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Empowering the Local Community: Discover the Impact of Community Foundation of Singapore

Community Foundation Of Singapore

The Community Foundation of Singapore is a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting and empowering local communities through philanthropy.

The Community Foundation of Singapore (CFS) is an organization dedicated to strengthening communities and building a better future for Singapore. With its focus on giving back and improving the lives of those in need, CFS has become an essential part of Singapore's philanthropic landscape. In this article, I will explore the many ways in which CFS is making a difference and how you can get involved.

Did you know that there are over 2,000 registered charities in Singapore? With so many worthy causes vying for attention, it can be overwhelming to decide where to donate your time and money. That's where CFS comes in - by working closely with charities and community groups, they ensure that your donations are put to the best possible use. Whatever your passion or interest, CFS can help you find a cause that aligns with your values.

One of the unique features of CFS is their focus on building endowment funds. These funds are like savings accounts for charity - the interest generated from the investment is used to support community projects and programs. By building a sustainable source of funding, CFS ensures that their impact is felt for years to come.

Another way that CFS helps to strengthen Singapore's communities is through their strategic grantmaking. Rather than simply giving out money, CFS works with charities and community groups to identify the most significant needs and develop targeted solutions. By taking a collaborative approach, CFS ensures that their grants are effective and create meaningful change.

Of course, none of this would be possible without the generosity of Singapore's donors. Fortunately, CFS makes it easy to give back. They accept a wide range of donations, from cash and securities to real estate and artwork. Whether you want to make a one-time gift or establish a permanent legacy, CFS can help you make a difference in your community.

But it's not just about the money - CFS also values the contributions of volunteers. By giving your time and skills, you can make a direct impact on the lives of those in need. Whether you want to serve on a board or committee, help with fundraising events, or provide pro bono services, there are opportunities for everyone to get involved.

Perhaps one of the most compelling reasons to support CFS is their track record of success. Since their founding in 2008, they have raised over $100 million and supported hundreds of community projects. These range from funding arts programs for underprivileged youth to providing emergency aid to victims of natural disasters. With such a broad scope of impact, it's clear that CFS is truly making a difference in Singapore.

If you're still not convinced, consider this: by supporting CFS, you're not just giving back to your community, you're also investing in Singapore's future. A strong and vibrant philanthropic sector is essential for building a resilient and sustainable society. With your help, CFS can continue to expand its reach and create a brighter future for all Singaporeans.

So what can you do to get involved? First, take some time to explore CFS's website and learn more about their work. You might be surprised at the breadth and scope of their impact. Second, consider making a donation - no matter how small, every bit helps. Finally, if you're inspired to do more, reach out to CFS and ask how you can get involved as a volunteer or donor. Together, we can build a better Singapore for everyone.

In conclusion, the Community Foundation of Singapore is a valuable resource for anyone looking to make a difference in their community. With their focus on building endowment funds, strategic grantmaking, and collaborative approach, they are creating lasting impact in Singapore. Whether you choose to donate, volunteer, or get involved in other ways, your support of CFS will help to build a stronger and more resilient Singapore for generations to come.

Community Foundation of Singapore (CFS) is a platform that aims to strengthen the philanthropic sector in Singapore. It is a non-profit organization that connects donors with various charities, social organizations, and causes, providing them with a platform to give back to society. The foundation provides grants and scholarships to individuals and organizations in need while fostering an environment that promotes giving.

The History of CFS

Established in 2008, CFS has been instrumental in bridging the gap between donors and the community through strategic giving. It is managed by a team of professionals who work towards understanding the needs of the community and channelizing funds appropriately. CFS is committed to creating positive change within the community by advocating for charitable giving and implementing programs that address the most pressing issues in society.

The Vision of CFS

The vision of CFS is to create a Singapore where everyone has the opportunity to lead fulfilling lives. They strive to inspire individuals and organizations to engage in philanthropy and contribute to making Singapore a better place for all. CFS aims to create a culture of giving that inspires people to be generous, compassionate, and meaningful members of society.

The Approach of CFS

CFS takes a comprehensive approach towards social impact. The foundation connects donors with organizations that are aligned with their values and beliefs, offering them a variety of options to contribute to. From funding education programs to supporting vulnerable groups, CFS provides resources and support to the organizations that need it the most.

CFS Philanthropic Services

CFS offers a range of philanthropic services designed to help donors achieve their giving goals. They provide personalized advisory services to help donors find charities and organizations that align with their interests, as well as customized giving plans designed to maximize the impact of their giving. CFS also offers various charitable instruments to help donors optimize their giving to create a long-term impact.

The Benefits of CFS

By partnering with CFS, both individuals and organizations can benefit from the foundation's vast experience and network. The foundation provides deep insights into the community's most pressing needs while offering a variety of giving options that enable donors to make significant contributions. Furthermore, CFS ensures that every dollar donated goes towards supporting the most critical causes in Singapore.

