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Discover the Latest Gold Rate Today in Singapore and Stay Up-to-Date with Precious Metal Prices

Gold Rate Today Singapore

Check the latest gold rate today in Singapore. Stay updated with the current prices and make informed decisions about buying or selling gold.

Are you curious about the current gold rate in Singapore? You're in luck because we've got all the information you need.

Firstly, let's talk about the price of gold. As of today, the 24k gold rate is SGD 90.59 per gram, while the 22k gold rate is SGD 83.11 per gram. These rates are taken from the market average and may vary from jeweler to jeweler.

Gold has always held a special place in Singaporean culture. Many families pass down their gold jewelry from generation to generation as a symbol of wealth and tradition. This makes it all the more important to stay up-to-date on the current gold rates.

Did you know that gold prices worldwide went up by 25% in the last year? With such an increase in price, it's easy to see why investors and consumers alike are paying more attention to gold prices than ever before.

But why do gold prices fluctuate so much? One reason is that gold is often seen as a safe haven asset during times of economic uncertainty. When the stock market crashes or there's geopolitical tension, investors tend to flock to gold, driving up the price.

Another factor that affects gold prices is the strength of the US dollar. Since gold is traded in dollars, a weaker dollar can make it cheaper for foreign buyers to purchase gold, which drives up demand and therefore the price.

Transitioning back to the local market - if you're in Singapore and looking to buy or sell gold, there are plenty of options available to you. Many reputable jewelers and pawnshops offer fair prices, but it's always a good idea to shop around and compare rates before making a decision.

If you're looking to invest in gold but don't want to physically own the metal, you can consider buying gold ETFs or stocks in gold mining companies. Just remember that these options come with their own risks and you should do your research before investing.

So, what does all of this mean for you? Maybe you're someone who wants to sell their gold jewelry for some extra cash or perhaps you're an investor looking to diversify your portfolio. Regardless of your situation, accurate information on gold rates is crucial.

With the information we've provided you today, you can make informed decisions about buying, selling, or investing in gold. Keep a close eye on the fluctuations and always do your research to ensure you're getting the best possible deal.

Thank you for reading, and we hope this article has been helpful to you. Stay tuned for future updates on gold rates in Singapore!

Gold Rate Today in Singapore

Gold has been a symbol of wealth and prosperity since ancient times. Throughout history, it has been sought after and revered by people from all walks of life. Today, gold is still valued for its beauty, rarity, and durability, and the demand for this precious metal shows no signs of slowing down. In Singapore, gold is widely used for investment and jewelry purposes. If you are interested in knowing more about the gold rate today in Singapore, read on.

What is meant by the gold rate?

The gold rate refers to the price at which one gram of gold is sold in the market. This rate varies from day to day and is influenced by factors such as global demand, economic conditions, and geopolitical events. In Singapore, the gold rate is determined by world market prices, import duties, and taxes.

How is the gold rate calculated in Singapore?

In Singapore, the gold rate is calculated based on the London Bullion Market Association (LBMA) gold fix. This is a benchmark price that is set twice a day, and it serves as a reference point for gold pricing across the globe. The LBMA gold fix is based on the real-time trading of large banks and bullion dealers, and it takes into account the supply and demand for gold, as well as other economic factors.

Factors that influence the gold rate in Singapore

Several factors can influence the gold rate in Singapore. These include:

  • Global demand for gold
  • Economic conditions, such as inflation rates and interest rates
  • Geopolitical events, such as wars or political instability
  • Import duties and taxes

Current gold rate in Singapore

The gold rate in Singapore is updated regularly, and you can find the latest prices online or at any reputable jewelry store or bullion dealer. As of ___, the gold rate in Singapore is SGD _____ per gram.

How to buy gold in Singapore

If you are interested in buying gold in Singapore, there are several options available. You can purchase gold bars or coins from banks, jewelry stores, or bullion dealers. It is important to ensure that the seller is reputable and that the gold you are buying is of a high quality. You should also be aware of the markups and fees involved in buying gold, as well as any taxes or duties that may apply.

