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Convert Singapore Dollar to Peso: Easy Currency Exchange Tips and Rates

Singapore Dollar To Peso

Singapore Dollar to Peso: Get the latest exchange rate between SGD and PHP. Convert your currency with ease and stay updated with the fluctuating rates.

Do you want to learn more about Singapore Dollar to Peso conversion rates? Are you planning a trip to Singapore or the Philippines? Then read on to discover everything you need to know about these two currencies and how to exchange them.

Firstly, let's start with some basic facts. The Singapore Dollar (SGD) is the official currency of Singapore, a small island nation located in Southeast Asia. It was introduced in 1967, replacing the Malaysian Dollar. The Philippine Peso (PHP), on the other hand, is the official currency of the Philippines, a country made up of over 7,000 islands in Southeast Asia. The Peso has been in circulation since 1852.

Now, let's look at the current SGD to PHP exchange rate. As of August 2021, one Singapore Dollar is equivalent to around 37.96 Philippine Pesos. This means that if you have 100 SGD, you can exchange it for approximately 3,796 PHP. Of course, exchange rates fluctuate daily, so it's always best to check the most up-to-date rates before making any transactions.

If you're planning a trip to either Singapore or the Philippines, you may be wondering where the best place to exchange your currency is. There are a few options available, including banks, money changers, and airports. Generally, banks offer the most secure and reliable exchange rates, but they may charge higher fees. Money changers can offer better rates, but you need to be cautious of scams and fake bills. Lastly, airports are convenient, but they tend to have the lowest rates due to their high overhead costs.

Another important factor to consider is whether to exchange your currency in advance or upon arrival. It's often better to exchange some money beforehand so that you have cash on hand when you arrive, but remember not to exchange too much as you may end up with unused currency. It's also recommended to use credit cards for larger purchases, as they often have better exchange rates and offer fraud protection.

If you're a frequent traveller between Singapore and the Philippines, it may be worth considering opening a multi-currency account. This allows you to hold and manage multiple currencies in one account, so you can easily switch between them at any time without having to pay additional fees.

So, what can you do with SGD or PHP once you have them? Fortunately, both currencies are widely accepted in their respective countries, so you can use them for shopping, dining, and other expenses. However, be aware that some places may only accept cash or certain credit cards, so it's always best to have a variety of payment options available.

In conclusion, understanding the SGD to PHP exchange rate and how to exchange your currency is essential if you're travelling between Singapore and the Philippines. By following these tips and doing your research, you can ensure that you get the most out of your money and have a stress-free trip. So what are you waiting for? Start planning your next adventure today!


If you are planning to visit the Philippines or if you are doing business with a company based in the country, you might wonder how much your Singapore dollars would be worth in pesos. In this article, we will discuss the exchange rate between the Singapore dollar and the Philippine peso, how it fluctuates over time, and what factors can affect it.

The Current Exchange Rate

As of August 2021, the exchange rate between the Singapore dollar (SGD) and the Philippine peso (PHP) is approximately 1 SGD for 35 PHP. However, this rate is subject to change depending on a variety of factors.

The History of the Exchange Rate

The exchange rate between SGD and PHP has fluctuated over time. In the early 2000s, one SGD was worth approximately 26 PHP, but as of today, it is around 35 PHP. This means that the PHP has weakened against the SGD over the years.

Factors Affecting the Exchange Rate

The exchange rate between two currencies can be influenced by many different factors. Some of these factors include:

  • Economic conditions in each country – if one country has a stronger economy than the other, its currency may be valued higher
  • Monetary policy – the actions taken by central banks can affect the value of a currency
  • Political stability – if there is political instability in one country, its currency may be devalued
  • Supply and demand for each currency – if lots of people want to buy one currency, its value may increase relative to others

What You Need to Know About Currency Exchange

If you are planning to exchange SGD for PHP, there are a few things you should keep in mind:

Exchange Rates Vary

The exchange rate can vary depending on where you go to exchange your currency. Some places may offer better rates than others, so it is important to shop around and compare prices before making your exchange.

Fees and Charges Apply

Banks and money changers may charge fees or commission for exchanging currencies. These fees can vary, so be sure to check the terms and conditions before making your exchange.

Exchange Rates Can Change Quickly

The exchange rate between SGD and PHP can change quickly, even within a day. It is important to stay up-to-date with the latest exchange rates and make your exchange at the most opportune time.


The exchange rate between the Singapore dollar and the Philippine peso can be influenced by different factors, including economic conditions, monetary policy, political stability, and supply and demand. If you plan to exchange currencies, it is important to shop around for the best rates and stay up-to-date with the latest exchange rates.


The Singapore dollar and Philippine peso are two popular currencies in Southeast Asia. While both have their own unique features, they are often compared due to their close proximity and trade relationship. In this article, we will compare the Singapore dollar to peso based on various factors such as exchange rates, purchasing power and economic stability.

Exchange Rates

The exchange rate between the Singapore dollar and Philippine peso fluctuates regularly due to several factors such as political instability, economic conditions and global trends. As of September 2021, one Singapore dollar is equivalent to approximately 36.88 Philippine pesos. This means that a Singaporean traveling to the Philippines with $100 SGD would have around ₱3,688 to spend. Conversely, someone from the Philippines traveling to Singapore with ₱3,688 would have around $99.77 SGD to spend.

