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Explore the Heartfelt Stories of To Singapore With Love - A Must-See Documentary!

To Singapore With Love

To Singapore With Love is a compelling documentary that explores the stories of political exiles and activists who fled Singapore for various reasons.

Are you looking for a heartwarming and thought-provoking documentary? Do you want to know more about Singapore's political history and the struggles of its people for their rights and freedom? Look no further, as To Singapore With Love is the solution you're looking for.

Directed by Tan Pin Pin, this award-winning documentary sheds light on the personal stories of Singaporean political exiles who left their homeland after challenging the ruling government or expressing dissenting views.

From Thailand to Malaysia, from the UK to Canada, these exiles share their memories, dreams, and hopes for Singapore, reflecting on their past and present as well as their ongoing struggle for justice and democracy.

Through candid interviews and archival footage, To Singapore With Love depicts the human face of Singapore's political dissent and highlights the complexities and contradictions of a country striving for economic success and social stability while limiting freedom of expression and assembly.

How did Singapore become the prosperous and modern city-state it is today? What price did its citizens pay for that transformation? What happens to those who challenge the status quo and question the ruling party's policies?

These are some of the questions that To Singapore With Love seeks to answer, providing a nuanced and honest portrayal of Singaporean society and politics. The film shows how the personal and the political intersect in ways that affect not only the exiles but also their families, friends, and fellow citizens.

What makes To Singapore With Love unique is its focus on the individual and the intimate rather than the abstract and the ideological. By giving voice to the voicesless and the marginalized, the film enriches our understanding of Singapore's history and identity.

Moreover, To Singapore With Love reminds us of the power of empathy and solidarity in the face of adversity and oppression. It shows how ordinary people can make a difference by standing up for their beliefs and values, even when it means leaving their homes and loved ones behind.

If you want to learn about Singapore's past, present, and future, if you want to feel inspired and moved by the stories of courageous and compassionate individuals, if you want to be part of a global conversation on democracy and human rights, then To Singapore With Love is a must-see film.

Don't miss this opportunity to expand your horizons and deepen your understanding of our interconnected world. Join the journey to Singapore and back, and discover the power of storytelling to bridge cultures and generations.

Experience the emotional and intellectual impact of To Singapore With Love, and become part of a growing community of engaged and critical viewers who believe in the power of truth and justice.

See you at the screening, and let's discuss the film together!


To Singapore With Love is a documentary film that was directed by Tan Pin Pin. The film highlights the stories of ex-political activists who fled Singapore in the 1960s and 1970s. Many of these individuals had to leave their families behind and have never returned to Singapore since leaving the country.

Key Theme

The key theme highlighted in the documentary is the impact of political repression and authoritarianism on an individual's life. It highlights the sacrifices made by these political activists who had to leave their home and family just to survive. The documentary also raises questions about the need for political freedom and democracy in Singapore.

Experiences of Political Activists

The documentary features interviews with several ex-political activists who share their personal experience of what led them to flee Singapore. Many of them were involved in anti-colonial movements, student protests, or labor unions, which made them a target of the government's crackdown on opposition.

The activists describe their time in prison, torture, and brutal interrogations, which forced them to confess to crimes they did not commit. Their families were also targeted and harassed by the authorities. One woman shares how her two-year-old son was kidnapped and threatened to be killed unless she signed a false confession.

These stories shed light on the inhumane treatment that political prisoners faced under dictatorships. They highlight the fact that political repression not only affects the victims but also their families, who were often left traumatized and stigmatized for their connections to political activism.

Impact on Families

The documentary also explores the impact of political repression on families. Several children of ex-political activists share their experiences of growing up without their parents and never being able to visit their home country. They talk about the discrimination they faced due to their parents' political activism, which made them outcasts in society.

One of the interviewees in the documentary is a daughter of a political activist who was executed for his involvement in opposition politics. She talks about how her father's death affected her and her family, and how they had to flee the country to escape persecution.

