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Cerebral Palsy Alliance Singapore: Empowering Families and Individuals with CP

Cerebral Palsy Alliance Singapore

Cerebral Palsy Alliance Singapore aims to improve the lives of individuals with cerebral palsy and their families through support, therapy, and advocacy.

Do you know someone who has cerebral palsy? Or are you looking for ways to help those who do? Look no further than Cerebral Palsy Alliance Singapore. This non-profit organization provides support and services for individuals with cerebral palsy and their families.

Founded in 1957, Cerebral Palsy Alliance Singapore has been dedicated to improving the lives of those affected by this condition for over six decades. They offer a range of services, including therapy sessions, educational programs, and employment support for adults.

Did you know that cerebral palsy affects approximately 17 million people worldwide? That's a staggering statistic. But the professionals at Cerebral Palsy Alliance Singapore are committed to helping each and every individual reach their potential, no matter how severe their condition may be.

This organization also offers respite care for families, providing much-needed relief for caregivers. They understand the challenges that come with caring for a loved one with cerebral palsy and aim to make life easier for everyone involved.

Transitioning from childhood to adulthood is not an easy feat for anyone, but it can be especially difficult for individuals with cerebral palsy. That's why Cerebral Palsy Alliance Singapore offers programs specifically designed to help young adults transition into the workforce.

Through partnerships with local businesses, the organization is able to provide individuals with cerebral palsy with job opportunities that suit their unique needs and abilities. This not only benefits the individuals but also helps build a more diverse and inclusive workforce.

But Cerebral Palsy Alliance Singapore doesn't just focus on helping those with cerebral palsy. They also work towards raising awareness and educating the community about the condition. This helps break down stigmas and misconceptions, leading to a more accepting and inclusive society.

Are you interested in getting involved with this incredible organization? There are many ways to help, from volunteering your time to making a donation. Every contribution makes a difference in the lives of those affected by cerebral palsy.

Cerebral Palsy Alliance Singapore is more than just a support organization. It's a community of individuals who understand the challenges and triumphs that come with cerebral palsy. And with their dedication and commitment, they are making a positive impact on the world, one person at a time.

So, whether you're looking for support for yourself or a loved one, or simply want to make a difference in the lives of others, be sure to check out Cerebral Palsy Alliance Singapore. You won't be disappointed.

Cerebral Palsy Alliance Singapore

Cerebral palsy is a condition that affects one in every 500 children in the world. It is a chronic neurological disorder that affects a person's ability to move and maintain balance and posture. The condition primarily appears during early childhood, but it can also develop during pregnancy or infancy. Cerebral Palsy Alliance Singapore is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping individuals with cerebral palsy reach their full potential.

What is Cerebral Palsy?

Cerebral palsy is a disorder that affects movement, muscle tone, and posture. It is caused by damage to the brain's motor control centers, which can occur before, during, or shortly after birth. The condition affects approximately 17 million people worldwide and can range from mild to severe.

Common symptoms of cerebral palsy include difficulty walking, lack of coordination, stiffness, weak muscles, and involuntary movements. The condition can also affect speech, vision, hearing, and cognitive development.

About Cerebral Palsy Alliance Singapore

Cerebral Palsy Alliance Singapore (CPAS) is a non-profit organization that was established in 1957. Their mission is to help individuals with cerebral palsy achieve independence and improve their quality of life. They operate four centers across Singapore that provide a range of services, including therapy, education, and vocational training.

The organization is committed to providing holistic care and support to those with cerebral palsy, their families, and caregivers. Their programs are designed to help individuals with cerebral palsy reach their full potential, enabling them to lead independent and fulfilling lives.

Services Offered

CPAS offers a comprehensive range of services to help individuals with cerebral palsy achieve their goals. These services include:

  • Therapy services, including physiotherapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy
  • Education services, including specialized schools, early intervention programs, and assistive technology
  • Vocational training services, including job placement support and skills training
  • Social support services, including recreational activities and counseling services for individuals with cerebral palsy and their families.

Impact of Cerebral Palsy Alliance Singapore

CPAS has had a significant impact on the lives of individuals with cerebral palsy in Singapore. They have helped to improve the quality of life for those with cerebral palsy and have played a vital role in enabling them to lead independent and fulfilling lives.