Is gold a good investment in Singapore?

Gold can be a good investment option for those looking for stability and diversification in their portfolio. Gold has historically been a safe haven asset, and it can help protect against inflation and economic downturns. However, like any investment, gold comes with risks and potential downsides. It is important to do your research and consult with a financial advisor before making any investment decisions.


The gold rate today in Singapore is an important factor for those who invest in or buy gold. Understanding how the gold rate is calculated and what factors influence its fluctuations can help you make informed decisions about your investments. Whether you are buying gold for investment or jewelry purposes, it is important to do your due diligence and work with reputable sellers to ensure that you are getting the best value for your money.

Gold Rate Today: A Comparison of Singapore's Gold Prices


Gold is a precious metal that has been used as currency and a symbol of wealth for thousands of years. The value of gold is affected by various factors such as global economic conditions, demand and supply, inflation, and geopolitical events. It is essential to track the gold rate regularly, especially if you are a gold investor or buyer. In this article, we will compare the gold rate today in different reputed jewelers in Singapore.

Gold Rate in Tanishq:

Tanishq is one of the leading jewelry brands in Singapore. They offer a wide variety of gold coins and ornaments, including gold bangles, necklaces, pendants, and rings. As of August 18, 2021, the gold rate for 22-carat jewelry in Tanishq is S$89.45 per gram. In comparison, the gold rate for 24-carat jewelry is S$97.67 per gram.

Gold Rate in Poh Heng:

Poh Heng is another popular jewelry brand that offers high-quality gold products in Singapore. They have been operating since 1948 and have a reputation for providing exceptional customer service. As of August 18, 2021, the gold rate for 22-carat jewelry in Poh Heng is S$89.34 per gram, while the gold rate for 24-carat jewelry is S$98.11 per gram.

Gold Rate in Lee Hwa:

Lee Hwa is a contemporary jewelry brand that offers innovative designs with excellent craftsmanship. They use high-quality materials to create stunning pieces that cater to modern tastes. As of August 18, 2021, the gold rate for 22-carat jewelry in Lee Hwa is S$89.45 per gram, and the gold rate for 24-carat jewelry is S$98.57 per gram.

Gold Rate in SK Jewellery:

SK Jewellery is a Singaporean brand that specializes in gold products. They offer unique designs that appeal to different cultural backgrounds and preferences. As of August 18, 2021, the gold rate for 22-carat jewelry in SK Jewellery is S$89.11 per gram, while the gold rate for 24-carat jewelry is S$97.92 per gram.

Gold Rate Comparison Table:

Jeweler Carat Price (S$)
Tanishq 22 89.45
Tanishq 24 97.67
Poh Heng 22 89.34
Poh Heng 24 98.11
Lee Hwa 22 89.45
Lee Hwa 24 98.57
SK Jewellery 22 89.11
SK Jewellery 24 97.92


Based on our comparison table, we can see that there is a narrow price range for gold rates among the different jewelers in Singapore. However, it is crucial to note that the gold rate fluctuates frequently due to several factors, and some companies may provide better deals or promotions at specific times. It is recommended to research, compare, and select the best option that fits your needs and preferences when purchasing gold products.

Gold Rate Today Singapore: Tips and Tutorials

Gold has been a popular investment among Singaporeans for decades. Whether you're a seasoned investor or just starting, knowing the gold rates and trends is crucial when buying or selling gold. Here are some tips and tutorials on how to monitor and leverage gold rate today in Singapore:

Tip 1: Understand Singapore's Gold Market

The Singaporean government abolished GST (Goods and Service Tax) on investment-grade gold and silver in 2012, making it a more attractive market for gold investments. Understanding the Singaporean gold market can help you make informed decisions on investments.

Tip 2: Keep Track of International Gold Rates

As an investor, it’s important to not only understand the local market trends but also the international gold prices. Global events like economic instability and geopolitical tensions affect gold prices in Singapore as well. There are various websites and news platforms where you can monitor gold rates globally.