CFS Success Stories

Over the years, CFS has impacted countless lives in Singapore. From supporting low-income families to helping children with disabilities, the foundation has been instrumental in driving change within the community. One of the many success stories of CFS is its mentorship program for at-risk youths. Through this initiative, CFS has provided support to hundreds of young people, helping them build better lives for themselves.


Community Foundation of Singapore is a beacon of hope in the philanthropic sector in Singapore. By connecting donors with various charities and social organizations, the foundation creates a lasting impact on the community. Today, the foundation continues to be a source of inspiration for people across the nation, encouraging everyone to engage in philanthropy and contribute to society in meaningful ways.

Comparison of Community Foundation of Singapore (#CFS) with Other Foundations in Singapore


Community Foundation of Singapore (CFS) is a non-profit organization that works to build a better community in Singapore by inspiring philanthropy and engaging donors. It is not the only foundation in Singapore; there are many others, including the National Volunteer & Philanthropy Centre (NVPC), the Tote Board, and the Lee Foundation. This article compares CFS with other foundations in Singapore in terms of their mission, vision, and goals.

Mission and Vision

CFS's mission is to build a better community in Singapore by inspiring philanthropy and engaging donors, while its vision is to be a catalyst for positive change in the nation. NVPC's mission is to engage hearts and minds, catalyse action and build capacity for philanthropy in Singapore, and its vision is to be the leader in building a nation of givers. Tote Board's mission is to give back to society by supporting worthy causes in the areas of social service, community development, sports, education, arts and culture, while its vision is to be an exemplary organization that enhances the social fabric of Singapore. Lee Foundation's mission is to support charitable causes in Singapore, with a focus on education, youth and eldercare, while its vision is to enrich the lives of the people of Singapore.

Of these foundations, CFS and NVPC have a similar mission and vision, while Tote Board and Lee Foundation have a more specific focus on certain areas. However, all the foundations aim to contribute to the betterment of Singapore's community through philanthropy and supporting worthy causes.

Goals and Objectives

CFS's goals and objectives include building a sustainable pool of resources for philanthropy, promoting philanthropy as a way of life, and supporting non-profit organizations in Singapore to achieve their goals. NVPC's goals and objectives include increasing the number of donors and volunteers in Singapore, building the capacity of non-profit organizations in Singapore, and promoting effective giving. Tote Board's goals and objectives include supporting initiatives that benefit society, fostering a culture of giving, and setting the highest standards of corporate social responsibility. Lee Foundation's goals and objectives include supporting education, supporting youth and eldercare, and promoting Chinese culture in Singapore.

While all the foundations have similar goals and objectives, they differ in their approach and focus. CFS and NVPC focus on building the capacity of non-profit organizations and promoting effective giving, while Tote Board and Lee Foundation focus more on specific areas such as sports, education, and culture.

Philanthropic Activities

CFS engages in philanthropic activities such as encouraging individuals and corporations to give back to society through donations and volunteering, providing grants to non-profit organizations, and supporting various causes such as education, healthcare, and the arts. NVPC engages in similar philanthropic activities, such as promoting volunteerism and giving, providing training and advisory services to non-profit organizations, and supporting various causes such as education, the environment, and social welfare. Tote Board also engages in philanthropic activities such as providing funding to community and social development projects, sponsoring national and international events, and supporting initiatives that benefit society. Lee Foundation primarily engages in philanthropic activities related to education, youth and eldercare, and Chinese culture, such as providing scholarships and bursaries, supporting community programs for seniors, and promoting Chinese arts and culture.

All the foundations engage in philanthropic activities to contribute to the betterment of society, but their focus areas differ. CFS and NVPC have a broader scope and support various causes, while Tote Board and Lee Foundation have a more specific focus on certain areas.

Geographical Reach

CFS's geographical reach is mainly in Singapore, where it supports various non-profit organizations and causes. NVPC also focuses on Singapore, but it has collaborations with international organizations as well. Tote Board's geographical reach is mainly in Singapore, but it also sponsors national and international events. Lee Foundation's geographical reach is primarily in Singapore, where it supports various charitable causes.

All the foundations primarily focus on Singapore, but they differ in their collaborations with international organizations and their sponsorship of events.

