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Stay Up-to-Date with Must Share News Singapore - Your Trusted Source for Timely and Relevant News

Must Share News Singapore

Must Share News Singapore is a popular online platform providing concise and engaging news updates, lifestyle tips, and trending stories in Singapore.

Are you tired of reading the same mainstream news sources every day? Do you want to stay informed about the latest happenings in Singapore? Look no further than Must Share News!

Founded in 2013, Must Share News has quickly become one of Singapore's top online news sources. With a team of talented writers and editors, we strive to provide our readers with accurate, unbiased, and engaging news coverage.

What sets us apart from other news outlets? For starters, we cover a wide range of topics - from politics to entertainment, sports to technology. We even have a dedicated section for viral videos and memes!

But don't just take our word for it - check out some of our recent headlines:

  • Singapore's first plant-based egg now available at ALL Starbucks outlets
  • Lucky Plaza fined S$10,000 for breaching Covid-19 rules
  • Singapore couple who switched to electric car saved S$5,000 in 1 year

Our articles are not only informative, but they're also entertaining. We like to incorporate humor and wit into our writing to keep our readers engaged. Take this recent article about a cat cafe in Singapore, for example:

This Cat Cafe In Punggol Is A Claw-some Place To Chillax After Work

See what we did there? ;)

In addition to our news coverage, we also offer opinion pieces and feature stories. Our team of columnists share their perspectives on topics ranging from social issues to pop culture. Plus, our features delve deeper into interesting Singaporean people and places.

Another thing that sets us apart is our commitment to our community. We often partner with local organizations to support important causes and bring attention to lesser-known issues. For example, we recently collaborated with a youth mental health advocacy group to raise awareness about the mental health challenges facing young people in Singapore.

But perhaps the best thing about Must Share News is our readership. We have an engaged and active community of readers who share their thoughts and opinions on our articles. We value their feedback and strive to create content that resonates with them.

So what are you waiting for? Join the Must Share News community today and stay informed about all things Singapore. Whether you're a native or an expat, we've got something for everyone.


News plays a vital role in our life. It helps us stay informed about what's going on around us. In today's digital age, the way we consume news has changed completely. With just a few clicks, we can get access to news from anywhere in the world. Must Share News Singapore is one such platform that has become immensely popular among the people.

About Must Share News Singapore

Must Share News Singapore is an online platform that provides news about Singapore and the world. The platform was created in 2013 with the aim of providing unbiased and accurate news to the citizens of Singapore. It publishes news on various categories like politics, lifestyle, travel, entertainment, health, and technology.

The platform has gained immense popularity in recent years due to its unique style of presenting news. Unlike other news portals that tend to be dull, unengaging, and monotone, Must Share News Singapore has an entertaining and humorous approach to presenting the news. This approach has resonated well with the younger generation who prefers a more engaging and interactive form of news.


The content published on Must Share News Singapore is diverse and covers a wide range of topics. The articles are well-researched, informative, and provide valuable insights to the readers. Some of the most popular articles on the platform are those that cover current affairs, politics, and social issues.

One of the unique features of Must Share News Singapore is the Top 10 series. This series covers various topics like the top 10 cafes in Singapore, top 10 food places, top 10 tourist attractions, and so on. These articles are not only informative but also fun to read.

User Engagement

Must Share News Singapore's entertaining and engaging approach to presenting the news has helped it attract a loyal fan base. The platform has a significant presence on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. The followers on these platforms actively engage with the content by sharing, commenting, and liking the posts.

Must Share News Singapore also encourages user engagement by providing a platform for readers to submit their articles. This feature not only adds diversity to the content but also helps to foster a sense of community among the readers.


Must Share News Singapore has had a significant impact on the way news is consumed in Singapore. Its unique style of presenting news has attracted a diverse audience, especially the younger generation. The humor and entertainment factor has made news more accessible and less intimidating to those who found traditional news portals too boring or complex.

Furthermore, Must Share News Singapore has been successful in breaking down complex issues into simple and easy-to-understand terms. This has helped to raise awareness about various social and political issues in the country.


Despite its popularity, Must Share News Singapore has received criticism from some quarters for its lack of journalistic standards. The platform has been accused of using clickbait headlines and sensationalist content to attract readers. However, the platform has responded to this criticism by reiterating its commitment to providing accurate and unbiased news.


Must Share News Singapore has redefined the way news is presented in Singapore. Its unique style of presenting news has resonated well with the younger generation and has helped to make news more accessible to the masses. While the platform has received criticism for its lack of journalistic standards, it remains a popular and credible source of news in Singapore.


Must Share News Singapore is a popular digital media platform that covers local news, current events, and trending topics to keep Singaporeans informed. The website has gained a substantial following in recent years, with many people relying on it for their daily dose of news. In this article, we will compare Must Share News Singapore to other news websites based in Singapore.

Website Design and User Interface

Must Share News Singapore's website has a clean and modern design that is easy to navigate. The user interface is straightforward, and the website loads quickly. The website is optimized for mobile devices, making it easy to access on the go. Comparatively, some other websites have cluttered designs that make it challenging to find what you're looking for.

