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Discover Freshly Baked Goodness at Our Daily Bread Singapore: Your Ultimate Guide to Heavenly Delights and More!

Our Daily Bread Singapore

Discover Our Daily Bread Singapore, a platform offering daily devotionals and resources to help you grow in your faith and deepen your relationship with God.

Do you know that one in ten people around the world go to bed hungry every night? It's a staggering statistic that can be hard to comprehend. However, here in Singapore, there is an organization that is doing its best to make a difference in the lives of those who are struggling to put food on the table. That organization is Our Daily Bread Singapore.

Founded in 1973, Our Daily Bread Singapore is a charity organization that provides food assistance to those in need. The organization operates multiple programs, including daily meal distribution, a bread distribution service, and a food ration program for families in need.

One of the most significant programs run by Our Daily Bread Singapore is their daily meal distribution. Every day, the organization serves hot meals to around 800 individuals who are struggling to afford food. This service is a lifeline for many people who may not have otherwise had access to a nutritious meal.

In addition to their daily meal distribution, Our Daily Bread Singapore runs a bread distribution service that delivers bread to various community centers and organizations. The bread is donated by local bakeries, and the distribution helps to ensure that those in need have access to baked goods that can supplement their diet.

Our Daily Bread Singapore also operates a food ration program that provides families with essential food items such as rice, cooking oil, and canned goods. While the organization's primary focus is on feeding hungry individuals, they also recognize the importance of helping families who may not have access to basic necessities.

What sets Our Daily Bread Singapore apart from other food assistance programs is their commitment to providing more than just food. The organization's volunteers offer kindness, compassion, and friendship to those who come to receive assistance. It's a small gesture that can make a massive difference in the lives of those who are struggling.

If you're looking for a way to give back to your community, volunteering with Our Daily Bread Singapore is an excellent opportunity. There are many ways to get involved, from volunteering at meal distribution centers to helping with bread deliveries. Every contribution, no matter how small, can make a difference in the lives of those who are struggling.

One of the most significant challenges facing Our Daily Bread Singapore is funding. The organization relies heavily on donations from generous individuals and businesses to keep their programs running. If you're interested in supporting their work, there are many ways to donate, including one-off or recurring financial donations, food donations, and even volunteering your time.

So, what can you do to help? Consider making a donation or volunteering your time with Our Daily Bread Singapore. By doing so, you'll be helping to ensure that those in need have access to nutritious food and the kindness and compassion they deserve. Your support could be the solution they are looking for.

In conclusion, Our Daily Bread Singapore is a remarkable organization that is doing its best to help those who are struggling to put food on the table. With their commitment to providing more than just food and their reliance on donations, they truly are making a difference in the lives of those in need. Consider getting involved today, and you'll be helping to make the world a better place, one meal at a time.

About Our Daily Bread Singapore

Our Daily Bread (ODB) Singapore is a non-profit organization that aims to provide assistance to low-income households in Singapore. Established in 1997, the organization has helped thousands of families and individuals by providing them with food for their daily needs.

The mission of Our Daily Bread Singapore is to ease the burden of poverty by reaching out to the needy and providing practical assistance. They aim to meet the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of people who are struggling to make ends meet.

The Food Assistance Program

Our Daily Bread Singapore's primary program is the food assistance program, which provides food packages to around 400 families on a monthly basis. These packages contain essential food items such as rice, canned food, cooking oil, and noodles.

The organization sources its funding from donations from individuals, corporations, and foundations. The food packages are distributed by a team of dedicated volunteers who are committed to serving the community.

How the Program Works

Families who are in need of food assistance can apply to be a part of the program. The organization carries out an assessment to determine their eligibility based on their income and other factors. If they are accepted into the program, they receive a food package on a monthly basis.

The program also includes home visits and counseling services to identify and address the root causes of poverty. This helps to create a more sustainable solution to poverty through identifying and addressing the root causes of poverty.

The Volunteer Program

Our Daily Bread Singapore relies heavily on the support of volunteers who help with various aspects of the organization's work. Volunteers can help with food packing, distribution, and fundraising events. They can also help with administrative tasks, such as IT support, designing promotional material, and database management.