Factors Affecting Exchange Rates

One of the main factors affecting exchange rates is a country's balance of payments. This refers to the difference between a country's exports and imports. If a country has more exports than imports, it will have a positive balance of payments, which leads to an appreciation of its currency. On the other hand, if a country has more imports than exports, it will have a negative balance of payments, which leads to a depreciation of its currency.Another factor is interest rates. When a country has higher interest rates, foreign investors are more likely to invest in it, leading to an increase in demand for its currency. This leads to an appreciation of the currency. Conversely, when a country has lower interest rates, foreign investors are less interested in investing, leading to a decrease in demand for the currency and depreciation.

Purchasing Power

Purchasing power refers to the amount of goods and services a currency can buy. The purchasing power of the Singapore dollar is generally higher than that of the Philippine peso due to the higher standard of living and stronger economy in Singapore. This means that one Singapore dollar can buy more goods and services in Singapore than ₱36.88 can buy in the Philippines.

Factors Affecting Purchasing Power

One of the main factors affecting purchasing power is inflation. When a country has high inflation, the value of its currency decreases, which means it can buy less goods and services. On the other hand, when a country has low inflation, the value of its currency increases, which means it can buy more goods and services.Another factor is the cost of living. When the cost of living is higher, it means that goods and services are more expensive, leading to lower purchasing power. Conversely, when the cost of living is lower, goods and services are cheaper, leading to higher purchasing power.

Economic Stability

Economic stability refers to the ability of a country's economy to maintain a stable growth rate and avoid major disruptions such as recession or inflation. Singapore is known for its strong and stable economy, while the Philippines has experienced some economic instability in the past.

Factors Affecting Economic Stability

One of the main factors affecting economic stability is political stability. When a country has a stable political environment, investors are more confident in investing and contributing to economic growth. Conversely, when a country has political instability, investors are less likely to invest, leading to economic instability.Another factor is government policies. When a government implements effective policies such as fiscal and monetary policies, it helps to stabilize the economy. On the other hand, ineffective policies or corruption can lead to economic instability.


In conclusion, the exchange rate between the Singapore dollar and Philippine peso fluctuates regularly based on various factors such as trade, imports and exports, and interest rates. The purchasing power of the Singapore dollar is generally higher than that of the Philippine peso due to the higher standard of living and stronger economy in Singapore. Finally, the economic stability of Singapore is stronger than that of the Philippines due to factors such as political stability and effective government policies.

Singapore Dollar to Peso: Tips and Tutorials

The Singapore dollar is the official currency of Singapore, while the Philippine peso is the national currency of the Philippines. Both currencies are widely used in their respective countries and can be exchanged at money changers or banks. If you're planning to visit the Philippines or Singapore or need to make a currency exchange, here are some tips and tutorials to help you:

Understand the Exchange Rate

Before exchanging currency, it's important to understand the exchange rate between Singapore dollars and Philippine pesos. The exchange rate changes frequently and can be influenced by various economic factors. You can check the current exchange rate online or ask a money changer or bank for the latest rates.

Choose an Exchange Method

There are different methods to exchange Singapore dollars to Philippine pesos, such as using ATMs, credit cards, money changers, or banks. Each method has its own pros and cons, so choose the one that suits your needs and preferences.

Use ATMs or Credit Cards

If you prefer convenience and safety, using ATMs or credit cards can be a good option. Most ATMs in the Philippines accept foreign debit and credit cards, and you can withdraw pesos directly from your account. Credit cards are also widely accepted in hotels, restaurants, and shops in major cities.

Find a Reputable Money Changer

If you want to get the best exchange rate and avoid scams, it's important to find a reputable money changer. Look for a licensed and established money changer with a good reputation and transparent rates. Avoid exchanging currency from street vendors or unlicensed money changers, as they may charge high fees or give you fake bills.

Compare Rates and Fees

Whether you choose a bank or a money changer, it's always wise to compare the rates and fees before making a transaction. Some banks may charge a fixed fee or a percentage of the total amount, while some money changers may offer better rates but with hidden fees.

Avoid Exchanging at Airports

Exchanging currency at airports is generally not recommended, as they often have unfavorable rates and high fees. If you need to exchange some cash at the airport, do it only for emergency purposes and exchange the rest at a more favorable location.

Exchange Only What You Need

To avoid carrying too much cash and risking loss or theft, exchange only what you need for your immediate expenses. Keep the rest of your money in a safe place, such as a hotel safe or a hidden pocket. Don't carry large amounts of cash or show off your wealth in public places.

Be Cautious with Large Bills

Philippine pesos come in different denominations, such as 20, 50, 100, 500, and 1000 pesos. Be cautious when using large bills, such as 500 and 1000 pesos, as some vendors may not have enough change or may give you fake bills in return. Always count your change and check the bills carefully before accepting them.

