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Secure Your Documents with a Certified True Copy in Singapore: Reliable Authentication Solution

Certified True Copy Singapore

Certified True Copy Singapore provides reliable and legally recognized document certification services. Ensure the authenticity of your important documents.

Have you ever needed to provide a copy of an important document but were unsure if the recipient would accept it as legitimate?

If so, you are not alone. Many individuals and businesses encounter situations where they must provide certified true copies of documents, such as academic transcripts, birth or marriage certificates, and business licenses, among others.

Fortunately, in Singapore, individuals and businesses can obtain certified true copies of their documents from a variety of sources, including government agencies, notaries public, and law firms.

So, what exactly is a certified true copy, and why is it important?

A certified true copy is a photocopy of a document that has been verified and authenticated as a true and accurate representation of the original document. In other words, it is a copy of the document that has been certified as legitimate by a qualified authority.

Why is this important? Well, for one, providing certified true copies of your documents can help prevent cases of fraud and forgery. It also provides assurance to the recipient that the document they are receiving is indeed authentic.

Did you know? The process for obtaining a certified true copy in Singapore varies depending on the type of document and the purpose for which it will be used.

For example, certified true copies of academic transcripts and certificates can typically be obtained from the educational institution that issued them. Business licenses, on the other hand, may require certification from the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) or a law firm.

It's important to note that not all authorities are authorized to issue certified true copies. It's always best to check with the relevant authority or seek the advice of a legal professional before submitting any documents.

Pro tip: When in doubt, it's always better to be safe than sorry. Opt for obtaining a certified true copy to avoid complications down the line.

One question you may be wondering is, how long does it take to obtain a certified true copy?

The answer to this question can vary, depending on factors such as the quantity of documents, the authority issuing the certification, and whether or not expedited processing is available for an additional fee.

In general, it's best to allow ample time for the certification process to ensure that your documents will be ready when you need them.

Fun fact: Did you know that some authorities, such as the Singapore Police Force, offer online application portals for requesting certified true copies? This can be a convenient option for those who are unable to visit government offices in person.

When it comes to providing certified true copies of your documents, it's important to do your research and choose the right avenue for obtaining them. Not all issuers are created equal, and some may have stricter requirements than others.

By opting for a certified true copy, you can alleviate any concerns about the authenticity of your documents and ensure a smooth transaction.

So, the next time you find yourself in need of providing a copy of an important document, remember the importance of obtaining a certified true copy in Singapore.

The Importance of Certified True Copy in Singapore

When applying for official documents in Singapore, such as passports or bank accounts, a certified true copy is often required. This copy serves as a verified duplicate of the original document and can be used in place of the original without any legal complications. In this article, we will discuss the importance of certified true copy in Singapore and its various applications.

What is a Certified True Copy?

A certified true copy is a photocopy of an original document that is certified by a professional or qualified authority to be a true and accurate representation of the original document. In Singapore, this process is regulated by government agencies such as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Singapore Police Force.

It should be noted that a certified true copy is not the same as a notarised copy. While both involve a professional verifying the authenticity of a document, notarised copies are generally used for legal purposes, whereas certified true copies are used for administrative or personal purposes.

Why are Certified True Copies Important?

There are several reasons why certified true copies are important in Singapore. First and foremost, they provide a means of verifying the authenticity of important documents. This can be crucial when dealing with legal matters or applying for official documents such as passports or visas.

Certified true copies can also be useful for personal record-keeping. For example, if you lose your birth certificate but have a certified true copy, you can use this copy to apply for a replacement without having to go through the process of obtaining a new original document.

How to Obtain a Certified True Copy?

To obtain a certified true copy in Singapore, you will need to bring the original document to a qualified authority such as a notary public or a certified true copy issuing officer. The authority will then verify the authenticity of the document and make a photocopy, which they will certify as a true and accurate representation of the original.

It is important to note that not all documents can be certified as true copies, and some may require additional legalisation procedures. For example, if you are applying for a visa to another country, you may need to have your certified true copy legalised by the relevant embassy or consulate.

Applications of Certified True Copies

Certified true copies are required for a variety of applications in Singapore. Some of the most common applications include:


When opening a bank account, you will often be required to provide a certified true copy of your identification documents such as your passport or IC card. This ensures that the bank has verified your identity and can comply with anti-money laundering regulations.


When applying for visas or residency permits, you may need to provide certified true copies of your identification documents or other supporting documents such as marriage certificates or degree certificates.


If you are applying for further education in Singapore, you may need to provide certified true copies of your school transcripts or degree certificates. This ensures that the educational institution has verified your qualifications.