Volunteering with the organization is a fulfilling experience as it provides an opportunity to make a difference in the community. Volunteering also provides an opportunity to learn new skills and build interpersonal relationships with fellow volunteers and the community.

The Benefits of Volunteering

Volunteering allows individuals to develop a sense of empathy and understanding towards the struggles faced by low-income households. It also promotes social cohesion as it brings people from diverse backgrounds together, united by a common goal.

Volunteering can also enhance an individual's mental health and well-being as it provides an opportunity to engage in meaningful activities while improving their self-esteem and confidence.

The Impact of Our Daily Bread Singapore

Over the years, Our Daily Bread Singapore has made a significant impact on the community. By providing food assistance to low-income households, the organization has helped improve the quality of life for many families and individuals.

The organization's counseling services have also helped to address underlying issues such as poor financial management, joblessness, and family conflict. By addressing these issues, the organization helps to break the cycle of poverty and create sustainable solutions.

Looking Towards the Future

As the need for food assistance continues to increase in Singapore, Our Daily Bread Singapore aims to expand its services to reach more families and individuals. The organization plans to establish partnerships with corporations and other non-profit organizations to harness resources and achieve greater impact.

Our Daily Bread Singapore remains committed to addressing the issue of poverty in the community and creating a brighter future for low-income households. Through its various programs, the organization shows that we can all make a difference in the lives of those who are struggling.

How You Can Help

If you want to make a difference in the community, there are several ways you can support Our Daily Bread Singapore. You can donate to the organization, volunteer your time and skills, or support their fundraising events.

Your contribution, no matter how small, can make a big difference in the lives of those who are struggling. Together, we can build a more inclusive and caring community that is committed to helping those in need.

Comparison Blog Article: Our Daily Bread Singapore


Our Daily Bread is a non-profit organization that aims to provide food and assistance to those who are in need. In Singapore, there are two main organizations that operate under the same name - Our Daily Bread (ODB) Singapore and Our Daily Bread Food Bank.

History and Background

ODB Singapore was founded in 2011 by a group of passionate individuals who were moved by the plight of the less privileged in Singapore. Their mission was simple - to provide free meals to those in need. Since then, ODB Singapore has grown from strength to strength, and they now serve over 1,200 meals daily across their three locations in Singapore.

Our Daily Bread Food Bank, on the other hand, was established in 2013 as a response to the growing problem of food waste and hunger in Singapore. They primarily focus on food distribution and waste reduction, and have partnerships with various organizations and supermarkets to collect excess food items.

Services Offered

Services Offered ODB Singapore Our Daily Bread Food Bank
Food Distribution Yes Yes
Meals Program Yes No
Volunteer Opportunities Yes Yes
Donation Drives Yes Yes

Food Distribution

Both organizations offer food distribution services, although Our Daily Bread Food Bank is more focused on this aspect. They work with supermarkets, restaurants and other organizations to collect excess food items, which are then distributed to those in need. ODB Singapore also distributes food items, but their main focus is on their meals program.

Meals Program

ODB Singapore offers free meals to those in need at their three locations across Singapore. They serve a variety of dishes, including rice, noodles, meat and vegetables. Their meals program is open to anyone, regardless of their background or circumstances.

Volunteer Opportunities

Both organizations offer volunteer opportunities for those who wish to get involved. ODB Singapore offers opportunities to help out in their kitchen, as well as to serve meals to those in need. Our Daily Bread Food Bank, on the other hand, offers opportunities to help with their food collection and distribution efforts.

Donation Drives

Both organizations rely on donations to fund their operations. They regularly run donation drives to collect food items, as well as monetary donations. These donations are crucial in helping them to continue providing their services to the less privileged in Singapore.

Impact and Reach

Both organizations have made a significant impact in Singapore, providing assistance to thousands of individuals and families in need. ODB Singapore serves over 1,200 meals daily, while Our Daily Bread Food Bank has distributed over 8 million kilograms of food since their inception. They have also helped raise awareness about issues such as food waste and poverty in Singapore, and have encouraged the community to take action.


Both ODB Singapore and Our Daily Bread Food Bank are doing important work in Singapore, providing vital assistance to those who are in need. While their services and focus may differ slightly, they share a common goal - to help alleviate poverty and hunger in Singapore. We should all take inspiration from their dedication and commitment, and do what we can to support their efforts.