Learn Local Customs and Etiquette

If you're visiting the Philippines or Singapore, it's important to learn some local customs and etiquette regarding money matters. For example, in the Philippines, it's customary to tip service providers such as waiters, taxi drivers, and bellboys. In Singapore, tipping is not common but may be appreciated in certain situations.

Stay Up-to-date with Currency News

To make informed decisions about currency exchange, it's useful to stay up-to-date with the latest currency news and trends. You can read financial news websites, blogs, or forums to get insights on the currency market and how it affects your travel or business plans.

In conclusion, exchanging Singapore dollars to Philippine pesos requires some planning and caution. By understanding the exchange rate, choosing the right method, finding a reputable provider, and being aware of local customs and etiquette, you can make the most of your money exchange experience and enjoy your trip or business venture.

Hello there, dear blog visitors! We hope you have enjoyed reading this article about the Singapore Dollar to Peso exchange rates. We understand that it can be quite confusing to navigate through the world of currency conversion, especially when there are so many factors that can affect the value of a particular currency.

With this article, we hope to have shed some light on the current trends and patterns when it comes to converting Singapore Dollars to Philippine Pesos. We have provided you with an overview of the historical rates, as well as the current rates for different modes of conversion.

One thing to keep in mind when using this information is that exchange rates can be volatile and subject to change at any given time. It's always a good idea to stay up-to-date with the latest developments in the Forex market, and to regularly check for updates on rates before making any important transactions.

If you are planning a trip to the Philippines anytime soon, or if you're a Filipino resident looking to invest in Singapore, knowing the current exchange rate can be crucial. This article has hopefully provided you with everything you need to know to make informed decisions when it comes to exchanging your Singapore Dollars for Philippine Pesos.

Remember that there are multiple ways to convert currencies, and each method may have its own advantages and disadvantages. For example, while banks may provide a more secure option for currency exchange, they may come with higher fees and longer wait times compared to online exchange platforms.

One thing to keep in mind is that the final amount you receive after conversion may also be affected by fees and surcharges imposed by both the sending and receiving banks. Thus, it's important to always read the terms and conditions carefully before making any transactions.

At the end of the day, whether you're traveling to the Philippines for leisure or business, or investing in Singapore, having a good understanding of exchange rates can be vital in ensuring you get the best value for your money.

We hope that this article has been informative and helpful to you. If you have any further questions or comments about anything related to currency exchange, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.

Thank you for taking the time to read this article, and we wish you all the best in your financial endeavors!

People may have a lot of questions regarding Singapore Dollar (SGD) to Peso (PHP) conversion. Here are some of the common people also ask about SGD to PHP and their corresponding answers:

  • What is the current SGD to PHP exchange rate?

    The current SGD to PHP exchange rate varies depending on the market conditions. It is best to check with your bank or a reputable currency exchange bureau for the latest rates.

  • Is it better to convert SGD to PHP in Singapore or in the Philippines?

    It depends on various factors such as the availability of forex services, fees and charges, and exchange rates at the time of conversion. It is recommended to compare rates and fees from different banks or exchange bureaus to make an informed decision.

  • Can I use SGD in the Philippines?

    While it is possible to use SGD in some establishments in the Philippines, it is not widely accepted. It is advisable to convert SGD to PHP before traveling to the Philippines to avoid any inconvenience.

  • How much PHP can I get for 1 SGD?

    The amount of PHP that you can get for 1 SGD depends on the exchange rate at the time of conversion. For instance, if the exchange rate is 1 SGD = 35 PHP, then you can get 35 PHP for 1 SGD.

People Also Ask About Singapore Dollar to Peso

1. What is the current exchange rate between Singapore Dollar and Peso?

The current exchange rate between the Singapore Dollar (SGD) and Peso (PHP) varies and is subject to market fluctuations. It is recommended to check with a reliable currency exchange platform or financial institution for the most up-to-date rates.

2. Where can I exchange Singapore Dollars to Pesos?

You can exchange Singapore Dollars to Pesos at authorized money changers, banks, or currency exchange kiosks. These establishments usually display their exchange rates prominently. It is advisable to compare rates and fees to ensure you get the most favorable exchange rate.

3. Can I use Singapore Dollars in the Philippines?

While some establishments in popular tourist areas might accept Singapore Dollars, it is generally not accepted as legal tender in the Philippines. It is recommended to convert your Singapore Dollars to Pesos before traveling to the country to avoid any inconvenience.

4. Is it better to exchange money in Singapore or in the Philippines?

The decision of where to exchange money depends on various factors such as exchange rates, fees, and convenience. Generally, it is advisable to exchange a small amount of currency in your home country before traveling to cover immediate expenses, and then exchange the rest in the destination country for potentially better rates.

5. Are there any restrictions on the amount of money I can bring into or out of Singapore or the Philippines?

Both Singapore and the Philippines have regulations regarding the amount of money that can be brought in or out of the countries. It is important to familiarize yourself with these regulations and declare any amount exceeding the allowed limit to avoid any legal complications.

In conclusion,

Exchange rates between the Singapore Dollar and Peso fluctuate, so it is recommended to check for the most up-to-date rates. It is also advisable to exchange currency at authorized establishments, convert most of your money before traveling, and be aware of any restrictions on the amount of money you can bring in or out of both countries.