Table Comparison

Foundation Name Mission Vision Goals and Objectives Philanthropic Activities Geographical Reach
Community Foundation of Singapore Build a better community in Singapore by inspiring philanthropy and engaging donors To be a catalyst for positive change in the nation Build a sustainable pool of resources for philanthropy, promote philanthropy as a way of life, and support non-profit organizations in Singapore to achieve their goals Encourage individuals and corporations to give back to society through donations and volunteering, provide grants to non-profit organizations, and support various causes such as education, healthcare, and the arts Singapore
National Volunteer & Philanthropy Centre Engage hearts and minds, catalyse action, and build capacity for philanthropy in Singapore To be the leader in building a nation of givers Increase the number of donors and volunteers in Singapore, build the capacity of non-profit organizations in Singapore, and promote effective giving Promote volunteerism and giving, provide training and advisory services to non-profit organizations, and support various causes such as education, the environment, and social welfare Singapore (with collaborations with international organizations)
Tote Board Give back to society by supporting worthy causes in the areas of social service, community development, sports, education, arts and culture To be an exemplary organization that enhances the social fabric of Singapore Support initiatives that benefit society, foster a culture of giving, and set the highest standards of corporate social responsibility Provide funding to community and social development projects, sponsor national and international events, and support initiatives that benefit society Singapore
Lee Foundation Support charitable causes in Singapore, with a focus on education, youth and eldercare To enrich the lives of the people of Singapore Support education, support youth and eldercare, and promote Chinese culture in Singapore Provide scholarships and bursaries, support community programs for seniors, and promote Chinese arts and culture Singapore


All the foundations in Singapore play a crucial role in contributing to the betterment of society by supporting various causes and engaging in philanthropic activities. CFS and NVPC have a broader scope and focus on building the capacity of non-profit organizations and promoting effective giving, while Tote Board and Lee Foundation have a more specific focus on certain areas such as sports, education, and culture.

Overall, CFS stands out for its mission to be a catalyst for positive change in Singapore and its goals and objectives to promote philanthropy as a way of life and build a sustainable pool of resources for philanthropy. Its support of various non-profit organizations and causes in Singapore also contributes significantly to the betterment of society.


The Community Foundation of Singapore (CFS) is a non-profit organisation that aims to facilitate philanthropy in Singapore. It was established in 2008 as part of the National Council of Social Service, and has since grown to become an independent charity that supports a wide range of causes through strategic grant-making, philanthropic advisory services, and community engagement.

What does the Community Foundation of Singapore Do?

The CFS has four main areas of focus:

1. Grant-Making

The CFS provides funding to a wide range of causes, from education to healthcare to the arts. It identifies organisations that are doing good work in these areas, and provides them with financial support to help them achieve their goals. The CFS also works with donors to create tailored giving programmes that align with their philanthropic interests.

2. Philanthropic Advisory Services

The CFS provides a range of advisory services to donors who are looking to give back to society. It helps them identify causes that align with their values, and provides guidance on how to structure their giving to maximise impact. The CFS also assists in setting up trusts, foundations, and other philanthropic structures.

3. Community Engagement

The CFS works to build awareness of philanthropy in Singapore, and encourages more people to get involved in giving back to society. It holds events and workshops for donors, and works with the media to increase public understanding of the importance of philanthropy.

4. Capacity Building

The CFS provides training and support to non-profit organisations, helping them to strengthen their operations and governance. It also provides resources and tools to help these organisations better understand the needs and challenges of the communities they serve.

How to Get Involved with the Community Foundation of Singapore

If you’re interested in getting involved with the CFS, there are several ways to do so:

1. Make a Donation

The CFS accepts donations from individuals and corporations who are looking to give back to society. Donations can be made online, by cheque, or by bank transfer.

2. Attend an Event

The CFS holds various events throughout the year, including workshops, seminars, and networking events. These events are a great way to learn more about philanthropy, meet like-minded individuals, and get inspired by the work that others are doing.

3. Volunteer

The CFS welcomes volunteers who are willing to donate their time and expertise to support its work. Volunteers can help with various tasks, such as event organisation, fundraising, and administrative support.

4. Become a Partner

The CFS actively seeks partnerships with organisations that share its values and objectives. If you’re part of an organisation that is looking to make a positive impact in Singapore, consider partnering with the CFS to achieve your goals.


The Community Foundation of Singapore plays an important role in facilitating philanthropy in Singapore. Its strategic grant-making, philanthropic advisory services, and community engagement initiatives have helped to make a positive impact on a wide range of causes. If you’re interested in giving back to society, consider getting involved with the CFS – whether it’s through a donation, attending an event, volunteering, or becoming a partner.

Welcome to the Community Foundation of Singapore (CFS)! We are a non-profit organization that works towards building a more resilient and caring community in Singapore. Our aim is to develop and facilitate philanthropy to address social challenges facing our society.

At CFS, we believe that everyone can be a philanthropist, regardless of their background or financial status. We are committed to creating opportunities for people to give back to the community in meaningful and impactful ways. This can include donating money, time, skills, or resources to causes that they care about deeply.

One of the unique features of CFS is that we use the concept of a community endowment fund to support charitable causes. This means that donations made to CFS are invested over the long term, with the returns used to support social programs and initiatives across various sectors.