Coverage of Latest Events

Must Share News Singapore is known for its coverage of the latest events in Singapore. The website's team of writers and journalists work around the clock to produce up-to-date and accurate news stories. Compared to some other news websites in Singapore, Must Share News offers indepth analysis and provides an unbiased perspective.

Trending Topics Coverage

Must Share News Singapore also covers trending topics that are relevant in Singapore. The website covers celebrity gossip and lifestyle news, which makes it appealing to a young audience. However, compared to other websites like TODAY Online, Must Share News doesn't have a dedicated section for features that cover Singapore's social issues.

Social Media Presence

Must Share News Singapore has a strong social media presence. The website's Facebook page has over 400,000 followers, and it has active accounts on other social media platforms like Twitter and Instagram. The website regularly publishes engaging content that users can share with their friends and family. In comparison, some news websites in Singapore have weak social media presence, which can limit their audience reach.

News Quality and Accuracy

Must Share News Singapore is known for its quality and accurate news reporting. The website's team of writers and journalists follows strict guidelines to ensure that they produce credible and unbiased content. The website does not rely on sensational headlines to attract the audience's attention, which sets it apart from some websites that prioritize clicks and views over news integrity.

Community Engagement

Must Share News Singapore encourages community engagement through its comments section and social media channels. Readers can easily leave comments on articles, and the website actively responds to queries and concerns. In comparison, some other news websites in Singapore do not have open comments sections, which limits community interaction.

Ad Placement

Must Share News Singapore's website displays ads, but they are not intrusive. Ads are placed in a way that doesn't disrupt the user experience, which sets it apart from some other websites that flood users with pop-ups and banners.


Must Share News Singapore does not provide personalization or customization options for its readers. While the website has a section for users to sign up to their newsletter, there are no specific features to customize user experience based on interests. This sets it apart from some other news websites in Singapore that provide readers with personalized content.


Must Share News Singapore is accessible to everyone. The website does not require users to sign up or subscribe to access its content. Anyone can visit the website and access the latest news stories, making it an excellent choice for people who want quick and easy access to current events.

Overall Opinion

Must Share News Singapore is a reliable and credible news source. It provides well researched and accurate information on the latest events in Singapore. It also has a strong social media presence, making it easy for readers to engage and share content with their friends and family. However, it falls short in providing readers with personalized content and features that cater to specific interests. Overall, it is a go-to source for those who want timely and relevant news stories.

Keywords Must Share News Singapore TODAY Online Channel NewsAsia
Website Design and User Interface Excellent Cluttered Clean and Modern
Coverage of Latest Events Comprehensive Good Extensive
Trending Topics Coverage Varied Broad Notable
Social Media Presence Strong Weak Active
News Quality and Accuracy High Good Unbiased
Community Engagement Open and Responsive Restricted Limited
Ad Placement Non-Invasive Annoying Unobtrusive
Personalization/Customization Not Available Available Limited
Accessibility Easy Easy Easy


Must Share News (MSN) is a popular news website in Singapore that provides breaking news, current events, and trending topics.

1. Stay Updated with the Latest News

If you want to stay up-to-date with what’s happening in Singapore and around the world, MSN is the go-to source for breaking news. The website publishes articles on a daily basis covering a wide range of topics, including politics, business, lifestyle, and entertainment.

2. Follow MSN on Social Media

Another way to keep up with MSN news is to follow them on their social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. This way, you can receive breaking news alerts and updates in real-time on your mobile devices.

3. Use the Search Function

If you're looking for specific content, make use of the website's search function. Simply type in a keyword or phrase into the search bar and hit enter. This will pull up all related content on the site for quick and easy access.

4. Watch Videos on MSN

MSN also offers engaging video content on their website, covering a range of topics that are both informative and entertaining. From interviews with experts to viral videos, catching up on the latest news has never been more interesting.

5. Read Opinion Pieces

Opinion pieces offer a unique perspective on the news, providing readers with a deeper understanding of various issues affecting Singapore and the world at large. MSN invites guest writers to share their views and insights on a variety of topics, from politics to lifestyle.

6. Share Articles on Social Media

If you come across an MSN article that you find interesting or informative, don't hesitate to share it with your friends and family on social media. This way, you're not only spreading awareness, but also encouraging meaningful discussions among your peers.

7. Download the MSN App

The MSN app is available on the App Store and Google Play. The app provides users with breaking news alerts, articles, videos, and other resources to stay informed while on-the-go.

8. Join MSN's Telegram Channel

Recently, MSN launched their own Telegram channel, a chat platform that allows users to receive news updates in real-time. The channel is free to join, and users can receive push notifications for breaking news and other alerts.

9. Contact MSN for Press Releases

If you're a member of the press, you can contact MSN for press releases or enquiries. Simply send your enquiry to their email address, which can be found on their website.

10. Provide Feedback

Finally, MSN values feedback from its readers. If you have any suggestions, comments, or concerns about the website, you can contact them through their website or social media platforms. They welcome constructive feedback to help improve their service.


Must Share News is an excellent source of reliable and entertaining news that is both informative and engaging. Follow these ten tips to stay up-to-date with the latest news and information. Regardless of the medium you choose to engage with MSN, remember to practice responsible consumption, and fact-check where necessary.

