the exchange rate between the two currencies and how it affects trade and foreign investment.

What is the Yen to Singapore Dollar Exchange Rate?

The Yen and Singaporean Dollar have a floating exchange rate system where their exchange rate is determined by the market forces of supply and demand. As of September 2021, the exchange rate for one Yen to Singapore Dollar is around SGD 0.0124. It means that if you convert 1,000 Yen to Singapore Dollars, you will get approximately SGD 12.4.

Factors Affecting the Yen-SGD Exchange Rate

Several factors influence the exchange rate between the Japanese Yen and Singapore Dollar. Some of these factors include:

  • Economic Conditions - Economic data such as GDP, inflation, and interest rates can significantly influence the exchange rate.
  • Political Stability - Political stability in both countries can affect foreign investment and, in turn, impact the exchange rate.
  • Trade Relations - The amount of trade between Japan and Singapore can influence the exchange rate, especially if one country has a trade surplus over the other.
  • Global Events - Global events like natural disasters, pandemics, and geopolitical tensions can create volatility in currency markets.

Affected Sectors and Industries

The exchange rate between Yen-SGD can affect several sectors in both Japan and Singapore. Some of the most affected sectors include:

  • Export and Import Sectors - Changes in the exchange rate can impact the cost of goods imported or exported between both countries.
  • Tourism Industry - A stronger Yen could make Japan a more expensive destination for Singaporean tourists, and the inverse could also be true.
  • Investment Sector - Foreign investment flows between Japan and Singapore will depend on the exchange rate between their currencies.
  • Stock Markets - Companies that have business interests in both Japan and Singapore could be impacted by changes in the exchange rate.

Strategies to Manage Currency Risk for Business Owners

Fluctuations in the exchange rate between the Yen and SGD can create currency risk for businesses operating in both markets. Here are some strategies business owners can take to manage this risk:

  • Forward Contracts - Using forward contracts, business owners can lock in a specific exchange rate for a future transaction. This strategy helps mitigate the risks associated with exchange rate fluctuations.
  • Hedging - Businesses can use options or futures contracts to hedge against currency risk.
  • Diversification - Diversifying investments across regions and industries can help businesses spread out risks associated with currency fluctuations.

Effects on Forex Traders

Forex traders who trade the Yen-SGD currency pair in the foreign exchange market can profit from fluctuations in the exchange rate. For example, if a trader expects the Yen to appreciate against the SGD, they could buy the Yen and sell the SGD. Conversely, traders can short the Yen and buy the SGD if they believe the SGD will appreciate against the Yen. However, traders should also be aware that fluctuations in the exchange rate can create significant risks, and they should manage their risk accordingly.


The Yen-SGD exchange rate is an essential metric for businesses and traders operating in both markets. Several factors influence the exchange rate, including economic conditions, political stability, trade relations, and global events. Businesses and traders can manage currency risks by using strategies such as forward contracts, hedging, and diversification. By understanding the factors that impact the exchange rate, business owners and traders can make informed decisions that positively impact their bottom line.


The Yen and the Singapore dollar are both popular currencies used in Asia. Although they may seem completely different, they actually have some similarities. Both currencies are stable and widely used in trade and commerce.

The exchange rate between Yen and Singapore Dollar

As of August 2021, the exchange rate between the Japanese Yen and the Singapore Dollar is approximately 1 JPY to 0.012 SGD. This means that one Japanese Yen is equivalent to less than one Singapore cent.

Historical comparison

In the past decade, the exchange rate of the Yen and Singapore dollar has remained fairly stable. However, there have been some fluctuations over time. For instance, in 2012, the exchange rate was around 1 JPY to 0.015 SGD, while in 2015, it was about 1 JPY to 0.011 SGD.

The economy of Singapore and Japan

Singapore and Japan are both considered as two of the most developed countries in the world. They both have a highly skilled workforce, advanced infrastructure, and advanced industries. The economies of these two countries are also well-diversified and have a strong focus on technology and innovation.

GDP Comparison

According to data from the World Bank, Singapore's GDP in 2020 was estimated at nearly SGD 323 billion, while Japan's GDP was estimated at USD 4.9 trillion, which is around 13 times larger than Singapore's GDP. However, this gap can be considered normal due to the much larger population size of Japan compared to Singapore.

Factors affecting the exchange rates

Trade balance

The trade balance between two countries can greatly affect the exchange rate. Singapore is known for its strong trade relations with Japan, as Japan is one of Singapore's most important trading partners in Asia. Hence, a deficit or surplus in bilateral trade relations between the two countries can lead to fluctuations in the exchange rates.

Interest rates

The relative interest rates between two currencies can affect their exchange rate. When a currency has a higher interest rate, it tends to attract more investors, leading to a stronger demand and appreciation of the currency. In Singapore, the central bank has maintained a low-interest-rate environment to support economic recovery amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

Political and economic stability

Currencies are usually evaluated based on the political and economic stability of the country backing them. Both Singapore and Japan are known for their stable political and economic policies, which makes their currencies more attractive to investors.