Need for Democracy

Through the interviews with ex-political activists, the film raises questions about the need for democracy and political freedom in Singapore. It argues that repression cannot be a means of maintaining stability and security in a society. Instead, it highlights the importance of having a democratic system that respects human rights, civil liberties, and political participation.

The documentary's relevance extends beyond Singapore, as it reflects on the universal struggle for political freedom and democracy. It highlights that citizens' voices must be heard, and they should have the right to express their political opinions without fear of persecution.


To Singapore with Love is a powerful documentary that brings light to the personal experiences of ex-political activists who fled Singapore in the 1960s and 1970s. The film highlights the inhumane treatment that political prisoners face under dictatorships and the impact on their families. Furthermore, it raises questions about the need for democracy and political freedom in Singapore, asking if repression can lead to a stable and secure society. The documentary is a significant contribution to the global conversation on human rights, civil liberties, and political participation.


When it comes to travel destinations in Southeast Asia, Singapore is a country that is never off the list. What makes this country a great travel destination, you may ask? It's the perfect blend of vibrant city life and rich culture, making it an ideal location for people from all walks of life. In this article, we'll take a closer look at the many reasons why Singapore is a must-visit destination.


Singapore is strategically located at the tip of the Malay Peninsula in Southeast Asia. This means that it's easily accessible by air, land or sea. There are direct flights available from major cities around the world, making it a popular travel hub within the region.


The tropical climate is one of the many attractions of Singapore. The temperature ranges from 25°C to 32°C throughout the year, and there's no clear distinction between the seasons. The humidity can be high at times, but you can always take refuge in one of the many air-conditioned malls, which are numerous and never too far away.

Culture and Food

Singapore is a melting pot of cultures, and this is reflected in its food. Whether you're a fan of spicy Indian curries, Chinese noodles, or Malay satay, Singapore has it all. You can sample mouth-watering dishes from street vendors or indulge in a fine dining experience at one of the many Michelin-starred restaurants.


There's an abundance of things to see and do in Singapore. From world-renowned attractions like Universal Studios and Gardens by the Bay, to lesser-known gems like Kranji Countryside and Changi Point Coastal Walk, there's something for every type of traveler.


You'll find an extensive range of accommodation options in Singapore, ranging from budget-friendly hostels to luxurious five-star hotels. Depending on your travel style and budget, you can choose from a wide selection of options.


Getting around Singapore is easy thanks to its efficient public transport system. You can take the subway, bus or taxis to get around the city. There are also bike-sharing services like Ofo and Mobike available if you prefer to explore on two wheels.


If shopping is your thing, then you're in luck. Singapore is a shopper's paradise, with mega-malls like VivoCity, Orchard Road Mall, and Marina Bay Sands providing endless retail therapy opportunities.


If you're looking for a good night out, Singapore has a vibrant nightlife scene. From rooftop bars to nightclubs and live music venues, there's something to suit every taste. Some of the popular nightlife areas include Clarke Quay, Robertson Quay and Club Street.


Singapore is one of the safest countries in the world. The country has strict laws and regulations, and crime rates are low. You can feel safe walking on the streets even late at night, making it a great destination for solo travelers or families with young children.


In conclusion, Singapore has everything you could want in a travel destination: a vibrant culture, amazing food, world-class attractions, and efficient transportation. It's the perfect location for a short getaway or a longer trip, and you're bound to have an unforgettable experience no matter what your travel style is. So pack your bags and get ready to explore the wonders of Singapore!


To Singapore With Love is a documentary film which depicts the stories of political exiles who have been exiled from their homes in Singapore. The film brings into focus the social, political and historical context of Singapore and its diaspora. It is a film that raises pertinent questions about the human cost of power and the price of dissent.

The Context of Singapore

Singapore has a rich and complex history. The island was ruled by the British colonialists for over 100 years before gaining independence in 1965. The government of Singapore, led by Lee Kuan Yew, made a conscious effort to modernize Singapore and turn it into a prosperous Asian city-state.