Their therapy services have helped many individuals with cerebral palsy gain better control of their movement and improve their muscle tone. Education services have enabled children with cerebral palsy to receive specialized education and assistive technology that is tailored to their needs. Their vocational training services have also helped many adults with cerebral palsy find employment and gain financial independence.

Supporting Cerebral Palsy Alliance Singapore

If you are interested in supporting CPAS's mission, there are several ways to get involved. You can make a donation to the organization, volunteer your time, or attend one of their fundraising events. Your support can help make a significant difference to the lives of individuals with cerebral palsy in Singapore.

In Conclusion

Cerebral Palsy Alliance Singapore is a non-profit organization that provides critical care and support to individuals with cerebral palsy in Singapore. Their comprehensive range of services, including therapy, education, vocational training, and social support, have helped many individuals with cerebral palsy reach their full potential. You can support their mission by making a donation, volunteering your time, or attending one of their fundraising events. Together, we can help improve the lives of those with cerebral palsy in Singapore.

Cerebral Palsy Alliance Singapore: A Comparison


Cerebral Palsy, or CP, is a neurological disorder that affects movement and posture, and can also impact sight or hearing. In Singapore, the Cerebral Palsy Alliance (CPAS) is a non-profit organization that helps individuals with CP lead fulfilling lives. However, they are not the only organization in the country that provides support for those with CP. This article will compare and contrast CPAS with another Singaporean organization known as Society for the Physically Disabled (SPD).

History and Mission

CPAS was founded in 1957 as the Spastic Children's Association of Singapore. It has since expanded its services to include educational programs, employment opportunities, and therapy services for people with CP. Meanwhile, SPD was founded in 1964 to help people with physical disabilities of all types, including CP. Their services are more diverse than those of CPAS, and include rehabilitation, assistive technology, and training in life skills.

Services and Programs

As mentioned, CPAS focuses on providing therapy services, education, and employment opportunities. They have an Early Intervention program designed for children under 6 years old, and therapy sessions for children, youth, and adults. Job opportunities include personalized career guidance and job matching, while educational programs focus on developing communication and interaction skills.While SPD offers similar services to CPAS, they have a wider range of programs. In addition to therapy, they offer community care services such as home support, transport, and meals. They also have daycare centers and social clubs for people with physical disabilities to interact with one another in a supportive environment.

Accessibility Accommodations

Both organizations provide facilities suited to people with CP, from wheelchair ramps and accessible parking spots to assistive technology such as communication devices. However, SPD takes accessibility further by offering home modification services for people with physical disabilities. This includes installing grab bars in bathrooms and adjusting doorways to allow wheelchair access.

Staff Members and Volunteers

Both CPAS and SPD rely on donations and volunteers to operate. CPAS has roughly 100 staff members, including therapists, trainers, and support staff. Meanwhile, SPD has around 200 full-time staff members across their various programs. They also have a large number of volunteers that help run community events and provide companionship to people with disabilities.

Funding and Donations

Both organizations also rely heavily on donations to fund their operations. CPAS states that they receive support from the government and corporations in Singapore, as well as from private donors. Meanwhile, SPD relies on donations from corporations, foundations, and the public. Both organizations are transparent about their financial statements, and have annual reports available online for anyone to view.

Community Outreach

Both CPAS and SPD engage in community outreach to spread awareness of CP and other physical disabilities. CPAS offers public talks and workshops on topics such as special education, mental health, and adaptive sports. Meanwhile, SPD has several initiatives aimed at integrating people with disabilities into mainstream society, such as their Inclusion Ambassadors program which trains businesses and schools on how to accommodate people with physical disabilities.

Adaptive Sports Programs

CPAS is synonymous with disability sports in Singapore, particularly boccia, which is a paralympic sport that originated from Europe. The organization offers training and competitions for people with a range of physical disabilities, including CP. SPD offers similar opportunities, but to a lesser extent. Their sports programs are more focused on recreational activities than competitive sports.

The Verdict

Both CPAS and SPD are valuable organizations that provide much-needed support to people with disabilities in Singapore. While CPAS has a more specific focus on CP, SPD has a wider range of programs and services for all types of physical disabilities. In the end, the organization that is most suitable for an individual will depend on their specific needs and preferences.