In conclusion, the Yen and the Singapore dollar are stable and widely used currencies in Asia. Although their exchange rate may fluctuate over time, they remain important currencies in the global market. Various factors such as trade balance, interest rates, and political-economic stability play a crucial role in determining the exchange rates between these two currencies.

Currency Symbol Exchange Rate (August 2021)
Japanese Yen JPY 1 JPY = 0.012 SGD
Singapore Dollar SGD 1 SGD = 82.9571 JPY

For people who are planning to exchange Yen to Singapore dollar, there are several things that they need to take into consideration. If you are one of them and looking for some tips on making the exchange as hassle-free as possible while getting the best rate, this article is for you. Here are some tips and tricks that you should keep in mind before exchanging Yen to Singapore dollar.

Know Exchange Rates and Convert Amounts Online

Before heading out to the foreign exchange bureau, it is essential to know the current exchange rate of Yen to Singapore dollar. You can easily find this information online, through websites or apps that convert amounts of different currencies. Knowing the exchange rate can help you to identify a good deal compared to the one offered by your bank or other sources. You can also use these resources to calculate the amount you want to exchange, making it easier to get a rough idea of how much money you will receive in return.

Choose the Right Place to Exchange

The best place to make the exchange varies depending upon the person's preference. Some people prefer banks while others tend to use Forex brokers or bureaus. Banks often offer lower exchange rates but are more reliable, while Forex brokers and bureaus tend to offer higher rates but can be less secure. It is recommended to research the different options available in your area, compare exchange rates and fees, and read reviews from previous customers to find the best place to exchange.

Avoid Exchanging at Airports

If possible, avoid exchanging at airports as they tend to offer lower exchange rates due to the convenience factor. Also, be cautious of other services offered at airports, such as currency exchange kiosks and ATM withdrawals, as these can also charge exorbitant fees that may eat into your money.

Know the Fees and Commissions Involved

Before exchanging your Yen to Singapore dollar, make sure to read the fine print and determine the fees and commissions involved in the transaction. Many Forex brokers and bureaus charge commission fees, and some banks apply hidden fees that can add up to a significant amount. Knowing the fees involved can help you to make a more accurate calculation and get an idea of the actual amount you will receive.

Timing is Everything

The timing of exchange rates can fluctuate, and it is essential to check the trend before making your exchange. Exchange rates are affected by various factors such as economic policies, political events, and global events, so it's best to follow the news and observe trends in advance. Make sure to exchange when the rate is at its peak, and remember that rates can either increase or decrease within a day.

Avoid Currency Conversion Offers at Shops and Restaurants

When travelling, avoid exchanging money through foreign shopkeepers or restaurants where they offer currency conversion. These businesses often add higher conversion fees, so it's better to pay in the local currency and use your credit card instead, as this will give you a more favourable exchange rate.

Consider the Security Factors

When exchanging money, there are security factors to take into account. Make sure to exchange in safe areas with CCTV cameras and always count the money before leaving the bureau. Also, avoid carrying large sums of money around, and if necessary, consider dividing up your cash and using other forms of payment such as credit cards or traveller’s cheques.

Don't Base Travel Plans on Exchange Rates

While it might be tempting to plan travel based on exchange rates, it's important to keep in mind that currency exchange rates are very volatile and can change at a moment's notice. Don't base your travel plans on exchange rates and make sure to be prepared for potential fluctuations in the rate.

Keep an Eye on Currency Fluctuations

Currency fluctuations can have a significant impact on the value of your money, so it's essential to keep an eye on them and exchange your money accordingly. Consistently monitoring the currency fluctuations can help you identify trends and make more informed decisions about when to exchange your money.


Exchanging Yen to Singapore dollar should not be a daunting task with proper preparation and understanding of the exchange process. Researching rates, choosing a reliable exchange location, and being prepared for potential fluctuations are crucial steps to take before making the exchange. Remember that being aware of security factors, fees and commissions, and avoiding currency conversion offers at shops and restaurants will help you get more out of your exchange experience.

Hello there, dear visitors! In this article, we will be discussing the topic of yen to Singapore dollar conversion. This conversion is a vital aspect of foreign exchange, and we will be exploring some key areas that you need to understand if you plan on doing any business or traveling in Singapore.

Firstly, let us take a look at the current exchange rate between the yen and Singapore dollar. As of the time of writing, 1 Japanese yen is equivalent to approximately 0.013 Singapore dollars. It is important to note, however, that these rates are subject to fluctuations depending on various factors such as market conditions, political events, and the country's economic performance.

The question then arises, why would one need to convert yen to Singapore dollars? The answer is quite simple - if you plan to travel to Singapore and engage in any commercial transactions (such as buying goods and services), you will need to pay for them in Singapore dollars. Similarly, if you are a business that sells products to customers in Singapore, you will need to convert the revenue earned in yen to Singapore dollars to meet your operating expenses and possibly even make a profit.