The government's approach to governance has been heavily influenced by Confucianism which emphasizes the rule of law and order. The government of Singapore was faced with challenges such as a communist insurgency, racial tensions and economic instability. They responded with strict laws and a strong-arm approach towards any form of political opposition.

The Political Exiles of Singapore

The film focuses on the stories of several political exiles who were forced to flee Singapore due to their opposition to the government's policies. They include student activists, Marxist trade unionists, journalists and opposition politicians. These individuals have been exiled from their homes for decades, with no hope of returning.

One of the most poignant stories depicted in the film is that of Teo Soh Lung, a lawyer who was arrested under the Internal Security Act (ISA) in 1987. The ISA allows for detention without trial and has been used extensively by the Singapore government to suppress political opposition. Teo was held in detention for two years and has been banned from engaging in any political activity since her release.

The Price of Dissent

The film raises important questions about the price of dissent. What is the cost of speaking out against the government? What is the human cost of suppressing political opposition? The stories of the exiles in the film demonstrate the toll that political persecution can take on an individual and their families.

The film also illustrates the lengths to which the Singapore government will go to suppress any form of dissent. It highlights the use of detention without trial, defamation laws and strict restrictions on the media as tools to silence political opposition.

Why This Film Matters

The film is an important contribution to the discourse on democracy and political rights in Singapore. It sheds light on the human cost of power and the price of dissent. By sharing the stories of the exiles, the film shows the impact of the government's policies on everyday citizens.

The film also demonstrates the importance of freedom of expression and the need for a free press. The Singapore government's control over the media and its strict defamation laws have severely limited the ability of citizens to engage in meaningful dialogue about politics and governance.


To Singapore With Love is a powerful and thought-provoking film that deserves to be watched by anyone interested in Singapore's history and its future. The film raises pertinent questions about the human cost of power and the price of dissent. It is a powerful reminder of the importance of democracy and freedom of expression in any society.

The stories of the exiles depicted in the film serve as a testament to the resilience of the human spirit in the face of political persecution. It is a testament to the courage of those who stand up for their beliefs, even when it comes at great personal cost.

Welcome to this blog post! Today, we're going to talk about a beautiful and vibrant country known as Singapore. This small island nation located in Southeast Asia is full of cultural and religious diversity that makes it an exciting destination for travelers.

One of the most popular areas to visit in Singapore is Marina Bay, where you can find the iconic Merlion statue, Gardens by the Bay, and the Marina Bay Sands Hotel, among other attractions. Taking a stroll along the waterfront promenade will give you stunning views of the bay and the city skyline.

If you're interested in exploring traditional neighborhoods, then head over to Chinatown, Little India, or Kampong Glam. These areas are rich in history and culture, and they offer a peek into Singapore's multicultural heritage. Marvel at the colorful shophouses, indulge in delicious street food, and shop for souvenirs to take back home.

Another must-visit place in Singapore is Sentosa Island, which is a resort island packed with activities for all ages. Some of the popular attractions include Universal Studios Singapore, S.E.A. Aquarium, and Adventure Cove Waterpark. You can also relax on the beach, ride a cable car, or watch a light and sound show in the evening.

Singapore is also a haven for foodies, and you can find everything from hawker centers to Michelin-starred restaurants here. The local cuisine includes dishes such as laksa, chicken rice, chili crab, and satay, to name a few. Don't forget to try out the popular local breakfast of kaya toast and kopi or teh tarik.

For those who love nature, Singapore has plenty of green spaces such as the Botanic Gardens, MacRitchie Reservoir Park, and Pulau Ubin. These areas offer a tranquil retreat from the bustling city and are perfect for hiking, cycling, or bird-watching.

If you're planning a trip to Singapore, do note that the country has strict laws and regulations. Chewing gum is banned, littering can result in hefty fines, and smoking is prohibited in most public places. However, these rules have helped Singapore maintain its reputation as a clean and orderly city-state.