Cerebral Palsy Alliance Singapore is an organization that aims to support individuals with cerebral palsy and other disabilities. They are focused on enhancing the lives of people with cerebral palsy and enabling them to achieve their full potential through their programs and services.

What is Cerebral Palsy?

Cerebral Palsy is a neurological disorder that affects a person's movement, posture, and muscle control. It is caused by damage to the developing brain before, during, or shortly after birth. This can result in difficulties with things like walking, speaking, and using fine motor skills.

How can Cerebral Palsy Alliance Singapore help?

Cerebral Palsy Alliance Singapore provides a variety of services and programs that can help individuals with cerebral palsy. They offer early intervention programs for infants and toddlers, therapy services for children and adults, and vocational training programs for young adults.

Programs and Services

Early Intervention Programs

Cerebral Palsy Alliance Singapore offers early intervention programs for infants and toddlers. These programs focus on supporting children in their development during their critical early years. The programs aim to promote gross and fine motor development, communication and socialization skills, as well as cognitive and self-help skills.

Therapy Services

The organization also provides therapy services for children and adults with cerebral palsy. These therapies include physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy. The therapists work with individuals to develop their strength, balance, and coordination, as well as to improve their communication and self-care skills.

Vocational Training Programs

Cerebral Palsy Alliance Singapore also offers vocational training programs for young adults. These programs aim to help individuals with cerebral palsy gain skills, experience, and confidence that will enable them to work and participate more fully in their communities.

Why Choose Cerebral Palsy Alliance Singapore?

Experienced Professionals

The staff at Cerebral Palsy Alliance Singapore are highly trained professionals with experience working with individuals with cerebral palsy. They are knowledgeable about the condition, its effects, and its challenges, and are dedicated to providing the best possible care for their clients.

Individualized Care

Cerebral Palsy Alliance Singapore provides individualized care for each of their clients. They recognize that every person with cerebral palsy is unique, and therefore require specific and tailored treatments and support.

Comprehensive Services

The organization offers a wide range of services and programs aimed at supporting individuals with cerebral palsy throughout their lives. From early intervention to vocational training, they provide comprehensive support for people with cerebral palsy.


Overall, Cerebral Palsy Alliance Singapore is an organization that provides essential support and resources for individuals with cerebral palsy. Their commitment to providing individualized, comprehensive care has made them a leading provider of services for people with cerebral palsy in Singapore. If you or someone you know has cerebral palsy, it is worth considering reaching out to Cerebral Palsy Alliance Singapore for assistance.

Welcome to Cerebral Palsy Alliance Singapore!

We are a non-profit organization committed to providing support, services, and resources for individuals with cerebral palsy and their families. Through our programs and initiatives, we aim to promote inclusion, increase awareness, and advocate for those with cerebral palsy.

Here at CPAS, we believe that every individual deserves the opportunity to reach their full potential. We strive to empower our clients by providing them with the necessary resources and tools to achieve their goals and live fulfilling lives. Whether it be through therapy, education, or social activities, we work to make a positive difference in the lives of those we serve.

Our team at CPAS consists of dedicated professionals who are passionate about enhancing the quality of life for individuals with cerebral palsy. From occupational therapists to speech-language pathologists, our staff members possess a wealth of knowledge and expertise, and are committed to providing the highest level of care to our clients.

One of the unique aspects of CPAS is our comprehensive approach to supporting individuals with cerebral palsy. We offer a variety of programs and services, including early intervention programs for young children, school-based therapy services, community integration programs, and adult day care services. Our programs are tailored to meet each individual's needs and abilities, and are designed to promote maximum independence and inclusion.

Our organization also offers a range of resources, including informational materials, support groups, and educational seminars. These resources aim to educate and inform families and caregivers about the challenges and opportunities associated with cerebral palsy, and provide guidance on how to best support their loved ones.

At CPAS, we strongly believe in the power of collaboration and community. We work closely with other organizations, healthcare professionals, and government agencies to promote awareness and advocate for the rights of individuals with cerebral palsy. Through these partnerships, we hope to build a more inclusive and accessible society for all.

If you or a loved one has cerebral palsy, we encourage you to reach out to us and learn more about how we can support you. Whether it be through our programs, services, or resources, we are here to help.