Tip 3: Monitor the Live Gold Price in Singapore

Visit the websites of reputable jewelers and bullion retailers in Singapore to get a real-time update of gold rates in the country. Most of the websites have a gold price tracker that displays the current rate:

Tip 4: Use Gold Investment Tools

Several gold investment tools such as the SPDR Gold Shares and Gold ETFs enable investors to track the performance of gold investments in real-time. Using these tools can give you insights about the gold investment landscape and help you make better decisions.

Tip 5: Understand the Factors Affecting Gold Rates in Singapore

Various factors like inflation, interest rates, macroeconomic indicators, and demand and supply trends all affect gold rates in Singapore. Keeping tabs on these factors can help you make informed decisions about your investments.

Tutorial 1: How to Buy Gold in Singapore

Before buying gold, it's essential to understand the various options and select one that suits your investment goals:

  • Gold bullion: You can buy physical gold bars or coins from reputable retailers such as The Singapore Mint and Takashimaya Department store.
  • Gold jewelry: You can purchase gold jewelry from reputable jewelers such as Poh Heng and Goldheart.
  • Gold exchange-traded funds (ETFs): ETFs are a way to invest in gold without having to worry about storage and transportation. You can buy ETFs through a brokerage firm.

Once you decide on the option, visit the retailer or brokerage firm, and follow their buying process. Make sure to undertake due diligence and verify the credibility of the sellers and their products.

Tutorial 2: How to Sell Gold in Singapore

Selling gold can be challenging, especially if you’re not updated on the current prices and trends. Follow the below steps to sell gold in Singapore:

  • Identify the selling option: Whether to sell physical gold or ETFs, you need to identify the selling option based on your investment type.
  • Get an appraisal: Get your gold appraised by a reputable jeweler or refining agency, to ascertain its value. This can help determine the selling price.
  • Select a medium: You can sell gold offline through retail jewelers or online through auction sites or trading platforms like BullionStar and GoldSilver Central.

Make sure to research the credibility of the buyers before making any transaction.

Tutorial 3: How to Leverage Gold Rate Today in Singapore?

Leveraging on current gold rates can help you make better investment decisions:

  • Buy low, sell high: Buying gold when the rates are low and selling when they are high is a proven strategy for making profits. Keep an eye on the market trends and opportunities to do so.
  • Invest based on rate movements: You can invest in gold based on market conditions. If the rates are expected to rise, buying gold can be a good investment.
  • Consider diversification: Investing in gold as a part of a diversified portfolio can help reduce overall investment risk.

In conclusion, tracking gold rates today in Singapore is crucial for making informed investment decisions. Always conduct due diligence and only invest with reputable retailers and brokers.

Welcome to our blog where we provide insights on gold rate today Singapore. The gold market in Singapore is dynamic and can be affected by various factors, such as global economy, demand and supply, geopolitical stability, and many more. Therefore, understanding the current gold rate in Singapore can be useful for anyone interested in investing in this precious metal.

Firstly, let's understand what gold rate is all about. Gold rate is the price of gold per ounce or per gram, and it changes daily due to economic and political events around the globe. The price of gold is determined by the supply and demand and can fluctuate based on these factors.

Secondly, if you are wondering if it is a good time to invest in gold, it depends on your investment objective. Gold is considered a safe haven asset and is often used to hedge against inflation or economic disruptions. Therefore, if your objective is to diversify your portfolio, hedge against inflation or currency fluctuations, gold may be a good investment choice for you.

Thirdly, the past few years have shown a steady increase in gold prices. With the COVID-19 pandemic and economic uncertainties around the globe, the demand for gold has increased, driving up the prices. However, as the world economy stabilizes and recovers from the pandemic, gold prices may fluctuate.