Another thing to consider is the weather. Singapore has a tropical climate with high humidity and temperatures that range from 25°C to 35°C. It's advisable to bring light and comfortable clothing, sunscreen, and an umbrella or raincoat as it can rain at any time.

In conclusion, Singapore is a fascinating destination that offers a blend of modernity and tradition. Whether you're interested in sightseeing, shopping, food, or nature, there's something for everyone here. So pack your bags, book your tickets, and get ready to explore this beautiful island nation!

Thank you for reading this blog post, and we hope you found it informative and useful. Do share your thoughts and experiences about Singapore in the comments section below. Have a great trip!

Here are some commonly asked questions about the documentary film To Singapore, with Love:

  1. What is the film about?

    The film tells the stories of several exiled Singaporeans who are unable to return to their homeland due to their past involvement in political activities deemed subversive by the government.

  2. Who are the subjects of the film?

    The film features interviews with a group of exiles, including Tan Wah Piow, Dr. Ang Swee Chai, and Teo Soh Lung, who were forced to leave Singapore due to their political views.

  3. Why were these individuals exiled?

    They were exiled for their participation in various opposition movements that challenged the ruling party's dominant position in Singaporean politics.

  4. What is the film's message?

    The film aims to shed light on the experiences of exiled Singaporeans, the reasons why they were exiled, and the impact that this has had on their lives, families, and communities. It also makes a case for greater political freedom and free expression in Singapore.

  5. Is the film banned in Singapore?

    Yes, the film is not allowed to be screened publicly in Singapore. However, it can be viewed online or purchased on DVD.

People Also Ask About To Singapore With Love

1. What is the movie To Singapore With Love about?

The movie To Singapore With Love is a documentary film directed by Tan Pin Pin. It explores the stories of Singaporean political exiles who were forced to leave their homeland and live in self-imposed exile due to their involvement in political activities against the government. The film sheds light on their experiences, emotions, and memories as they reflect on their past and their longing for Singapore.

2. Who are the main characters in the movie?

The main characters in To Singapore With Love are the political exiles themselves. The film features interviews with various individuals who left Singapore and settled in different parts of the world. Each character shares their personal journey, struggles, and aspirations, providing unique perspectives on Singapore's political climate and their own lives in exile.

3. What is the significance of the movie?

To Singapore With Love holds great significance as it gives a voice to the political exiles who have been marginalized and largely forgotten by mainstream society. The film provides a platform for these individuals to share their stories, preserving their experiences for future generations and sparking conversations about democracy, freedom of expression, and human rights.

4. How does the movie portray Singapore's political landscape?

The movie portrays Singapore's political landscape through the lens of the exiles' experiences. It offers an alternative perspective compared to the official narrative presented by the government. The film raises questions about the restrictions on freedom of speech and political dissent in Singapore, as well as the impact it has had on those who have chosen to leave their home country.

5. Is the movie controversial?

Yes, To Singapore With Love has generated controversy due to its exploration of sensitive political issues in Singapore. The film was initially banned by the Media Development Authority (MDA) in Singapore for undermining national security. However, it has received international acclaim and has been screened at numerous film festivals around the world, sparking discussions about censorship, political activism, and the treatment of dissenting voices in Singapore.

6. Where can I watch To Singapore With Love?

Due to the ban imposed by the MDA, To Singapore With Love is not officially available for public screening or distribution in Singapore. However, the film can be found on various online platforms and may be screened at select film festivals or events outside of Singapore. It is recommended to check online streaming services or international film festivals for opportunities to watch the movie.

In conclusion, To Singapore With Love is a thought-provoking documentary that delves into the lives of political exiles from Singapore. It showcases their struggles, aspirations, and longing for their homeland while shedding light on Singapore's political landscape and raising questions about freedom of expression and human rights. Despite its controversial nature and ban in Singapore, the film has gained international recognition and continues to spark important conversations about democracy and activism.