Hello there!

Thank you for taking the time to read through this article on Must Share News Singapore. We hope that we were able to provide you with valuable insights and information about various topics that matter to you. Our team works tirelessly to keep our readers informed with the latest news and trends happening in Singapore and around the world.

At Must Share News, we believe that everyone should be given access to objective and reliable news coverage. We strive to deliver news articles that are well-researched, informative, and unbiased. We understand that the world can be confusing and overwhelming at times, and our mission is to help our readers make sense of it all.

We cover a wide range of topics, including politics, business, entertainment, lifestyle, and technology. Our team of talented writers puts together articles that cater to different interests and preferences. Whether you prefer light-hearted features or in-depth analyses, we've got you covered.

Our website is updated daily, so you can always stay on top of the latest developments in Singaporean and global news. We also have a social media presence, where you can follow us for real-time updates and engaging content. You can find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

In addition to news coverage, we also have a section on our website dedicated to opinion pieces. We believe that diverse viewpoints and perspectives are crucial to understanding the world we live in. Our opinion pieces are written by contributors from various backgrounds and beliefs, and we welcome respectful and thoughtful discussions in the comments section.

Must Share News is committed to being a responsible and ethical media outlet. We adhere to journalistic standards and ethics, and we take accuracy and fairness seriously. If you ever spot an error or have concerns about any of our articles, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. Your feedback is valuable to us, and we are always striving to improve.

We also want to take this opportunity to thank our readers for their support. We appreciate the trust you have placed in us to deliver news that matters. As a reader-funded platform, your contributions enable us to continue providing quality news coverage and grow as a media outlet. If you would like to support us, please consider becoming a patron or donating to our cause.

Once again, we thank you for visiting Must Share News Singapore. We hope that you will continue to engage with us and share our articles with your friends and family. Stay tuned for more exciting content!

People Also Ask About Must Share News Singapore:

  1. What is Must Share News Singapore?
  2. Must Share News (MSN) Singapore is an online news platform that provides up-to-date and objective news and feature articles on Singapore news, politics, business, lifestyle, sports, and entertainment.

  3. Is Must Share News Singapore a reliable source of news?
  4. Yes. Must Share News Singapore has a team of experienced and professional journalists who gather and verify information from credible sources before publishing their news articles. They also adhere to journalistic ethics and standards to ensure that their news stories are accurate, fair, balanced, and not biased towards any parties.

  5. Can I submit a news tip or article to Must Share News Singapore?
  6. Yes. Must Share News Singapore welcomes news tips, articles, and story pitches from the public. You can send them via email or contact their editorial team through their website's contact page. However, they reserve the right to reject or edit the submissions as they see fit.

  7. Does Must Share News Singapore offer subscription plans or paywalls for their content?
  8. No. Must Share News Singapore provides all of its content for free without any subscription plans or paywalls. However, they may display some advertisements on their site to generate revenue.

  9. Does Must Share News Singapore have a social media presence?
  10. Yes. Must Share News Singapore has active social media accounts on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn. They also have a YouTube channel where they post video content such as interviews, documentaries, and news events highlights.

People Also Ask About Must Share News Singapore

1. What is Must Share News Singapore?

Must Share News Singapore is an online news platform that provides up-to-date and engaging news content about Singapore. It covers a wide range of topics, including current affairs, lifestyle, entertainment, and technology. The website aims to deliver news in a relatable and easy-to-understand manner, catering to a diverse audience.

2. Is Must Share News Singapore reliable?

Must Share News Singapore strives to maintain reliability in its reporting by adhering to journalistic ethics and practices. While they primarily focus on delivering news in a light-hearted manner, they ensure the accuracy and credibility of their sources. However, it is always advisable to cross-reference information and consult multiple sources for a comprehensive understanding of any news story.

3. How often does Must Share News Singapore publish articles?

Must Share News Singapore publishes new articles regularly throughout the day. Their team of writers and editors work diligently to provide readers with fresh and timely content. Whether you're looking for daily news updates or trending stories, Must Share News Singapore ensures a consistent flow of articles to keep readers informed and entertained.

4. Can I contribute to Must Share News Singapore?

Yes, Must Share News Singapore encourages reader contributions. They have a dedicated section on their website where individuals can submit articles, opinions, or personal stories for consideration. However, all submissions go through a review process to ensure they meet the platform's editorial guidelines and standards.

5. Does Must Share News Singapore cover international news?

While Must Share News Singapore primarily focuses on Singapore-related news, they do cover selected international stories that have a significant impact or relevance to the local audience. Their aim is to provide a well-rounded news experience that encompasses both local and global perspectives.

6. Can I access Must Share News Singapore on social media?

Yes, Must Share News Singapore has an active presence on various social media platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube. They regularly share their articles, videos, and other engaging content through these channels, allowing readers to stay updated on the go and engage with the community.

Overall, Must Share News Singapore aims to deliver news in a fresh and engaging manner while maintaining reliability and credibility. By covering a wide range of topics and encouraging reader contributions, they strive to be a platform that resonates with the diverse interests of their audience.