Certified true copies may also be required during the employment process. Employers may ask for certified true copies of your identification documents or professional qualifications to ensure that you are legally eligible to work in Singapore and have the necessary qualifications for the job.

In Conclusion

In conclusion, a certified true copy is an important document that is required for a variety of administrative and personal applications in Singapore. By providing a means of verifying the authenticity of important documents, certified true copies ensure that legal and administrative procedures are conducted accurately and efficiently.

So, if you need to obtain a certified true copy in Singapore, be sure to bring your original document to a qualified authority and follow the necessary procedures to ensure that your copy is certified correctly.

The Importance of Certified True Copy in Singapore


In Singapore, having a document that is certified as a true copy is crucial. Many legal transactions require this type of document to verify the authenticity of an original document. In simple terms, a certified true copy is a photocopy of the original document certified by a relevant authority as being true and correct. In this article, we will compare the different types of certified true copies available in Singapore and their importance.

Types of Certified True Copies in Singapore

There are two types of certified true copies in Singapore: those issued by government authorities and those issued by professionals such as lawyers or notaries public.

Government-Issued Certified True Copy

When you need a certified true copy of a document such as your passport, birth certificate, or marriage certificate, you will need to approach the relevant government authority. These authorities include the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA), the Registry of Births and Deaths, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs among others. The issuing authority will compare the copy to the original and certify that the copy is a true and correct copy, typically for a small fee.

Professionally-Certified True Copy

A professionally certified true copy is issued by someone like a lawyer, notary public, or Commissioner for Oaths. The profession must be duly licensed and regulated by the government. This type of certification is required for documents that require verification and acceptance before foreign courts or administrative authorities. In addition, some financial institutions may require professional certification of documents for compliance purposes.

Comparison between Government and Professional Certified True Copies

Criteria Government-Issued Professional-Issued
Authority Government Authority Professionals such as lawyers, notaries public, and Commissioners for Oaths
Certification Fees Low Higher than government fees
Accepted Purposes Widely accepted for most legal transactions in Singapore; notarised documents are often required for foreign legal transactions Accepted for both local and foreign legal transactions

How to Get a Certified True Copy?

To get a certified true copy, you first need to have an original document. You can then go to a relevant government authority or a professional such as a lawyer, notary public, or Commissioner for Oaths. You will need to provide your original document and the photocopy. The certifying authority will then compare the original with the copy and certify that the copy is a true and correct copy.

Importance of Certified True Copy

A certified true copy is a crucial document that serves the purpose of verifying the authenticity of an original document. It is often required for legal transactions, immigration, and compliance purposes. In Singapore, it is common to require certified true copies of identity documents, educational certificates, and property documents.


In conclusion, obtaining a certified true copy in Singapore is a simple process that requires you to approach relevant government authorities or professionals. Both types of certification are necessary for different purposes, and each has its own criteria for acceptance. It is essential to ensure that your document is certified by the relevant authority to avoid any legal or compliance issues. If you are unsure which type of certification is needed for your document, it is best to seek professional advice.


Certified True Copy (CTC) is a legal document that certifies the authenticity of a particular document. It ensures that the copy of the original document is authentic and real. CTC is used to prove the validity of important documents like educational certificates, marriage certificates, National Service documents and more. In Singapore, CTC is issued by various government organisations, including lawyers, notaries public, and commissioners for oaths.

How to Get a CTC

Step 1: Prepare the Original Document

To obtain a CTC, first, make sure you have the original document with you. Ensure that the document is clear, legible, and has no alterations or corrections made. It must be in its original state.

Step 2: Find the Right Authority

After having checked the document, find out which authority can issue a CTC for the document. For example, if you need to have your educational certificate or transcript certified, it is recommended to get it certified by your school registrar. A lawyer can certify legal documents such as wills or affidavits, while a commissioner of oaths can certify other legal documents.

Step 3: Submit the Document

Once you have found the right authority, submit the original document to them. Make sure to bring along your identification card for verification purposes.

Step 4: The Certification process

As one of the most critical steps in the process, the authority will verify the originality of the document, make copies, and attach their endorsement to the copy to certify its legality. The CTC will include a stamp, a serial number, and the signature of the authority.

Step 5: Processing Time

The time taken to receive the certified true copy varies from one authority to another. In Singapore, the processing time ranges between a few hours for a walk-in service to a few days for busy services such as at a law office or high court. You may contact the authority beforehand to check on processing times.


What documents can be certified?

In Singapore, various documents may qualify for authentication by CTC. Some common examples include educational certificates, driving licenses, identity cards, marriage certificates, or other legal documents.

Can I certify a document myself?

No, you cannot certify a document yourself, which is why it is essential to seek an authorized party to certify it for you, such as a notary public or lawyer.