Thank you for visiting our website and for considering CPAS as a resource. We look forward to hearing from you!

Best regards,

The Team at Cerebral Palsy Alliance Singapore

Here are some commonly asked questions about Cerebral Palsy Alliance Singapore:

  1. What services does Cerebral Palsy Alliance Singapore provide?

    Cerebral Palsy Alliance Singapore provides a range of services for children and adults with cerebral palsy, including early intervention programs, school programs, therapy services, vocational training, and residential care.

  2. How can I get involved with Cerebral Palsy Alliance Singapore?

    You can get involved with Cerebral Palsy Alliance Singapore by volunteering your time or making a donation. The organization also accepts corporate sponsorships and partnerships.

  3. Who is eligible to receive services from Cerebral Palsy Alliance Singapore?

    Cerebral Palsy Alliance Singapore provides services for individuals of all ages with cerebral palsy, regardless of their economic status. The organization also provides support for families and caregivers.

  4. Does Cerebral Palsy Alliance Singapore offer educational programs?

    Yes, Cerebral Palsy Alliance Singapore offers a range of educational programs for children and adults with cerebral palsy, including school programs and vocational training.

  5. Can I make a donation to Cerebral Palsy Alliance Singapore?

    Yes, you can make a donation to Cerebral Palsy Alliance Singapore through their website, or by contacting the organization directly.

  6. What kind of volunteer opportunities are available at Cerebral Palsy Alliance Singapore?

    Volunteer opportunities at Cerebral Palsy Alliance Singapore include helping with events and fundraising campaigns, providing support for individuals with cerebral palsy, and offering administrative assistance to the organization.

  7. Does Cerebral Palsy Alliance Singapore provide respite care?

    Yes, Cerebral Palsy Alliance Singapore provides respite care for families and caregivers of individuals with cerebral palsy, as well as residential care for individuals with more complex needs.

People Also Ask About Cerebral Palsy Alliance Singapore

What is Cerebral Palsy Alliance Singapore?

Cerebral Palsy Alliance Singapore is a non-profit organization dedicated to improving the lives of individuals with cerebral palsy and other disabilities. They provide a wide range of services and support to enhance the independence, inclusion, and well-being of people with cerebral palsy in Singapore.

What services does Cerebral Palsy Alliance Singapore offer?

Cerebral Palsy Alliance Singapore offers a variety of services to cater to the diverse needs of individuals with cerebral palsy:

  1. Early Intervention Programs: These programs focus on supporting children from birth to six years old through therapy, education, and family support.
  2. Therapy Services: The organization provides a range of therapy services including physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, and assistive technology.
  3. Employment and Day Activity Programs: Cerebral Palsy Alliance Singapore offers vocational training, job placement assistance, and day activity programs to empower individuals with cerebral palsy to lead meaningful lives.
  4. Social and Recreational Activities: The organization organizes various social and recreational activities to promote social integration and community participation.
  5. Support for Families: Cerebral Palsy Alliance Singapore provides support services for families, including counseling, workshops, and respite care.

How can I get involved with Cerebral Palsy Alliance Singapore?

There are several ways you can get involved with Cerebral Palsy Alliance Singapore:

  • Volunteering: You can volunteer your time and skills to support their programs and activities.
  • Donating: You can make a financial contribution to support their services and initiatives.
  • Fundraising: You can organize fundraising events or campaigns to raise funds for the organization.
  • Advocacy: You can help raise awareness about cerebral palsy and advocate for the rights and inclusion of individuals with disabilities.

Is Cerebral Palsy Alliance Singapore a registered charity?

Yes, Cerebral Palsy Alliance Singapore is a registered charity in Singapore. They rely on donations and support from individuals, corporations, and the community to continue their important work.

How can I contact Cerebral Palsy Alliance Singapore?

You can contact Cerebral Palsy Alliance Singapore through the following methods:

  • Phone: Call their main office at +65 6585 5600.
  • Email: Send an email to
  • Website: Visit their website at for more information and to find specific contact details for different programs and services.

Cerebral Palsy Alliance Singapore is committed to improving the lives of individuals with cerebral palsy and providing them with the support they need to thrive in society. Their comprehensive range of services and programs cater to individuals of all ages, aiming to enhance their independence, inclusion, and overall well-being.