Now, let us look at some options available to convert yen to Singapore dollars. One option is to visit a bank or foreign exchange bureau. These institutions offer currency conversion services and may also be able to advise you on the best time to carry out the conversion to get the most favorable exchange rates. Alternatively, you can use online currency converters - there are several reputable websites with easy-to-use interfaces that offer up-to-date exchange rates.

If you're interested in the reasons why yen to Singapore dollar conversion rates fluctuate so frequently, there are various factors that influence exchange rates. Firstly, economic events in either country can affect currency values. For example, if Japan's central bank raises interest rates, this may cause the yen to appreciate relative to the Singapore dollar. Similarly, if Singapore's GDP growth rate outperforms Japan's, the Singapore dollar may strengthen. Secondly, political events such as changes in leadership or trade agreements between countries can also impact exchange rates. Finally, market speculation and investor sentiment can cause exchange rates to fluctuate erratically.

It is important to be mindful of transaction costs when converting currencies. Banks and other financial institutions typically charge a commission or fees for their services, which can add up to substantial amounts depending on the size of the transaction. It is therefore advisable to compare rates and fees across different providers to find the best deal.

A common pitfall that people fall into when converting currencies is relying on outdated information. As mentioned earlier, exchange rates are subject to frequent fluctuations, and relying on old data can result in significant losses. It is therefore recommended to use reliable sources of information such as news websites, economic bulletins, and specialized publications in finance.

In conclusion, understanding the yen to Singapore dollar conversion rate and the factors that influence it can play an important role in personal and business transactions. Whether you need to convert currencies for travel, investment, or commercial purposes, it is essential to stay on top of changing market conditions and choose an appropriate provider to minimize costs. We hope this article was informative and helpful to our readers - do feel free to share your thoughts and feedback with us!

Thank you for reading and we wish you well on your yen to Singapore dollar conversions!

People also ask about Yen to Singapore Dollar:

  1. What is the current exchange rate from Yen to Singapore Dollar?
  2. As of (date), the current exchange rate from Yen to Singapore Dollar is (amount).

  3. Is it better to exchange Yen in Japan or Singapore?
  4. It depends on the exchange rate and fees charged by each country's exchange services. It's recommended to compare rates and fees before deciding where to exchange Yen.

  5. Can I use Yen in Singapore?
  6. No, Yen is not accepted as a form of payment in Singapore. You'll need to exchange your Yen to Singapore Dollars before making any purchases in Singapore.

  7. What is the highest value of Yen to Singapore Dollar?
  8. The highest value of Yen to Singapore Dollar was recorded on (date) at (amount).

  9. Are there any restrictions for exchanging Yen to Singapore Dollars?
  10. There may be certain restrictions imposed by currency exchange services or governments. It's recommended to check with the relevant authorities before attempting to exchange Yen to Singapore Dollars.

People Also Ask About Yen To Singapore Dollar

1. What is the current exchange rate between Yen and Singapore Dollar?

The current exchange rate between Yen and Singapore Dollar fluctuates due to market conditions. It is recommended to check with a reliable currency exchange platform or financial institution for the most up-to-date rates. Online currency converters can also provide real-time exchange rate information.

2. How can I convert Yen to Singapore Dollar?

To convert Yen to Singapore Dollar, you have several options:

  • Visit a local currency exchange office or bank in your area that offers currency conversion services. They will be able to assist you in exchanging your Yen for Singapore Dollar based on the prevailing exchange rate.
  • Use online currency exchange platforms that allow you to convert Yen to Singapore Dollar. These platforms often offer competitive rates and convenient services for currency conversion.
  • If you are in Singapore, you can also consider visiting authorized money changers located in popular tourist areas or shopping malls.

3. Are there any fees or charges when converting Yen to Singapore Dollar?

When converting Yen to Singapore Dollar, fees and charges may apply depending on the method or service provider you choose. It is advisable to inquire about any applicable fees in advance to avoid surprises. Banks and currency exchange offices usually charge a small commission or service fee for their services. Online platforms may have varying fee structures, so it's important to compare rates and fees before making a decision.

4. Can I use Yen directly in Singapore?

No, the official currency of Singapore is the Singapore Dollar (SGD). While some establishments might accept major foreign currencies, it is generally recommended to use Singapore Dollar for transactions within the country. It's advisable to convert your Yen to Singapore Dollar before your visit to ensure smooth transactions and avoid potential difficulties in finding businesses that accept foreign currencies.

5. What factors can affect the exchange rate between Yen and Singapore Dollar?

The exchange rate between Yen and Singapore Dollar can be influenced by various factors, including:

  1. Economic conditions and policies of both Japan and Singapore.
  2. Interest rates set by the central banks of the respective countries.
  3. Inflation rates and economic indicators of both countries.
  4. Political stability and geopolitical events that impact the global economy.
  5. Market demand and supply for each currency.

These factors and others can lead to fluctuations in the exchange rate over time.

Remember to always consult with financial professionals or reliable sources for accurate and current information regarding currency exchange rates and conversion processes.