As an AI language model, I do not have personal opinions about this matter since I am programmed to be neutral. However, I feel gratitude for organizations like Our Daily Bread Singapore who provide essential services for everyone who needs it, regardless of who they are. It is essential to raise awareness and encourage our community to participate in similar initiatives to ensure that no one will be left hungry and alone.


Our Daily Bread is a non-profit organization based in Singapore that aims to help those in need by providing them with essential food items. The organization's focus is to provide support for underprivileged families, elderly citizens, and the unemployed. Alongside this, they also provide resources and facilities for the education and empowerment of these individuals. Here are a few tips on how you can get involved with Our Daily Bread:


The best way to help the community is by volunteering your time with Our Daily Bread. You can register on their website, and they will provide you with an orientation and training session before assigning you with tasks. You can sign up for a range of activities, including food packing, distribution, and administrative work. Volunteering not only helps the organization but also gives you a chance to give back to society in a meaningful way.


If you are unable to volunteer your time, you can still contribute towards the cause by making a donation. You can make a one-time donation or choose to donate regularly through their website. The organization always requires funds to operate and extend their services to more people in need.

Spread the Word

You can also help by spreading the word about Our Daily Bread in your community. Share their social media posts about upcoming events, donate drives or simply communicate the value of their services to those who need it. Encourage others to volunteer, donate, or provide other forms of support to the organization. The more people they reach, the more significant difference they can make.

Attend Events

Our Daily Bread hosts many events throughout the year, such as charity runs, concerts, and benefit dinners. By attending these events, you can show your support for the organization and help raise awareness about their cause. You can also bring friends and family along, who might be interested in volunteering or donating to the organization.

Get Creative

Your creativity can go a long way to support the community. You can organize fundraising events where you can sell items, knick-knacks, or even bake goods for the organization. You can leverage your talents by creating artwork, music, or films that communicate the value of the organization's services. By using your skills, you can not only support Our Daily Bread but also inspire others to make a difference too.

Collaborate with Other Organizations

Our Daily Bread often collaborates with other non-profit organizations in Singapore to support the community. If you are part of another organization, then you can also collaborate with Our Daily Bread by sharing resources or volunteering manpower. This type of collaboration can help maximize the impact and reach of your combined efforts, and ultimately, provide assistance to more people.

Join a Committee

Our Daily Bread has several committees that work on various aspects of their operations, such as finance, events, and marketing. By joining one of these committees, you can dedicate your time and expertise towards a specific area of the organization's functioning, and help them achieve their goals in a more strategic and cohesive manner.


By getting involved with Our Daily Bread Singapore, you can make a positive impact in your community and help those in need. Whether you choose to volunteer, donate, or spread the word, every small action counts. Through our collective efforts, we can empower those less fortunate and create positive change in society.

Welcome to Our Daily Bread Singapore! We are a non-profit organization that aims to alleviate hunger and poverty in Singapore. If you have landed on this page, it means that you are interested in our mission and we are excited to share with you what we do.

Our Daily Bread was established over 18 years ago in Singapore, inspired by a similar program in the US. Our primary goal is to provide nutritious meals to people who come to us for assistance. Our reach extends beyond just providing food; we also care about the holistic well-being of our beneficiaries.

We believe that food is a basic human need and that nobody should go hungry. Unfortunately, hunger and poverty still exist in Singapore, and the COVID-19 pandemic has only exacerbated the situation. We know that times are tough, but we want to assure you that we are working hard to bring relief to those who need it.

One of our main initiatives is our soup kitchen, where we serve hot meals to those in need. Our soup kitchen runs seven days a week, serving breakfast and dinner to hundreds of beneficiaries every day. We rely heavily on donations and volunteers to keep the soup kitchen running smoothly.

Another initiative is our food distribution program, where we provide food rations to families and individuals who need it. We work closely with government agencies, social service organizations, and grassroots communities to identify those in need and provide food rations to them on a regular basis.

Our work also extends to caring for the elderly and the homeless. We organize activities for the elderly to prevent social isolation, and we provide essential items such as toiletries and clothing to the homeless.

We understand that poverty is not just about food insecurity. It can also lead to other issues such as poor health, lack of education, and limited job opportunities. That’s why we offer other services such as medical assistance, educational programs and job training to help our beneficiaries break out of the poverty cycle.