How long does the certified copy last?

A CTC doesn’t expire, but when there are specific changes made to the original copy, such as amendments or corrections, you may have to get a new certified copy.

What if I lose my certified copy?

If you misplace your certified copy, you will have to obtain another one by following the above steps.


All in all, obtaining a Certified True Copy in Singapore is not overly complicated as long as you follow the necessary steps and approach the right authority to certify your documents. With a CTC, you can have the assurance that your documents are verified and authenticated, making them more acceptable and trustworthy than just a regular photocopy.

Hello there, thank you for taking the time to read this article about Certified True Copy in Singapore. We hope that the information provided has been informative and helpful for anyone who may be in need of this service.

Certified true copies are often required by schools, government agencies, and employers when verifying important documents such as academic certificates, identification cards, and employment contracts. It is important to note that these copies must be certified by a designated authority to ensure they are authentic.

In Singapore, the most common authority that individuals turn to for certified true copy services is a notary public. However, other authorized persons such as lawyers and Justices of the Peace can also perform this duty.

When obtaining certified true copies, it is important to ensure that the original documents are brought to the authorized person in-person. This is because the person certifying the copies needs to compare them to the original documents to ensure they are identical.

Additionally, it is important to note that there may be fees involved in obtaining certified true copies. These fees can vary depending on the number of pages that need to be certified, as well as the authority that is certifying the copies.

Another important consideration when obtaining certified true copies is the timeline involved. It is always best to plan ahead and allow sufficient time for the certification process. Rushing the process could result in additional fees or even a delay in the submission of important documents.

One common misconception about certified true copies is that they hold the same legal weight as the original documents. This is not true. Certified true copies only serve as a verification that the copy is an accurate representation of the original document.

It is also important to note that certified true copies may not be accepted by all organizations. Some organizations may require original documents, or certified true copies from specific authorities. It is always best to check with the organization requesting the documents to ensure their requirements are met.

In conclusion, obtaining certified true copies in Singapore is an important process that should not be taken lightly. It is crucial to use a designated authority, bring the original documents in-person, allow sufficient time, and verify the requirements of the organization requesting the copies.

Thank you once again for taking the time to read this article. We hope it has been helpful and informative. If you have any further questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to seek advice from a designated authority.

Here are some commonly asked questions about Certified True Copy in Singapore:

  1. What is a Certified True Copy?

    A Certified True Copy is a document that has been verified as a true and accurate copy of an original document by an authorized person or agency.

  2. Who can certify documents as true copies in Singapore?

    Authorized persons who can certify documents as true copies in Singapore include lawyers, notaries public, and certain government officials such as Registrars and Deputy Registrars of the Supreme Court.

  3. What documents can be certified as true copies in Singapore?

    Documents that can be certified as true copies in Singapore include academic transcripts, birth certificates, marriage certificates, identification cards, passports, and other official documents.

  4. Why do I need a Certified True Copy?

    You may need a Certified True Copy for various purposes, such as applying for a job, opening a bank account, getting a visa or travel permit, or submitting legal documents.

  5. How do I obtain a Certified True Copy in Singapore?

    To obtain a Certified True Copy in Singapore, you need to bring the original document and a copy of it to an authorized person, who will verify and certify the copy as true. You may need to pay a fee for this service.

People Also Ask about Certified True Copy Singapore

1. What is a Certified True Copy in Singapore?

A Certified True Copy in Singapore refers to a document that has been verified and attested as a true and accurate reproduction of the original document. It is commonly required for legal or official purposes when the original document cannot be presented.

2. Who can certify a true copy in Singapore?

In Singapore, a true copy can be certified by various authorized individuals such as lawyers, notary publics, and certain government officials. These individuals have the authority to verify and confirm the authenticity of the copy by comparing it to the original document.

3. How do I get a document certified as a true copy in Singapore?

To get a document certified as a true copy in Singapore, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Make a photocopy of the original document.
  2. Bring both the original document and the photocopy to an authorized certifier.
  3. The certifier will compare the photocopy to the original document and certify it as a true copy by signing, stamping, or endorsing the photocopy.
  4. Ensure that the certification includes the certifier's name, designation, contact details, and the date of certification.

4. Are Certified True Copies accepted internationally?

Yes, Certified True Copies are generally accepted internationally. However, it is always recommended to check the specific requirements of the country or organization where the certified copy will be submitted. Some countries may have additional authentication or legalization requirements.

5. Can I make a Certified True Copy of a digital document in Singapore?

Yes, it is possible to make a Certified True Copy of a digital document in Singapore. However, the process may vary depending on the specific guidelines provided by the relevant authorities. It typically involves printing the digital document and following the standard certification process for physical documents.