Fourthly, one factor that affects gold prices in Singapore is the USD/SGD exchange rate. As gold is traded in USD, a weaker SGD may lead to higher gold prices in Singapore. Similarly, the global demand for gold and the strength of the USD can also impact gold prices in Singapore.

Fifthly, it is essential to note that 22K and 24K gold are commonly used in Singapore, with 24K being the purest form of gold. The price of 24K gold may be higher than that of 22K due to the purity level.

Sixthly, in recent times, various banks and financial institutions in Singapore have started offering gold investment options to customers. Therefore if you are interested in investing in gold, you can explore these options to find the best fit for your investment needs.

Seventhly, it is crucial to note that owning physical gold comes with a risk of theft and storage costs. Therefore, it is crucial to consider the storage options and the costs associated with them before investing in physical gold.

Eighthly, some alternatives to investing in physical gold include gold exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and gold index funds, which offer investors an opportunity to invest in gold without owning physical gold.

Ninthly, it is important to keep track of the daily gold rates in Singapore to make informed investment decisions. Various financial websites and mobile applications provide gold rates in real-time, making it easier for investors to keep track of prices and make timely investment decisions.

Tenthly, the gold market is highly volatile, and prices can fluctuate at any time. Therefore, it is essential to consult with a financial advisor before making any investment decision in gold.

In conclusion, understanding gold rate today Singapore is crucial for any investor interested in investing in gold. The price of gold is affected by various factors, and it is essential to keep track of the daily gold rates to make well-informed investment decisions. It is also important to explore various investment options and consult with a financial advisor before investing in gold. Thank you for reading our blog.

People Also Ask about Gold Rate Today Singapore:

  • What is the current gold rate in Singapore?
  • How is the gold rate determined in Singapore?
  • Is the gold rate in Singapore the same as international prices?
  • What factors affect the gold rate in Singapore?


  1. The current gold rate in Singapore varies depending on multiple factors. As of August 2021, the price per gram of 24k gold is around SGD 80.
  2. In Singapore, the gold rate is determined based on international market prices, along with local supply and demand conditions.
  3. The gold rate in Singapore may differ slightly from international prices due to regional variations in taxes and import duties, as well as differences in currency exchange rates.
  4. Several factors influence the fluctuation of gold rates in Singapore, including global economic conditions, geopolitical tensions, inflation, and interest rates. Additionally, demand from the jewelry and investment markets can impact gold prices.

People Also Ask About Gold Rate Today Singapore

What is the current gold rate in Singapore?

The current gold rate in Singapore is determined by various factors such as international gold prices, currency exchange rates, market demand, and supply. It is important to note that gold prices fluctuate throughout the day due to market dynamics.

Where can I find the latest gold rate in Singapore?

You can find the latest gold rate in Singapore through various sources:

  • Financial news websites
  • Online gold trading platforms
  • Local jewelry shops and bullion dealers
  • Banks and financial institutions

These sources provide up-to-date information on gold prices, allowing you to stay informed about the current rates.

What factors influence the gold rate in Singapore?

The gold rate in Singapore is influenced by several factors:

  1. International gold prices: Fluctuations in global gold prices have a significant impact on the gold rate in Singapore.
  2. Currency exchange rates: Changes in currency exchange rates between the Singapore Dollar (SGD) and major currencies affect the local gold rate.
  3. Demand and supply: Market demand for gold jewelry, investment products, and industrial use, along with the availability of gold supply, can impact its price.
  4. Economic indicators: Economic factors such as inflation, interest rates, and geopolitical events can also influence gold prices.

It is important to keep track of these factors to understand the fluctuations in the gold rate.

Is the gold rate the same across Singapore?

No, the gold rate can vary slightly across different jewelry shops, bullion dealers, and financial institutions in Singapore. Factors such as overhead costs, branding, and market competition may cause minor differences in prices. It is advisable to compare rates from different sources before making a purchase.

How often do gold rates change in Singapore?

Gold rates in Singapore can change several times a day due to various market factors. It is recommended to check for updates regularly if you are planning to buy or sell gold.