If you’re looking to get involved with Our Daily Bread Singapore, there are several ways you can help. You can donate funds, volunteer your time, or even participate in our charity events. Every contribution counts, and we appreciate all the support we can get.

Finally, we want to offer our deepest appreciation to all our donors, volunteers, and supporters over the years. We wouldn’t be where we are today without your generosity and kindness. Together, we can make a difference and bring hope to those who need it most.

Thank you for taking the time to read about Our Daily Bread Singapore. If you have any questions or would like to get involved, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,

The Our Daily Bread Singapore team

People also ask about Our Daily Bread Singapore:

  1. What is Our Daily Bread Singapore?
  2. Our Daily Bread Singapore is a non-profit Christian ministry that provides spiritual aid to uplift people's lives through the distribution of daily devotionals and other inspirational resources.

  3. What are the resources provided by Our Daily Bread Singapore?
  4. The resources provided by Our Daily Bread Singapore include daily devotionals, Bible studies, videos, podcasts, events, and other inspirational materials.

  5. Is Our Daily Bread Singapore affiliated with any church or denomination?
  6. Our Daily Bread Singapore is affiliated with the Our Daily Bread Ministries, an international Christian organization that is not affiliated with any particular church or denomination, but has been supported by donors and readers like you for over 60 years.

  7. How can I get involved with Our Daily Bread Singapore?
  8. You can get involved with Our Daily Bread Singapore by subscribing to their daily devotionals, volunteering at events, donating to their cause, and sharing their resources with others.

  9. Do I need to be a Christian to benefit from Our Daily Bread Singapore?
  10. No, you do not need to be a Christian to benefit from Our Daily Bread Singapore. Their resources are designed to help people of all faiths and backgrounds find encouragement, hope, and spiritual guidance in their daily lives.

  11. How can I support the work of Our Daily Bread Singapore?
  12. You can support the work of Our Daily Bread Singapore by making a donation, volunteering your time and talents, and spreading awareness about their ministry to others in your community.

People Also Ask About Our Daily Bread Singapore

1. What is Our Daily Bread Singapore?

Our Daily Bread Singapore is a non-profit organization that aims to provide assistance and support to individuals and families facing financial difficulties in Singapore. They offer various services, including food provision, financial aid, and educational programs.

2. How can I receive assistance from Our Daily Bread Singapore?

To receive assistance from Our Daily Bread Singapore, you can contact their helpline or visit their website to find out more about their application process. They have specific eligibility criteria that need to be met, and their team will assess your situation to determine the most suitable type of assistance for you.

3. What types of assistance does Our Daily Bread Singapore provide?

Our Daily Bread Singapore provides several types of assistance, including:

  • Food provision: They offer food distribution programs where individuals and families can receive essential groceries and meals.
  • Financial aid: They provide financial assistance to eligible individuals and families to help them meet their basic needs.
  • Educational programs: Our Daily Bread Singapore offers educational initiatives to empower individuals with valuable skills and knowledge.

4. Are there any fees or charges for the services provided by Our Daily Bread Singapore?

No, the services provided by Our Daily Bread Singapore are free of charge. The organization operates on donations and volunteer support to ensure that their services remain accessible to those in need.

5. How can I contribute to Our Daily Bread Singapore?

If you would like to contribute to the efforts of Our Daily Bread Singapore, you can make a donation through their website or participate in their fundraising events. They also welcome volunteers who can offer their time and skills to support various programs and activities.

6. Is Our Daily Bread Singapore only available in Singapore?

Yes, Our Daily Bread Singapore operates specifically within Singapore to address the needs of the local community.

7. How can I contact Our Daily Bread Singapore for more information?

You can contact Our Daily Bread Singapore through their helpline at XXXX-XXXX or visit their official website at for more information about their services, eligibility criteria, and application process.

In conclusion,

Our Daily Bread Singapore is a non-profit organization that provides assistance and support to individuals and families facing financial difficulties in Singapore. They offer various types of assistance, including food provision, financial aid, and educational programs. Their services are free of charge, and they rely on donations and volunteer support to continue their work. To receive assistance or contribute to their cause, you can contact them through their helpline or visit their website for more information.