Over the years, CFS has supported a wide range of causes, including education, health, environmental sustainability, social services, and the arts. We work closely with NGOs, charities, and government agencies to identify priority areas of need and allocate funds accordingly.

One of our most successful initiatives is the Giving Circle program, which allows individual donors to pool their resources together and collectively decide on which causes to support. This program has enabled donors to have a greater impact and make a difference in the lives of many people in Singapore.

Another important aspect of CFS is our commitment to transparency and accountability. We have robust systems in place to ensure that all donations are used effectively and responsibly. Our annual reports and financial statements are publicly available, and we regularly engage with donors to update them on our activities and progress.

We also place a strong emphasis on partnerships and collaborations. We believe that working together with like-minded organizations and individuals will help to achieve greater impact and sustainability. Our partnerships have included corporations, foundations, academic institutions, and volunteer groups.

CFS also values innovation and creativity in our approach to philanthropy. We are always exploring new avenues and strategies to address emerging social issues and challenges. For example, we have recently launched a mental health program that focuses on improving access to care and support for those with mental health conditions.

If you are interested in supporting our work at CFS, there are many ways to get involved. You can make a donation, participate in one of our programs or initiatives, or simply spread the word about what we do. Every contribution counts and makes a difference in building a better future for our community.

Thank you for taking the time to learn about the Community Foundation of Singapore. We hope that you will join us in our mission to create a more caring and resilient society.

People Also Ask about Community Foundation of Singapore:

  1. What is the Community Foundation of Singapore?
    The Community Foundation of Singapore is a non-profit organization that promotes philanthropy and community giving in Singapore. It helps to connect donors with charities and charitable projects, and also provides grantmaking and other philanthropic services.
  2. How can I make a donation to the Community Foundation of Singapore?
    You can make a donation to the Community Foundation of Singapore by visiting their website and selecting your preferred donation method. You can also contact them directly to learn more about making a donation.
  3. What type of grants does the Community Foundation of Singapore provide?
    The Community Foundation of Singapore provides various types of grants to support social causes and community initiatives. These include general grants, program-specific grants, and donor-advised grants, among others.
  4. What is the impact of the Community Foundation of Singapore?
    The Community Foundation of Singapore has had a significant impact on promoting philanthropy and community giving in Singapore. It has helped to raise awareness about social issues and supported numerous charitable projects across the country.
  5. How can I get involved with the Community Foundation of Singapore?
    There are various ways to get involved with the Community Foundation of Singapore, such as making a donation, volunteering, or promoting their work through social media and other channels. You can also contact them directly to learn about other ways to get involved.

People Also Ask About Community Foundation Of Singapore

What is the Community Foundation of Singapore?

The Community Foundation of Singapore (CFS) is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting philanthropy and building a community of donors to support charitable causes in Singapore. It serves as a bridge between donors, charities, and the community, pooling resources to create meaningful impact through strategic giving.

How does the Community Foundation of Singapore work?

The Community Foundation of Singapore works by connecting individuals, families, and corporations who wish to give back to the community with suitable charitable organizations and initiatives. Donors can establish their own named funds or contribute to existing funds managed by CFS. The foundation then collaborates with charities to ensure that the funds are used effectively and efficiently to address pressing social issues in Singapore.

What types of funds does the Community Foundation of Singapore manage?

The Community Foundation of Singapore manages various types of funds to cater to different donor preferences. These include donor-advised funds, which allow donors to recommend specific charitable causes for funding; field-of-interest funds, which support causes within a particular area of interest; and unrestricted funds, which provide flexibility to address emerging needs. The foundation ensures transparency and accountability in managing these funds.

How can I donate to the Community Foundation of Singapore?

You can donate to the Community Foundation of Singapore by contributing directly to one of their existing funds or establishing your own named fund. Donations can be made in the form of cash, securities, or other assets. The foundation provides guidance and assistance throughout the donation process, ensuring that your contribution makes a meaningful impact on the causes you care about.

What impact has the Community Foundation of Singapore made?

The Community Foundation of Singapore has made a significant impact on various social causes in Singapore. It has supported initiatives in education, healthcare, arts and culture, social services, and environmental conservation, among others. By leveraging the philanthropic spirit of the community, the foundation has helped to improve the lives of many individuals and communities in need.

Can I receive tax benefits for donating to the Community Foundation of Singapore?

Yes, individuals and corporations can enjoy tax benefits for donating to the Community Foundation of Singapore. The foundation is an approved Institution of a Public Character (IPC), which allows donors to claim tax deductions based on the amount donated. By supporting charitable causes through CFS, you not only make a positive impact but also receive tax incentives from the government.

Overall Voice and Tone: The tone used throughout the responses is informative and professional. The information provided aims to answer the questions concisely while maintaining a friendly and helpful tone. The voice used is authoritative, establishing the Community Foundation of Singapore as a trusted organization that facilitates philanthropy and supports charitable causes in Singapore.